All officials, departments and employees of the city vested with the authority or duty to issue permits, certificates or licenses shall comply with the provisions of this chapter and shall issue no permit, certificate or license which conflicts with the provisions of this chapter. Any permit, certificate or license issued in conflict with the provisions of this chapter shall be void.
(Prior code § 2-12.20)
The chief building official and zoning administrator shall be the officials responsible for the enforcement of this title. The chief building official and zoning administrator, or their deputies, shall have the right to enter on any site or to enter any structure for the purpose of investigation and inspection related to any provision of this title; provided, that the right of entry shall be exercised only at reasonable hours and that in no case shall any structure be entered in the absence of the owner or tenant without the written order of a court of competent jurisdiction. The chief building official or zoning administrator may serve notice requiring the removal of any structure or use in violation of the regulations on the owner or his or her authorized agent, on a tenant, or on an architect, builder, contractor, or other person who commits or participates in any violation. The chief building official or the zoning administrator may call upon the city attorney to institute necessary legal proceedings to enforce the provisions of this title, and the city attorney is authorized to institute appropriate actions to that end. The chief building official or the zoning administrator may call upon the chief of police and his or her authorized agents to assist in the enforcement of this title.
(Prior code § 2-12.21; Ord. 1425 § 1, 1989; Ord. 2000 § 1, 2009)
Prior to the lapse of any approval granted by an approving body under this title, an applicant or his or her successor may apply to the zoning administrator for an extension of the approval for one year. The zoning administrator may grant an extension subject to the provisions of this section. No more than two such extensions shall be granted. Further applications for extension shall be processed as though they were initial applications.
An application for extension shall be accompanied by a fee equal to the current fee for an initial application as established by the city council. An application for extension shall be granted unless the zoning administrator determines that there have been either substantial changes in the proposal or that the circumstances surrounding the initial approval have changed. Rather than take action administratively, the zoning administrator may forward any application for extension, or any aspect thereof, to the appropriate approving body as though it were an initial application. In such cases the approving body may grant the extension, modify the approval as originally granted or deny the extension in accord with the purposes and objectives of this title.
Within five days of the granting of any approval extension under this section, the zoning administrator shall forward notice of the action to the planning commission and the city council. The action of the zoning administrator is subject to Chapter 18.144 Appeals.
(Prior code § 2-12.24; Ord. 2216 § 2, 2021)
The zoning administrator shall set the time and place of public hearings required by this title to be held by the city planning commission or the board of adjustment, provided that the commission or the board may change the time or place of a hearing. The city clerk shall set the time and place of public hearings required by this title to be held by the city council, provided that the council may change the time or place of a hearing. Public hearings shall be held not more than 40 days after submission of the applicant or the appeal from a decision unless the applicant or appellant shall consent to an extension of time. Notice of a public hearing shall be given not less than 10 days nor more than 30 days prior to the date of the hearing by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the city. When the hearing concerns a matter other than an amendment to the text of this chapter or a general plan amendment, notice also shall be given by posting in conspicuous places close to the property affected or by mailing a notice of the time and place of the hearing to the applicant, if any, and to all persons whose names appear on the latest adopted tax roll of the county as owning property in the vicinity of the area that is the subject of the hearing. The zoning administrator shall determine the number and location of posted notices or the area within which property owners are to be notified by mail. Failure to post or mail notices shall not invalidate the proceedings.
(Prior code § 2-5.08)