As used in this chapter:
"Drive-in" or "take-out restaurants"
shall mean any café, food establishment or public eating place where food or frozen dessert, or beverage or drink is delivered to, served directly or sold to anyone for consumption on the premises at tables or stands in the open or unenclosed areas, or in any vehicle stopped, standing or parked upon the premises, or in or upon any street, alley, land, parking area or grounds immediately adjacent to said premises, or for consumption off the premises.
shall mean and include each of the following persons, each and all of whom shall be responsible for all the duties and obligations imposed by and upon an operator by this chapter, to wit: the owner, manager, proprietor, employee or any other person in charge of a drive-in or take-out restaurant as defined in this chapter.
(Prior code § 5-7.1)
Every operator shall maintain his/her premises for drive-in or take-out restaurant in accordance with the terms and provisions of this chapter. He or she shall not cause or create or permit any loud music, noise or other sounds by means of phonograph, radio or other broadcasting apparatus or device, the sound output of which exceed at peak volume 75 decibels measured 20 feet from the loudspeaker or horn, or 70 decibels measured 75 feet from the loudspeaker or horn, and shall not permit fighting, quarreling, loitering or loud noise or any other nuisance whereby the quiet and peace of the premises or of the neighborhood is disturbed.
(Prior code § 5-7.2)
The operator shall, at least once in every 48 hours, dispose of waste materials or refuse deposited or accumulating on the premises of the operator. The operator shall provide and maintain on said premises a sufficient number of adequate waste receptacles, not less than two in number, for the use of consumers. Waste or refuse as used herein includes paper cups, paper plates, straws, napkins, food, beverage, drink, frozen dessert, garbage and all other waste material intended for disposal and which, if not placed in a proper receptacle therefor, tends to create a public nuisance by rendering said property unclean, unsafe and unsightly.
(Prior code § 5-7.3)
Each operator shall place and maintain at suitable locations on the premises, as approved by the City Manager, appropriate traffic control devices and signs and markings directing traffic entering and leaving the premises, and shall designate and mark parking spaces for the parking of vehicles of patrons on the premises.
(Prior code § 5-7.4)
In order to protect the public peace, health, safety and welfare, the quiet and peace of the surrounding neighborhood, and in order to prevent activity which may be inimical to premises upon which food is prepared or served, the following conduct is prohibited, and no person shall enter or remain on said premises, or conduct any activity, or cause to be conducted any activity contrary thereto:
No person on the premises shall race or accelerate the motor of any vehicle, or bring to a sudden start or stop any motor vehicle, or blow or honk the horn of any motor vehicle, except where reasonably necessary in the operation thereof.
No person shall place, throw or deposit any garbage, refuse or waste material upon, in or outside of the said premises, except in waste or refuse receptacles provided therefor on said premises.
No person shall enter the premises of any drive-in restaurant in a motor vehicle of any description and park said vehicle and leave the premises thereof without getting the consent of the permittee or owner or operator of said drive-in restaurant.
No person shall enter the premises of a drive-in restaurant in a motor vehicle except for the purpose of conducting business with the permittee, owner, manager or proprietor thereof and no such person shall enter said premises for the purpose of cruising a motor vehicle on said premises, racing a motor vehicle on said premises, or as a short cut to another street or alley, or for the purpose of annoying or endangering any person or persons or other vehicle or vehicles lawfully on said premises.
No person shall drive a motor vehicle onto any of said premises and then off of said premises without first parking thereon, unless there is no unoccupied parking space available on said premises, or unless said person makes or attempts to make a purchase thereon.
No person shall leave a motor vehicle on said premises so as to block any driveway of ingress or egress.
It is unlawful for any person on said premises to have in his/her possession any bottle, can or other receptacle containing any alcoholic beverage which has been opened, or a seal broken, or the contents of which have been partially removed.
This subsection does not apply within premises licensed under Alcoholic Beverage Control Act, or to any person under 21 years of age, or to anyone keeping alcoholic beverage in a vehicle in the manner authorized by the Vehicle Code.
(Prior code § 5-7.5)
Any person remaining on said premises after being asked by the operator, which includes the proprietor, manager or employee thereof, to leave and refusing to do so is guilty of a violation per Chapter 1.08. It is unlawful for a group of two or more persons to congregate and linger on any of said premises other than in a restaurant or café or public eating house or other building provided for delivery or consumption of food, or other than in a legally parked motor vehicle, except where said persons are in the process of waiting for, receiving or consuming a product vended on said premises.
(Prior code § 5-7.6)
Each operator owning, operating, managing or conducting a drive-in restaurant where motor vehicle parking spaces or driveways are provided for customer use, shall place in conspicuous places at each entrance and exit from said premises, as well as in at least two other places, signs in letters at least two inches in height on contrasting background containing words or phrases as follows:
Unnecessary noise, motor racing, vehicle cruising or congregating and loitering outside of a motor vehicle is unlawful. No unoccupied vehicle may be left on the premises without the consent of the owner.
(Prior code § 5-7.7)