[Ord. No. 2057, 6-29-1992]
LOC Chapter 38 shall be known as the Utility Code.
[Ord. No. 2057, 6-29-1992]
Means the City of Lake Oswego.
Means the City Manager of the City of Lake Oswego or the City Manager’s designee.
Means the City Council of the City of Lake Oswego.
Means the person in whose name service is rendered, as evidenced by a request for service, receipt of service, signature on an application for service or by receipt and payment of bills for service.
Is a unit of measure of impervious surface. One ESU is equal to the estimated amount of impervious surface that would contribute the same amount of runoff to the City’s storm and surface water drainage system as the impervious surface on the average single family residential use in the City of Lake Oswego. One ESU is therefore equal to 3,030 square feet of impervious surface area or any portion thereof.
Means any service location which has been altered by grading or filling of the ground surface, or by construction of any improvement or impervious surface area, which affects the hydraulic or hydrologic properties of the parcel.
Means a hard surface area which prevents or retards the entry of water into the soil mantle and/or causes water to run off the surface in greater quantities or at an increase rate of flow than would occur under natural conditions. "Impervious surface" includes, but is not limited to, rooftops, concrete or asphalt paving, compacted gravel, walkways, patios, driveways, parking lots or storage areas, and oiled, macadam or other surfaces which similarly impede the natural infiltration or runoff of surface water. The City has measured, through aerial photography and land surface evaluation procedures, the number of square feet of impervious surface on all non-single family residential parcels.
Means any individual, group or legal entity.
Means any service location which is improved with a dwelling unit for occupancy by a single family or a similar group of persons. "Single family residential" may also be an individual dwelling, manufactured home, mobile home, flat or unit in a multifamily building for occupancy as the residence for one or more persons, provided that each dwelling, mobile home, manufactured home, flat or unit is owned separately.
Means all natural and man-made facilities utilized by the Surface Water Utility to regulate the quantity and quality of surface water, including drainage easements, culverts, storm drains, catch basins, stream corridors, rivers, ponds, wetlands and impoundments.
Means any location which has not been altered by grading or filling of the ground surface, or by constructions of any improvements or other impervious surface area, which affects the hydraulic or hydrologic properties of the parcel.
Means sewer, water and surface water management services provided by the City of Lake Oswego.
Means the combined water, sewer and surface water management service rates imposed pursuant to this Chapter.
Means the regular working hours of the City Maintenance department.