[Ord. No. 2120, Enacted, 12-19-1995; Ord. No. 2316, Amended, 3-5-2002; Ord. No. 2579, Amended, 3-20-2012]
The City of Lake Oswego.
The person appointed by the City Manager to perform the duties of City Engineer pursuant to LOC Article 40.06.
The person appointed by the City Council as the City Manager pursuant to the Lake Oswego Charter, or the City Manager’s designee.
A pipe located within a public right-of-way and/or public utility easement that is designed to convey sewage by gravity.
A uniform charge established to recover the cost of extending the sanitary sewer system to serve properties within the USB.
A lot as defined in LOC §
Any person or legal entity.
A pipe and related pumping facilities located within a public right-of-way and/or public utility easement that is designed to convey sewage by pressure.
The owner of the title to real property or the contract purchaser of real property of record as shown on the last available complete assessment roll in the Office of the County Assessor.
A small diameter pipe located within a public right-of-way and/or public utility easement that is designed to convey sewage by pressure or gravity.
The area consisting of the incorporated city limits of the City of Lake Oswego and the area outside of the corporate limits but within the area identified pursuant to the Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan as territory for future annexation and service by the City of Lake Oswego.
[Ord. No. 2120, Enacted, 12-19-1995]
The purpose of this ordinance is to establish a program for the extension of the sanitary sewer system by the City to serve properties within the USB and to recover the cost of extending the sanitary sewer system by establishing a charge for connection to the system.
[Ord. No. 2120, Enacted, 12-19-1995]
The extension of the sanitary sewer system may be initiated as follows:
Any person may request that the City extend the sanitary sewer system in order to serve property owned by that person.
The City may initiate the extension of the sanitary sewer system.
A request to extend the sanitary sewer system shall be in writing and shall consist of the following information:
A map of the property to be served by the extension of the system identifying the property by address and tax map and lot number;
A written report containing the reasons for the extension to the sanitary sewer system; and
Any other relevant information required by the City Engineer.
The City Engineer shall review each request for extension of the system and determine if it is in the City’s interest to proceed with extension of the system. The review shall consider the following factors:
The potential health hazard if the system is not extended;
Whether the properties to be served by the extension are within the City limits at the time of the request are likely to connect to the system and agree to be annexed within a reasonable period, or are slated to receive service from the City pursuant to a valid intergovernmental between the City and another governmental unit.
The number of properties that will benefit if the system is extended and whether those properties are currently developed; and
The potential water quality benefits if the system is extended.
Adequacy of the available funding source.
Availability of public right-of-way or easements.
If the City Engineer determines that it is in the City’s interest to proceed with extension pursuant to subsection 3 of this section, the extension shall be scheduled for construction. Persons who apply to connect to the extended line shall pay the line charge established pursuant to LOC § 40.06.040 prior to and as a condition of connection.
[Ord. No. 2120, Enacted, 12-19-1995]
A line charge shall be established by a resolution of the City Council. The line charge shall be based upon the number of separate connections to the sanitary sewer system and charged per connection.
The charge will be uniform throughout the USB, except that, separate charges shall be established for gravity sanitary sewers and STEP/G systems.
The line charge shall be reviewed and revised annually to reflect actual construction costs for projects constructed under the sanitary sewer extension program and/or the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index.
[Ord. No. 2120, Enacted, 12-19-1995]
An owner of property who applies to connect or does connect to the City sanitary sewer system extended pursuant to LOC Article 40.06 shall pay to the City the line charge established pursuant to LOC § 40.06.040, in addition to any other applicable fees and charges.
The City engineer shall record payment of the line charge, including the location of the parcel connected to the sanitary sewer system.
No sanitary sewer connection, building permit or public works permit shall be permitted or issued until the line charge has been paid in full or until provision for installment payments or other acceptable security has been made and approved.
[Ord. No. 2120, Enacted, 12-19-1995]
The following facilities shall not be financed and constructed by the City under the Sanitary Sewer Extension Program:
Pressure sanitary sewers;
Pump stations;
On-site STEP/G systems; and
Gravity sanitary sewers or STEP/G systems constructed to serve only parcels created by the subdivision of a property.
[Ord. No. 2120, Enacted, 12-19-1995]
A parcel shall be exempt from the sanitary sewer extension program line charge if any of the following conditions are met:
Sanitary sewer service is available without connecting to a sanitary sewer line extended pursuant to LOC Article 40.06. For the purposes of this subsection, "available" means that a sanitary sewer line has been constructed to the upstream boundary of the property or as otherwise determined by the City Engineer.
The property owner elects to extend the sanitary sewer system to the upstream sub-basin boundary at owner’s expense.
The property owner extends sanitary sewer service at owner’s expense in an amount greater than the sum of the connection charges that the property owner would incur, excluding the cost of sanitary sewer service constructed to serve only the parcels created by the subdivision of the property, and provided that the property owner does not request the formation of a sanitary sewer zone of benefit.
The property is located within a sanitary sewer zone of benefit formed pursuant to LOC Article 40.04.
The property is located within a sanitary sewer local improvement district formed pursuant to LOC § 40.02.
[Ord. No. 2120, Enacted, 12-19-1995; Ord. No. 2890, Amended, 3-17-2022]
Any person subject to a sanitary sewer extension program line charge may apply to pay the charge in at least 20 semi-annual installments, including interest on the unpaid balance, in accordance with LOC §§ 40.02.150 to 40.02.160. Upon acceptance by the City, the line charge, together with interest thereon, shall be a lien against the property.
The City Manager shall provide application and contract forms for installment payments, which shall include a waiver of all rights to contest the validity of the lien, except for the correction of computational errors. The City Council shall establish the interest rate pursuant to LOC § 40.02.151.
An applicant for installment payments shall demonstrate that they have authority to consent to the imposition of a lien on the parcel and that the property interest of the applicant is adequate to secure payment of the lien. Applications for installment payment shall be submitted no later than ten days after the line charge is due and payable. Prior to acceptance of any application for financing under subsection (2) of this section, the City Manager may require the subordination of any liens of record on the property.
The City Manager shall record the amount of the line charge, the dates on which the payments are due, the name of the owner, and the description of the parcel.
The City Manager shall docket any financed portion of the line charge on the City lien docket, together with a description of the property, the name of the property owner and such other information as required by state law. Once docketed, the City shall have a priority lien upon the described parcel for the amount of the line charge, together with interest on the unpaid balance at the rate established by the City Council.
In lieu of such lien, or in addition to secondary lien status, the property owner may apply, or the City Manager may require the property owner, to secure the unpaid line charge plus interest by bond, deposits, letter of credit or other security acceptable to the City Manager.
Payments of principal and interest shall be recorded as they are made. The lien shall be enforceable in any manner provided in LOC § 40.02.150.
[Ord. No. 2120, Enacted, 12-19-1995; Ord. No. 2231, Amended, 3-21-2000]
No person may connect to the City’s sanitary sewer system improvement, unless the applicable line charge has first been paid or has been financed pursuant to LOC § 40.06.080. No person may occupy, maintain or use property or an improvement thereon for which a line charge is due and payable, unless such line charge has first been paid or financed.
Violation of this section is a civil violation which may be enforced pursuant to LOC §§ 34.04.101 to 34.04.145. Each day that a prohibited connection or use exists constitutes a separate violation.
The remedies provided under this section are in addition to and cumulative with any other remedies provided by law.
[Ord. No. 2120, Enacted, 12-19-1995; Ord. No. 2890, Amended, 3-17-2022]
If a line charge is not paid when due and is not financed pursuant to LOC § 40.06.080, the City Manager shall prepare a report and request to lien the property. A copy shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the owner of record of the property. The property owner shall be notified that unless they request a hearing to contest the City Manager’s determination within 15 days of the day of mailing, the City will docket a lien against the property.
Any person aggrieved by a decision of the City Manager to impose a lien on property may appeal such decision by filing a written request with the City Recorder within fifteen days of the date of mailing. The Request for a Hearing shall include:
The name and address of the appellant;
The nature of the determination being appealed;
The reason why the appellant failed to pay the line charge in a timely manner and/or an explanation of why the appellant believes the charge is incorrect or not due and owing to the City.
The City Council shall conduct a hearing on the matter. The City shall mail the appellant written notice of the hearing not less than ten days prior to the hearing. The Council shall hear and determine the appeal on the basis of the appellant’s written statement and any additional evidence they deem appropriate. At the hearing the appellant may present testimony and oral argument personally or by counsel.
If no appeal is filed or if the City Council finds that a line charge is due, payable, unpaid and uncollected, the Council shall, by motion, direct the City Manager to docket the unpaid and uncollected line charge in the lien docket. Once docketed, the City shall have a lien against the described land for the full amount of the unpaid charge together with the City’s actual cost of providing notice on the owner together with interest at the delinquency rate adopted by resolution of the Council pursuant to LOC § 40.02.151. The lien shall be enforceable in the manner provided by ORS Chapter 223. The docketing of a lien against the property by the City shall not preclude the City from pursuing other available remedies to collect such charges, interest, penalties and costs.