No person shall construct a building without connecting such building to a public sewer, unless an exemption is granted by this chapter, the city manager or the city council.
Buildings constructed without plumbing and thereafter utilizing no plumbing are exempt.
An exemption may be granted by the city engineer in any case where the development involves a single-family dwelling on a lot of record and the distance from the lot line to the public sewer is greater than 500 feet. Although such an exemption is granted, the maximum residential connection fee shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit. At the time of eventual connection of a dwelling given initial exemption under the terms of this subsection, any portion of the maximum residential connection fee that has been paid which is found to exceed the sewer connection fee schedule of charges currently applicable at the time to residences shall be refundable.
An exemption may be granted by the city manager in any case where unusual topographical or other terrain conditions exist which make the connection to the public sewer impractical, unreasonable, unfeasible or impose extreme economic hardship upon the property owner if he or she is required to connect such building to the public sewer system. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant for such exemption to provide to the city manager such as data or proof as the manager deems necessary, including, but not limited to, engineering cost estimates and feasibility reports, to substantiate any such application.
In any case where an exemption cannot be granted pursuant to subdivisions (2) or (3) of this subsection, an exemption may be granted by the city manager whenever the city council has by resolution or ordinance declared that the city's central sewage treatment facilities are incapable of serving the area involved. A condition of any such exemption shall be that the maximum sewer connection fee (otherwise applicable) shall be paid at or prior to the time of issuance of building permit(s). A further condition shall be that there be installed (at the usual time this would otherwise occur incidental to development) all sewerage lines, laterals, mains and facilities which would otherwise be needed or required were the development to be connected to a public sewer, except that the same shall not be physically connected to the public system until the city has given notice at a later time that this will be done. The capping off of the said "dry" lines and facilities, and distances such lines and facilities shall be kept from the public mains, shall be as reasonably prescribed by the city engineer.
Any exemption granted under the provisions of this section shall require that during the exemption period, the building or development involved shall be properly and adequately sewered with a private sewer system designed, constructed, installed, and maintained to standards approved by the city engineer and the Riverside County health department, and additionally in the case of developments of five or more units, to standards and technical requirements prescribed after review by the Desert Water Agency and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. An additional condition to the granting of any exemption pursuant to subdivision (2) or (4) of this subsection shall be the recording of a covenant running with the land that, within one year after official notice, in the case of subsection (2) exemptions, that an operating public sewer has been completed within 500 feet of the permittee's lot line, or within 90 days after official notice, in the case of subsection (4) exemptions, that the central treatment facilities are capable of serving the area, the permittee (or then owner of record) will extend the private lines the necessary distance and connect to the public system. Any such covenant shall also contain an appropriate and reasonable commitment that the permittee (and successors in interest) will cooperate and participate in any future assessment district proceeding designed to provide adequate public sewerage mains and facilities to serve the area in which the permittee's land is located.
(Ord. 982 § 1, 1974; Ord. 1001 § 1, 1975; Ord. 1084 § 1, 1979; Ord. 2088, 11/9/2023)
All buildings existing, or for which a building permit has been issued, before January 1, 1975, with plumbing of any kind shall be connected to a public sewer on or before December 31, 1983, unless an exemption is granted by this chapter or by the city council.
Buildings constructed without plumbing and thereafter utilizing no plumbing are exempt.
An exemption may be granted by the city council in any case (in the sole judgment of the council) as to an existing building where unusual topographical or other terrain conditions exist which make the connection to the public sewer impractical, unreasonable, unfeasible or impose extreme economic hardship upon the property owner if he is required to connect such building to the public sewer system. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant for such exemption to provide to the city council such data or proof as the council deems necessary, including, but not limited to, engineering cost estimates and feasibility reports, to substantiate any such application.
Any exemption granted under the provisions of this section shall require that the exempt building shall be properly and adequately sewered with a private sewer system designed, constructed and installed to standards approved by the city engineer.
Existing buildings with private sewage disposal systems previously exempted from connection to the public sewer under this chapter shall be required to connect to the public sewer when public sewer is available within 500 feet of the property to be served and either of the following conditions occurs: (i) the private sewer system fails, or (ii) expansion or reconstruction of the private sewer systems is necessary, provided no conditions for exemptions contained in this chapter have been met.
(Ord. 982 § 1, 1974; Ord. 1630 § 1, 2003)
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no permit, approval or entitlement shall be issued for the construction of any building on any lot or any parcel of land unless the plans and specifications show connection(s) to a public sewer, and the permit, approval or entitlement so requires.
(Ord. 982 § 1, 1974)
The use or occupation of any building not connected to a sewer as required by this chapter is unlawful and a public nuisance.
(Ord. 982 § 1, 1974; Ord. 1205 § 2, 1983)