Except as provided for in Section 17.72.080, no portion of the front yard shall be used for the parking or storage of motor vehicles, trailers, campers, airplanes, boats, recreational vehicles, motor homes, parts of any of the foregoing, junk, tent or building materials (with the exception of building materials for use on the premises and stored thereon during the time a valid permit is in effect for construction on the premises).
(Prior code § 19-16.1(b))
It is hereby determined that it is necessary for there to be adequate space between buildings on opposite sides of a street, either public or private, to provide for light, air, open spaces, safe and convenient access of emergency facilities, and to deter the spread of conflagration, and the provisions of this Section are for the purpose of insuring the providing of such space and uniform building setback.
A building or structure shall not be erected or maintained on a lot which abuts a street, either public or private, for which there has been dedicated only a portion of its required width as such required width has been determined by the Director of Public Works and is shown on the maps on file in the office of the Director of Public Works or as such required width is shown on a Street and Highway Element of an Adopted Master or General Plan approved by the City Council unless such building or structure is set back from the centerline of such street, either public or private, a distance equal to the aggregate of the distance of the depth of the required front yard and 1/2 of the required width of such street. Under no circumstances shall the distance required hereunder result in a lot having a buildable width or depth of less than 40 feet.
(Prior code § 19-16.1(f))
Except where otherwise provided for in this title, every main building shall face or have frontage upon a public street or permanent means of access to a street.
Before any building or structure is hereafter erected or structurally altered for a multiple residential, commercial or industrial purpose, a plot plan showing location of the proposed building and development of the property shall be submitted to the Planning Director for review and recommendation.
It shall be the duty of the Commission to see that all requirements of this title are fully met.
(Prior code § 19-16.2)
One family dwellings in a 30 foot height district may be increased in height by not more than 10 feet when two side yards of not less than 15 feet each are provided. Such dwellings, however, shall not exceed three stories in height.
In a 30 foot height district, public or semipublic buildings, schools, hospitals, or institutions may be erected to a height not exceeding six stories or 75 feet when the required front, side and rear yards are increased an additional one foot for each four feet in height of such buildings or structure in excess of 30 feet.
Penthouses or roof structures for the housing of elevators, stairways, tanks, ventilating fans or similar equipment required to operate and maintain the buildings, and fire or parapet walls, skylights, flag poles, chimneys, residential radio or TV antennas, or similar structures may be erected above the height limits herein prescribed, but no penthouse or roof structure or any space above the height limit shall be allowed for the purpose of additional floor space.
(Prior code § 19-16.3)
Interpretation of Provisions—Director's Authority.
It shall be the duty of the Director, where reasonably necessary, to interpret the provisions of this chapter to assure adherence to the City Council's purpose and intent in adopting the provisions contained in this title. The Director may provide an order, requirement, decision, determination, interpretation or ruling.
All such interpretations shall be reduced to written form, and shall be permanently maintained by the Director.
Appeals of the Director's interpretation shall follow the procedure established in Section 17.112.010.
(Prior code § 19-16.4)
Cornices, eaves, belt courses, sills, buttresses, fireplaces, windows, fully screened mechanical equipment, or other similar features may extend or project into a required side yard no more than four inches for each one foot of the width of such side yard, and may extend or project into a required front or side yard not more than 30 inches. Such extensions shall not be closer to any side property line than 30 inches.
Fire escapes may extend or project into a front yard or side yard not more than four feet.
Uncovered porches, platforms or landing places which do not extend above the level of the first floor of the building may extend into any required front or side yard not more than six feet; provided however, that an openwork railing not more than 30 inches in height may be installed or constructed on any such porch, platform or landing place.
Fences on side and rear property lines in industrial zones may be a maximum 10 feet in height; fences on side and rear property lines of commercial properties may be a maximum eight feet in height; however, in the front 10 feet of commercial or industrial properties fence height is restricted to 42 inches unless it is constructed of wrought iron when it may not exceed six feet in height. All fences over six feet in height and over 42 inches in front area as allowed by this section shall require Planning Director approval.
A fence or wall not more than six feet in height or a hedge maintained so as not to exceed six feet in height may be located in the side or rear yards provided such fence, wall or hedge does not extend into the required front yard.
A fence, wall, or hedge not to exceed 42 inches may be erected and maintained in any required front yard. In front yards, a fence or wall up to 48 inches shall be allowed if the material above 24 inches is at least 50% transparent.
The provisions of Subsections (E) and (F) of this section shall not be so interpreted as to prohibit the erection of a fence enclosing an elementary, junior high, high school site or public utility yard or substation as required by State regulations.
A fence, wall or hedge not to exceed 42 inches may be erected and maintained in any required front yard.
Trees, shrubs, flowers or plants shall be permitted in any required front, side or rear yard.
Development on lots adjacent to a public right-of-way must maintain adequate line of sight for vehicles and may be subject to line-of-sight visibility requirements as determined by the City Engineer.
Fence material may be made of, but not limited to wood, plastic, vinyl, metal, aluminum, brick, or other stone. Chain link fence material is prohibited within front and street side yard areas.
Application for Fence Approval. To obtain City approval, an application, accompanied by plans, supporting information, and an application fee as established by City Council resolution must first be submitted to the Planning Division. The required content of the application, supporting information, and the plans shall be as determined by the Planning Director.
When a single-family dwelling, multiple dwellings, institutional uses, commercial uses, business or other industrial uses are established or enlarged, in addition to improvements specifically stated in the foregoing paragraphs, the Planning Commission may require curbs, gutters, paving, barriers, fences, sidewalks, and similar improvements which shall comply with the Planning Commission's standards and the standards of the Director of Public Works established therefor.
When in this title there is a requirement that a wall, parking space, parking area, or landscaped area be installed, as to any particular use, or by reason thereof, it shall be the duty of the owner and of the occupant of the premises to maintain at all times said wall, parking space or parking area, or landscaped area in an orderly manner, in good condition, and in good repair.
(Prior code § 19-16.5; Ord. 1321 § 9, 10/24/16)
Storage, Residential Zones. All outdoor storage, in any residential zone, which occupies a volume of more than 60 cubic feet and is visible from any public street or adjoining property shall be enclosed by a view-obscuring fence or wall at least six feet high. All gates shall be at least six feet in height and shall be of view-obscuring construction.
Storage, Commercial and Industrial Zones. All outdoor storage, in any commercial or industrial zone, which occupies a volume not more than 60 cubic feet and is visible from any public street or adjoining property shall be enclosed by a wall at least eight feet high and comprised of masonry or decorative block or a material that is architecturally compatible with other structures on the site, as reasonably approved by the Director of Community Development and in conformance with the design standards outlined in Planning Commission Resolution No. PC 12-32. All gates shall be at least eight feet in height and shall be of solid, view-obscuring construction.
Outdoor Transitional Staging Area, Commercial and Industrial Zones. Materials and/or products, or recyclable by-products, associated with the primary onsite building and/or use, can be temporarily stored within outside transitional areas.
The transitional staging area shall not exceed 10% of the total square footage of the primary building.
A minimum six foot to a maximum of eight foot high decorative block wall shall enclose the transitional staging area. The decorative block wall shall be split face concrete or other decorative material and shall be subject to approval by the Community Development Director or designee. Chain-link fencing is prohibited.
The transitional staging area shall be attached to the primary building and shall not encroach into the parking driveway(s) and/or landscape areas.
If deemed necessary by the Community Development Director or designee, additional irrigated landscape planters shall be provided along the decorative block wall to further screen views of the wall.
Signs and/or advertising shall not be permitted on the decorative block wall.
The transitional staging area may be used for recyclable goods, transitional items, and similar materials to be moved off-site on a regular basis, and not be stored within the outdoor transitional staging area for a period of time in excess of seven calendar days.
Storage Location. Outdoor storage shall not be located in any required parking area, loading area or accessway; in any front or street side yard, or in any area required to be landscaped.
Storage Height. Stored materials, merchandise, equipment, or other goods, excepting neatly stacked lumber in lumberyards, shall be stacked in outdoor storage areas to a height no greater than that of any wall or gate enclosing the storage area.
Types Prohibited. The storage of all material or wastes which might cause fumes or dust, or which constitute a fire hazard, or which may be edible by or otherwise attractive to insects or rodents, or which becomes a nuisance unless said materials or wastes are stored in closed containers, is prohibited.
Specific Storage Requirements in C or M Zones. In the commercial and manufacturing zones, the following regulations shall apply:
No material, equipment or goods of any kind shall be stored on the roof of any building.
In the C Zones, the outdoor storage of merchandise, materials, or equipment, except vehicles, shall be permitted only when incidental to a permitted use located on the same lot provided that such storage is located at the rear of a lot and is confined to an area not to exceed 5% of the gross floor area of the permitted building or buildings.
Activities involving the storage of corrosive, explosive, flammable, toxic or dangerous materials or products shall be conducted in accordance with all applicable fire and health code provisions.
Surfacing of Storage Area. All areas utilized for open storage shall be paved with not less than three inch thick asphalt or concrete.
Landscaping of Storage Areas. All required walls which are visible from any street or highway shall be set back a minimum of five feet, with said setback area to be permanently landscaped.
Walls exceeding 50 feet in length shall have a minimum of one variation with a minimum horizontal dimension of two feet for each 50 feet of wall length.
All landscaped areas shall be consistently maintained, provided with a sprinkler system arranged so as to assure complete coverage of the landscaped area, and enclosed by a minimum six inch high concrete curb.
Exemptions. The following uses shall be exempted from the wall and landscaping requirements:
Automobile sales, limited to new and used automobiles held for sale or rental only.
Boat sales, limited to boats held for sale or rental only.
Mobile home sales.
Parking lots, not utilized for storage.
Plant nursery stock. All stored items other than living stock shall be screened.
Recreational vehicle sales and rental.
Electrical substation.
Truck sales, limited to trucks held for sale or rental only.
Limited outside display of retail merchandise as provided in Sections 17.44.310 and 17.44.320 of this title.
Time Limit for Compliance.
All outside storage in residential zones outside the confines of the required fenced or walled area shall be abated within six months from February 11, 1987, the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section.
All outside storage in commercial and industrial zones outside the confines of the required wall areas shall be abated within 12 months from February 11, 1987, the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section.
(Prior code § 19-16.6; Ord. 1237 § 1, 2/11/13)
Any vehicles allowed to be parked, stored or maintained on a property utilized for residential purposes shall comply with the following requirements:
Automobiles, buses, motor homes, motor trucks, vans, campers, camper shells mounted on a vehicle, trailers, trailer coaches, camp trailers, boats on a trailer and tent trailers are allowed in a required front yard, side yard, corner lot rear yard or in a yard clearly visible to a public right-of-way provided they are:
Fully operable, completely assembled, supported by inflated tires and not supported by blocks, jacks or similar supports, except that such vehicle may be safely leveled to provide the proper flow of propane or other gas to built-in appliances; and
Currently registered for operation on public streets; and
Owned or leased by the residents of the premises; and
Maintained in a clean and neat way, not significantly damaged nor continuously under repair; and
Free from accumulation of debris, junk, trash in or around the vehicle; and
If covered, covered with a tarp or covering designed especially for that type vehicle; and
Not more than one and one-half (1 1/2) ton capacity, if a motor truck; and
Except for automobiles, located entirely on the subject property with no overhang or encroachment into the public right-of-way; nor into the area formed by a five foot by five foot triangle as measured from the point of intersection of the back of the sidewalk (or the public right-of-way, when no such sidewalk exists) and a side property line extended to the back of the sidewalk (or the public right-of-way, when no such sidewalk exists), when such side property line is within five feet of a driveway or an approved parking space located at an adjacent lot. This triangle will provide a clear visual line aimed at increasing the safety of vehicles exiting the adjacent driveway or parking space; and
Parked or stored in an approved residential parking space or an approved residential driveway except from 7:00 p.m. the day before posted street cleaning to 7:00 p.m. the day of posted street cleaning time hours; and
Free of electric, sewer and plumbing hookups except those temporarily required to provide the vehicle with adequate cleaning and maintenance.
Buses, motor homes, unmounted campers, camper shells mounted on a vehicle, camp trailers, boats on trailers and tent trailers are permitted on such front and side yard areas subject to the following additional requirements:
Only if there is no access to the rear yard or no other approved location can be made available on the property for parking.
Limited to a maximum capacity of no more than 18 adult persons for bus.
Unmounted campers are permitted on dollies with lockable wheels, provided that the lowest portion of said camper does not exceed a height of 12 inches above the ground.
Site plan approval is obtained for any area in excess of the residential driveway, to be used for the parking of such recreation related vehicle(s) or equipment. Said area shall be paved with concrete or asphalt and may include the area between the driveway and the nearest property line within a front yard and/or interior side yard. Said area shall not be located within the street side yard of a corner lot. Said vehicle must be oriented in a manner perpendicular to the street unless otherwise approved through the site plan review process.
If parked within 10 feet of an adjacent property's residential wall, the vehicle height shall not exceed the maximum allowed height for a fence or wall separating that portion of the two properties or, in the case of a passenger van, the standard height of such a van. A residential wall is any wall which forms part of a living area, including bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, living and dining areas. A wall with no windows or doors shall not be considered a residential wall. In the event that the residential wall is of such length that the vehicle does not come within five feet measured in a perpendicular line from the opening of any window or door on the wall, this chapter shall not apply.
Automobiles, buses, motor homes, motor trucks, vans, campers/camper shells, camp trailers, boats and similar recreation vehicles or equipment on trailers, utility trailers and tent trailers are allowed in required rear yards and other portions of the property not otherwise regulated by this section provided they are:
Owned or leased by the residents of the premises;
Maintained in a clean and neat way and not significantly damaged nor continuously under repair;
Not more than one and one-half (1 1/2) ton capacity, if a motor truck;
Located entirely on the subject property;
Of a maximum capacity of no more than 18 adult persons, for buses; and
Unmounted camper/camper shells are permitted on blocks, jacks or similar supports provided that the lowest portion of said camper does not exceed a height of 12 inches above the ground.
This section shall not be deemed to prohibit the infrequent temporary parking of any vehicle in a front yard or side yard area for the purpose of loading and unloading passengers; making pickups or deliveries of goods, wares, or merchandise from or to any building or structure located on a residentially-used lot; washing or maintenance of vehicles; or for the purpose of delivering materials to be used in the actual and bona fide repair, alteration, remodeling or construction of any building or structure upon such residential lot; nor shall any provisions of this chapter apply to any vehicle subject to the provisions of Article 2, Chapter 5, Part 1, Division 1 of the Public Utilities Code of the State of California, or any vehicle owned by a public utility while necessarily in use in the construction, installation, maintenance or repair of any public utility.
(Prior code § 19-16.8; Ord. 1281 § 13, 9/8/14)
Shipping containers shall not be permitted on any lot in the City, except as is expressly provided in this title.
A shipping container, where expressly permitted by this title, shall comply with the following regulations:
It shall not exceed 10 feet in height or 320 square feet in floor area; and
It is located at least 10 feet from a required front yard area; and
It is not visible from any public street or right-of-way; a shipping container shall not be deemed visible from a public street or right-of-way if it is screened by a six foot high view obscuring fence, wall, hedge, or other screening device; and
It does not occupy any portion of a required yard area, or any portion of a required off-street parking space or circulation aisle; and
It has no utility connections of any kind; and
It is used only for the storage of materials that have been approved by the County of Los Angeles Building Department or Fire Department; and
It has no advertising signs or graphics attached to or painted on the shipping container; and
It is properly maintained and painted; and
Not more than one shipping container is maintained for use on a lot for each 15,000 square feet or fraction thereof, of lot area of any such lot upon which a shipping container may be located pursuant to this title.
The use of a shipping container which does not meet the requirements of this section, and/or other applicable provisions of this title, shall be abated within 90 days from and after the effective date of Ordinance No. 853[1] by the removal of such shipping container from the lot upon which it is located.
Editor's note: Ordinance No. 853, referred to herein, became effective July 12, 1995.
The use of any shipping container, not in compliance with the provisions of this section, and/or other applicable provisions of this title, shall be deemed, for all purposes, to be a public nuisance and shall be subject to abatement in the manner prescribed by law, including, but not limited to, Chapter 8.36 of the Bellflower Municipal Code.
The provisions of this section shall not be deemed to prohibit or regulate the use of a shipping container, the use of which is expressly authorized pursuant to the provisions of a Uniform Code which is adopted by reference as a part of the Bellflower Municipal Code.
(Prior code § 19-16.9)
All required landscape areas in the R-2 Medium Density Residential Zone, R-3 Multiple Residential Zone, CG General Commercial Zone, Town Center (TC) District or M-1 Light Industrial District by these regulations or as conditioned, are to be continuously checked and maintained to the satisfaction of the Director or designee(s) to ensure that the landscape and irrigation system is operating in optimum condition including, but not limited to:
Maintain irrigation lines;
Conduct valve adjustment and/or repairs;
Conduct sprinkler head adjustments/repair;
Reset/repair automatic controllers;
Aerating and dethatching turf areas;
Replenish mulch;
Prune and weed all landscape areas;
Replace all dead plant material.
(Prior code § 19-16.12; Ord. 1217 § 19, 9/26/11)
The exterior of all buildings and structures in all zones shall be continuously checked by the owner and/or occupant thereof and maintained to the satisfaction of the Director so as to ensure the exterior is not unsightly, that the exterior surface materials are not peeled, cracked, faded, chipped, or torn, and that there is no missing exterior surface materials, including, but not limited to, paint, stucco, siding, shingles and roof shingles. "Exterior" of a building or structure includes roofings, building walls, doors, garage doors, porches, patios, awnings, screens, windows, window frames and casements, ledges, fascias, eaves and any wood or vinyl trim.
(Prior code § 19-16.14; Ord. 1150 § 1 (Exh. 9), 11/26/07)