shall mean:
Any person who, for hire or reward, accompanies others to or about social affairs, entertainment or places of amusement;
Any person who, for hire or reward, consorts with others about any place of public resort or within any private quarters.
"Escort bureau"
shall mean any business or agency which, for a fee, commission, hire, reward or profit furnishes or offers to furnish escorts.
(Prior code § 5-2.42(a))
Prior to engaging in the operation of the business described in Section 5.16.010, all such businesses shall have a valid business license issued by the City. Such businesses now lawfully licensed shall be required, as a condition of renewal of said license, to obtain a permit as hereinafter required.
(Prior code § 5-2.42(b))
The license and permit procedure requirements of this title do not apply to the lawful business of any employment office or employment agency licensed under State law which does not conduct an escort bureau.
(Prior code § 5-2.42(c))
Each application for a permit to conduct an escort bureau shall state the names and addresses of all escorts employed by or intended to be employed by the applicant.
(Prior code § 5-2.42(d))
A permit to conduct an escort bureau shall not be issued to or in the name of any organization, group, corporation, partnership or any other entity other than individual.
(Prior code § 5-2.42(e))
The business may be carried on under a fictitious name in the manner provided by law if the Sheriff first approves of the use of such name, and if the name is recorded pursuant to the provisions of Section 2466 of the Civil Code.
(Prior code § 5-2.42(f))
The Sheriff, after investigation, shall report to the City Council as to whether the applicant for a license to conduct an escort bureau is of good moral character and reputation, the business is to be conducted at a suitable place, is calculated or intended to be operated as a subterfuge for the conduct of an unlawful or immoral business or practice.
The results of said investigation shall be endorsed on said report and returned to the City Manager, who upon payment of license and permit fees, shall set the matter for hearing before the City Council and shall notify the applicant of the date of such hearing at least 10 days prior to said hearing date.
(Prior code § 5-2.42(g))
Escort bureau establishments shall be located only in areas with a C-G zoning classification.
(Prior code § 5-2.42(h))
Except as otherwise provided by applicable law, all fees applicable to this chapter, excluding business license taxes and fees, will be established by City Council resolution. Such charges will be determined by the department and be based on the actual cost incurred by the City in providing services. Such service charges will include, without limitation, charges for labor, supervision, overhead, administration and the use of any and all City equipment, and supplies.
(Prior code § 5-2.42(i); Ord. 1336 § 3, 5/8/17)
No permit issued under this chapter shall be transferable except by the consent of the City Council.
(Prior code § 5-2.42(j))
Except as provided in this chapter, the City Council, after investigation and hearing of the application and of the business proposed to be conducted, may grant or refuse to grant a permit. The City Council shall have the right to refuse any such permit if it shall determine that the granting of the same or the conduct of the business will be contrary to the preservation of the public peace, health, safety, morals or welfare of the City or its inhabitants. If such permit is granted, the City Council may impose such terms, conditions and restrictions upon the operation and conduct of such business, not in conflict with any law, as it may deem necessary or expedient to protect the public peace, safety, morals, or welfare of the City or its inhabitants. If a permit is denied the license fee paid shall be refunded; the permit fee shall not be refunded.
(Prior code § 5-2.42(k))
Every escort shall register with the Sheriff.
Qualifications for Registration. An escort shall not be registered unless he or she first furnishes the Sheriff satisfactory evidence of the good moral character of such escort. The Sheriff may cancel the registration of any escort for cause. Thereafter an escort bureau shall not employ such escort.
Employment of Unregistered Escorts Prohibited. An escort bureau shall not hire or employ any escort who is not registered with the Sheriff.
Notification of Personnel Changes. Every escort bureau shall, within 24 hours notify the Sheriff of every change in personnel of escorts.
Employment of Persons Under Twenty-one Years of Age Prohibited. A person conducting an escort bureau shall not employ as an escort any person under 21 years of age.
Restrictions Concerning Customers Under Age Twenty-one. A person conducting an escort bureau shall not furnish any escort to, or accept employment from, any patron, customer or person to be escorted who is under 21 years of age, except at the special instance and request of the parent, guardian or other person in lawful custody of the person upon whose behalf the escort service is engaged.
(Prior code § 5-2.42(l))
Every person managing an escort bureau shall keep a record of every transaction showing:
The name of each escort employed, furnished or arranged for;
The name, address and telephone number of the patron or customer,
Such other information as the Sheriff requires.
Said records shall be kept available by the licensee, open to the inspection of the Sheriff, any one of his or her deputies, and of any police officer. The licensee shall deliver it to the Sheriff upon his or her written request.
(Prior code § 5-2.42(m))