[Amended 11-2-1976; 11-3-1998; 11-6-2018]
The Council shall hold a regular meeting at least twice a month in the City at a time and place that the Council designates. The Council may, however, by a majority vote of the entire Council, cancel up to three regular meetings during any calendar year. No more than two of the regular meetings canceled each year may be consecutive. The Council adopt rules for the government of its members and proceedings. The Mayor upon his or her own motion may, or at the request of three members of the Council shall, by giving notice thereof to all members of the Council, call a special meeting of the Council, with advance public notice of the meeting as prescribed by ordinance. No prior notice of a special meeting need be given to a Council member who has consented to the meeting or who attends the meeting without objection to the time or manner of notice. An emergency meeting of the Council may be held at any time by common consent of all the available members of the Council.
The deliberations and proceedings of the Council, and the commissions, committees and boards of the City shall be public except as state law allows otherwise. All meetings of the City Council and Council subcommittees shall be electronically recorded. Meetings of city boards, commissions, and committees shall be electronically recorded during the conduct of quasi-judicial public hearings or as the Council may otherwise direct.
A majority of the members of the Council constitute a quorum for its business, but a smaller number may meet and compel the attendance of absent members in a manner provided by ordinance.
Except as this Charter provides otherwise, the concurrence of a majority of the members present and eligible to vote is necessary to decide any question before the Council.
No question shall be approved with fewer than three affirmative votes, except as provided by Subsection D of this Section.
When three or fewer members are eligible to vote on a question it may approved only by a unanimous vote by those eligible to vote at two consecutive regular City Council meetings. The composition of the membership voting need not be the same at both meetings. If at the second regular meeting more than three members are eligible to vote on the question, it shall be decided as provided by Subsection B of this Section.
[Amended 11-2-1976, 11-3-1998]
The Council shall cause a journal of its proceedings to be kept. The vote upon any question may be taken by voice or roll call vote. The vote shall be taken by roll call at the direction of the Mayor or the request of any councilor. The minutes shall reflect the vote of each councilor by name.
[Amended 11-2-1976]
The Mayor shall preside over the Council's deliberations. The Mayor shall have a vote as any other Council member. The Mayor shall preserve order, enforce the rules of the Council and determine the order of business under the rules of the Council.
At its first meeting each year the Council shall elect a President from among the Councilors. In the Mayor's absence from a Council meeting, the President shall perform the Mayor's functions at the meeting. If both the Mayor and the president of the Council are absent from a Council meeting, the members present shall select one of their number to perform the Mayor's functions at the meeting. Whenever the Mayor is unable to function as such, the President shall act as Mayor.