This chapter is intended to enable the merger of contiguous parcels under common ownership where the Community Development Director and City Engineer have determined that requirements for on-site and off-site improvements have been satisfied or will be imposed as a condition of a future entitlement for use of the subject parcel(s).
(Ord. 120 § 2, 1986)
Application for lot merger shall be made in a form prescribed by the Community Development Director.
(Ord. 120 § 2, 1986)
Upon a determination by the Community Development Director and City Engineer that the lots proposed for merger are legal lots, that the subject lots are under common ownership, and that all public improvements normally required for parcel map approval have either been installed and accepted or will be required as part of a future entitlement for use or development of the subject lot(s), a certificate of lot merger shall be prepared. Said certificate shall describe the new exterior boundary of the lot after merger and shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder.
Action of the Community Development Department may be appealed to the Planning Commission. Appeals must be filed in writing, with the Community Development Director, within 14 calendar days of the action being appealed.
(Ord. 120 § 2, 1986)