The districts established by the zoning regulations shall be as follows:
A agricultural district.
R residential districts:
R-1-40,000 one-family residential district, 40,000 square feet minimum site area per dwelling unit;
R-1-20,000 one-family residential district, 20,000 square feet minimum site area per dwelling unit;
R-1-10,000 one-family residential district, 10,000 square feet minimum site area per dwelling unit;
R-1-8,500 one-family residential district, 8,500 square feet minimum site area per dwelling unit;
R-1-7,500 one-family residential district, 7,500 square feet minimum site area per dwelling unit;
R-1-6,500 one-family residential district, 6,500 square feet minimum site area per dwelling unit;
RM-4,000 multi-family residential district, 8,000 square feet minimum site area, 4,000 square feet site area per dwelling unit;
RM-2,500 multi-family residential district, 7,500 square feet minimum site area, 2,500 square feet site area per dwelling unit;
RM-2,000 multi-family residential district, 10,000 square feet minimum site area, 2,000 square feet site area per dwelling unit;
RM-1,500 multi-family residential district, 10,500 square feet site area per dwelling unit.
O office district.
C commercial districts:
C-N neighborhood commercial district;
C-C central commercial district;
C-R regional commercial district;
C-S commercial service district;
C-F freeway interchange commercial district;
C-A automobile commercial district.
I industrial districts:
I-P industrial park district;
I-G general industrial district.
Q rock, sand and gravel extraction district.
P public and institutional district.
S study district.
RO residential overlay district.
PUD planned unit development district. Any use permitted by this chapter may be approved.
H-P-D hillside planned development district.
(Prior code § 2-5.05)
Wherever any uncertainty exists as to the boundary of a district as shown on the zoning map, the following regulations shall control:
Where a boundary line is indicated as following a street or alley, it shall be construed as following the right-of-way line thereof.
Where a boundary line is indicated as following a watercourse, it shall be construed as following the centerline thereof.
Where a boundary line follows or coincides approximately with a lot line or a property ownership line, it shall be construed as following the lot line or property ownership line.
Where a boundary line is not dimensioned and is not indicated as following a street or alley and does not follow or coincide approximately with a lot line or property ownership line, the boundary line shall be determined by the use of the scale designated on the zoning map.
Where further uncertainty exists, the city planning commission, upon written application or on its own motion, shall determine the location of the boundary in question, giving due consideration to the location indicated on the zoning map and the objectives of this chapter and the purposes set forth in the district regulations.
(Prior code § 2-5.06)
No site or structure shall be used or designated for use for any purpose or in any manner other than in conformity with the regulations for the district in which the structure or use is located.
No structure shall be erected and no existing structure or use shall be moved, altered or enlarged except in conformity with the regulations for the district in which the structure or use is located.
No yard space provided in compliance with the regulations for the district in which it is located shall be deemed to provide a yard space for any other structure, and no yard space or usable open space on one site shall be deemed to provide a yard space or usable open space for a structure on any other site.
No yard, court or usable open space shall be used, encroached upon, or reduced in any manner except in conformity with the regulations for the district in which the yard, court or open space is located.
No site held in one ownership at the time of the adoption of the ordinance codified in this section, April 3, 1968, or at any time thereafter shall be reduced in any manner below the minimum area, frontage, width, or depth prescribed for the district in which the site is located.
(Prior code § 2-5.07)