[Ord. No. 2159, Enacted, 11-4-1997; Ord. No. 2721, Amended, 7-19-2016]
The purpose of this article is to recognize, foster appreciation and provide for voluntary protection of Heritage Trees.
For the purpose of this article, a "Heritage Tree" is a tree or stand of trees that is of landmark importance due to age, size, species, horticultural quality or historic importance.
[Ord. No. 2159, Enacted, 11-4-1997; Ord. No. 2289, Amended, 6-5-2001; Ord. No. 2708, Amended, 2-16-2016; Ord. No. 2721, Amended, 7-19-2016]
Any person may nominate a particular tree or trees as a Heritage Tree. If the proposed Heritage Tree is located on property other than City property or public right-of-way under City or county jurisdiction, the nomination shall be submitted by the property owner or accompanied by the property owner’s written consent. If the proposed Heritage Tree is located on City property or public right-of-way under City or county jurisdiction, the nomination shall be submitted to the City Manager or County Administrator, as appropriate; if the nomination is consented to by the City or county, the City Manager or County Administrator shall submit the nomination to the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Advisory Board (PNAB) pursuant to LOC § 55.06.030.
Nomination shall be made on such form as required by the City Manager. The nomination form shall include a narrative explaining why the tree qualifies for Heritage Tree status pursuant to the description in LOC § 55.06.010 and the written consent of the property owner as described in subsection (1) of this section.
[Ord. No. 2159, Enacted, 11-4-1997; Ord. No. 2289, Amended, 6-5-2001; Ord. No. 2708, Amended, 2-16-2016; Ord. No. 2721, Amended, 7-19-2016]
The PNAB shall review all Heritage Tree nominations at a public meeting. Notice of the meeting shall be provided to the nominating applicant, the property owner (unless the nominated tree is located on public right-of-way under City or county jurisdiction, in which event notice shall be given to the respective City Manager or County Administrator) and the Chair of any recognized neighborhood association in which the tree is located.
Staff shall prepare a report for the PNAB analyzing whether the tree complies with the requirements for designation.
After considering the staff report and any testimony by interested persons, the PNAB shall vote on the nomination. The PNAB may designate a tree as a Heritage Tree if the Board determines that the following criteria are met:
The tree or stand of trees is of landmark importance due to age, size, species, horticultural quality or historic importance; and
The tree is not irreparably damaged, diseased, hazardous or unsafe, or the applicant is willing to have the tree treated by an arborist and the treatment will alleviate the damage, disease or hazard;
Following approval of the nomination by the PNAB:
If the tree is located on private property, the designation shall be complete upon the property owner’s execution of a covenant running with the land suitable for recordation by the City. The covenant shall describe the subject property, generally describe the location of the Heritage Tree, and covenant that the tree is protected as a "Heritage Tree" by the City of Lake Oswego and is therefore subject to special protection as provided in this chapter.
If the tree is located on public right-of-way, the designation shall be complete upon the staff’s listing of the tree on the City Heritage Tree records.
If the tree is located on the public right-of-way, the City or county, as appropriate, shall condition any future Property Owner-requested vacation of the public right-of-way upon the execution of a covenant in accordance with subsection (4) of this section, which shall be recorded by the City upon the vacation of the right-of-way.
[Ord. No. 2159, Enacted, 11-4-1997; Ord. No. 2260, Amended, 9-5-2000; Ord. No. 2289, Amended, 6-5-2001; Ord. No. 2721, Amended, 7-19-2016]
Unless the tree qualifies for an emergency, dead or hazard tree removal permit, a permit to remove a designated Heritage Tree shall be processed as a Type II Tree Removal Permit subject to the criteria contained in LOC § 55.02.080, as modified by subsection (2) of this section.
If an application to remove a Heritage Tree is sought pursuant to LOC § 55.02.080 the applicant shall demonstrate that the burden imposed on the property owner, or, if the tree is located within the public rightof-way under City or county jurisdiction, then the burden imposed on the respective City or county by the continued presence of the tree outweighs the public benefit provided by the tree in order to comply with 55.02.080(3). For the purposes of making this determination, the following tree impacts shall not be considered unreasonable burdens on the property owner, or if appropriate, the City or county:
View obstruction;
Routine pruning, leaf raking and other maintenance activities; and
Infrastructure impacts or tree hazards that can be controlled or avoided by appropriate pruning or maintenance.
Unless the permit is to remove an emergency, dead, or hazard tree pursuant to LOC § 55.02.042(3) or (4), the applicant to remove a heritage tree shall be required to mitigate for the loss of the tree pursuant to LOC § 55.02.084.
Any person who removes a Heritage Tree in violation of this article shall be subject to the penalties provided in LOC § 55.02.130. In addition, the violator shall be subject to double the enforcement fee established pursuant to LOC § 55.02.130(3).
[Ord. No. 2159, Enacted, 11-4-1997; Ord. No. 2289, Amended, 6-5-2001; Ord. No. 2721, Amended, 7-19-2016]
A Heritage Tree plaque shall be designed and may be furnished by the City to the property owner, or if the tree is in the public right-of-way, to the appropriate City or county official, of a designated Heritage Tree. The City may charge a fee to cover the costs of providing the plaque. The plaque shall be posted at a location at or near the tree and, if feasible, visible from a public right-of-way.
The Planning Department shall maintain a list and map of designated Heritage Trees.
[Ord. No. 2159, Enacted, 11-4-1997; Ord. No. 2289, Amended, 6-5-2001; Ord. No. 2721, Amended, 7-19-2016]
A Heritage Tree shall be removed from designation if it falls or is removed pursuant to LOC § 55.06.040. If removed from private property, the City shall record a document extinguishing the covenant.