The purpose and legislative intent of this chapter is to regulate the operating times for all county of Merced public cemeteries and to prohibit the possession and consumption of alcohol on all county public cemetery properties. The Merced County board of supervisors hereby finds that there has been an increase in the number of incidences of parties and gatherings at grave sites which has lead to the destruction and theft of property, loitering, disturbing the peace, littering, and the consumption, possession and sale of alcohol and controlled substances on public cemetery property when there are no personnel on site and at times when there is no legitimate public purpose to be served. This chapter is not intended to address the use, control, or service of alco-holic beverages where separately regulated under state or other local laws, but is intended to fill an area not entirely covered by the State Alcohol Beverage Control Act.
(Ord. 1823 § 1, 2007)
In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, the following words and phrases are defined as follows:
means ethyl alcohol, hydrated oxide of ethyl, or spirits of wine from whatever source or whatever process produced.
"Alcoholic beverage"
includes alcohol, spirits, liquor, wine, beer, and every liquid or solid containing alco-hol, spirits, liquor, wine, beer, and which contains one-half of one percent or more of alcohol by volume, either alone or when diluted, mixed, or combined with other substances.
"Operation times"
shall mean the time posted by each cemetery district, which designates the time that the cemetery is open for use by the general public.
shall mean two or more persons assembled on cemetery property after posted designated hours of operation, for a social occasion, gathering, activity, or event, whether organized formally or informally.
"Public cemetery"
shall mean any and all cemeteries within the county of Merced, not privately owned, and managed by one of the county of Merced Cemetery Districts, currently there are eight, which include: Dos Palos, Hilmar, Los Banos, Merced, Merquin (aka Sunnyside), Plainsburg, Snelling and Winton.
(Ord. 1823 § 1, 2007)
All county of Merced public cemeteries will effectively designate operation times for which each public cemetery will open and close to the public. Each cemetery district shall determine and post their own designated operation times, and each posting shall include that the use, possession and consumption of any alcoholic beverage on its premises is prohibited. Operation times, as well as the prohibition of alcohol, shall be posted at each and every entrance/exit to each cemetery and where there is no designated entrance, in such places that will most likely be viewed by the general public and no less than 100 feet apart along all boundaries, borders, access roads, trails, sidewalks or other means of entry.
(Ord. 1823 § 1, 2007)
This chapter or any of its provisions shall not apply when either of the actions below is taken:
Authorization. Authorization may be given by each cemetery district's administrative offices for permission to enter onto cemetery premises before or after posted designated operation times, in order to provide such actions but are not limited to the following: routine maintenance, inspection, repair and for other such services as are deemed necessary and appropriate by each cemetery district office including, any agency, business, or employee of said agency or business who has entered into a contract or agreement for services which involves access to the cemetery property. In addition, each cemetery district may authorize any other agency, business or representative thereof to have access to the cemetery property for the purposes of that agency, business or representative thereof carrying out their authorized duty, business, and or legally mandated action.
Waiver. Each cemetery district shall implement a provision for waiver of the posted open and closure operation times as well as the possession and or consumption of alcohol for any individual, business or other entity of the general public, who demonstrate a legitimate, religious and or other reasonable purpose (as defined by each cemetery district, and should include but is not limited to the following: burial/internment services, organized and approved vigils, and for such other recognized religious purposes and beliefs). The waiver procedure process shall clearly set forth the procedure to request such a waiver and each cemetery district shall fully provide their policy and procedure (in writing) for requesting such a waiver, upon request, as well as posting clearly that a waiver process is available, upon request, at each cemetery district's administrative offices.
(Ord. 1823 § 1, 2007)
Any person or persons found to be in violation of this chapter and or any of its provisions is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be subject to such fines and penalties as are outlined and permissible under Merced County Code, Title l, Section 1.28.020, which specifically states that such offenses are "...punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by such fine and imprisonment," and Section 1.28.040, which states that each violation is a separate offense and shall be punished accordingly; as well as any other county of Merced ordinances and provisions of law that may be applicable.
(Ord. 1823 § 1, 2007)