[Ord. No. 2695, Added, 2-16-2016]
Prohibited Discharges. It is unlawful for any responsible party to cause or allow or permit a discharge, directly or indirectly, of any pollutant into the surface water management system, private storm drainage system connected to the surface water management system, or receiving water within City limits. This includes discharges as a result of an unintentional spill or deliberate dumping.
A discharge is prohibited, either singly or in combination with other substances, when the discharge is:
Causing or contributing to a violation of the City’s NPDES-MS4 permit (a copy of the permit is available upon request of the City Engineer or at the City’s surface water website: http://www.ci.oswego.or.us/publicworks/surface-water); or
Causing or contributing to a violation of a waste load allocation contained in a TMDL approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (a copy of the TMDL is available upon request of the City Engineer or at the City’s surface water website: http://www.ci.oswego.or.us/publicworks/surface-water); or
Causing or contributing to a violation of a city, state, or federal law or regulation; or
Causing or contributing to the endangerment of public health, safety or welfare, the environment, or public or private property.
Conditionally Exempt Discharges.
Unless the non-stormwater discharges outlined as allowable discharges in the City’s current NPDES-MS4 permit are identified by the City as a significant source of pollutants to waters of the state, they are not considered illicit discharges and are authorized by the City’s NPDES-MS4 permit.
If any of the discharges allowed in the City’s current NPDES-MS4 permit are determined to be a source of pollutants by the City Engineer, the person causing, suffering, or permitting the discharge shall take appropriate BMPs to make sure the discharge of pollutants associated with the source does not cause a violation of water quality standards (OAR 340, Division 41), an exceedance of the City’s TMDL wasteload allocation, or visible alteration of surface waters.
Acceptance of Emergency Discharges. During the period of an emergency operation, such as firefighting or a water line break, discharges are not required to comply with the regulations of this section. Any repairs made after the period of emergency has ceased shall comply with this section.
Testing Discharges. When the City Manager has reasonable cause to believe that a discharge is a prohibited discharge, the City Manager may obtain samples of the discharge and analyze the discharge. If the discharge is prohibited, the applicant shall be liable to the City for its reasonable costs of obtaining the samples and analyzing the discharge.
The City Manager may assess the reasonable costs of obtaining the samples and analyzing the discharge, which shall be a personal liability of the person discharging the pollutant or the prohibited discharge. In addition, the City Manager may file a lien in the Municipal Lien Docket on any real property owned by the person within the City of Lake Oswego for the sampling and analyzing costs. Upon recording a lien, the City Manager shall give notice to the person in the manner provided in LOC § 38.25.140(4)(a) of the assessment of costs and filing of the lien. The City Manager may thereafter undertake collection against the applicant, and may also undertake foreclosure of the lien in the manner provided by Oregon law for foreclosure of mortgages.
When the prohibited discharge is on a recurring basis, the City may conduct, or may require the responsible party to conduct, ongoing monitoring at its expense.
[Ord. No. 2695, Added, 2-16-2016]
Inspection and/or Operation and Maintenance Access Easement. When a public storm drainage inspection easement and/or operation and maintenance access easement to the City is required by LOC § 38.25.140(3)(c) and (d):
Easement Width and Location. The easement width and location shall be as specified in the Lake Oswego Stormwater Management Manual or Operations and Maintenance Plan.
Scope of Easement. The rights of the easement shall be described either in the easement instrument itself or by separate recorded memorandum of easement, i.e., when an easement is shown on a plat but a description of the rights of the easement does not appear on the plat.
Approval and Acceptance of Easement before Recording or Filing. The easement or memorandum of easement shall be in a form as specified in Engineering Division documents and approved and accepted by the City Engineer before it is recorded or filed.
Dedication of Easement on Subdivision or Partition Plat. For subdivisions and partition applications, the easement shall be dedicated to the City on the subdivision or partition plat. A separate memorandum of easement describing the scope of easement shall be recorded with the county recording officer for the county where the site is located.
Dedication of Easement by Instrument. When the easement is required at a time other than at the creation of a subdivision or partition, the owner of the property shall dedicate the easement to the City by easement instrument. The owner shall record it with the county recording officer for the county where the site is located.
Evidence of Recording; Priority. The City Engineer may require the applicant or owner of the property to provide evidence that the easement was validly recorded and is not inferior to any prior interest or encumbrance on the property.
Dedication of Stormwater Management Facilities. The applicant proposing a stormwater facility required by this Code, or a responsible party, may offer for dedication any such stormwater facility, together with such easements, appurtenances, and other interests as may be reasonably necessary for the operation and maintenance of the facility, as provided herein:
Preliminary Determination by City. Upon receipt of an offer of dedication, the City Engineer shall make a preliminary determination whether the dedication of the facility is appropriate in order to protect the public health, safety and general welfare, and furthers the goals of City’s stormwater management program and/or associated watershed plans. Prior to making its determination, the City Engineer shall inspect the facility to determine whether it has been properly maintained and is in good repair. The City Engineer shall forward the determination to City Council.
Acceptance by City Council. City Council may accept the offer of dedication by adoption of a resolution. The document dedicating the stormwater facility shall be recorded with the County recording official in the county where the site is located.
Owner to Provide Documentation. The applicant/responsible party, at proposer’s sole expense, shall provide any document or information requested by the City Engineer or the City Council, in order for a decision to be reached on accepting the facility.
[Ord. No. 2695, Added, 2-16-2016]
Financial Security Obligations for Public Stormwater Facilities.
Construction. Public stormwater facilities are subject to the public improvement construction financial security conditions in the Community Development Code (LOC §
The security deposit posted shall be released in full only upon submission of "as built plans" and issuance of the City’s Certificate of Acceptance. The City will make a final inspection of the facility to ensure that it is in compliance with the approved plan and the provisions of this Code before the Certificate of Acceptance will be issued and security deposit released. Provisions for a partial pro rata release of the construction security based on the completion of various development stages and issuance of a partial Certificate of Acceptance is at the discretion of the City.
Maintenance. A maintenance security shall be posted by the applicant upon completion of public facility construction, in order to ensure that the facility is maintained in accordance with the Operations and Maintenance Plan, pursuant to LOC § The City will make a one-year public infrastructure inspection to ensure that it complies with the Operations and Maintenance Plan before releasing the maintenance security.
Fees. The City may require a fee for development plan review and inspection, to be allocated to the Engineering Division. If required, each applicant seeking approval of a Drainage Report shall pay a fee upon submittal of the application, and shall pay a fee for each inspection (see the City’s current Master Fees and Charges).
Fee-in-Lieu Payment. Pursuant to LOC § 38.25.120(3), and following adoption by resolution of a fee schedule by the City Council, an applicant may pay a fee-in-lieu as a manner of mitigating an approved exception. The fee shall be used for projects approved by the City Engineer that mitigate impacts of stormwater discharges.
[Ord. No. 2695, Added, 2-16-2016; Ord. No. 2890, Amended, 3-17-2022]
Violations. Any act or failure to act that violates this article, the requirements of an approved Drainage Report, the requirements of construction permit for public stormwater management facility, or the requirements of an Operations and Maintenance Plan, may be subject to enforcement.
Classification of major and minor violations often depends on particular circumstances that shall be assessed using the best professional judgment of the City Manager. In general the following definitions and general violation/activity of concern lists should be used:
Minor Violation. This category includes violations that have a de minimis impact on the environment or are administrative in nature. Minor violations include reporting, general site or facility maintenance, discharges not listed in subsection (1)(b)(i) of this section, record keeping, or other activities when there is ample time for correction without negatively impacting the environment.
Minor violations shall not be deemed to be of a continuing nature under LOC § 13.02.020 during the period of issuance of a citation until the citation is adjudicated in Municipal Court. An additional citation may be issued following entry of judgment by the Municipal Court, regardless whether an appeal is taken by the defendant or not.
Major Violation. Major violations are those violations that are not minor violations, including removal of a stormwater facility without replacement, submitting plans for review that are intentionally not true and accurate, nonconformance with the approved plan submittal, Drainage Report, Operations and Maintenance Plan or permit submittal, stormwater facility maintenance during wet weather periods, large volume or harmful discharges, or other activities causing harm to the surrounding environment.
Major violations also include activities violating the discharge prohibitions of LOC § 38.25.150, where the following circumstances are present:
Nature of Discharging Material. Any materials meeting the discharge prohibitions of LOC § 38.25.150 due to one or more of the following:
Visible sheen;
pH of less than 6.0 or greater than 9.0;
Toxic chemicals; or
Visible discoloration.
Presence of Wet Weather Conditions. Discharge when storm runoff is occurring at the site or in receiving waters, or within 24 hours of the cessation of runoff.
Presence of Steep Slopes. Discharge onto a steep slope (average slope of 25% or more, when measured from the front lot line to the most distant point of the building).
Proximity to Designated Resource Areas. Within 50 feet of waters of the state, active springs and seeps, stormwater management facilities, wellhead protection areas, open space tracts (areas set aside for public or private open space), and properties with a Sensitive Lands overlay district or conservation easement. (See LOC § 38.25.120(1)(d)(i)(C) for example of method of measurement.)
Site disturbance over 10,000 square feet.
Clear and Imminent Danger to Human Health or the Environment. Spills of toxic or otherwise hazardous materials that present an immediate threat to human health or the environment.
Major violations may be deemed to be a continuing violation under LOC § 13.02.020 following the issuance of the initial citation and continuing each day thereafter until the violation is remedied.
Notice of Violation. If the City Manager determines that an applicant, other responsible party, or other person has failed to comply with this article, the terms and conditions of a stormwater-related permit (e.g., development permit, NPDES-MS4, UIC, Erosion Control), an approved Drainage Report, or an Operations and Maintenance Plan, the City Manager shall issue a written notice of violation to such person. Where a person is engaged in activity that requires a stormwater-related permit, without having first secured a permit, the notice of violation shall be served on the owner or the person in charge of the activity being conducted on the site.
The notice of violation shall include:
The name and address of the applicant or the responsible person;
The address or other description of the site where the violation is occurring; and
A statement specifying the nature of the violation;
A description of the remedial measures necessary to bring the act or failure to act into compliance with this article, a permit, an approved Drainage Report, an Operations and Maintenance Plan, and the correction period date;
A statement of the penalties that may be assessed; and
A statement of other enforcement action that may occur.
Penalties. Any one or more of the following actions or penalties may be taken or assessed against the person to whom the notice of violation was directed:
Stop Work Order. The Building Official may issue a stop work order for any discharge of a pollutant or unpermitted discharge that arises from the work authorized under a building permit. The stop work order shall be issued in the manner provided in the Building Code. The stop work order shall remain in effect until the remedial measures set forth in the Notice of Violation have been completed, or the violations have been otherwise cured. The stop work order may be withdrawn or modified by the Building Official to enable the necessary remedial measures.
Withhold Certificate of Occupancy. The Building Official may withhold issuance of a certificate of occupancy for any building or other improvements constructed on the site upon which a discharge of a pollutant or unpermitted discharge arises from the work authorized under a building permit, until the remedial measures set forth in the Notice of Violation have been completed, or the violations have been otherwise cured.
Suspension, Revocation, or Modification of Permit. The Planning Director may suspend a permit authorizing a land development project. A suspended permit may be reinstated after the remedial measures set forth in the Notice of Violation have been completed, or the violations have been otherwise cured.
Civil Penalties. Violation of the listed acts in this article shall be subject to a fine of the amount stated for violations pursuant to LOC § 13.02.020.
Failure to Complete Remedial Measures. In the event the applicant, responsible party, or other person fails to take the remedial measures set forth in the notice of violation, the City may issue a citation for each day the violation remains unremedied after receipt of the notice of violation, consistent with LOC § 13.02.020.
Evidence of Violation. Proof of a violation of this article shall be deemed prima facie evidence that such violation is that of the owner of the property upon which the unlawful discharge originated. Prosecution, or lack thereof, of the owner of the property, the occupant, or other person in possession or control of property shall not be deemed to relieve any other responsible person.
Violations; Abatement; Injunction.
A violation of any provision of this article is a civil violation and shall be enforced pursuant to the provisions of LOC §§ 34.04.101 to 34.04.145. Each day that the violation exists shall constitute a separate violation.
Any discharge of a pollutant that occurs contrary to the provisions of this Code or unpermitted discharge is hereby declared to be unlawful and a public nuisance, and may be abated pursuant to LOC §§ 34.08.400 to 34.08.490.
Upon request of the City Manager, the City Attorney may institute an appropriate action in any court to enjoin the discharge which is in violation of any provision of this article.
The rights, remedies and penalties provided in this Code are cumulative, are not mutually exclusive, and are in addition to any other rights, remedies and penalties available to the City under any other provisions of law.
[Ord. No. 2695, Added, 2-16-2016; Ord. No. 2890, Amended, 3-17-2022; amended 11-21-2023 by Ord. No. 2942]
The party submitting a development application.
The schedule of activities, controls, prohibition of practices, maintenance procedures and other management practices designed to prevent or reduce pollution. BMPs also include treatment requirements, operating procedures and practices to control stormwater runoff.
Certificate stating that private construction of public stormwater facility has been accepted for transfer of ownership to City. The Certificate is issued following completion of construction in accordance with code requirements, and with City-approved construction plans and specifications.
The person holding the position of City Engineer of the City of Lake Oswego or designee of the City Engineer.
The person holding the position of City Manager or any officer or employee of the City of Lake Oswego.
The flow volume or rate that a stormwater management facility is designed to safely contain, receive, convey, reduce pollutants from, or infiltrate to meet a specific performance standard.
Any manmade change to unimproved real property, including, but not limited to, construction, installation or alteration of a building or other structure, change of use, land division, establishment or termination of a right of access, storage on the land, grading, clearing, removal or placement of soil, paving, dredging, filling, excavation, drilling or removal of trees.
When used without qualification, means the "discharge of a pollutant." Discharge of a pollutant means addition of any "pollutant" or combination of pollutants to the public stormwater management system and other receiving waters from any point source, including but not limited to the placement of wastes into public waters, on land, or otherwise into the environment in a manner that affects or may tend to affect the quality of public waters.
Are impervious surfaces that are connected via sheet flow or discrete conveyance to a drainage system.
The nominal allowance for effective impervious surface per single family residence (see Master Fees and Charges Resolution).
Stormwater facilities that require vegetation as a functional component.
Subsurface water that occurs in soils and geological formations that are fully saturated. Groundwater fluctuates seasonally and includes perched groundwater.
Any discharge to a municipal separate storm sewer system that is not composed entirely of stormwater except discharges authorized under Section A.4.a.xii of the City’s 2012-2017 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System-Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (NPDES-MS4) Permit.
An engineering design approach to managing stormwater runoff. Low impact development emphasizes conservation and use of on-site natural features to protect water quality. This approach implements engineering small-scale hydrologic controls to replicate the predevelopment hydrologic regime or condition of watersheds through infiltrating, filtering, storing, evaporation and detaining runoff close to its source.
A conveyance or system of conveyances including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutter, ditches, manmade channels, or storm drains that is owned or operated by a state, city, county, district, association, or other public body; is designed or used for collecting or conveying stormwater, and is not a combined sewer or part of a Publicly Owned Treatment Works as defined in 40 CFR Section 122.2.
A waste discharge permit issued in accordance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System authorized by the Federal Act and OAR Chapter 340, Division 045. A copy of the permit is available upon request of the City Engineer or at the City’s surface water website: http://www.ci.oswego.or.us/publicworks/surface-water.
See U.S. Census Bureau for latest publication: https://www.census.gov/naics/.
Any substance, as certain chemicals or waste products, that renders the air, soil, water, or other natural resource harmful or unsuitable for a specific beneficial purpose.
"Pollution" or "water pollution" means such alteration of the physical, chemical or biological properties of any waters of the state, including change in temperature, taste, color, turbidity, silt or odor of the waters, or such discharge of any liquid, gaseous, solid, radioactive or other substance into any waters of the state, which will or tends to, either by itself or in connection with any other substance, create a public nuisance or which will or tends to render such waters harmful, detrimental or injurious to public health, safety or welfare, or to domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational or other legitimate beneficial uses or to livestock, wildlife, fish or other aquatic life or the habitat thereof.
Prohibited discharges include discharge of pollutants or other material that is not explicitly identified as authorized discharges per the City’s NPDES-MS4 permit to the surface water management system, including the public stormwater management system.
Nuisance conditions include improper function resulting in uncontrolled runoff and overflow; stagnant water with concomitant algae growth, insect breeding, and odors; discarded debris; and safety hazards created by the stormwater management facility’s operation.
A Latin expression ("prima facie") used in modern legal English to signify that on first examination, a matter appears to be self-evident from the facts. In common law jurisdictions, prima facie denotes evidence that – unless rebutted – would be sufficient to prove a particular proposition or fact.
A receiving water is the ultimate destination for stormwater leaving a particular site. Virtually all receiving waters are waters of the state, and include "lakes, bays, ponds, impounding reservoirs, springs, wells, rivers, streams, creeks, estuaries, marshes, inlets, canals, the Pacific Ocean within the territorial limits of the state of Oregon, and all other bodies of surface or underground waters, natural or artificial, inland or coastal, fresh or salt, public or private (except those private waters that do not combine or effect a junction with natural surface or underground waters) that are located wholly or partially within or bordering the state or within its jurisdiction." (ORS 468B.005(10)).
A project on a previously developed site that results in the addition or replacement of impervious surface.
Corrective measures employed to remedy, reverse or stop damage or violation of the surface water utility code or to the surface water management system.
The removal of an impervious surface that exposes soil followed by the placement of an impervious surface.
The property owner(s) of the site upon which the stormwater facility was designed to benefit. In the case of an entity, it shall include the parties comprising the entity; i.e., homeowners association – the members of the association, partnership – partners; corporation – shareholders, LLC – members of the LLC. The Operations and Maintenance Plan shall list the responsible party(s) of the stormwater management facility. The obligations of a responsible party shall transfer to the successors/purchasers of the site.
For violations of or failure to comply with LOC Article 38.25, "responsible party" includes:
An owner of a building or property where a violation or failure to comply has occurred, the person in charge of the building or property, the violator or the person failing to comply with the Code; and
Where a person commits a violation and the person works for a contractor, either as an employee, subcontractor, or independent contractor, the contractor and/or other employer; and
Any manager, or person in charge of the person or property.
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC).
A manmade pipe or inlet to the City’s surface water management system that transports stormwater.
Stormwater is water that originates during precipitation events. The word "stormwater" may also be used to apply to water that originates with snowmelt that enters the stormwater system. Stormwater (one word) and storm water (two words) are considered identical in use and definition by the City. The City prefers the spelling "stormwater."
A state where the stormwater facility is not able to (a) properly treat the designed volume of stormwater directed to it or (b) provide adequate water quality as determined by water quality analyses and the DEQ/EPA water quality standards.
Housekeeping or repairs of a minor structural or nonstructural nature that are done annually for a properly functioning stormwater facility.
The removal of an approved stormwater facility or the reduction of a facility’s capacity such that it is essentially nonfunctioning.
(a) Structural repair or alteration of a failing or failed stormwater facility that is not stormwater facility maintenance. (b) Nonstructural repair or alteration of a failed stormwater facility that is not stormwater facility maintenance.
Replacing or changing a stormwater facility with another stormwater facility authorized by the current Lake Oswego Stormwater Manual, whether the original facility is properly functioning, failing, or failed.
Nonstructural repair or alteration of a failing stormwater facility that is not stormwater facility maintenance.
A designed facility or technique intended to collect stormwater runoff, and to reduce pollutants and hydrologic impacts by detaining, treating, and/or infiltrating stormwater to the maximum extent practicable. Stormwater facilities should be constructed in such a manner that they are not waters of the State or waters of the U.S.
Stormwater that does not soak into the ground becomes surface runoff, which either flows directly into surface waterways or is channeled into storm sewers, which eventually discharge to surface waters.
Includes all natural and manmade facilities utilized by the surface water utility to regulate the quantity and quality of surface water, including drainage easements, culverts, storm drains, roadside ditches, catch basins, stream corridors, rivers, ponds, wetlands and impoundments. The stormwater management system is an engineered or built subset of the surface water management system designed to convey or treat storm runoff.
The Surface Water Management Utility is the entity that plans, designs, constructs, maintains, administers, and operates all City surface water conveyances and facilities, and the regulations for facility control. The Surface Water Management Utility also establishes standards for design and construction.
Any surface created by humans that cannot be penetrated by water easily or effectively, thereby resulting in stormwater runoff. Examples of TIA include pavement (interlocking pavers, asphalt, concrete, etc.), buildings, driveways, parking lots and sidewalks.
Total maximum daily loads are developed for "water quality limited" or "impaired" water bodies by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality in accordance with Oregon Administrative Rule 340-042-0040, which defines how much of an identified pollutant a specified waterbody can receive and still meet water quality standards. A copy of the TMDL documents are available upon request of the City Engineer or at the City’s surface water website: http://www.ci.oswego.or.us/publicworks/surface-water).
A stream of water; a river or creek or brook or natural channel for water; also, a canal for the conveyance of water, especially in draining lands. Watercourses may include reaches ponded by natural or manmade actions provided a watercourse either enters or exits from such a pond.
Lakes, bays, ponds, impounding reservoirs, streams, creeks, estuaries, marshes, inlets, canals, the Pacific Ocean within the territorial limits of the state of Oregon, and all other bodies of surface or underground waters, natural or artificial, inland or coastal, fresh or salt, public or private (except those private waters that do not combine or effect a junction with natural surface or underground waters) that are wholly or partially within or bordering the state or within its jurisdiction [OAR 340-045-0010].