Pursuant to the provision of Section 40805.5 of the Government Code of the state, there is created and established the office of director of finance of the city.
(Prior code § 1-2.42)
The financial and accounting duties imposed upon the city clerk by Sections 40802 to 40805, inclusive, of the Government Code are transferred to the director of finance. Under the direction of the city manager, he or she shall perform the following duties:
Maintain all records readily reflecting the financial condition of the city and all of its departments;
At the end of each fiscal year, prepare and present to the city council a summary statement of receipts and disbursements by departments and funds, including opening and closing fund balances in the city treasury;
Cause the financial statement of the city to be published in accordance with the provisions of Sections 40804 and 40805 of the Government Code.
(Prior code § 1-2.43)
Under the direction of the city manager and in addition to the duties set forth in Section 2.12.030 (or a part thereof the director of Finance shall perform the following duties:
Maintain a general accounting system for the city and each of its offices, departments and agencies;
Supervise and be responsible for the disbursement of all moneys and have control of all expenditures to assure that budget appropriations are not exceeded; audit and approve before payment all bills, claims, inventories, payrolls or charges against the city, determining the correctness of such claims, demands or charges;
Supervise and be responsible for functions relating to the administration of those portions of ordinances and laws relating to the collection of assessments, utility charges, fees, taxes and other revenues of the city;
Assist in the purchase of all goods, supplies, materials and equipment required by the city;
Submit to the city manager a monthly financial statement of all receipts and disbursements in sufficient detail to show the exact financial condition of the city;
Supervise the keeping of current inventories of all property of the city;
Maintain verified payroll records and personnel records necessary to assure that payroll claims are for services performed or due under authorized sick leave, leave of absence, vacation leave, and that proper deductions are made and disbursed in accordance with the rules, regulations and laws relating thereto;
Maintain a record of all insurance policies and bonds, and advise the city manager of expiration dates;
Compile all financial information required for the preparation of the annual budget and submit such information to the city manager whose responsibility it is to prepare the budget;
Perform such other duties as the city manager may direct.
(Prior code § 1-2.44)
Prior to entering upon the duties and pursuant to the requirements of the laws of the state (Sections 36518 and 37209 of the Government Code) the director of finance shall furnish a surety bond in the amount of $25,000.00 fixed by the city council by ordinance.
(Prior code § 1-2.45)
All ordinances, parts of ordinances and resolutions where the words "city clerk" are used therein pertaining to any financial or accounting duties, the words shall be read and construed to mean "director of finance" and to that extent all said ordinances, parts of ordinances and resolutions are amended.
(Prior code § 1-2.46)
Pursuant to the authority to appoint and remove personnel, the appointing authority may designate and appoint one or more assistants or deputies to the director of finance who, during the director's absence, shall have the powers, duties and responsibilities of the director of finance.
(Prior code § 1-2.47)