All powers of the City shall be vested in the city council except as otherwise provided in this Charter.
The elective officers of the City shall consist of a city council of five members, one of whom shall be the mayor. The members of the city council shall be elected from the city at large at the time and in the manner provided in this Charter. All members of city council shall serve for a term of four years and until their respective successors qualify.
The five members of the city council in office at the time this Charter takes effect shall continue in office until the termination of their current terms.
Those candidates for city council offices for terms which expire on the fourth Tuesday following June 7, 1994, and who are elected in the same general municipal election at which this Charter is passed, shall serve a term lasting until no later than the fourth Tuesday following the November 4, 1997 general municipal election. Those city councilmembers who are serving existing terms as of the effective date of this Charter shall serve terms until no later than the fourth Tuesday following the November 7, 1995 election. All city council offices filled by general municipal election occurring after the effective date of this Charter shall be for a term of four years, and shall be elected at the general municipal election each fourth year thereafter.
The term of each member of the city council shall commence no later than five days from the Certification of the election results by the City Clerk. Ties in voting among candidates for office shall be settled by drawing by lot or by special election as the city council shall determine by ordinance or resolution to be conducted pursuant to procedures which may be established by ordinance. City council may, by ordinance or resolution passed no later than thirty (30) days prior to election, determine whether ties in voting among candidates shall be settled by drawing by lot, by special election, or by other means. (Approved by voters 11/06/01)
Note: Elements of Sections 301 and 302 of the City Charter that are consistent with an "at-large method of election" as the term is defined by California Elections Code section 14026(a)(3), are superseded by preemptive State law, i.e., the CVRA, pursuant to the court decision of Jauregui v. City of Palmdale, (2014) 226 Cal.App.4th 781. To the extent that Sections 301 and 302 of the City Charter conflict with the provisions of Ordinance No. 1971 on file with the City Clerk, the Ordinance shall govern.
The office of mayor shall be filled by direct at large election of the voters of the City. The mayor shall serve for a term of four years and until his or her successor qualifies. The mayor shall be the head of the City for all ceremonial purposes. The mayor may make and second motions and shall have a voice and vote in all city council proceedings. The mayor shall serve as the primary, but not exclusive, spokesperson of the City. The mayor shall perform such other duties consistent with his or her office as may be prescribed by this Charter, or as may be imposed by the city council.
At the first regular city council meeting following a general municipal election, in which newly elected councilmembers are sworn and seated, and at the first regular city council meeting following the anniversary of that date for any year in which no general municipal election is held, the city council shall designate one of its members as mayor pro tempore, who shall serve in such capacity at the pleasure of the city council. The mayor pro tempore shall perform the duties of the mayor during any period of the mayor's absence or disability.
Note: Elements of Sections 301 and 302 of the City Charter that are consistent with an "at-large method of election" as the term is defined by California Elections Code section 14026(a)(3), are superseded by preemptive State law, i.e., the CVRA, pursuant to the court decision of Jauregui v. City of Palmdale, (2014) 226 Cal.App.4th 781. To the extent that Sections 301 and 302 of the City Charter conflict with the provisions of Ordinance No. 1971 on file with the City Clerk, the Ordinance shall govern.
No person shall be eligible to hold an elective office unless he or she is, at the time of issuance of nomination papers for the elective office, a qualified elector of the City, or of territory annexed thereto. Any elective officer of the City who shall accept or retain any other elective public office, or any other public office whose duties are incompatible with the duties of a member of the city council of the City, except as may be otherwise provided by this Charter, shall be deemed thereby to have vacated his or her office under the City government.
The members of the city council shall receive such compensation for their services as may be established by ordinance. The mayor may receive compensation in addition to any compensation received as a member of city council, as may be established by ordinance. Those members of city council in office on the effective date of this Charter shall continue to be compensated at the level of compensation effective immediately prior to the effective date of this Charter, and shall continue to be compensated at such level for the remainder of their terms. No ordinance of the city council shall increase the compensation of any member of the council during that member's term of office, provided that nothing herein shall prevent the adjustment of the compensation of all members of a council serving staggered terms whenever one or more members of such council becomes eligible for a salary increase by virtue of beginning a new term of office. Each member of the city council shall receive reimbursement on order of the city council for council-authorized traveling and other expenses when on official duty.
If a member of the city council is absent from all regular meetings of the city council for a period of sixty days consecutively from and after the last regular city council meeting attended by such member, unless such absence is by permission of the city council expressed in its official minutes, or is convicted of any felony, any offense involving a violation of his or her official duties, or a crime involving moral turpitude, or ceases to be an elector of the City, the office shall become vacant. The city council shall declare the existence of any such vacancy, and the office shall be deemed vacant from the date of such declaration.
A vacancy in the city council, from whatever cause, may be filled by appointment by a majority of the remaining members of the city council, or by special election. Any person appointed or elected to fill a vacancy in the city council shall serve the remaining unexpired term of the office. In the event it shall fail to fill a vacancy by appointment within forty-five days after such office shall become vacant, the city council shall cause an election to be held forthwith to fill such vacancy. If city council calls a special election to fill the vacancy, the city council may make an interim appointment to fill the vacancy until the date of the special election. The times and procedures for the calling of any special election to fill a city council vacancy may be established by ordinance.
Notwithstanding Section 305 of the City Charter, if a vacancy on the city council occurs for any reason after the adoption of a Resolution by the city council calling for a general municipal election to elect members to the city council, but not more than ninety (90) days after the date of that general municipal election, the person who received the highest number of votes in said election, but was not elected, shall be appointed by the city council to fill that vacancy. The person appointed pursuant to this section shall serve the remaining unexpired term of the office. This section shall not apply to a vacancy in the office of mayor, nor shall a candidate for mayor be appointed to the city council pursuant to this section. (Approved by voters 11-5-02)
Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, neither the city council nor any of its members shall interfere with the execution by the city manager of his or her powers and duties, or order, directly or indirectly, the appointment by the city manager or by any of the department heads in the administrative service of the City, of any person to an office or employment, or his or her removal therefrom. Except for the purpose of inquiry, the city council and its members shall deal with the administrative service under the city manager solely through the city manager, and neither the city council nor any member thereof shall give orders to any subordinates of the city manager, either publicly or privately.
Unless otherwise provided by ordinance, or resolution of the city council, the city council shall hold regular meetings at least twice each month. City council meetings shall be held at such times as it shall fix by ordinance or resolution and city council may adjourn or re-adjourn any regular meeting to a date and hour certain which shall be specified in the order of adjournment and when so adjourned each adjourned meeting shall be a regular meeting for all purposes. If the hour to which a meeting is adjourned is not stated in the order of adjournment, such meeting shall be held at the hour for holding regular meetings. If at any time any regular meeting falls on a holiday, such regular meeting shall be held on the next business day.
Special meetings may be called at any time by the mayor, or by three members of the city council, by written notice delivered personally to each member at least twenty-four hours before the time specified for the proposed meeting. A special meeting may also be validly held without the giving of such written notice, if required to be held by this Charter or if all members shall give their consent, in writing, to the holding of such meeting and such consent is on file in the office of the city clerk at the time of such meeting. At any special meeting only such matters may be acted upon as are referred to in such written notice or consent.
Unless otherwise provided by ordinance or resolution of the city council, all meetings shall be held in the council chamber of the city hall, or in such place to which any such meeting may be adjourned, and except for any closed sessions permitted under the laws of the State of California shall be open to the public. If, by reason of fire, flood or other emergency, it shall be unsafe to meet in the place designated, the meetings may be held for the duration of the emergency at such place as is designated by the mayor, or, if he or she should fail to act, by three members of the city council.
Three members of the city council shall constitute a quorum to do business, but a less number may adjourn from time to time. In the absence of all the members of the city council from any regular meeting or adjourned regular meeting, the city clerk may declare the meeting adjourned to a stated day, hour, and place. Notice of a meeting adjourned by less than a quorum or by the clerk shall be given by the clerk or may be waived by consent in the same manner as specified in this Charter for the giving or waiving of notice of special meetings of the city council, but need not specify the matters to be acted upon. The city council shall judge the qualifications of its members as set forth by the Charter. It shall judge all election returns. It may establish rules for the conduct of its proceedings and evict or prosecute any member or other person for disorderly conduct at any of its meetings, or for violation of the rules for conduct of city council proceedings.
Each member of the city council shall have the power to administer oaths and affirmations in any investigation or proceeding pending before the city council. The city council shall have the power and authority to compel the attendance of witnesses, to examine them under oath and to compel the production of evidence before it. Subpoenas may be issued by the city council in the name of the City and be attested by the city clerk. Disobedience of such subpoenas, or the refusal to testify (upon other than constitutional grounds), shall constitute a misdemeanor, and shall be punishable in the same manner as violations of this Charter are punishable.
No person shall be denied the right, personally or through counsel, to address the city council at any regular meeting regarding any item within its subject matter jurisdiction. City council may, by ordinance or resolution, impose reasonable regulations on the exercise of such right to preserve the orderly nature of its proceedings.
With the sole exception of ordinances which take effect upon adoption, referred to in this article, all ordinances shall be first introduced by the city council, and shall be adopted no sooner than five days after the date of their introduction. All ordinances shall be introduced, deliberated, and passed upon at a regular, adjourned regular or special meeting of the city council. At the time of its introduction, an ordinance shall become a part of the proceedings of such meeting, and a copy of the introduced ordinance shall be kept in the custody of the city clerk. At the time of adoption of an ordinance, it shall be read in full, unless after the reading of the title thereof, the further reading thereof is waived by unanimous consent of the councilmembers present. In the event that any ordinance is altered after its introduction, the same shall not be finally adopted except at a regular or adjourned regular meeting held not less than five days after the date upon which such ordinance was so altered. The correction of typographical or clerical errors shall not constitute the making of an alteration within the meaning of the foregoing sentence.
No order for the payment of money shall be adopted or made at any meeting other than a regular, adjourned regular, or special meeting.
Unless a higher vote is required by other provisions of this Charter, or by the laws of the State of California which supersede this Charter, the affirmative votes of at least three members of the city council shall be required for the enactment of any ordinance, or for the making or approving of any order for the payment of money, or for entering into any contract where the amount to be paid by the City exceeds fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00), or such other amount as city council may establish by ordinance. All ordinances shall be signed by the mayor and attested by the city clerk. Resolutions shall be signed by the city manager, and attested by the city clerk.
Any ordinance declared by the city council to be necessary as an emergency measure for preserving the public peace, health or safety, and containing a statement of the reasons for its urgency, may be introduced and adopted at one and the same meeting if passed by at least four affirmative votes.
The city clerk shall cause each ordinance or a summary of each ordinance to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City, within fifteen days after its adoption.
Any or all ordinances of the City which have been enacted and published in the manner required at the time of their adoption, and which have not been repealed, may be compiled, consolidated, revised, indexed and arranged as a comprehensive ordinance code, and such code may be adopted by reference, with the same effect as an ordinance, by the passage of an ordinance for such purpose. Such code need not be published in the manner required for other ordinances, but not less than three copies thereof shall be filed for use and examination by the public in the office of the city clerk prior to the adoption thereof. Amendments to the code shall be enacted in the same manner as ordinances.
Detailed regulations pertaining to the construction of buildings, plumbing and wiring, mechanical devices, abatement of dangerous buildings, or similar matters consisting of part of a uniform code adopted by the County of Riverside, or generally adopted on a state-wide or region-wide basis, when arranged as a comprehensive code, may likewise be adopted by reference to the full extent permitted by the general laws of the State of California, and pursuant to procedures established therein. Maps, charts and diagrams also may be adopted by reference in the same manner.
No ordinance shall become effective until thirty days from and after the date of its adoption, except the following, which shall take effect immediately upon adoption:
An ordinance calling or otherwise relating to an election.
An improvement proceeding ordinance adopted under some special law or procedural ordinance relating thereto.
An ordinance declaring the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation, or fixing the rate of taxation, or levying the annual tax upon property.
An emergency ordinance adopted in the manner provided for in this article.
City council may designate the violation of any ordinance of the City to constitute a misdemeanor or an infraction. Unless specifically designated as an infraction, a violation of any ordinance of the city shall constitute a misdemeanor and may be prosecuted in the name of the people of the State of California or may be redressed by civil action. The maximum fine or penalty for any violation of a city ordinance, whether a misdemeanor or an infraction, shall be as established by ordinance, resolution, or minute order of the city council.
The city clerk shall cause all legal notices to be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the City, pursuant to procedures which may be adopted by city council by ordinance or resolution.
In the event there is no newspaper of general circulation published and circulated in the City, then all legal notices or other matter may be published by posting copies thereof in at least three public places in the city.
No defect or irregularity in proceedings taken under this section, or failure to designate an official newspaper, shall invalidate any publication where the same is otherwise in conformity with this Charter, or ordinance, or other law.
The City shall not be bound by any contract, except as hereinafter provided, unless it is in writing, approved by the city council and signed on behalf of the City by the mayor and city clerk or by such other officer or officers as shall be designated by the city council. Any of said officers shall sign a contract on behalf of the City when directed to do so by ordinance, resolution, or other order of the city council.
By ordinance or resolution the city council may authorize the city manager to bind the city, with or without a written contract, including by purchase order, for the acquisition of equipment, materials, supplies, labor, services or other items included within the budget approved by the city council, and may impose a monetary limit upon such authority.
The city council may by ordinance or resolution provide a method for the sale or exchange of personal property not needed in the City service or not fit for the purpose for which intended, and for the conveyance of title thereto.
Contracts for the sale of the products, commodities or services of any department or public utility owned, controlled or operated by the City may be made by the manager of such utility or by the head of the department or the city manager upon forms approved by the city manager and at rates fixed by the city council.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to services rendered by any person in the employ of the City.