This chapter may be referred to as the "Open Space Zoning Ordinance." The intent and purpose of this Zone is to assure that the City recognizes that open space land is a limited and valuable resource which must be conserved wherever possible and to assure that the City will carry out the open space plan which, along with State and Regional Open Space Plans, will accomplish the objectives of a comprehensive open space program. This section has been prepared and adopted pursuant to Section 65910 of the Government Code and is intended to be consistent with, and supplement the local Open Space-Recreation and Conservation Elements of the General Plan heretofore adopted by the City Council.
(Prior code § 19-15.1)
Land in the O-S Zone may be utilized for the following:
Open space for the preservation of natural resources including, but not limited to, areas required for the preservation of plant and animal life; areas required for ecologic and other scientific study purposes; rivers, banks of rivers and streams and watershed land.
Open space for the managed production of resources, including, but not limited to, agricultural lands and areas of economic importance for the production of food or fiber; areas required for the recharge of ground water basins.
Open space for public health and safety, including, but not limited to, areas which require special management or regulation because of hazardous or special conditions such as earthquake fault zones, unstable soil areas, flood plains, watersheds, areas presenting high fire risks, areas required for the protection of water quality and water reservoirs and areas required for the protection and enhancement of air quality.
Open space for outdoor recreation, including, but not limited to, areas of outstanding scenic, historic and cultural value, areas particularly suited for park and recreation purposes, including access to rivers and streams; and areas which serve as links between major recreation and open space reservations, including utility easements, banks of rivers and streams, trails, and scenic highway corridors.
The keeping of horses in accordance with all requirements of Section 17.20.030.B.; provided, that the property where the horses are kept is immediately adjacent to real property owned or rented and occupied by the owner of the horses.
Wireless communication facilities, excluding ground mounted antennas.
(Prior code § 19-15.2; Ord. 1272 § 10, 4/28/14)
Every use permitted in the O-S Zone shall be subject to the following conditions and limitations.
There will be no retail sales or commercial recreation except as authorized by Conditional Use Permit pursuant to Section 17.64.040 or Sidewalk Vendor Permit pursuant to Chapter 5.28, except that retail sales of Christmas trees may be carried on between December 1 and December 30 of a calendar year.
No building, structure or improvement shall be erected or constructed on said premises except upon approval by the Planning Commission with the following exceptions:
Power transmission lines and directly related facilities including access roads necessary to facilitate the same.
Rivers, bodies of water, flood control channels and water storage facilities publicly owned.
Parks, playgrounds, golf courses and recreation areas publicly owned.
Public utility facilities under regulation by the Public Utilities Commission.
Accessory buildings for existing uses which do not have a floor area in excess of 500 square feet, provided not more than 10% of the land area is devoted to such uses.
Railroad and rapid transit facilities, including all necessary related facilities.
Freeway rights-of-way, including existing and future on and off-ramps.
Stables and other facilities necessary for the keeping of horses as provided in Section 17.64.020(E).
(Prior code § 19-15.3; Ord. 1368 § 4, 1/28/19; Ord. 1404 § 4, 12/14/20)
The following uses may be permitted in the O-S Zone after approval of a Conditional Use Permit.
All facilities and structures not directly excluded by Section 17.64.030(B).
Buildings, structures and facilities necessary to preserve open space for the public health and safety, including police and fire facilities.
Commercial recreational uses.
Storage and parking facilities for recreational vehicles and nonrecreational vehicles.
Ground mounted antennas.
Batting cage.
On-sale alcohol.
Shipping containers, provided there is also compliance with Section 17.72.090.
(Prior code § 1915.4(a)—(d), (g)—(i), (k) and (n); Ord. 1319 § 25, 10/10/16)
CUP Required. Boarding of horses may be permitted in the O-S Zone after approval of a Conditional Use Permit and provided the development standards in this section are met.
General Development Standards. The following general development standards establish minimum and maximum standards for maintaining equines:
Minimum site area shall be not less than one acre.
The number of horses permitted on the property shall not exceed one horse per 2,000 square feet of land area of the facility.
Yard Requirements. The yard requirements shall pertain to all structures including, but not limited to, stalls, corrals, arenas, fly-tight manure bins, pastures and grazing areas, except access roads, parking areas and watchman's quarters. All such structures or areas shall maintain a minimum of 75 feet from any property that is used for residential use.
Landscaping and Irrigation. Landscaping and irrigation system shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Department and provided in the following manner:
A five foot planter shall be provided along the front property line.
A five foot planter with perimeter trees and shrubs shall be provided along the side and rear property lines.
A permanent irrigation system shall be provided.
A six foot fence shall be provided when facility is adjacent to a publicly dedicated street.
Parking shall be provided on permanently improved lots of not less than two feet of asphalt and three feet of untreated base with not less than one parking space for each three corrals, plus one horse trailer space for each 10 corrals.
Specific Development Standards. The following specific requirements shall also be met:
Corrals. There shall be a minimum size of corral of 288 square feet provided for each equine except that a mare and foal may be corralled together for a period not to exceed 12 months.
Each corral shall have a minimum dimension of 12 feet and shall be enclosed by a five foot high fence. Pipe fences are favored for maximum air circulation.
Box Stalls. A box stall is optional and may be provided in lieu of equine corrals. Box stalls shall be a minimum of 144 square feet and shall maintain a minimum dimension of 12 feet.
Each equine shall be provided with a minimum 96 square feet of shelter covering with a minimum dimension of eight feet. Shelters shall be sloped away from corrals, or rain gutters which lead to the outside of the corral shall be installed.
Each corral and/or box stall shall be provided with a combination manger and feeder and a permanently installed water system with automatic drinking controls. The watering cup or drinking device shall at all times be under a shaded area.
Corral floors shall be graded to slope away from the center of the corral.
In all areas where equines are maintained, the land surface of such enclosure shall be graded above the remaining land surface so as to provide adequate drainage.
Back-siphoning device shall be installed to protect the public water supply. An approved pressure vacuum breaker is recommended on the water line serving the corrals. The vacuum breaker should be at least 12 inches above the highest point of water usage or an approved double check valve may be acceptable.
Wash Rack. There shall be one wash rack provided for every 35 equines, but in no case shall there be less than one wash rack. Each wash rack shall have a minimum size of six feet wide and eight feet long, shall be provided with a permanent water system, shall be constructed with a concrete slab floor and shall be connected to an approved sewerage.
Public toilets for each sex shall be provided.
One mobile home unit or equivalent for a watchman's quarters shall be provided.
Security lighting shall be provided and all utilities shall be underground.
All public rights-of-way shall be fenced and limited ingress and egress for vehicles and horses shall be provided.
Performance Standards. It is the intent of these standards to attain free circulation of air and maximum exposure to sunlight for the purpose of improving sanitation.
Fly and Insect Control. Fly and insect control shall be diligently practiced and subject to Chapter VIII, of the Public Health Code of the County of Los Angeles.
Disposal of stable wastes shall follow one or more of the following methods:
All thin layer spread shall be subject to the approval of the Los Angeles County Health Officer.
Immediate off-site delivery to farmers for direct fertilizer use, or to a county landfill for destruction.
Temporary placement shall not exceed 48 hours in an all concrete, three walled open storage bin with removal to off-site use or destruction on a suitable schedule. Size of storage bins depends on projected daily volume of waste.
Feed mangers or boxes shall not be placed near water sources since damp spilled feed attracts flies and makes good breeding site for flies.
Rodent Control. Rodent control shall be diligently practiced and subject to Chapter VIII of the Public Health Code of the County of Los Angeles, and the entire premises shall be kept in an orderly and sanitary manner to prevent possible rodent infestation.
All dry grains shall be stored in rodent proof metal containers and hay shall be stored in a covered structure on a cement slab or on a raised wood platform that maintains a minimum clearance of 18 inches above the ground. Hay stored other than within a building shall not exceed a height of 10 feet, and shall not be stored closer than five feet to a property line.
Any tack equipment, device, substance, or material shall be stored on racks or shelves at least 12 inches above the floor surface. Tack room floors shall maintain a minimum clearance of six inches above the ground.
Water Management. Special attention shall be given to water sources because accumulation of manure, bedding and/or feed with water are ideal for fly production. For effective reduction of these fly-production sources, the following guidelines are provided:
A nonleak valve for all troughs, bowls, cups and other water resources shall be provided.
Automatic valves, or sanitary drains if water flow is continuous, are needed equipment for large troughs or cups.
In all animal enclosure areas, the owner shall properly grade the earth surface to suit the master drainage plan so that rain water or water trough overflow does not form ponds.
Frequently remove stall bedding from underneath water cups.
Stable Sanitation. Good sanitary methods around barn, stalls, paddocks, tack sheds and the owner's quarters are as important as manure management. A general cleanup program should accompany the manure management system. Weed control near corrals, water troughs, and surrounding areas around the paddocks helps the sun to penetrate and allows the movement of air.
Dust Control. All permitted areas for the keeping of animals shall be maintained so as to be dust free by dampening with a sprinkler system or other acceptable means to remove detrimental or nuisance aspects relating to dust emission from the area so used.
(Prior code § 19-15.4(e))
CUP Required. Agricultural greenhouses may be permitted in the O-S Zone after approval of a Conditional Use Permit and provided the development standards in this section are met. No Conditional Use Permit shall be issued pursuant to this section except upon a finding, in addition to all other findings and determinations required for a Conditional Use Permit, that said Conditional Use Permit is in substantial compliance with the Open Space-Recreation and Conservation Elements of the General Plan.
General Development Standards.
Minimum 30 foot front yard setback.
Minimum 20 foot rear yard setback.
Minimum 20 foot side yard setback.
Maximum height not to exceed 14 feet from the highest finished grade.
Maximum lot coverage 25%.
Landscape and irrigation. Landscaping and irrigation system shall be approved prior to issuance of building permits, and shall provide mature vegetation to screen all structures.
Building materials and colors shall provide minimum contrast.
(Prior code § 19-15.4(f))
Game arcades as accessory use to commercial recreation in the O-S Zone may be permitted after approval of a Conditional Use Permit and provided the following conditions are satisfied:
No game arcade shall be permitted within 300 feet of any public or private school or other game arcade.
The minimum size of an area utilized for such use shall be 1,000 square feet of floor area.
A minimum of 50% of the floor area of said area shall be open and free at all times.
A person shall not maintain any game to which the public is invited, unless the interior of such game arcade, except the restrooms thereof, is visible immediately upon entrance into the premises of which said game arcade is a part. All entrances and interior areas to be adequately lighted, and a lighting plan to be approved by the Planning Commission.
No proprietor, employee thereof, or person in charge, shall allow any minor under 18 years of age to play or use any such game during the academic year for Bellflower Public Schools between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., except during school holidays and on Saturday and Sunday.
No owner, manager or proprietor, or other person having charge of any game arcade shall keep the game open or allow or permit the same to be kept open between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. of the following day, except as specifically permitted by the terms of the Conditional Use Permit, nor allow, or permit any person, except such owner, manager, proprietor or person in charge thereof, or persons regularly employed in and about the same, to be or remain therein between the hours.
The walls of the game arcade, if in common with another business establishment, shall have a Sound Transmission Class Rating of 56.
A minimum of two bicycle rack spaces shall be provided for every one mechanical or electronic amusement machine. Such bicycle parking shall not be located on public right-of-way or within required parking spaces.
A person shall not enter, be or remain in any part of a game arcade while in the possession of, consuming, using or under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or drug. The licensee, manager, and every supervisory employee shall not permit any such person to enter or remain upon the licensed premises. Establishments having CUPs for the on-premises sale of alcoholic beverages are exempted.
At least one responsible adult shall be in attendance at all times that the business establishment is open to provide adequate management control over said premises. At the discretion of the Planning Commission, this number may be increased if deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare.
(Prior code § 19-15.4(j))
Self-service storage facilities may be permitted in the O-S Zone after approval of a Conditional Use Permit and provided the following conditions are satisfied:
The minimum area of the parcel or lot shall not be less than 80,000 square feet.
Each lot shall have a minimum frontage of not less than 40 feet. A self-service storage facility shall not be permitted on a lot which has street frontage on a major arterial street as indicated on the Land Use and Circulation Element of the City.
Building setback when adjoining residential property:
Front yard setback: Twenty-five feet.
Side yard setback: Twenty-five feet.
Rear yard setback: Twenty-five feet.
Setback when adjoining commercial or industrial properties:
Front yard setback: None.
Side yard setback: None.
Rear yard setback: None.
Setback when adjoining open space properties:
Front yard setback: Twenty-five feet.
Side yard setback: Five feet.
Rear yard setback: Twenty-five feet.
Maximum lot coverage of all buildings shall not exceed 30% of the total lot area.
Off-street parking shall be provided in the following manner:
The provision of parking/driving lanes adjacent to the storage buildings.
Two covered parking spaces shall be provided adjacent to the manager's quarters.
One parking space for every 100 storage cubicles or fraction thereof with a minimum of three spaces being provided.
Required parking spaces shall not be rented as or used as vehicular storage.
On-site circulation and minimum driveway width:
All interior drives shall have a minimum width of 30 feet.
A driveway aisle where access to storage units is only on one side of the aisle may only be 18 feet in width.
Access shall be limited to one access point per street frontage.
Building height shall not exceed 22 feet. Storage structures shall not exceed 12 feet in height. All storage structures must be built or placed on permanent foundations. Structures or containers not permanently affixed to the ground may not be used for any purpose.
Any site boundary abutting a residential zoning district shall be fenced with a solid eight foot high decorative block wall. Any site boundary abutting a commercial or industrial district shall be fenced with a solid six foot high decorative block wall.
Exterior lighting shall be so arranged and shielded so as to prevent glare on adjacent properties or highways.
An on-site manager's unit and 24 hour management shall be provided.
Landscaping shall be provided in all required setback areas and throughout nonstorage parking areas.
The sale of any item from or at a leased self-storage facility is specifically prohibited.
It is unlawful for any owner, operator or lessee of any self-storage facility or portion thereof to offer for sale or to sell any item of personal property or to conduct any type of commercial activity of any kind whatsoever other than leasing of the storage units, or to permit same to occur upon any area designated as a self-service storage facility.
Exception. The sale of abandoned property in accordance with Section 1980, et seq., Civil Code and a lien sale in accordance with Section 21700, et seq., Business and Professions Code.
No outside storage shall be permitted except for recreational vehicles or motorized equipment in operable condition.
Repair of Vehicles and Furniture Prohibited. Because of the danger from fire or explosion caused by the accumulation of vapors from gasoline, diesel fuel, paint, paint remover and other flammable materials, the repair, construction or reconstruction of any boat, engine, motor vehicle or furniture, and the storage of any propane or gasoline engine or propane or gasoline storage tank or any boat or vehicle incorporating such components, is prohibited within any structure on the parcel of land designated as a self-service storage facility.
Storage of Caustic, Hazardous or Toxic Materials. The storage of any caustic, hazardous or toxic materials or waste materials thereof shall be prohibited with the exception of the storage of the above materials with approval by the Los Angeles County Fire and Health Departments.
No public address system shall be allowed.
(Prior code § 19-15.4(l))
Notwithstanding any other term or provision of this title to the contrary, variances from the terms and provisions of this chapter shall be granted only upon literal and strict interpretation and enforcement of Section 65911 of the Government Code which as adopted by Statutes 1970, Chapter 1590, reads:
"Variances from the terms of an Open-Space Zoning Ordinance shall be granted only when, because of special circumstances applicable to the property, including size, shape, topography, location of surroundings, the strict application of the Zoning Ordinance deprives such property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and under identical zoning classification. Any variance granted shall be subject to such conditions as will assure that the adjustment thereby authorized shall not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zone in which such property is situated. This section shall be literally and strictly interpreted and enforced so as to protect the interest of the public in the orderly growth and development of cities and counties and in the preservation and conservation of open-space lands."
(Prior code § 19-15.5)
The City of Bellflower hereby finds and declares that this chapter is not intended, and shall not be construed, as authorizing the City to exercise its power to adopt, amend or repeal the Open-Space Zoning Ordinance in a manner which will take or damage private property for public use without the payment of just compensation therefore. This section is not intended to increase or decrease the rights of any owner of property under the Constitution of the State of California or of the United States.
(Prior code § 19-15.6)