[Ord. No. 2727, Added, 11-1-2016; Ord. No. 2890, Amended, 3-17-2022; Ord. No. 2894, Amended, 5-3-2022; Ord. No. 2916, Amended, 11-15-2022]
Means the person appointed by the City Manager to enforce the provisions of the Building Code, or designee.
Means as defined in LOC § 24.06.020.
Means as defined in LOC § 24.06.020.
Means removal of 50% or more of the total surface area of exterior walls or perimeter foundation of a residential structure as it existed on June 2, 2022, either as a single project or cumulatively over five years or less.
For the purpose of this section means a wall enclosing a dwelling that has a surface exposed to the outside, including all framing and sheathing, from top plate to bottom plate on all stories.
The owner of real property upon which a dwelling exists that the owner intends to demolish shall:
Not less than 15 consecutive days before commencing work to demolish the dwelling, complete a written certification that the property will be posted and abutting property owners notified pursuant to subsection (2)(b) of this section, and submit the certification to the Building Official;
Not less than 14 consecutive days before commencing work to demolish a dwelling:
Post a public sign displaying a notice of demolition (form of sign available from the Building Official) on the subject property or access easement abutting the property, in a location that is clearly visible and readable from vehicles traveling on a public street and to persons walking by the property; and
Mail a notice of demolition (form of notice available from the Building Official) to the street address of each abutting residential property informing residents of the demolition; and
Maintain the posting for 14 consecutive days following the posting of the property and until the demolition commences.
Notice of Demolition. The posted and mailed notices of demolition shall state that the owner intends to commence demolition for the dwelling(s) on the property, and include the date of posting or mailing, planned date or dates of demolition, and contact information for the owner.
If demolition activities cease on the property for more than 60 days, a new notice of demolition is required pursuant to subsection (2) of this section.
[Ord. No. 2916, Added, 11-15-2022]
Demolition of residential structures built in the year 1940 or earlier shall be by deconstruction only and follow the procedures for deconstruction under LOC §§ 24.06.050, 24.06.070 and 24.06.080.
[Ord. No. 420, 3-6-1951; Ord. No. 1496, 12-19-1972; Ord. No. 2135, Amended, 10-1-1996; Ord. No. 2890, Amended, 3-17-2022; Ord. No. 2894, Amended, 5-3-2022]
It shall be unlawful for any person to move any building over or upon any street, alley or thoroughfare within the City without having first obtained a moving permit from the City to do so. The application shall be filed with the Building Division and shall contain or have attached thereto the following:
The names and addresses of the applicant and the owner of the building.
The present location, size and age of the building to be moved and the proposed site for relocation.
The date, time and route of the move. Prior to issuance of the permit, the applicant shall furnish written approval from the Police Department of the date, time and route of the proposed move, together with a statement that the applicant has made arrangements with the Police Department to provide, at the applicant’s expense, for reasonable traffic controls during the course of the moving operation.
A request for a pre-move building inspection by the Building Division. A copy of the report issued in connection with such inspection shall be filed prior to issuance of the moving permit.
Prior to issuance of the permit, the applicant shall furnish written evidence that all necessary arrangements have been made with all public utility companies or agencies having above-ground installations along the route of the move to provide the necessary assistance required.
Written evidence that the mover has liability insurance in the sum of at least the limits of public body liability under the Oregon Tort Claims Act (ORS 30.272), for any liability connected with or arising out of the moving operation.
A written agreement that prior to receiving a moving permit, the applicant will furnish the City a cash deposit sufficient to cover any costs estimated to be incurred by the City in rendering assistance in the move or in repairing or restoring City property. The amount of such deposit shall be fixed by the Building Official. The applicant shall also agree in writing to indemnify the City and to pay for any unforeseen costs or damages which might result from the move.
Any other information which the Building Division shall deem necessary for a fair determination of the financial responsibility of the mover, the adequacy of the mover’s equipment, the mover’s experience and capability, and the safety and practicability of the move.
[Repealed by Ord. No. 1496, 12-19-1972]
[Ord. No. 1496, 12-19-1972]
Upon compliance with all of the requirements of LOC § 45.12.510, and compliance with any other applicable ordinances, laws or governmental regulations, the Building Division shall issue the moving permit. The permit shall be conditional upon continued compliance with all of the provisions of LOC § 45.12.510 and the representations made in connection with the application for the permit. The permit may also be further conditioned upon such other provisions as will minimize the public inconvenience and assure the safety of the moving operation. Moving permits shall be valid for a period not to exceed 30 days subject to extension by the Building Division upon reasonable terms and conditions. A moving permit may be revoked, suspended, or further conditioned, without notice of hearing, upon any finding or misinformation in the application or any change of circumstances such that the permit would not have been issued initially. Denial, revocation or suspension of a moving permit may be appealed to the City Council upon written notice filed within five days of the Building Division’s ruling. The Council’s decision shall be final.
[Ord. No. 1496, 12-19-1972; Ord. No. 1597, 10-7-1975; Ord. No. 1830, 6-8-1982; Ord. No. 2091, Amended, 4-19-1994; Ord. No. 2135, Amended, 10-1-1996; Ord. No. 2316, Amended, 3-5-2002; Ord. No. 2579, Amended, 3-20-2012]
Pursuant to the State Structural Specialty Code, enforced pursuant to LOC § 45.09.005, a building permit is required for all buildings moved to a location within the City. The building permit required is a minor development pursuant to LOC § and is in addition to, not in lieu of, the moving permit required by LOC § 45.12.510. In addition to all requirements set forth in the building regulations, the following must also be met to the satisfaction of the City Manager before a development permit may be issued:
The building to be moved shall be located and used in a manner consistent with all zoning and land use ordinances of the City, together with any other applicable ordinances, laws or governmental regulations.
The building shall be sufficiently similar to other buildings in the immediate vicinity in size, age, architectural style and structural conditions so as to be compatible with other buildings in the area and so as not to cause property in the area to decrease in value.
Denial of a development permit application for failure to comply with subsections (1) and (2) of this section may be appealed to the Development Review Commission, as provided for minor development, under LOC §§, and In any event, the City Manager may refer the application to the Development Review Commission for a determination of compliance with subsections (1) and (2) of this section.