Note: Prior ordinance history: Ords. 25, 148, 256, 393, 647 and 777.
The collection and disposal of solid waste and recyclable material is a matter requiring the control and regulation by the City to protect and further the public peace, health, safety and general welfare in the manner set forth in this chapter. The regular, thorough and continuous collection thereof, by qualified persons, is necessary to protect the public peace, health, safety and general welfare. For those reasons, it is necessary that the collection of solid waste and recyclable materials shall be accomplished in the manner provided in this chapter.
(Prior code § 13-2.1)
The following words and phrases for the purpose of this chapter, shall be defined as follows, unless it is apparent from the context that a different meaning is intended:
"AB 939"
shall mean the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989, as it now exists or of the Public Resources Code, may be amended from time to time.
"Active composting"
shall mean that method of waste treatment in which organic solid wastes are biologically decomposed under controlled aerobic or anaerobic conditions.
shall mean a public or private alley located within the City.
"Bulky material"
shall mean large items or materials the size and/or weight of which precludes or complicates its handling by any normal solid waste collection, processing, or disposal. Examples of bulky material are discarded pieces of household furniture, carpets, mattresses and appliances, Christmas trees, and similar large bulky items. Bulky material shall also mean and include tree trimmings, brush, shrubs, or other material which is susceptible to being bundled; such materials shall be securely tied in bundles weighing not more than 80 pounds or being more than five feet in length and 24 inches in diameter. Bulky material also includes Items and material identified in the current solid waste franchise agreement.
shall mean Chapter 13.24 of this Code, as it now exists or as may hereafter be lawfully amended and lawful regulations issued pursuant hereto.
shall mean the charges permitted to be made for solid waste and recyclable material collection services, related services, and equipment rental, by a franchisee under a franchise issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
shall mean the Bellflower Municipal Code, as it now exists or may hereafter be lawfully amended.
"Compostables" or "greenwaste" or "yardwaste"
shall mean and include organic wastes, the controlled microbial degradation of which yields a safe and nuisance free product, including vegetative cuttings, shrubs, trunks, stumps, brushes, tree trimmings, grasses and similar materials which have been separated from other solid waste. Compostable waste does not include stumps or branches exceeding four inches in diameter or four feet in length.
shall mean a franchise issued pursuant to this chapter, which grants to a franchisee the exclusive right, to the extent permitted by applicable law, except as is otherwise expressly provided in this chapter, to transport and collect solid waste and recyclable material from all lots located within the City.
shall mean a person who is designated as a franchisee pursuant to a valid franchise, issued by the City Council pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
"Hazardous substances"
shall mean such material as is designated as hazardous waste, hazardous material and/or hazardous substances pursuant to applicable Federal or State laws.
"Lot" or "premises"
shall mean any site or real property in the City upon which solid waste is produced or accumulated or is capable of being produced or accumulated.
"Nonresidentially zoned lot" or "Non-R zoned lot"
shall mean each lot located in the City which is not included within the definition of residentially zoned lot, and which has located thereon, a building, a structure or a use, which generates or could generate, solid waste and/or recyclable material.
shall mean the person who is legally entitled to the use and occupancy of any lot located in the City, including any buildings and structures located thereon.
shall mean the legal owner of a lot located within the City.
shall mean the owner and/or occupant of any lot or premises. If a lot or premises is occupied solely by persons who are not also the owner of such lot or premises, the owner of such lot or premises shall be deemed to be a patron and to be a co-customer of the City's franchisee together with the occupant(s) thereof.
shall mean a container which meets the requirements set forth in this Code, a franchise and/or the regulations, for use for the temporary storage of solid waste or recyclable solid waste on a lot.
"Recyclable material"
shall mean materials with value that are processed and reconstituted, and returned to the economic mainstream in the form of raw material for new or reconstituted products rather than being placed for collection as solid waste.
shall mean the written regulations issued by the City Manager pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
"Residentially zoned lot" or "R-zoned lot"
shall mean all of those lots located within the City which are classified, pursuant to the City's official zoning regulations in Zones R-l, A-E, A-l, R-2, and R-3, and which have located thereon a building, structure or a use, which generates, or which could generate, solid waste and/or recyclable material.
"Solid waste"
shall have the meaning ascribed to it by Section 40191 of the Public Resources Code. Solid waste includes bulky material as defined in this section.
shall mean any public or private street or way located within the City.
shall mean any motor vehicle defined as such in the vehicle code which is used for the transport of refuse in the City.
In addition to the foregoing, the definitions contained in this Code, including Title 17, shall apply to the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior code § 13-2.2; Ord. 1166 § 1, 6/9/08; Ord. 1170 § 1, 12/8/08)
No person shall collect, carry, convey or transport solid waste and/or recyclable material at any location within the City unless such person is:
A franchisee, including an officer or employee of a franchisee; or
An officer or employee of the City in the course of official duty; or
Authorized by a franchisee or by applicable law to collect and/or to transport solid waste and/or recyclable material; or
The holder of a valid city business license:
As a gardener; and/or
As a landscape contractor; and/or
As a tree trimmer and/or remover, and who transports grass, shrub cuttings, tree branches and roots, and other similar or related material collected by such person from one or more locations serviced by such person in the ordinary course of the licensed business; provided that the transport of such material may only be to a location where such solid waste may lawfully be disposed of or processed; or
A licensed contractor who is employed by the owner or occupant of a lot for a lawful construction project on such lot, who is not compensated separately for transporting solid waste and/or recyclable material generated from the construction project; or
Expressly authorized by applicable law; or
A patron who desires to carry, convey or transport solid waste and/or recyclable material generated by a use on a lot which is occupied by such patron.
(Prior code § 13-2.3)
No person other than a franchisee, an officer or employee of a franchisee, the City, an officer or employee of the City in the performance of official duty, or a person otherwise expressly authorized pursuant to applicable law, shall remove, interfere with or disturb in any way a receptacle or the contents thereof, or bulky material after the same is placed at a location, for collection by the occupant and/or owner of the lot upon which the solid waste, recyclable materials or bulky material was generated.
(Prior code § 13-2.4)
The placement of receptacles and bulky material on each R-zoned lot in the City shall be accomplished in accordance with the following:
General. No person shall place or cause to be placed for collection, a receptacle or bulky material, at any place or in any manner other than as provided in this chapter.
Bulky Material. Bulky Material shall be placed for collection at the same locations and at the same times as receptacles are placed for collection. In addition, the requirements of Section 13.24.100 of this chapter shall apply to the placement and collection of bulky material.
Time of Placement. No person shall place or cause to be placed solid waste, recyclable material and/or bulky material for collection generated by a use or uses on an R-zoned lot at any time other than on the days established pursuant to a franchise for the collection of solid waste and recyclable material, nor before 6:00 p.m. on the day immediately prior to the day designated for such collection; nor shall any person permit such receptacle or bulky material to remain thereat after 8:00 p.m. on the designated day of collection.
Location of Placement. Any receptacle or bulky materials as to R-zoned lots which is permitted to be placed as follows:
For street and alley collection shall be placed on the lot as close to the curb line as is practical, or if there is no curb, as close to the street right-of-way line separating the lot from the street as is possible;
For alley collection shall be placed on the lot as close to the alley right-of-way line separating the lot from the alley as is possible.
Removal of Receptacles. After the collection of solid waste and/or recyclable material from an R-zoned lot, each receptacle shall be promptly removed from the location for collection and returned by the owner/occupant of the lot to a location on the lot permitted pursuant to the provisions of the City's official zoning regulations, not later than 8:00 p.m. on the designated day of collection.
(Prior code § 13-2.5)
The temporary storage of solid waste and/or recyclable materials on non-R-zoned lots shall be permitted only at locations on such lots as is expressly authorized pursuant to the City's official zoning regulations.
(Prior code § 13-2.6)
Origin. No person shall store, accumulate or maintain any solid waste or recyclable material on any lot, unless such solid waste and/or recyclable material was generated by a lawful use located on such lot. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Code, such storage shall only be in a receptacle.
Temporary Storage. The storage and accumulation of solid waste and/or recyclable material on any lot permitted pursuant to this Code, shall be temporary only. Solid waste and/or recyclable material may be stored on any lot in the City, only for a period of time, not, in any case, exceeding seven consecutive days, following the generation and accumulation of such solid waste and/or recyclable material.
(Prior code § 13-2.7)
No person shall place for collection any solid waste and/or recyclable material in any receptacle other than one provided by the franchisee.
It is unlawful for any person to place on any private property any receptacle for the collection of solid waste and/or recyclable material which receptacle has not been provided by the franchisee.
It is unlawful for any person to place a receptacle for the collection of solid waste and/or recyclable material in or on the public property unless such receptacle has been provided by the franchisee and either 1) placement of the receptacle is consistent with the provisions of Sections 13.24.050 and 13.24.060 of this Code or 2) an encroachment permit has been obtained from the City.
It is unlawful for any person with any ownership interest in real property within the City to permit a receptacle for the collection of solid waste and/or recyclable material to be located on such real property if such receptacle has not been provided by the franchisee.
The provisions of Subsections (A), (B), and (C) of this section shall not apply to any person permitted to collect, carry, convey, or transport solid waste and/or recyclable material pursuant to Section 13.24.030 of this Code, provided such person is in full compliance with the provisions of that section. The provisions of Subsection (D) of this section shall not apply to a property owner who permits a receptacle to be placed on that owner's real property by a person exempt from the provisions of Subsections (A), (B), and (C) of this section, as set forth in this subsection.
All receptacles for the storage, collection, or transportation of solid waste and/or recycled materials, whether provided by the franchisee or by a person exempt from this chapter pursuant to Subsection (E) of this section, shall be maintained in a clean and serviceable condition, free of graffiti.
(Prior code § 13-2.8)
Any receptacle used for storage or transport of solid waste and/or recyclable material, the placement or use of which violates Section 13.24.080 of this Code (for purposes of this section, an "unlawful receptacle"), may be removed by the City Manager from any premises in the City and impounded pursuant to the provisions of this section. In the event the unlawful receptacle has contents, such contents may be impounded along with the unlawful receptacle.
The City Manager may remove and impound any unlawful receptacle, and any contents thereof, which is located on any City-owned property pursuant to the provisions of this section. Prior to removing an unlawful receptacle located on such property, the City Manager shall give notice to the owner of the receptacle, identifying that the receptacle is in violation of this section, and stating that if the receptacle is not removed within 24 hours, it will be removed and impounded by the City together with any contents, which may thereafter be processed and disposed of as set forth in this section. The notice shall be given by posting on the receptacle, and by telephone, if a telephone number is displayed on the receptacle. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if such a notice has been given at any prior time to the person identified on the receptacle, such person shall be deemed to have had notice of the requirements of this section and no further notice need be given prior to impoundment of an unlawful receptacle which has similar identification on it. If the unlawful receptacle is not removed from the City-owned property within 24 hours, it is subject to impoundment, together with the contents thereof.
Any unlawful receptacle located on property not owned by the City is hereby declared to be a nuisance, subject to removal pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 8.36 of this Code. Upon being so removed, impoundment shall be pursuant to Subsections (D) and (E) of this section.
The City Manager shall retain an impounded receptacle for a period of not less than 30 days, but may process and dispose of the contents of an impounded receptacle at any time following impoundment if he or she determines such processing and disposal is necessary to comply with the diversion requirements of the California Waste Management Act of 1989 (AB 939) or to preserve the public health, safety, or welfare.
Within two business days after removal of an unlawful receptacle, the City Manager shall mail written notice to the owner of the receptacle, if an address can be ascertained from information on the receptacle itself, or to the owner of the property from which the receptacle was removed, if removed from private property and the owner of the receptacle cannot otherwise be ascertained. Such notice shall advise that the receptacle has been removed by the City, and if not redeemed within 30 days by the owner thereof, and all applicable charges paid, may be disposed of by the City in any manner which the City deems appropriate. The charges to redeem an unlawful receptacle shall be as established by resolution of the City Council.
(Prior code § 13-2.8.1)
Pursuant to State law, each owner of premises is required to maintain the sidewalk and parkway adjacent to that premises, including but not limited to the removal of bulky material whether or not such bulky material was generated by an occupant of such premises or placed on the owner's premises without the owner's consent. Consistent with such obligation, each owner of each premises in the City is deemed to have authorized the franchisee to collect bulky material located in the sidewalk, parkway area, or right-of-way adjacent to such owner's premises, whether or not a request for removal has been received. The owner shall be responsible for all costs of such removal, including payment to the franchisee of a service rate.
Any patron placing bulky material for collection by the franchisee, and any patron owning or occupying any lot or premises on which bulky material exists on the sidewalk, in the parkway, or in the public right-of-way adjacent to the lot or premises which such patron owns or occupies, shall, not less than 24 hours prior to the day when solid waste is normally collected from the patron's premises, contact the franchisee and request that the franchisee collect such bulky material. If such notice has been given, bulky material will be removed without cost to the patron of a residential lot or premises. The patron of a commercial lot or premises will be responsible for paying a per item fee charged by the franchisee, at an amount established by the current solid waste franchise agreement. The franchisee shall bill the per item fee directly to the patron of a commercial lot or premises.
If bulky material is located on the sidewalk, in the parkway, or in the public right-of-way adjacent to a premises at any time that receptacles are not permitted in such locations, and the patron of the premises has not requested the franchisee to collect such bulky material, the City may proceed with such collection either through its own forces or through the franchisee. In such case, the patron shall be responsible for all costs of removal, including reimbursement of the City's actual costs of collection and disposal of the bulky material, or payment to the franchisee of a service rate as approved by the City Council.
(Prior code § 13-2.8.2; Ord. 1166 § 2, 6/9/08; Ord. 1170 § 2, 12/8/08)
No person shall cause or permit the burning of any solid waste and/or recyclable material within the City.
(Prior code § 13-2.9)
The provisions of this chapter shall not be deemed to prohibit active composting, if such active composting is otherwise expressly permitted pursuant to the provisions of the City's zoning regulations.
(Prior code § 132.10)
Solid Waste and Recyclable Material Collection. The bodies of all trucks transporting solid waste and recyclable material in the City shall be designed and maintained so as to prevent spilling of any portion of the load. Trucks used for solid waste and recyclable material collection shall be cleaned daily.
Cleaning of Debris. Each franchisee shall clean and pick up and dispose of any solid waste and/or recyclable material which is spilled, dropped or deposited upon any public or private property, including streets or alleys, by reason of the activities of the franchisee. Each such franchisee shall clean up, pick up, haul away and dispose of any such spillage.
Condition of Trucks. All trucks and other equipment used by a franchisee within the City, shall at all times be maintained in good mechanical condition and in a neat and presentable appearance.
Equipment Identification. Trucks and equipment shall not carry advertising material on the exterior thereof which contains any reference to the name of the City.
(Prior code § 13-2.11)
Each franchisee shall, at all times during the term of its franchise have and maintain in full force and effect, such insurance coverage as is required by law, or by its franchise. Each franchisee shall, at all times during the term of its franchise, have and maintain on file with the City Clerk copies of policies and certificates of insurance relating thereto evidencing the existence of all required insurance coverage, the latter in a form approved by the City Attorney.
(Prior code § 13-2.12)
Each franchise issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be in the form of a written agreement executed by and on behalf of the City and the franchisee.
(Prior code § 13-2.13)
Each franchise issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall contain, among others, the following provisions:
A provision for a franchise fee in an amount to be determined by the City Council; and
A provision requiring compliance with the provisions of a recycling plan(s) and/or program(s) as may be adopted, amended or implemented in the future by the City Council of City, including, but not limited to, a provision requiring the payment of additional fees by the franchisee to the City to be utilized for the purpose of the implementation of such recycling plan(s) and/or program(s); and
A provision requiring compliance with all applicable laws, including the provisions of this Code; and
A provision against assignment; and
A provision requiring that all charges billed or collected by each franchisee, for its franchised services shall be in accordance with the schedule of approved charges; and
A provision establishing the term of the franchise, and the basis for termination of the franchise;
A provision requiring the franchisee thereunder, on an exclusive basis to the extent permitted by applicable law, to collect, transport, and dispose of all solid waste and recyclable material generated from each lot in the city, except for the collection, transport, and disposal of solid waste and recyclable material which is expressly permitted by others pursuant to this chapter;
Provisions consistent with the purpose and intent of this chapter, so as to provide for the regular, thorough and continuous collection of solid waste and recyclable material from all lots located in the City;
Such other provisions as the City Council may require in order to comply with the purpose and intent of the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior code § 13-2.14)
The City Manager shall issue written regulations reasonably required to implement the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior code § 13-2.15)
Whenever compliance with the provisions of this chapter is required of any person, such compliance requirement shall include compliance with all valid regulations issued pursuant to this chapter.
(Prior code § 13-2.16)
The City Council shall periodically award a franchise to a qualified person.
(Prior code § 13-2.17)
Charges for solid waste and recyclable material collection shall be set by the City Council, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and/or the provisions of the applicable franchise.
(Prior code § 13-2.18)
The occupant and/or the owner of each lot located in the City shall, in the time and manner set by regulations issued by the City Manager or a franchise, pay all billed charges for solid waste and recyclable material collection services used or made available for use, whether or not actually used, by the owner and/or occupant of each lot in the City.
(Prior code § 13-2.19)
Security Deposits. The City or franchisee may require a customer to deposit a sum of money with the City or franchisee to guarantee payment of collection charges.
The City Manager, or designee, may set the amount of the deposit based upon the average bill for the property served or for substantially similar property not to exceed a total of three months. The City or franchisee must credit the amount of the deposit, without any interest payment, to the customer's account upon termination of any collection service and after applying the deposit to any outstanding customer collection bill(s).Any balance of the deposit then remaining with the City or franchisee will be returned to the person making such deposit, without interest.
Any person seeking collection service who is the property owner of record, or any person who has the written approval of the property owner of record, may choose to enter into a Lien Authorization Agreement, in the form and manner prescribed by the City Manager, or designee, in lieu of a cash deposit. By doing so, the applicant and/or the property owner of record agree that, pursuant to applicable California law, and upon direction of the City Council, the City is authorized to collect and annually transfer to the County Auditor for inclusion on the next year's tax bill of the respective property owner any delinquent fee or charge imposed by the provisions of this chapter, including interest and penalties. Alternatively, an action in the name of the City may be commenced in any court of competent jurisdiction for the amount of any delinquent fees or charges and if legal action is brought by the City or its assignee to enforce collection of any amount charged and due under this chapter, any judgment rendered in favor of the City will include costs of suit incurred by the City or its assignee including reasonable attorney's fees.
Unpaid charges due for solid waste and recyclable material collection services are deemed a civil debt owed to the franchisee by the occupant and/or owner of the lot to which the charges relate. Unpaid charges may be collected by the franchisee in the time and manner as directed by the franchisee.
(Prior code § 13-2.20; Ord. 1399 § 1, 9/14/20)
Any person who is expressly authorized by applicable statutes of the State of California or the United States or who is expressly authorized by a binding final judicial decision by a California or Federal court of record, to engage in the collection of solid waste and/or recyclables in the City shall:
Have in effect at all times while engaging in such a collection process, a valid business license issued by the City; and
File with the City any and all reports required by AB 939, and/or other applicable laws, including the provisions of this Code; and
File with the City such other reports as the City Manager requires in order for the City to comply with AB 939 and/or other applicable laws.
The provisions of Subsection (A)(1) of this section, shall not apply to a bona fide nonprofit organization.
(Prior code § 13-2.21)
Definitions. The definitions set forth in Section 5470 et seq., of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California are hereby incorporated in this chapter by this reference.
Charges When Due. Charges imposed pursuant to this chapter shall be deemed delinquent on the thirtieth day following franchisees' billings for such charges to the owner, occupant and/or patron of any lot located within the City.
Penalties. A penalty in the amount of 10% of the charges which are delinquent shall be imposed upon the owner, occupant and/or patron of a lot as to which charges are delinquent.
As of June 1 of each calendar year commencing on June 1 of 1995, the City Manager shall cause to be prepared a complete list of delinquencies as to such charges for the period ending on May 31 of each calendar year. Notice shall be given of delinquencies to the owner, occupant and/or patron, of the lot to which such delinquency relates. The City Council shall schedule a noticed public hearing for its first meeting in July of each calendar year, commencing in July of 1999, at which time delinquent charges together with penalties thereon shall be ordered collected by placement of the same on the equalized assessment roll relating to the fiscal year commencing on July 1 following the conduct of such hearing. Thereafter, the delinquent charges together with penalties thereon shall be collected in the same manner, by the same persons, and at the same time as, together and not separately from, general taxes collected on behalf of the City and other taxing authorities.
(Prior code § 13-2.22)
Notwithstanding any provision of this Code to the contrary, any commercial establishment located in the Town Center District shall have a commercial account with the franchisee for the collection and disposal of solid waste and recyclable materials generated by such establishment, provided, however, that a commercial establishment that is a tenant of a premises where the property owner has a commercial account serving such tenant shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter.
Any commercial establishment located in the Town Center District and within 100 feet of a trash enclosure provided by the City shall use that trash enclosure for the storage of its solid waste containers unless such establishment provides on its site a dedicated area for the storage of solid waste containers that fully complies with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. It is unlawful for any person who owns, operates, or manages a commercial establishment in the Town Center District and uses, or is required by this section to use, a trash enclosure provided by the City to use that enclosure in any way which is inconsistent with the rules and regulations establishing maintenance and general upkeep standards which have been adopted by the City. Such rules and regulations may be established by the City Manager or designee.
No person shall throw, dump, place, or deposit, or authorize, permit, or suffer the throwing, dumping, placing, or depositing, of any trash, junk, debris, garbage, rubbish, refuse, waste, recyclable material, or other discarded item in or upon any trash bin, container, or enclosure in the Town Center District without having first obtained the permission or authorization of the City's approved commercial contractor or the patron (as defined in Section 13.24.020 of the Bellflower Municipal Code) of the commercial contractor in control of said trash bin, container, or enclosure.
(Prior code § 13-2.23)