In order to promote the public convenience and welfare, a system of street numbers for the territory of the city southerly of Interstate 10 is established as follows.
(Prior code § 7111; Ord. 1528 § 1, 1996)
The following shall be the respective starting points or dividing lines for numbers on buildings and structures fronting on streets heretofore laid out or hereafter to be laid out or extended within the city:
East-West Axis. Tahquitz-McCallum Drive running in an easterly and westerly direction, and the prolongation thereof;
North-South Axis. The westerly section line of Sections two, eleven, fourteen, twenty-three, twenty-six, and thirty-five in Township Four South, Range Four East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, and the prolongations thereof.
The North-South Axis between Vista Chino Drive and Ramon Road shall be Palm Canyon Drive.
(Prior code §§ 7112—7112.2; Ord. 1156 § 1, 1982)
Numbers shall begin at the above named starting points or dividing lines and continue to the terminal of the respective streets.
(Prior code § 7113)
The numbers on the southerly and westerly sides of the streets shall be odd numbers; and the numbers on the northerly and easterly sides thereof shall be even numbers.
(Prior code § 7114)
One hundred numbers (or as many thereof as may be necessary) shall be allowed to each block.
(Prior code § 7115)
Number 100 shall be the first number used at the respective beginning point on the sides of the streets which are to contain the even numbers, and number 101 for the sides which are to contain the odd numbers.
(Prior code § 7115.1)
At the beginning of the second block from the starting point, the first numbers shall be 200 and 201 respectively and so continue throughout the system.
(Prior code § 7115.2)
Twenty feet shall be allowed for each number, to be calculated from the end of the block at which the number begins.
(Prior code § 7115.3)
On all streets, the numbering shall be done as though the streets extended to the dividing lines for the city, as established by Sections 14.04.020 and following.
(Prior code § 7115.4)
In order to promote the public convenience and welfare, a system of street numbers for the territory of the city northerly of Interstate 10 consistent with that established by the county of Riverside is established. This system uses a five-digit number, the first two digits designating the grid increment and the last three digits designating the location within the grid. This grid commences at the westernmost and northernmost Riverside County lines, grid numbering becoming larger to the east and to the south from those lines. The grid increments are one mile west to east and one-half mile north to south.
(Ord. 1528 § 2, 1996)
The Building Official or their designee shall have the authority, and it shall be their duty, to designate the respective numbers for buildings and structures fronting on streets heretofore laid out or to be hereafter laid out or extended.
(Prior code § 7116; Ord. 2031 § 31, 2020)
Any person desiring to have changed the street number for his building or structure fronting on a street within the city shall first make application to the Building Official or their designee for such change in street number, and shall pay a fee in such amount as has been established by resolution of the city council. The Building Official shall receive the fee so required and issue a receipt for same, and process the street number change. The Building Official thereupon shall notify the affected agencies and utilities of the change.
(Prior code § 7116.1; Ord. 914 § 7, 1971; Ord. 2031 § 32, 2020)