Every person who digs, drills, excavates, constructs, owns or controls any abandoned or unused well, including but not limited to water wells or oil wells, and every person owning, or having possession of any premises on which any such abandoned or unused well exists, shall cap or otherwise close the mouth of or entrance to such well in such a manner as to prevent persons from falling therein, and in such a manner that such capping or covering cannot be removed by accident or inadvertence or such persons shall fill such a well.
(Prior code § 3-4.8(a))
Whenever any person fails or refuses to perform any act required by Section 8.28.010, the City may itself cap, cover or fill such well at the expense of the property owner. It is not necessary to follow the provisions of this section as a condition or precedent to any criminal prosecution.
(Prior code § 3-4.8(b))
As used in Sections 8.28.010 and 8.28.020 "person" shall mean any person, individual firm, copartnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, business trust, receiver, syndicate, city, or any other group or combination acting as a unit, in the plural as well as the singular number.
(Prior code § 3-4.8(c))