[Repealed by Ord. No. 1780, 2-17-1981]
[Ord. No. 1780, 2-17-1981; Ord. No. 1852, 10-26-1982; Ord. No. 1950, 7-21-1987; Ord. No. 2002, 3-6-1990; Ord. No. 2037, 7-16-1991; Ord. No. 2231, Amended, 3-21-2000; Ord. No. 2858, Amended, 12-15-2020]
The terms used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context requires otherwise:
Any mammal, bird or reptile.
Any dog or livestock which is off or outside of the premises occupied by the keeper or is not in the company of and under the control of its keeper, unless restrained by a leash, tether or other physical control device.
Any animal that bites any human being, dog, cat, rabbit or livestock, or that chronically demonstrates menacing behavior toward human beings, dogs, cats, rabbits or livestock. For purposes of this chapter, "menacing behavior" shall include, but not be limited to, baring of teeth, charging at a victim, growling in a threatening manner or approaching a victim within 10 feet while barking.
Bovine species, horses, mules, burros, asses, sheep, goats, swine and domestic fowl.
A person or legal entity who owns, or has a possessory property right in an animal or who harbors, cares for, exercise control over, or knowingly permits any animal to remain on premises occupied by that person.
Any natural person, association, partnership, firm, or corporation.
A dog used primarily in law enforcement under the direction of a law enforcement officer handler. A police canine retains its status as such whether or not it is engaged in law enforcement activities.
Any animal belonging to the order rodentia of the class mammalia and closely related species.
Incapable of reproduction by reason of age or physical condition, or incapable of being subjected to a medical procedure to be rendered unreproductive and certified by a licensed veterinarian to be such.
[Ord. No. 1780, 2-17-1981]
It shall be the responsibility of the City Manager or those designated by the City Manager to enforce the provisions of this chapter.
[Ord. No. 1780, 2-17-1981; Ord. No. 1852, 10-26-1982; Ord. No. 2037, 7-16-1991; Ord. No. 2231, Amended, 3-21-2000; Ord. No. 2858, Amended, 12-15-2020]
The Clackamas County Animal Control Shelter is designated as the facility to receive, care for and safely confine any animal delivered to its custody under the provisions of this chapter. The facility shall be accessible to the public at times to be determined by Clackamas County Animal Control for the conduct of necessary business concerning impounded animals.
Any animal may be impounded and held at the facility when it is the subject of a violation of this chapter, when an animal requires protective custody and care because of mistreatment or neglect by its keeper, or when otherwise impounded by a Court.
Regardless of the reason for impoundment, an animal is deemed to be impounded from the time the City takes physical custody of the animal.
Impoundment is subject to the following holding period and notice requirements.
An animal bearing identification shall be held for five working days before any action is taken to dispose of the animal. The City shall make reasonable effort within twenty-four hours of impoundment to notify the keeper, shall send by registered or certified mail, a written notice of the impoundment to the last known address of the keeper, advising the keeper of the impoundment, the date by which redemption must be made and the fees payable prior to redemption release.
An animal that does not bear identification shall be held for three working days before any disposition may be made.
Animals held for period prescribed herein, or as otherwise required by ORS 433.340 to 433.390, and not redeemed by the keeper, shall be subject to such means of disposal as provided in paragraph 5(c) of this section.
Animals delivered for impoundment by a peace officer who removed such animal from possession of a person in custody of a peace officer shall be held for the period prescribed in paragraph 4(a) of this section; a receipt shall be given to the person in custody from whom the animal was taken; the receipt shall recite redemption requirements and shall serve as the notice required herein.
Notwithstanding subsection (4)(a) of this section, and unless restrained by Court order, the impound facility shall release any impounded animal to the keeper or the keeper’s authorized representative upon payment of all applicable impoundment, shelter, care, medical costs, license fees or other applicable fees or deposits.
An animal held for the prescribed period and not redeemed by its keeper or the keeper’s representative or agent, and which is neither a biting or threatening animal nor in a dangerous health condition becomes the property of Clackamas County and may be released for adoption or otherwise disposed of pursuant to Clackamas County Rules and Regulations and applicable state law.
The City shall dispose of animals held for the prescribed period without redemption or adoption by means it deems most humane; provided, however, that notwithstanding any prescribing holding period the City, upon advice of a licensed veterinarian, may dispose of any unhealthy or injured impounded animal. The keeper of an animal disposed of under this section shall pay all costs of impoundment, shelter and care, including medical costs, for the period in which the animal was impounded and shall also pay the cost of disposal.
Any device attached to an animal upon impoundment shall be retained and disposed of pursuant to Clackamas County Rules and Regulations and applicable state law.
[Ord. No. 1780, 2-17-1981; Ord. No. 2037, 7-16-1991; Ord. No. 2231, Amended, 3-21-2000; Ord. No. 2330, Amended, 7-16-2002]
Every person keeping a dog that has a set of permanent canine teeth or is six months old, whichever comes first, shall procure a license for the dog. The license must be procured by paying a license fee to the City, unless payment of the license fee is waived under subsection (6) below, not later than March 1 of each year, or within thirty days after the person becomes keeper of the dog. A dog license shall be valid for one, two, or three years, and shall expire on December 31 of the year, or last license year if issued for either two or three years, for which the license was issued. License fees are nonrefundable.
No license shall be issued for any dog with a set of permanent canine teeth without either:
Certification that the dog has been vaccinated for rabies and that such vaccinating is effective until at least November 1 prior to the December 31 expiration of the licensed applied for; or
A certification from the examining veterinarian stating that the dog should be exempted from the requirement for rabies vaccination due to medical reasons, and whether the reason for the exemption is permanent, and if it is not, the date the exemption ends. The reasons for the exemption and a specific description of the dog, including name, age, sex, breed, and color shall be recorded by the examining veterinarian on a Rabies Vaccination Certificate which shall bear the keeper’s name and address. If the medical exemption is granted for less than the annual license period, the license shall expire 15 days following the expiration of the medical exemption period unless the owner submits a Rabies Vaccination Certificate.
Licenses issued by the City under prior existing City ordinances shall remain valid until expiration.
License tags shall be securely displayed upon dogs at all times, except when the dog is confined to the keeper’s premises or displayed in an exhibition.
A license is not transferable to another dog and shall be void upon transfer of a licensed dog to another keeper; provided that, however, that a new license may be purchased for the license replacement fee provided in LOC § 31.02.130.
No license fee shall be required to be paid for any dog in the following circumstances:
The dog is an "assistance animal" as defined by ORS 659A.143, provided the keeper tenders to the Finance Department a written statement from a health care professional confirming the dog keeper’s medical need for such a dog.
The dog is in training to be an assistance animal as defined in ORS 659A.143, in affiliation with a recognized organization for the training or placement of assistance animals, provided the trainer tenders to the Finance Department a written statement attesting to such status of the dog.
The dog’s keeper moves into the City of Lake Oswego or the dog’s owner transfers the keeping of the dog to a person who resides in the City, and the dog has a current license from another jurisdiction, provided the dog remains in the possession of the keeper to whom such license was issued.
The dog is kept primarily in kennels for commercial sale and is not permitted to run at large.
A license shall be issued for such dog upon a determination that the dog qualifies for a license fee waiver for the annual license period.
[Ord. No. 2066, 10-6-1992]
Any person, firm or corporation having honey bees (apis mellifera) on its property shall maintain each colony pursuant to the following conditions:
Colonies shall be maintained in moveable frame hives.
Adequate space shall be maintained in the hive to prevent overcrowding and swarming.
Colonies shall be re-queened following any swarming or aggressive behavior.
All colonies shall be registered with the Oregon Department of Agriculture pursuant to ORS 602.090.
[Ord. No. 1780, 2-17-1981; Section 6 Repealed by Ord. No. 1852, 10-26-1982; Ord. No. 2037, 7-16-1991; Ord. No. 2066, 10-6-1992; Ord. No. 2122, Amended, 9-19-1995; Ord. No. 2231, Amended, 3-21-2000; Ord. No. 2858, Amended, 12-15-2020; Ord. No. 2890, Amended, 3-17-2022]
Confining Animals to Motor Vehicles Prohibited.
No animal shall be confined within or on a motor vehicle at any location under such conditions as may endanger the health or well being of the animal, including but not limited to dangerous temperature, lack of food, water or attention, or confinement with a dangerous animal.
Any animal control or peace officer is authorized to remove any animal from a motor vehicle at any location when they reasonably believe it is confined in violation of subsection (1)(a) of this section. Any animal so removed shall be impounded as provided by LOC § 31.02.110. The removing officer shall leave written notice of such removal and delivery, including the officer’s name, in a conspicuous, secure location on or within the vehicle. Such additional notice as may be required by LOC § 31.02.110(4) shall be given upon impoundment of such removed animal.
Neither the City nor any animal control or peace officer shall be held criminally or civilly liable for action pursuant to this section, provided the officer acts in good faith, on probable cause and without malice.
Duties of Driver of Motor Vehicle. Any person operating a motor vehicle upon premises open to the public who runs over, strikes, injures, maims or kills any dog, cat or livestock shall immediately stop and render aid to such animal, if injured, or shall notify the City, if such animal is killed. Such person shall in either case make due and diligent inquiry to determine and notify the owner of such animal.
Finders of Lost Dogs.
Any person who finds a dog may surrender the animal to the City or retain its possession, subject to surrender upon demand of the City or the keeper of the dog.
Records of reported findings shall be retained by the City and made available for public inspection.
Poisonous Food. No person shall knowingly place food of any description containing poisonous or other injurious ingredients in any area reasonably likely to be accessible to animals other than rodents.
Animal Regulation.
For the purposes of this section, unless otherwise limited, the term "permit" shall include conduct by the keeper of an animal which is intentional, deliberate, careless, inadvertent or negligent. "Keeper" shall mean any person who owns or is in physical possession, controls or otherwise has charge of an animal.
It shall be a violation for a keeper to:
Permit a dog or livestock to become at large.
Permit a dog to chase a vehicle or person.
Permit a dog to scatter garbage.
Keep a biting or threatening animal. It shall be an affirmative defense that an animal bites, attacks, or menaces a trespasser on the property of its keeper or anyone wrongfully assaulting that animal or its keeper.
Permit any animal to cause unreasonable annoyance, alarm or noise disturbance at any time of the day or night by repeated barking, whining, screeching, howling, braying or other like sounds which may be heard beyond the boundary of the keeper’s property.
Leave an animal unattended for more than 24 consecutive hours without adequate food, water, shelter, care or supervision. Shelter shall include a structure or other means of protection from the weather and injury.
Physically mistreat any animal either by deliberate abuse or neglect to furnish adequate care, including medical attention.
Permit an animal to damage or destroy property of persons other than the keeper.
Permit bees to live in any space other than moveable frame hives, fail to register such hives with the Oregon Department of Agriculture, to abandon any colonies or to keep diseased bees.
Fail to promptly remove excrement or other solid waste deposited by a dog in any area not designed to receive such wastes, including but not limited to public areas such as streets, sidewalks, parking strips, public parks and any private property owned by a person or persons other than the property of the keeper of the dog.
Permit a dog to injure or kill a pet or domestic animal as defined in ORS 167.310(4).
Cross-Reference: LOC § 50.08.010 (keeping of animals in R-7.5, R-10, R-15 zones).
[Ord. No. 1852, 10-26-1982]
It shall be an affirmative defense to an alleged violation of LOC § 31.02.115 that the dog, otherwise required to be licensed, was at the time under the age of six calendar months old.
[Ord. No. 1780, 2-17-1981; Ord. No. 2037, 7-16-1991; Ord. No. 2231, Amended, 3-21-2000]
The keeper of any animal at large other than a dog or cat shall reimburse the City for expenses incurred in locating, transporting and otherwise attending such animal.
[Ord. No. 1780, 2-17-1981]
The Lake Oswego City Council shall by resolution establish fees for dog license, dog license replacement and impoundment fees, shelter fees and any other fee provided in this chapter.
[Ord. No. 1780, 2-17-1981; Ord. No. 1856, 12-28-1982; Ord. No. 2125, Amended, 9-19-1995; Ord. No. 2231, Amended, 3-21-2000]
Offenses committed in violation of provisions of this chapter constitute civil violations. Except where otherwise provided, anyone convicted of a violation of any provision of this chapter shall be subject to a fine not to exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000).
[Ord. No. 1780, 2-17-1981]
Any person convicted of violation of LOC § 31.02.120(4) or LOC § 31.02.120(6) shall be subject to imprisonment for not more than one (1) year and a fine not to exceed $1,000 or both.
[Ord. No. 1780, 2-17-1981; Ord. No. 2037, 7-16-1991; Ord. No. 2084, Amended, 1-4-1994]
Any person convicted of violation of LOC § 31.02.120(5) shall be subject to a fine not to exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000); and the Court in its discretion, may also order destruction of the animal or animals involved, the removal of the animal from the City of Lake Oswego, restitution for damages or any other remedy within the power of the Court.
[Ord. No. 1950, 7-21-1987]
A police canine and its law enforcement officer handler are not subject to the restrictions or regulations contained in LOC §§ 31.02.110 and 31.02.120.
[Repealed by Ord. No. 1780, 2-17-1981]
[Repealed by Ord. No. 1458, 2-15-1972]
[Repealed by Ord. No. 1780, 2-17-1981]
[Repealed by Ord. No. 1617, 3-16-1976]
[Repealed by Ord. No. 1780, 2-17-1981]
[Repealed by Ord. No. 1458, 2-15-1972]
[Repealed by Ord. No. 1780, 2-17-1981]
[Repealed by Ord. No. 1458, 2-15-1972]
[Repealed by Ord. No. 1780, 2-17-1981]