The following tables summarize development standards that apply to specific zones. These tables are summary only. These tables do not include all standards contained within the underlying zone and do not replace the codified ordinance for the underlying zone. Should any conflict or question arise with respect to said zoning requirements, the codified ordinance will always supersede the information contained in these tables.
(Added during 2008 codification)
(Development Standard Tables begin on next page)
Table 17.14.020(A) - Minimum Setbacks for Residential Zones
Zone Requirement
Front Yard
20 ft.
See Formula 1
See Formula 2
Side Yard Interior Side (Interior & Corner Lot)
5 ft.
Living area walls3 and bedroom walls4: 8 ft.
Secondary walls5: 5 ft.
Living area walls3 and bedroom walls4: 8 ft.
Secondary walls5: 5 ft.
Side Yard Street Side (Corner Lot)
10 ft.
See Formula 3
See Formula 4
Garage opening onto side street
20 ft.
10 ft.
20 ft.
Rear Yard (Interior Lot, Corner Lot, Reverse Corner Lot)
15 ft.
Lots with lot depth of < 150 ft: 15 ft. or 15% of lot depth, whichever is greater
15 ft.
Living area walls3 and bedroom walls4: 8 ft.
Lots with lot depth ≥ 150 ft.: 20% of lot depth
Secondary walls5: 5 ft.
Rear Yard (Through Lots):
20 ft. or See Formula 1: whichever is greater
20 ft.
Lots uniform along block
5 ft.13
20 ft.
5 ft.13
20 ft. or See Formula 1: whichever is greater
20 ft.
Lots not uniform along block
20 ft. 13 & 14
Swimming Pool
5 ft. from side/rear property line and exterior finish of house or structure
5 ft.
5 ft.
25 ft. from opposite side of alley
Table 17.14.020(B) Height, Area & Mass for Residential Zones
Zone Requirement
AE1 & 2
Maximum Building Height
2 stories / 30 ft., whichever is less
2 ½ stories / 35 ft., whichever is less
Minimum Lot Area
7,000 sq. ft.
10,000 sq. ft.
5,000 sq. ft.
6,000 sq. ft.
6,000 sq. ft.
Minimum Living Area
950 sq. ft. Exclusive of porches and garages
Single Unit
Parcels < 19,000 sq. ft.: 1,500 sq. ft.
Parcels ≥ 19,000 sq. ft.: 10 % of parcel area up to 2,500 sq. ft.
Multiple Unit
Additional residential units: 1,250 sq. ft.
Same as SF
Single: 500 sq. ft.
1-Bedroom: 700 sq. ft.
2-Bedroom: 900 sq. ft.
3-Bedroom: 1100 sq. ft.
More than 3 bedrooms increase unit size by 150 sq. ft. for each additional bedroom
Same as R-2
Maximum Lot Coverage
45 % of lot area15
40% of lot area, excludes unpaved animal enclosures
45% of lot area15
Maximum Floor Area Ratio
50% of lot area, excludes unpaved animal enclosures
2/3 Rule7
Maximum Dwelling Unit Density
1 unit per lot20
1 unit per 9,900 sq. ft. of net land area20
1 unit per 5,000 sq. ft. of net land area20
8-13 units / acre; 1 unit / 3,350 sq. ft. of net land area20
14-22 units / acre; 1 unit / 1,980 sq. ft. of net land area20
Maximum Concrete Area Within Required Front Yard Area
Table 17.14.020(C) Parking & Driveways for Residential Zones
Zone Requirement
AE1 & 2
Parking Requirement
2-car garage: 20 ft. x 20 ft. clear and unobstructed floor space
Single Unit
Same as SF
Multiple Unit
2-car garage plus
1 parking space per bedroom after the first two bedrooms
1 open parking space per unit for visitors' use17
Driveway Width
Min. 10 ft. wide
Single Unit
Same as SF
Multiple Unit
Min. 12 ft. if wall exposures are < 150 ft. from street
Min. 20 ft. if wall exposures are < 300 ft. from a street for 10 or fewer units.18
Min. 26 ft. with turnaround if wall exposures are ≥ 300 ft. from a street or if more than 10 units
Table 17.14.020(D) Building Variation & Separation for Residential Zones
Zone Requirement
AE1 & 2
Minimum Building Wall Variation
Single Story
3 ft. per 60 ft. for a min. of 15 ft. or to the end of building if < than 15 ft.
Two Story
3 ft. per 40 ft. for a min. of 15 ft. or to the end of building if < than 15 ft.
Buildings 80 ft. in length shall have variations in wall set back of at least 4 ft. for each 80 ft. of building length
Minimum Building Separation19
Single Unit
15 ft.
Residential buildings or building wings of same structure: 15 ft. Non-Residential portions of residential buildings: 10 ft.
Table 17.14.020(E) Open Space & Landscaping for Residential Zones
Zone Requirement
AE1 & 2
Minimum Private Open Space
Multiple-Unit 200 sq. ft. on ground floor with minimum 10 ft. dimensions; Must be enclosed by 5 ft. high decorative wall.
150 sq. ft. with minimum dimension of 8 ft.8
For 10 dwellings or less 20% of lot area is required for the private open space.9
Minimum Private Group Space
11 or more units:
Single: 300 sq. ft. /unit
1-Bedroom: 400 sq. ft. /unit
2-bedroom: 550 sq. ft. /unit
3-Bedroom: 700 sq. ft. /unit
≥4-bedroom: 100 sq. ft./unit10
11 or more units:
25% of total land area.10
Minimum Landscaping
All required front-yard and street-facing side-yard setbacks, excluding driveways and walkways, shall be landscaped and maintained
All required front-yard and street-facing side-yard setbacks, excluding driveways and walkways, shall be landscaped and maintained
Multiple-Unit: Two 48-in. box trees per unit and two 5-gal. plants per dwelling unit
All required front-yard and street-facing sideyard setbacks, excluding driveways and walkways, shall be landscaped and maintained
All required front-yard and street-facing side-yard setbacks, excluding driveways and walkways, shall be landscaped and maintained.
50% of group open space shall be landscaped with natural plant material
½ of this amount shall be lawn or turf
Remaining space shall be planted in ground cover, trees, shrubs & provided with an irrigation system.
One 48-in. box tree per unit.
Maximum Paved Recreational Facilities
Maximum 40% of group open space may be paved in surface including a swimming pool, walks, patio, terraces, courts & fountains
Recreational/communal buildings may not cover more than 10% of this area
Formula 1
16 ft. + 2 ft. (number of stories) + 1 ft. building wall (length)
Formula 2
6 ft. + 2 ft. (number of stories) + 1 ft. building wall (length)
Formula 3
6 ft. + 2 ft. (number of stories) + 1 ft. building wall (length)
Formula 4
4 ft. + 2 ft. (number of stories) + 1 ft. building wall (length)
If developed with single unit, R1 standards will apply.
If lot is less than 8,000 square feet R1 standards will apply.
Living area wall: A wall contains the principle windows of a habitable room, such as living rooms, family rooms, dining rooms and the like.
Bedroom wall: A wall that contains the principle windows of bedrooms.
Secondary wall: A wall that contains the windows of kitchens or bathrooms as well as those walls that have no windows.
The "2/3" rule requires the top story to be not more than two-thirds the size in total floor area of the bottom story. Deviation from this rule is permitted if the residential structure incorporates "desirable architectural elements" and satisfies the process outlined in for R-2 zone or BMC Section 17.32.100 for R-3 zone.
Private area must be equipped with one weather-proof electrical outlet.
Front yard set back to be included in 20% for R-2 zone or 25% for R-3 zone lot area calculations but private yard area shall not be placed in front yard set back.
Development of 11 dwelling units or more: a maximum of 75% of the total required group open space may be allocated as additional private open space purposes upon approval of the Planning Director.
All walkway ramps and steps must be lighted.
Enclosure shall be constructed of concrete block or equivalent and enhanced with stucco or other architectural material to match building.
In SF and R-1 only: Through lots shall record a restrictive covenant relinquishing their right to access the rear of their property from the right-of-way adjacent to their rear property line lot to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development.
In SF and R-1 only: The Planning Director may approve through lots with a rear yard setback that is the average setback on the street but in no case shall the rear yard setback be less than 15 feet.
Lot coverage shall be computed by utilizing the actual roof area, not including eaves, of all residential and accessory buildings.
Screening methods shall be architecturally compatible with the main building.
A parking space is considered to be a minimum size of nine feet by 20 feet. All required parking for each single family residence must be adjacent to that structure. Where the required parking cannot be reasonably complied with adjacent to the residence on lots of peculiar shape or location, the regulations herein specified may be modified upon application to the Planning Commission.
Minimum 20 foot driveway may be reduced to 15 feet if: sufficient fire flow exists and units more than 150 feet from the street are equipped with a domestic sprinkler system(s). Encroachment into the 15 foot access requirement is only allowed if an existing front structure protrudes into the 15 foot access and cannot be reasonably moved or remodeled. However, in no case shall the encroachment reduce access to less than 12 feet wide.
These provisions shall not be deemed to supersede any Building Code requirements for separation of buildings.
Pursuant to State law, accessory dwelling units do not increase the allowable density of residential uses.
Table 17.14.020(F) Detached Accessory Structures for Residential Zones
Zone Requirements
Completely to the rear of the main building
50 ft. from front property line
Completely to the rear of the main building
60 ft. from front property line
Same as SF Zone
Anywhere after the front or side street yard setback
Minimum Side Yard Setback: Interior Side
3 ft.; If wall higher than 10 ft. above grade, provide min. setback of 5 ft.
Same as SF Zone
If less than 50 ft. from front property line: Living area walls3 and bedroom walls4: 8 ft. or secondary walls5: 5 ft.
If completely at rear of building and located 50 ft. from front property line: None1
Minimum Side Yard Setback: Street Side
20 ft. for garage or carport that opens onto side street
10 ft. if no garage or carport opening onto side street
If less than 50ft. from front property line:
Living area walls3 and bedroom walls4: 8 ft. or secondary walls5: 5 ft.
If completely at rear of building and located 50ft. from front property line: N/A
Minimum Rear Yard Setback: Interior/Corner Lots
3 ft.
Detached buildings with a wall higher than 10 ft. above grade shall provide minimum setback of 5 ft.
Same as SF Zone
If less than 50 ft. from front property line: Living area walls3 and bedroom walls4: 8 ft. or secondary walls5: 5 ft.
If completely at rear of building and located 50 ft. from front property line: None1
Setback from Alley
Uniform development: 5 ft.6
Inconsistent development: 20 ft.6&7
25 ft. from opposite side of alley
Same as SF Zone
Same as AE Zone
Maximum Height
1 story/18 ft.
1 story or 20 ft. whichever is less
Not to exceed 1 story
15 ft.
Minimum Building Separation1
7 ft.
7 ft. from main building; 3 ft. from other accessory buildings
Maximum Size2
1,000 sq. ft. provided it does not exceed 10% of the lot size and it does not exceed the size of the existing primary dwelling8&9
600 sq. ft.
Must conform with fire resistance requirements and drainage on the subject property.
Garages are limited to 1,000 sq. ft. and must conform to lot coverage and floor area as listed on underlying zone.
Living area wall: A wall contains the principle windows of a habitable room, such as living rooms, family rooms, dining rooms and the like.
Bedroom wall: A wall that contains the principle windows of bedrooms.
Secondary wall: A wall contains the windows of kitchens or bathrooms as well as those walls that have no windows.
Through lots shall record a restrictive covenant relinquishing their right to access the rear of their property from the right-of-way adjacent to their rear property line lot to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development.
The Planning Director may approve through lots with a rear yard setback that is the average setback on the street but in no case shall the rear yard setback be less than 15 feet.
An accessory structure may exceed 1,000 sq. ft. if a Conditional Use Permit is obtained.
A restrictive covenant must be obtained stipulating that the accessory building will not be utilized as a rental unit.
Table 17.14.020(G) Projections into Yards for Residential Zones
Zone Requirements
Porches/ Platforms/ Landing Places
May not extend above the level of the first floor
Extension into front or side yard
Maximum projection of 6 ft. with maximum 30 inch high openwork railing
Architectural Features1
Side Yard / Front Yard
No more than 4 in. for each one foot of the width of such side yard, but not more than 30 ft. projection
Fire Escapes
Front Yard / Side Yard
Max 4 ft. projection
Also includes cornices, eaves, belt courses, sills, buttresses, fireplaces, windows, fully screened mechanical equipment, or other similar features.
Table 17.14.020(H) Fences, Hedges and Walls for Residential Zones
Zone Requirements
Fence/ Wall Materials
Chain Link
Prohibited in front and street side yard setbacks
Wood, Plastic, Vinyl, Metal, Aluminum, Brick or other Stone
Fence/ Hedge/ Wall Height Based on Location
Within Front Yard Setback Area
42 inches; 48 inches shall be allowed if the material above 24 inches is at least 50% transparent
Outside of Front Yard Setback Area
6 feet
Permanent fences must comply with BMC Section 17.72.060(C)(N).
(Ord. 1281 § 4, 9/8/14; Ord. 1321 § 9, 10/24/16; Ord. 1345 § 7, 9/25/17)
Table 17.14.030 Development Standards for C-G and M-1
Zone Requirement
Max. Building Height
No limitation
12 stories or 150 feet in height, whichever is lesser
Min. Front Yard Setback for Interior Lots, Corner Lots, Reversed Corner Lots, and Through Lots
10 feet from front property line or ultimate right-of-way, whichever is greater1&2
Min. Side and Rear Yard
No setback is required3
Min. Area Requirement
15,000 sq. ft., with a min. frontage of 100 feet on each public street4&9
Min. Parking Requirements
1 parking space for every 300 sq. ft. of building areas, exclusive of driveway, maneuvering and access area5
Warehouse use (excluding self-storage facilities as defined in Chapter 17.08): 1 parking space for each 1,000 sq. ft. of floor space or fraction thereof
For additional parking requirements for specified uses, see Chapter 17.88 of this Code
All other uses: 1.5 parking spaces for each 2 permanent employees or 1 parking space for each 500 sq. ft. of floor space or fraction thereof, whichever is greater
All uses: 1 parking space for each vehicle operated by any concern utilizing the use
Min. Loading
For hospitals & institutions:
3,000-20,000 = 1 loading space
20,000-50,000 = 2 loading spaces
Over 50,000 = 3 loading spaces
For hospitals & institutions:
Same as C-G Zone
For hotels and office buildings:
3,500-50,000 = 1 loading space
Over 50,000 = 2 loading spaces
For hotels and office buildings:
Same as C-G Zone
For all other uses:
3,000-15,000 sq. ft. = 1 loading space
15,100-45,000 sq. ft. = 2 loading spaces
45,100-75,000 = 3 loading spaces
Over 75,000 sq. ft. = 4 loading spaces
For all other uses:
33,500-40,000 sq. ft. = 1 loading space
40,100-80,000 sq. ft. = 2 loading spaces
Over 80,000 = 3 loading spaces
Fences and Walls6
If property abuts a residential district either on a side or rear yard: Min. 6-foot high and max. 8-foot high of solid masonry construction is required, provided no wall shall exceed 42 inches in height where it is in the front yard area of an abutting residential use or district
Chain link fences are prohibited in front yard and street side yard setbacks
Trash Facilities
Required for each lot, designed to meet the following minimum:
The size of the trash facility is subject to approval by the planner and must be enclosed by a 5-foot high solid masonry, brick or concrete wall with solid decorative gates of the same height and architecturally consistent trellis cover7
Must be located where there is adequate vehicular access, subject to approval by the planner
Must be maintained in a closed manner at all times to prohibit unauthorized access and to prevent visibility from public rights-of-way or adjacent property
Mechanical Equipment
Must be enclosed within a permanent sound proofed enclosure subject to the approval of the building inspector
Must be maintained in a clean and proper condition to prevent a collection of litter and filth and to avoid the emission of unnecessary noise, dust or fumes
All outdoor lighting shall be located and shielded so as to prevent spill of light onto adjacent lots and streets
Min. Landscaping8
5% of the parking area with a minimum 10-foot wide landscaped planter located adjacent to all rights-of-way
For each 1,000 sq. ft. of floor area provide one 48-inch box tree and five 5-gallon plants
Planting beds must be a minimum of 6 feet in width to be distributed throughout the parking area and must be bordered by a minimum 6-inch high concrete curb except where decorative walls are provided
No automobile space may incorporate the required planter within its dimension
Earth mounding shall be used when required by the Planner
For specific installation, maintenance and irrigation details, see Section 17.44.070.
No building nor structure, nor enlargement thereof shall hereby be erected unless the required front yard setback is provided.
Through lots shall maintain the required front yard setback on both abutting streets.
Any structure to be constructed within three feet of a side or rear property line shall be constructed of concrete block, concrete tilt up, or equivalent material. Permanent wall, color, texture, and/or relief shall be cast into concrete and shall not be painted.
A separate lot or parcel of record as of September 3, 1957, which lot or parcel may be occupied or utilized as having the minimum required area. A separate lot or parcel created prior to June 22, 1987, pursuant to applicable Municipal Code provisions, which lot or parcel may be occupied or utilized as having the minimum required area.
If required parking is not located on the same lot as the structure for which it provides the parking, the parking must be located within 500 feet of the building.
Any permanent fence is subject to approval by the City as permitted in Section 17.72.060. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this title, all existing uses, buildings, and structures in the C-G Zone which do not conform to this Code shall provide said perimeter wall at the time any permit is issued for physical alterations which also exceed the adopted valuation threshold for disabled access.
All trash enclosures shall meet applicable Fire Code provisions, including, but not limited to fire-rated construction, and where deemed appropriate by the Building Official, shall incorporate the use of an overhead sprinkler system.
Landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted to the Department of Planning and shall show the type, quantity, location, and size of all plants and irrigation equipment. Plants shall be selected appropriately based upon their adaptability to the climatic, geologic, and topographical conditions of the site and the type shall be approved by the Planning Director. Protection and preservation of native species and creation of hydrozones are encouraged. Compliance to the landscape provisions contained herein is required for all properties located within the C-G Zone in conjunction with any alteration or modification of the property except where the alteration and modification does not result in an expansion of more than 50% of the gross floor area of all structures on the property.
Projects to be developed with private streets which are constructed and maintained to City standards with CC&Rs, that establish mutual easements, covenants and restrictions upon the property and each of the parcels for vehicular and pedestrian access, subject to approval by the City Council.
(Ord. 1321 § 9, 10/24/16)