The following standards for providing off-street parking shall apply when any structure is constructed, erected, moved or replaced, or any use is established on a lot. These standards shall also be complied with when an existing building is altered or enlarged by the addition of dwelling units or guest rooms or where the use is intensified by the addition of floor space, seating capacity or seats.
Where automobile parking space provided and maintained on a lot in connection with a main building or structure at the time the ordinance codified in this title became effective is insufficient to meet the requirements for the use with which it is to be associated, or where no such parking has been provided, said building or structure or use may be altered or enlarged, or such use may be extended provided additional automobile parking spaces are provided to meet the standards for said use or buildings in conformity with the requirements set forth in this title, for the enlargement, extension or addition proposed.
A "parking space" shall be defined as any permanently maintained space of not less than nine feet by 20 feet for the parking of motor vehicles. When a parking space abuts a landscape planter, the front two feet of the required parking space length may overhang the planter, provided that wheel stops or a minimum six inch high concrete curb is provided. No portion of a planter dedicated to the overhang shall be counted toward the required landscaped area. The portion of the parking space that overhangs the planter shall be landscaped with plant material that does not exceed 12 inches in mature height.
(Prior code § 19-19; Ord. 1272 § 12, 4/28/14)
Every parcel of land hereafter used for parking, sales, storage, or display purposes shall be improved and maintained as required in the following paragraphs:
All areas shall be surfaced or paved with either asphaltic concrete or concrete to a minimum of three inches in depth, or two inches of premix and four inches of Class A base, or other surface approved by the City Engineer, and said parking or surfacing shall thereafter be maintained in good condition.
Where such parking or storage in residential areas adjoins a more restrictive residential district, they must be separated by a solid masonry wall six feet in height. The solid masonry wall, however, cannot exceed 42 inches in height where it is in the front yard area of an abutting residential use or district. For parking, storage or display in a commercial or industrial area or serving a more intensive use such as a school, adjoining any residential zone or use, it must be separated therefrom by a solid masonry wall six feet in height or up to a maximum height of eight feet with approval of the Planning Commission, provided the wall does not exceed 42 inches in height where it abuts the front yard of a residential use or district. Where such parking area abuts a street in a residential district, it must be separated therefrom by a solid ornamental masonry wall or fence, or compact eugenia or other evergreen hedge or combination thereof, having a height of not less than two feet and maintained at a height of not more than three and one-half (3-1/2)feet. Such fence wall or hedge must be maintained in good condition at all times. Where no fence or wall is required along the boundary of an area covered by this section, there must be a concrete curb not less than four inches by four inches in cross-section securely installed and maintained as a tire stop and safeguard to abutting property or public right-of-way. The barrier must be not less than two feet from any property line or public right-of-way.
Where more than two adjacent required parking spaces are provided, each shall be suitably marked by striping or other means to clearly indicate the area of each parking space.
Where driveway standards cannot be reasonably complied with, or their application determined on lots of peculiar shape or location, the regulations herein specified may be modified without notice or hearing upon application to and approval by the City Manager.
Lighting, where provided to illuminate such parking, sales or display areas shall be so arranged and controlled so as not to cause a nuisance either to highway traffic or to the residential uses adjacent thereto.
Each entrance and exit of a parking lot shall be constructed and maintained so that any vehicle entering or leaving the parking lot shall be clearly visible to any person approaching such entrance or exit, or any pedestrian walk or foot path. Exits from parking lots shall be clearly posted with "Stop" signs. Entrance and exit signs and directional signs shall be installed and maintained.
Parking, loading spaces and turn-around areas required by this chapter in any R or A District, shall not be located within the front yard, side yard abutting a street, or setback area, and no vehicle shall be parked, stored or maintained in this required front yard or required street side yard of a corner lot. This section shall not prohibit the parking of a vehicle in the front yard or street side yard for the purpose of making pickups or deliveries of goods, wares, and merchandise, or for the purpose of delivering materials for construction of any building or structure on such residential lot, or for the purpose of construction, installation or repair of any public utility.
Minimum driveway, turning, maneuvering and parking area acceptable to meet the requirements of this title shall be as shown in the following diagrams.
All parking lots shall be designed so that there is internal circulation provided within the parking lot. If circulation within the parking lot is not provided, a 24 by 24 foot turn-around will suffice.
The provisions of this section will not apply to an unattended public utility facility which is used for the transmission or distribution of electricity, petroleum products, and water.
In the C-G (General Commercial) and M-1 (Light Industrial) Zones where there are 50 or more parking spaces, motorcycle parking may be substituted for up to 5% of the required number of automobile parking spaces, subject to approval by the Director of Planning, or designee. Motorcycle parking spaces shall be identified or designated through the use of signage or pavement markings. Motorcycle parking shall be designed as shown in the following diagram.
(Prior code § 19-19.1; Ord. 1150 § 1 (Exh. 11), 11/26/07; Ord. 1272 § 12, 4/28/14; Ord. 1319 § 29, 10/10/16)
Parking spaces, garages and carports shall not project into any required front or side street yard and shall be located on the same building site as the residential unit which they serve.
(Prior code § 19-19.2)
The above provisions of this chapter are not subject to the provisions of Chapter 17.100 of this title.
(Prior code § 19-19.3)
For buildings or structures other than dwellings and for uses involving large concentrations of people in any zone, there must be at least one parking space on the same lot with the main building or lots immediately contiguous thereto and available for use by the occupants in the following ratios, unless otherwise required in any particular zone, for the specific type of uses:
For religious facilities, theaters, auditoriums and similar places of assembly, at least one parking space for every seven and one-half (7-1/2) permanent seats. A "seat" means 18 lineal inches of seating space when seats are arranged in rows or pews. For auditoriums, with no permanent seats, a "seat" means seven square feet of floor area.
For hospitals and similar institutions, there must be at least one parking space for every bed provided for in said building, plus one parking space provided for the maximum staff on any one work shift of the institution.
For an ambulance service use, parking spaces must be provided at not less than the minimum rate established for the zone in which the use is located, plus adequate separate parking area must be provided for the storage of ambulance vehicles in such amount as necessary to accommodate the vehicles permitted under the ambulance service use's conditional use permit.
(Prior code § 19-19.4; Ord. 1272 § 12, 4/28/14; Ord. 1319 § 30, 10/10/16; Ord. 1320 § 3, 11/14/16)
Amusement or Recreational Uses.
For dance halls, one parking space shall be provided for each 100 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof.
For bowling alleys, four parking spaces shall be provided for each alley.
Other amusement and recreational type parking requirements shall be not less than one parking space for each 100 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof, nor more than three parking spaces for each 100 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof for said uses. After a detailed study and review by the Commission, the Commission shall determine the required parking in each instance within these prescribed limits.
For premises where off-sale liquor sales are permitted, one parking space shall be provided for each 200 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof.
For restaurant or bona fide eating establishment having a Type 41 or 47 License, one parking space shall be provided for each 300 square feet of gross floor area.
C-G, General Commercial District. In the C-G, General Commercial District, there shall be one parking space for each 300 square feet of floor space or fraction thereof in any building or structure erected or enlarged within the district.
All C (Commercial) Zones. In all C (Commercial) Zones, there shall be a 20 foot minimum driveway width or two 10 foot driveways for each parcel of land.
(Prior code § 19-19.5)
M-1, Light-Industrial District. In the M-1, Light Industrial District, there shall be one and one-half (1 1/2) off-street parking spaces for each two permanent employees, or one parking space for each 500 square feet of floor space or fraction thereof, whichever is greater. In addition, there shall be continuously provided at least one parking space for each vehicle operated by any concern utilizing the use.
In the M-1, Light-Industrial District, there shall be one off-street parking space for each 1,000 square feet of floor space or fraction thereof for warehouse uses, excluding self-storage facilities as defined in Chapter 17.08 of the Bellflower Municipal Code.
(Prior code § 19-19.6)
Whenever uses are combined, though any use is ancillary, there shall be sufficient parking to comply with the provisions of this title as to each use.
(Prior code § 19-19.7)
Where the required off-street parking space is provided in a separate lot from the main building, there shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, a covenant by the owner or owners of said lot for the benefit of the City, to the effect that such owner or owners will continue to maintain such parking space so long as said building is maintained; and
Additional site improvements shall be required and subject to review and approval from the Building and Safety Division and Planning Division to ensure compliance with the Building Code and Zoning Code respectively.
The covenant required by Subsection (A) of this section may be waived by the City Council if the applicant demonstrates, to the Council's satisfaction, that there is an alternative means of guaranteeing that the required off-street parking will remain available on the separate lot for so long as the off-site use it supports is maintained.
(Prior code § 19-19.8; Ord. 1247 § 3, 8/12/13; Ord. 1319 § 31, 10/10/16)
Every hospital, institution, hotel, commercial or industrial building hereafter erected or established shall have and maintain loading space as provided in the following:
When the lot upon which the loading space is located abuts upon an alley, such loading space shall adjoin and have access from said alley. The length of the loading space may be measured perpendicular to or parallel with the centerline of the alley. Where such loading space is parallel with the alley, the loading space shall extend across the full width of the lot, except that if only (2) spaces are required, the length of loading area need not exceed 50 feet.
Loading spaces being maintained in connection with any existing main building on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title shall thereafter be maintained so long as said building remains unless an equivalent number of loading spaces are provided on a contiguous lot in conformity with the requirements of this chapter, provided however that this regulation shall not require the maintenance of more loading space than is hereby required for a new building nor the maintenance of such space for any type of main building other than those specified herein.
In no case shall any part of an alley or street be used for the required loading space.
There shall be provided and maintained on the lot adequate space for standing in order to avoid undue interference with the public use of streets or alleys.
Loading Requirements for Various Uses. All hospitals, institutions, hotels, commercial and industrial uses must provide loading space of not less than 10 feet in width, 20 feet in length, and 14 feet in height as follows:
Square Feet of Building Space (gross floor area)
Loading Space Required
Commercial Uses other than Office
Over 75,000
Industrial Buildings
Over 80,000
Hospitals & Institutions
Over 50,000
Office Buildings
Over 50,000
Hotel, Motel, or Rooming House
1—99 Rooms
100—199 Rooms
200 Rooms <
Nothing in this title shall be deemed to prevent the voluntary establishment of off-street parking or loading facilities to serve any existing use of land or buildings, provided that all regulations herein governing the location, design and operation of such facilities are adhered to.
(Prior code § 19-19.9; Ord. 1320 § 4, 11/14/16)
Areas shall be exempted from the parking requirements established in Section 17.88.050 provided:
Such district shall be accurately described and established as a parking district by ordinance of the City Council.
Before such defined parking district may be so exempted, proceedings by the legislative authority shall have been completed to assure provision to the exempted area of comprehensive parking facilities.
Such exemption shall apply only to uses first permitted in a C or M Zone, and in no case to requirements of those uses requiring Conditional Use Permits where such requirements are in excess of the 300 square feet minimum requirements.
Such exemptions shall apply only with respect to floor area located at ground level.
Parking requirements for expansion of other than ground floor levels or uses requiring Conditional Use Permits shall be provided by payment of a sum of money per required space as determined by the City Council as to each parking district.
(Prior code § 19-19.10)
Notwithstanding any provisions of this Code or any adopted specific plan to the contrary, the parking requirements for a religious institution affiliated housing development project are subject to the provisions of Government Code Section 65913.6, as amended. For purposes of this section, a "religious institution affiliated housing development project" is defined as set forth in Government Code Section 65913.6(a)(5).
(Ord. 1407 § 5, 5-24-21)