[Ord. No. 1781, 12-16-1980; Ord. No. 1959, 2-17-1988; Ord. No. 2161, Amended, 12-16-1997; Ord. No. 2231, Amended, 3-21-2000]
As used in LOC §§ 34.14.800 to 34.14.900, unless the context requires otherwise:
Means a game, played with cards bearing lines of numbers, in which a player covers or uncovers a number selected from a container, and which is won by a player who is present during the game and who first covers or uncovers the selected numbers in a designated combination, sequence or pattern.
Means promoting gambling by unlawfully accepting bets from members of the public as a business, rather than in a casual or personal fashion, upon the outcomes of future contingent events.
Means any person organized and existing for charitable, benevolent, eleemosynary, humane, patriotic, religious, philanthropic, recreational, social, educational, civic, fraternal or other non-profit purposes, and who is also exempt from payment of federal income taxes because of the organization’s charitable, fraternal or religious purposes. The fact that contributions to an organization profiting from the contest do not qualify for charitable deductions for tax purposes or that the organization is not otherwise exempt from payment of federal income taxes, pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, constitutes prima facie evidence that the organization is not a bona fide charitable, fraternal or religious organization.
Means any contest, game, gaming scheme or gaming device in which the outcome depends in a material degree upon an element of chance, notwithstanding that skill of the contestants may also be a factor therein.
Means that a person stakes or risks something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance or a future contingent event not under the control or influence of the person, upon an agreement or understanding that the person or someone else will receive something of value in the event of a certain outcome. Gambling does not include:
Bona fide business transactions valid under the law of contracts for the purchase or sale at a future date of securities or commodities, and agreements to compensate for loss caused by the happening of chance, including but not limited to contracts of indemnity or guaranty and life, health and accident insurance.
Engaging in contests of chance under the following conditions:
The contest is played for some token other than money;
An individual contestant may not purchase more than $10 worth of tokens for use in the contest during any 24-hour period;
The tokens may be exchanged only for property other than money;
Except when the tokens are exchanged for a beverage or merchandise to be consumed on the premises, the tokens are not redeemable on the premises where the contest is conducted or within 50 miles thereof; and
Except for charitable, fraternal or religious organizations, no person who conducts the contest as owner, agent or employee directly profits from operation of the contest.
Social games.
Bingo, lotto, or a Monte Carlo event operated in compliance with ORS 465.100(2) and LOC § 34.14.820.
Lawful raffles conducted pursuant to a license issued by the State of Oregon under ORS 464.250 to 464.390.
Means an unlawful gambling scheme in which:
The players pay or agree to pay something of value for chances, represented and differentiated by numbers or by combinations of numbers or by some other medium, one or more of which chances are to be designated the winning ones; and
The winning chances are to be determined by a drawing, or by some other method; and
The holders of the winning chances are to receive something of value.
Means a gambling event at which wagers are placed with imitation money upon contests of chance in which players compete against the house. As used in this subsection, "imitation money" includes imitation currency, chips or tokens.
Means a person who engages in any form of gambling solely as a contestant or bettor, without receiving or becoming entitled to receive any profit therefrom other than personal gambling winnings, and without otherwise rendering any material assistance to the establishment, conduct or operation of the particular gambling activity. A person who gambles at a social game of chance on equal terms with the other participants therein is a person who does not otherwise render material assistance to the establishment, conduct or operation thereof by performing, without fee or remuneration, acts directed toward the arrangement or facilitation of the game, such as inviting persons to play, permitting the use of premises therefor and supplying cards or other equipment used therein. A person who engages in bookmaking is not a player.
Means a form of a lottery in which each participant buys a ticket for an article or money designated as a prize and where the winner is determined by a random drawing. A raffle includes the elements of consideration, chance and a prize. Consideration is presumed to be present unless it is clearly and conspicuously disclosed to prospective participants by the operators that tickets to the drawing may be acquired without contributing something of economic value.
A game, other than a lottery, between players in a private home where no house player, house bank or house odds exist and there is no house income from the operation of the social game; and
A game, other than a lottery, between players in a charitable, fraternal or religious organization where no house player, house bank or house odds exist, there is no house income from the operation of the social game and where players are limited to members in good standing of such organizations and the spouses or guests of such members.
Means any money or property, any token, object or article exchangeable for money or property, or any form of credit or promise directly or indirectly contemplating transfer of money or property or of any interest therein.
Means not specifically authorized by law.
[Ord. No. 1781, 12-16-1980]
A social game in any place, other than a private residence, is unlawful unless conducted pursuant to a valid license issued under this section.
An application to the City to conduct social games shall not be approved unless:
The applicant is a charitable, fraternal or religious organization which has existed and operated with its principal place of business within the City of Lake Oswego for at least three years prior to the date of application.
The applicant agrees to permit immediate access for City inspection of the premises at any time during a game without notification to the licensee.
The application includes all information deemed by the City to be proper and necessary to determine if the application and the social games promoted or conducted pursuant thereto conform to the requirements of this chapter.
The applicant pays an application fee as established by the City Council.
An application may be approved upon any condition the City deems proper and necessary to ensure compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
Licenses issued under this section shall be for a period of one year only. Any licensee may reapply for a new license not more than 60 days prior to the expiration date of the existing license.
[Ord. No. 1781, 12-16-1980; Ord. No. 2161, Amended, 12-16-1997; Ord. No. 2231, Amended, 3-21-2000]
Bingo, lotto, or a Monte Carlo Event is unlawful at any place unless conducted pursuant to a valid license issued under this section.
An application to the City to conduct bingo, lotto, or a Monte Carlo Event shall not be approved unless:
The applicant is a charitable, fraternal or religious organization that:
complies with ORS 464.430; and
has existed and operated with its principal place of business within the City of Lake Oswego for three years prior to the date of application.
The applicant agrees to permit immediate access for City inspection of the premises at any time during a game without notification to the licensee.
The applicant shall include all information deemed by the City to be proper and necessary to determine if the application for bingo, lotto, or Monte Carlo Event games conducted pursuant thereto conform to the requirements of this chapter.
The applicant pays an application fee as established by the City Council.
An application may be approved upon any condition the City deems proper and necessary to ensure compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
A license issued under this section shall be for a period of one year only. Any licensee may reapply for a new license not more than 60 days prior to the expiration date of the existing license.
No person who conducts the contest, other than a charitable, fraternal or religious organization or a player, may directly profit from the operation of a game bingo, lotto, or a Monte Carlo Event.
[Ord. No. 1959, 2-17-1988; Editorial change 4-20-1989]
It is lawful in the City of Lake Oswego to conduct a raffle after having obtained a license for such activity from the State of Oregon so long as the raffle is conducted in compliance with all applicable legal requirements.
[Ord. No. 1781, 12-16-1980]
A license issued under this chapter may be revoked upon reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard, if
The licensee, or any agent or employee of the licensee, violates any federal or state gambling laws, of any provision of this chapter; or
The licensee has made any false, misleading or otherwise not fully truthful statement in the application; or
Facts exist that if the licensee were applying for a license under this section such application would be denied; or
The licensee or any agent or employee of the licensee fails to comply with any of the terms or conditions of the license.
Any licensee that has had a license issued under this section revoked shall be ineligible to apply for a new license for a period of five years.
Revocation of any license under this section shall be in addition to any other penalties which may be imposed.
Denial of an application or revocation of a license may be appealed to the City Council within 10 days of such denial or revocation.
[Ord. No. 1781, 12-16-1980]
The City expressly reserves the right to amend or repeal any or all sections of LOC §§ 34.14.800 to 34.14.900 at any time. The provisions of LOC §§ 34.14.800 to 34.14.900 create no vested rights. Any amendment or repeal of LOC §§ 34.14.800 to 34.14.900 shall be effective immediately upon all existing licenses. If, because of any such amendment or repeal, any license is no longer authorized under this section, the City may refund the prorated portion of the license fee for that part of the license year which will not be used.
[Ord. No. 1781, 12-16-1980; Ord. No. 1856, 12-28-1982; Ord. No. 1959, 2-17-1988; Ord. No. 2231, Amended, 3-21-2000]
Violation of LOC §§ 34.14.810, 34.14.820 and 34.14.821 is punishable as a civil violation. Knowingly submitting an application for a license which is false is a violation and punishable as a civil violation.