There is currently existing in the city the "Downtown Pleasanton Business Improvement District," pursuant to the provisions of the Parking and Business Improvement Area Law of 1989, as set forth in the California Streets and Highways Code (Section 36500 et seq.).
(Ord. 1211 § 1, 1985; Ord. 2192 § 2, 2019)
The city council, on August 20, 1985, adopted Resolution 85-397, entitled "Resolution of Intention to Modify the Downtown Pleasanton Business Improvement District."
(Ord. 1211 § 2, 1985)
A hearing was held at the city council chambers in the city on September 3, 1985, to consider the establishment of the downtown Pleasanton business improvement district and to hear any protests or concerns relating to that action.
(Ord. 1211 § 3, 1985)
The boundaries of the district shall be as shown on the map in Figure 5.28.040 of this chapter.
(Ord. 1211 § 4, 1985; Ord. 2131 § 2, 2015)
The businesses and operation of the district shall be subject to any amendments to the Parking and Business Improvement Area Law of 1979.
(Ord. 1211 § 5, 1985)
It appears in the public interest that such an area be established within the city because a thriving downtown serves:
To preserve and enhance the city's heritage;
To give character and identity to this community;
To make a wider range of shopping, dining and community events available to our citizens;
To provide employment for our residents;
To create opportunities for new businesses; and
To increase tax revenues for the provision of public services.
The city council finds that businesses lying within the business and improvement area will be benefited by the expenditure of the funds raised by the charges proposed to be levied.
(Ord. 1211 § 10, 1985)
The purposes for which the funds raised by the charges shall be used are the statutory purposes set forth in Section 36000 of the Streets and Highways Code of the state, or one or more of the purposes, which are as follows:
The acquisition, construction or maintenance of parking facilities for the benefit of the area;
Decoration of any public place in the area;
Promotion of public events which are to take place on or in public places in the areas;
Furnishing of music in any public place in the area;
The general promotion of retail trade activities in the area.
(Ord. 1211 § 6, 1985)
All businesses, trades or professions within the boundaries of the district shall be subject to an annual assessment in an amount as follows:
Assessment shall be equal to two times the annual city business license tax for all businesses located curbside, downstairs on Main Street, except that there shall be a minimum assessment of $50.00 per year and a maximum assessment of $350.00 per year.
Assessment shall be equal to one and one-half times the amount of the annual city business license tax for all businesses with Main Street addresses located upstairs or not curb-side, except there shall be a minimum assessment of $50.00 per year and a maximum assessment of $350.00 per year.
Assessment shall be equal to the amount of the annual business license tax for all businesses in the district off of Main Street except there shall be a minimum assessment of $50.00 per year and a maximum assessment of $350.00 per year.
Any business exempt from the city's business license tax shall pay an annual charge of $350.00 per year, except as provided by subsections E and F of this section.
Nonprofit organizations that are exempt from the city's business license tax shall also be exempt from the annual assessment.
Insurance agents who are exempt from the city's business license tax shall pay an assessment based on annual gross receipts as if their business were not exempt and the annual assessment shall be computed as in subsections A through C of this section.
If several independent contractors are located at one business address and conducting a similar business service, the maximum charge of $200.00 may be charged to the owner of this business. Notwithstanding this option, each independent contractor shall obtain a business license.
(Ord. 1211 § 7, 1985; Ord. 1689 § 1, 1996)
Any business which is exempt from the payment of a business license tax by reason of the provision of the Constitution of the United States or the state of California, may make voluntary contributions to the district for the purposes provided in this chapter.
(Ord. 1211 § 8, 1985)
The council may contract from time to time with a nonprofit tax-exempt corporation, the purpose of which shall be to carry out the purposes for which this charge is levied and provided in this chapter. In the event such agreement is made, it shall provide that the corporation shall present a budget of proposed expenditures and purposes to the city manager for investigation and report to the council upon the advisability and feasibility of the proposed expenditures and improvements. Upon approval of the budget requests, the council shall allocate and direct payment of such amounts as it shall determine to the contracting agency by the city finance office.
(Ord. 1211 § 11, 1985)
The charges provided by this chapter shall be collected at the time and in the manner and with the same penalties as is provided in this code for the collection of business license taxes, except as provided in subsection B of this section.
The finance director is authorized to advance funds to the district in anticipation of expected revenues.
(Ord. 1211 § 12, 1985)