[Ord. No. 2833, Added, 11-5-2019]
The Oregon Residential Specialty Code and the Oregon Structural Specialty Code (the State Building Codes), as adopted by the Oregon Building Codes Division, were respectively amended by administrative rule to:
Remove certain provisions relating to regulations for demolition or construction of certain types of structures;
Remove review of other ordinances of the City when reviewing applications for issuance of permits or certificates of occupancy; and
Revise the authority of the Building Official to address municipal code violations and enforcement when acting under the Oregon Residential Specialty Code.
The State Building Codes were also amended to allow a city to require compliance with city ordinances and to enforce its own ordinances. This article adopts local regulations permissible under the State Building Codes, and provides for local enforcement.
[Ord. No. 2833, Added, 11-5-2019]
Applicability. This section applies to fences other than swimming pool barriers required by the State Building Codes.
When Permit Required. A building permit shall be required under LOC § 45.02.180 to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, or move fences over 7 ft. high.
[Ord. No. 2833, Added, 11-5-2019]
Applicability. This section applies to retaining walls that do not provide safeguards for the users of the buildings; and do not support a building regulated by the State Building Codes; and do not retain material, which if not restrained, could impact a building regulated by the State Building Codes.
When Permit Required. A building permit shall be required under LOC § 45.02.180 to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, or demolish retaining walls that are either over 4 ft. in height measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall or are 4 ft. or less and support a surcharge or impound Class I, II or IIA liquids as defined in the International Building Code referenced in LOC § 45.02.190.
[Ord. No. 2833, Added, 11-5-2019]
Applicability. This section applies to:
Freestanding radio, television and other telecommunication antennas; and
Freestanding towers;
not attached to or supported by a building regulated by the State Building Codes.
When Permit Required. A building permit shall be required under LOC § 45.02.180 to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, or demolish freestanding radio, television and other telecommunication antennas, and towers that are not attached to a building regulated by the State Building Codes.
[Ord. No. 2833, Added, 11-5-2019]
Applicability. This section applies to tanks that are supported directly on grade if the capacity is not greater than 5,000 gallons and ratio of height to diameter or width is not greater than 2:1.
When Permit Required. A building permit shall be required under LOC § 45.02.180 to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, or demolish tanks that are supported directly on grade if the capacity is not greater than 5,000 gallons and ratio of height to diameter or width is not greater than 2:1.
[Ord. No. 2833, Added, 11-5-2019]
Applicability. This section applies to floating structures.
When Permit Required. A building permit shall be required under LOC § 45.02.180 to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, or demolish floating structures.
[Ord. No. 2833, Added, 11-5-2019]
Applicability. This section applies to docks.
When Permit Required. A building permit shall be required under LOC § 45.02.180 to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, or demolish docks.
[Ord. No. 2833, Added, 11-5-2019]
Any owner or owner’s authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, or move a structure or improvement that is required by LOC §§ 45.02.105 through 45.02.130 to obtain a permit shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit.
[Ord. No. 2833, Added, 11-5-2019]
The standards for the construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, or movement of structures or improvements under this article, and the definitions, use and occupancy classifications, and administration of application and permits thereof, are through incorporation by reference to the respective International Building Code and International Residential Code stated in the below table; provided, however, that reference in said codes to "this Code" shall include "LOC Art. 45.02 or other codes and ordinances of the City."
Construct, enlarge, alter, repair, or move (see LOC § 45.02.200 for demolition)
International Residential Code (2015), for below structures or improvements where development is or is related to residential use
International Building Code (2015), for below structures or improvements not covered by International Residential Code
Structure/Improvements: (see respective applicability section in LOC §§ 45.02.10545.02.130)
Fence, Retaining Wall, Floating Structures, Docks
Fence, Retaining Wall, Freestanding Radio, Television and Other Telecommunication Antennas, Towers, Tanks; Floating Structures, Docks
Standards; Definitions; Use and Occupancy Classifications
See relevant provisions in relevant code
Duties and Powers of the Building Official
R105.2.1 – R105.9
105.2.1 – 105.7
Construction Documents
Floor and Roof Design Loads
Submittal Documents
Temporary Structures and Uses
Certificate of Occupancy
Services Utilities
Board of Appeals
Stop Work Order
Unsafe Structures and Equipment
[Ord. No. 2833, Added, 11-5-2019]
Definition: "Demolition" and "demolish" are as defined in LOC § 45.12.100(1)(b).
Permit Required.
A demolition permit shall be required to demolish any structure that is required to obtain a building permit under the State Building Codes or is required to obtain a permit under this article except fences.
A demolition permit application shall be submitted to the Building Official by the owner or owner’s authorized agent of the property upon which the structure to be demolished is located.
Notice of Demolition of Dwellings. See LOC § 45.12.100.
Standards and Review Procedures. The standards for demolition of structures or improvements under this article (except fences) and under the State Building Codes, and the definitions, use and occupancy classifications, and administration of applications and permits thereof, are through incorporation by reference to the respective International Building Code and International Residential Code stated in the below table; provided, however, that reference in said codes to "this Code" shall include "LOC Art. 45.02 and other codes and ordinances of the City."
Activity: Demolition
International Residential Code (2015), for below structures or improvements where development is or is related to residential use
International Building Code (2015), for below structures or improvements not covered by International Residential Code
Any structure that requires a building permit under the State Building Codes or is required to obtain a permit under this article for demolition (excludes fences)
Administration, Definitions; Use and Occupancy Classifications
Same as table in LOC § 45.02.190
Comply with International Building Code (See Sec. 3303), except Sec. 3307.7.
Comply with International Building Code (See Sec. 3303), except for Sec. 3307.7; the owner shall comply with the applicable provisions of Chapter 33 of the 2018 International Fire Code.
Residence or Residential Building built prior to Jan. 1, 1978
Comply with ORS 227.320(1)(b), (c)