[Ord. No. 2057, 6-29-1992]
LOC §§ 38.18.300 to 38.18.309 shall be known as the Sewer Utility Section of the Utility Code.
[Ord. No. 2057, 6-29-1992; Ord. No. 2727, Amended, 11-1-2016; Ord. No. 2890, Amended, 3-17-2022; amended 11-21-2023 by Ord. No. 2937]
A structure or building normally used or inhabited by persons located within 200 feet shall connect to an existing City sewer line or main unless (i) exempt under subsection (2) of this section; or (ii) the City sewer line is not legally and physically available (as defined in OAR 340-071-0160(4)(f)(A) or other DEO rules promulgated under ORS 454.655(4)), in which case the structure or building may connect to an alternative system pursuant to LOC § 38.20.315. (For land divisions, see LOC §
The distance to the City sewer line or main shall be measured by the length of the proposed sewer line from the subject property to its point of connection to an existing sewer line or main.
The owner of a single-family dwelling may apply in writing for an exemption from subsection (1) of this section and provide such information as the City Engineer may require to determine compliance with this subsection. In order to obtain an exemption, the owner must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City that:
The lot that the existing structure is located upon is a legally existing lot; this subsection (2) does not apply to existing structures on lots or parcels being created by land divisions;
The structure is a residential structure containing only one dwelling unit and is served by an existing alternative sewage disposal system of the type permitted by LOC § 38.20.315. ("Residential structure" does not include a mixed residential and commercial use structure or a live/work dwelling); and
The alternative sewage disposal system is in good working order and is not creating or in danger of creating pollution or a health hazard.
The City Engineer shall grant the request for exemption from connection if the criteria in subsection (2) of this section are met. The owner may appeal the decision to the City Engineer.
A customer shall be required to hook up to the City sewer system if the septic system or other alternative system is failing or the sewer system lacks capacity for new additions to the dwelling, and City sewer is the distance established per subsection (1)(a) above.
Otherwise, the customer may use a type of alternative system per LOC § 38.20.315. The failing septic system shall be abandoned in a manner approved by the City Engineer.
Single-family dwelling: within 300 feet and is legally and physically available.
All other structures: legally and physically available.
[Ord. No. 2057, 6-29-1992]
No person shall connect or attempt to connect to the City’s sewer system without first obtaining a connection permit from the City. A new service connection shall not be granted until the applicant has obtained all necessary development and/or building permits.
No person shall excavate, fill, dig up, cut or otherwise alter any street, sidewalk, curb, gutter, or do any other such work in order to install a sanitary sewer service without first obtaining a permit in writing. Such permit shall not be granted until the applicant has obtained all necessary development and/or building permits.
[Added 11-21-2023 by Ord. No. 2937]
The owner shall install and maintain an operational clean-out on the sewer lateral at the lot line/right-of-way line (or at such other location as approved by the City Engineer, with right of access for City personnel) when:
A new sewer lateral is installed on the property and connected to the public sewer main;
Any part of an existing sewer lateral between the structure and its point of connection to the public sewer main is repaired, reconstructed or replaced.
The structure served by the lateral is demolished and a new dwelling is connected to the lateral.
Any new connection is being made to the lateral.
Prior to installation or replacement of the clean-out, the owner shall notify the Public Works Department and/or Engineering Department of the work and obtain such permits as needed from the City, e.g., street opening permit, plumbing permit.
[Ord. No. 2057, 6-29-1992]
The City may refuse connection or require pretreatment of waste or discontinue service, when such action is deemed necessary in order to prevent discharges into the sewer system which would be harmful to the system. The City may also refuse connection to the terminus of a public sewer line if the sewer line is projected to be extended in the future. In such case, the City may require extension of the sewer line as a condition of connection.
[Added 11-21-2023 by Ord. No. 2937]
An owner or resident of property shall be required to inspect the property's private sewer lateral (all sewer pipes on the property) to the connection point with the public sewer main, and report the results of the inspection to:
The Public Works Director, upon written notice by the Public Works Director, that:
The Public Works Director has evidence of a sewage discharge on the property (including any public utility easement) or on the abutting public right-of-way. Notice shall be given in such manner as the Public Works Director directs, e.g., personal delivery or first-class mail, given the urgency of the circumstances and the threat to public health and safety, including that of the occupants of the property.
At such periods or events established by the Public Works Director following installation of the sewer lateral, to assure that there are no undetected breaks in the sewer line and that the line would be expected to be in good working condition until not less than the next periodic inspection. Notice shall be given by first-class mail to the names and mailing addresses of the property owners as shown by the most recent property tax assessment roll; or
(The time period for completion of the inspection and filing of the report shall be stated in the notice.)
The Public Works Director when applying for a building permit for a new structure or plumbing fixture that will be connected to the sewer lateral, from the point of connection to the sewer main.