In addition to the objectives prescribed in Section
18.04.010 of this title, the Q rock, sand and gravel extraction district is included in this title to achieve the following purposes:
A. To protect the natural resources in the
city and assure that their utilization is not prejudiced by the intrusion
of incompatible uses;
B. To indicate clearly to all interested parties
the portions of the city that have been designated for rock, sand
and gravel extraction and processing subject to compliance with the
standards of this chapter;
C. To protect properties and uses not in the
Q district from nuisances incidental to extraction, processing and
hauling rock, sand and gravel;
D. To ensure that general reuse plans for
sites used for rock, sand and gravel extraction and processing are
maintained and effectuated.
(Prior code § 2-7.30)
All uses shall comply with the regulations prescribed in Chapter
18.84 of this title, and with the following additional regulations of the I-G district: Sections
18.48.050 through
18.48.120 of this title.
(Prior code § 2-7.31; Ord. 2155 § 3, 2017)
The following uses shall be permitted:
Any use permitted in the A agricultural
district except dwellings.
(Prior code § 2-7.32)
The following conditional uses shall be permitted upon the granting of a use permit, in accord with the provisions of Chapter
18.124 of this title:
A. Mining, quarrying, excavating, extracting, harvesting, sorting, crushing, reducing, washing, refining or other processing of rock, sand, gravel, stone, earth or other mineral, subject to the conditions prescribed in Sections
18.52.050 through
18.52.100 of this chapter.
B. Watchmen's living quarters when incidental
to and on the same site as a conditional use.
D. Agricultural processing plants.
E. Asphalt and asphalt products manufacture.
F. Automobile and motorcycle racing stadiums
and drag strips.
G. Cement and concrete products manufacture,
including concrete mixing and batching.
H. Commercial and private recreation facilities.
J. Dwellings accessory to an agricultural
K. Firearm sales at a rifle or pistol range.
L. Garbage and refuse incineration.
M. Gas and oil wells, exportation, production,
and related facilities.
N. Golf courses and golf driving ranges.
O. Public utility and public service facilities
including pumping stations, power transmission stations, power distribution
stations, equipment buildings, service yards, drainageways and structures,
water reservoirs, percolation basins, well fields, and storage tanks.
These facilities must be found by the planning commission to be necessary
for the public health, safety, or welfare.
P. Riding academies and stables.
R. Sanitary fill operations.
S. Accessory structures and uses located in
the same site as a conditional use, and the following accessory structures
and uses located on the same site as a permitted use or a conditional
use that has been granted a use permit:
Medium electricity generator facilities that meet the applicable standards of Section
18.124.290 of this title.
Medium fuel cell facilities that meet the applicable standards of Section
18.124.290 of this title.
Wind energy facilities that meet
the following criteria:
The facilities shall not exceed a
noise level of 45 dBA at any point on any residentially zoned property
outside of the property plane where the facilities are located; and
The design of the facilities shall
be streamlined (without ladders and extra appurtenances) to discourage
birds from roosting on the facilities.
Facilities on hillsides or ridges
shall not be visible from a public right-of-way.
(Prior code § 2-7.32; Ord. 1738 § 1, 1998; Ord. 1880, 2003)
The following uses shall not be permitted
in the rock, sand and gravel extraction district:
Any use not specifically or conditionally permitted by this chapter, unless a determination is made under Chapter
18.128 of this title.
(Ord. 1880, 2003)
In addition to the data required by Chapter
18.124 of this title, the applicant for a use permit for rock, sand or gravel extraction or processing shall submit the data required by Sections
18.52.060 through
18.52.130 of this chapter. Before granting a use permit, the planning commission shall make the findings required by Chapter
18.124 of this title relating to findings, and shall approve the plans required by this chapter.
(Prior code § 2-7.33)
An application for a use permit shall
be accompanied by a general plan including all property owned by the
applicant in a contiguous Q district showing:
A. Location and extent of all extraction areas,
together with typical cross sections and proposed sequence and phases
of operation in each area;
B. Location of fences and buffers, grading
and planting plan for all buffer strips, and proposed sequence and
dates for installation of landscaping;
C. General location and configuration of storage
areas for topsoil, other overburden, silt, extracted material, and
D. Location and design of all processing facilities,
including outline specifications for equipment to be used, sufficiently
detailed to indicate compliance with the required conditions;
E. Description of all harvesting procedures
including outline description of equipment to be used sufficiently
detailed to indicate compliance with the required conditions;
F. Location, width and surfacing of all roads
and parking and loading areas that will be maintained for three months
or longer;
G. Proposed hours of operation;
H. Proposed haul routes within the city;
I. Additional data necessary to evaluate the
(Prior code § 2-7.33(1))
An application for a use permit shall
be accompanied by a plan including all property owned by the applicant
in a contiguous Q district, showing the proposed use of each portion
of the property following termination of extractive activities, together
with typical cross sections and proposed sequence of development.
The reuse general plan shall include at least as much detail as the
general plan of the city concerning proposed land uses, circulation
and public facilities, and shall indicate the method and extent of
refilling any pit or quarry, and proposals for the removal of stockpiles,
waste, buildings, accessory structures, and equipment, and redistribution
of topsoil.
(Prior code § 2-7.33(2))
Use permits shall be issued for a specific term and shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter
18.124 of this title relating to suspension and revocation. The permittee shall submit a written report no less than every five years from the date of the permit approval to the planning commission. Any additional report may be made by the permittee. Failure to submit such report after notification by the zoning administrator, given three months prior to expiration, shall cause automatic suspension of use permit as prescribed in Chapter
18.124 of this title. The report shall be accompanied by all of the plans and data for an initial application required at the date of the report. All information shall be up-to-date and shall describe and illustrate the permit holder's current proposals and time schedules for use and reuse of the site. (A use permit subject to written report as prescribed in this section may not be revoked except as prescribed in Chapter
18.124 of this title.) Conditions may be deleted or added by mutual agreement between city and permittee to achieve the purpose prescribed in Section
18.52.010 of this chapter.
(Prior code § 2-7.33(3))
Use permits for preexisting uses, including uses in annexed territory regulated by this chapter shall expire on the date specified by the permit. Preexisting uses shall be reviewed by the planning commission at the time of annexation or within five years of the effective date hereof, May 3, 1968. At the time of review of a permit for a preexisting use, the planning commission may modify the terms of the permit, deleting conditions or making the conditions more restrictive and increasing the burden of the permit holder to achieve the purposes of Section
18.52.010 of this chapter, in accord with the following procedure:
A. The permit holder shall be notified of
the proposed restrictions.
B. A public hearing shall be held in accord with Section
18.12.040 of this title.
C. The planning commission shall find that
restrictions to be imposed are necessary to protect the public health,
safety and welfare.
D. A reasonable time period shall be allowed
prior to the effective date of new restrictions necessitating amortization
of existing investment.
E. A reasonable termination date shall be
set for uses for which no expiration date was specified in the preexisting
use permit.
(Prior code § 2-7.33(4))
The following standards shall be
considered minimum standards. Where appropriate, the city planning
commission may prescribe higher standards and may regulate additional
aspects of rock, sand or gravel extraction or processing as a condition
of granting a use permit.
A. Landscaped buffers planted and maintained as prescribed in Section
18.84.260 of this title shall be provided adjoining the boundary of a Q district. Where the Q district adjoins or is across the street from an R, O, C-N, C-C, C-R or PUD district, the buffer shall have an average depth of 200 feet and a minimum depth of 150 feet. Where the Q district adjoins or is across a street from a C-S or an I district, the buffer shall have a minimum depth of 50 feet. Where the Q district adjoins an A or an S district, a strip having an average depth of 200 feet and a minimum depth of 150 feet shall be held for use as a buffer, but need not be improved until the zoning map is amended to reclassify the property adjoining or across the street, at which time the buffer shall be improved as required by this section. The depth of a buffer adjoining or across the street from a P district shall be determined by the commission. Where the Q district adjoins a freeway, railroad, arroyo or flood-control channel, the minimum depth of the buffer shall be 50 feet. Buffers shall be improved and planted sufficiently in advance of nearby extraction operations to allow the trees and other plant materials to attain sufficient height and mass to provide effective buffering.
B. Final cuts in any pit or quarry shall not
exceed the normal angle of repose of the excavated materials, and
shall not exceed one foot horizontal to one foot vertical.
C. Temporary cut slopes steeper than one foot
horizontal to one foot vertical shall be no closer to a property line
than 25 feet plus the vertical depth of the cut, shall be no closer
to a public street right-of-way than 50 feet plus the vertical depth
of the cut, and shall be no closer to a stream or channel than 100
feet plus the vertical depth of the cut.
D. The excavation of a pit or quarry shall
be conducted in such a manner as to prevent accumulation of polluted
water or natural seepage to the maximum extent possible, but not precluding
the use of pits for recharge purposes.
E. Dikes and other barriers and drainage structures
shall be provided where necessary to prevent silting of drainage channels
or storm drains in the area surrounding the excavation.
F. Where required by the commission, final
cut slopes shall be treated to prevent erosion, topsoil shall be replaced
on such slopes to support vegetation and suitable groundcover shall
be planted and maintained for a period sufficient to provide vegetation
of a density and groundholding capacity that will prevent erosion.
G. Material used for refilling a pit or quarry,
including overburden removed from elsewhere on the site, shall be
of a quality determined suitable to prevent contamination of the groundwater
either during operations or upon completion or termination of operations.
H. Quarry or pit excavations that penetrate
near or into a water-bearing stratum shall be conducted in such a
manner that such stratum will not be subject to pollution or contamination
either during operations or subsequent to termination. The commission
may prescribe the maximum depth of a pit or quarry in relation to
the depth of any aquifer described and defined in publications of
the state Department of Water Resources.
I. Fencing shall be provided and maintained
surrounding all areas being excavated to prevent unauthorized access
in accord with the requirements and specifications of the public works
department. Such fencing shall be located no closer than 10 feet from
the top edge of a proposed cut slope.
J. All reasonable control measures shall be
employed to reduce dust in the processing and transportation operations.
Haulage roads shall be paved, oiled or watered, and shall be maintained
in a dust-free condition. Access roads shall have pavement at least
24 feet wide and shall extend from the public street to the permanent
public scale but not less than 500 feet.
K. Vehicles hauling excavated material shall
be loaded in such a manner as to prevent spilling the material while
in transit. The commission may designate which public streets may
be used in hauling excavated material, and may prohibit the use of
any other street.
L. No explosives shall be used except as expressly
permitted by the commission.
M. Adequate provision shall be made for protection
of pits and quarries from overflow from adjacent streams by the construction
of levees and other devices to prevent flooding. No obstruction shall
be placed in any stream unless authorized by the Alameda County Flood
Control and Water Conservation District.
N. Except during emergencies, or when equipment
repairs must be made, all extractive or processing operations shall
be conducted only during the hours approved by the commission.
(Prior code § 2-7.33(5))
Off-street parking shall be provided for each use in the Q district as prescribed in Chapter
18.88 of this title.
(Prior code §2-7.34)
Off-street loading facilities shall be provided for each use in the Q district as prescribed in Chapter
18.92 of this title.
(Prior code § 2-7.35)
No sign, outdoor advertising structure or display of any character shall be permitted except as prescribed in Chapter
18.96 of this title.
(Prior code § 2-7.36)
All uses in the Q district shall be subject to design review as prescribed in Chapter
18.20 of this title. Applicants are advised to confer with the zoning administrator before preparing detailed plans.
(Prior code § 2-7.37; Ord. 1656 § 1, 1995)