If any interested person is dissatisfied with any action of the planning commission in relationship to the question of consistency with applicable general or specific plans adopted by the city or with any of the other findings or decisions that are required by Government Code Sections 66473.5, 66474, 66474.1 and 66474.6, or if the subdivider is dissatisfied with any action of the planning commission with respect to the tentative map, he or she may, within 15 days of such decision, appeal such action to the council. The council shall consider the appeal within 30 days. This appeal shall be a public hearing with notice to the subdivider, the planning commission and the interested party, and upon conclusion of the appeal hearing, the council shall, within 10 days, render its decision on the appeal. The council may sustain, modify, reject or overrule any recommendations or rulings of the planning commission and may make such findings as are not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter or the Subdivision Map Act of the state.
(Prior code § 2-2.50(c))
If the subdivider is dissatisfied with any action of the planning commission with respect to the tentative map, he or she may, within 15 days after such action, appeal to the city council for a public hearing thereon. The city council shall hear the appeal upon notice to the subdivider and the planning commission, unless the subdivider consents to a continuance, within 10 days or at its next succeeding regular meeting. The city council may sustain, overrule or modify any ruling or determination of the planning commission, and may make such findings as are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act or of this chapter.
(Prior code § 2-4.37)