This section provides regulations applicable to development and new land uses in the special purpose zoning districts established by section 2.03.020 (Zoning Districts Established). The purposes of the individual special purpose zoning districts and the manner in which they are applied are identified in section 2.08.020, below.
PS-1A (public and semi-public) zoning district. The PS-1A zoning district is established to set aside properties to be developed with public uses, other than street rights-of-way. This zoning district is also in-tended to identify and preserve areas of historic and community significance for the enjoyment of future generations. The PS-1A zoning district is consistent with the specific plan land use designation of the general plan.
Land uses allowed in the PS-1A zoning district shall only be those land uses allowed at the enactment of Ordinance No. 790 on July 31, 1987, (referred to as Measure D). Amendments to the allowed land uses shall be approved by a majority of those voters of the city voting at any regular or special municipal election.
PRD-2A (Planned Residential Development) zoning district. The PRD-2A zoning district is established to provide flexibility in the design of residential development projects on properties designated for residential use by the general plan. This flexibility allows for more creative and innovative residential subdivision and unit design than is generally possible under conventional zoning and subdivision regulations.
These regulations are further established to promote more economical and efficient use of the land while providing for a harmonious variety of housing choices, a higher level of urban amenities, and preservation of the natural and scenic qualities associated with open spaces.
The PRD-2A zoning district is consistent with all residential land use designations of the general plan.
PC (Planned Community) zoning district. The PC zoning district is established to provide opportunity for the design and development of integrated, master-planned projects in areas of the city which may benefit from special design standards and land uses not otherwise possible under conventional zoning district regulations. The PC zoning district is intended to permit a compatible mix of land uses, planned commercial developments, and business parks, and a variety of housing styles and densities.
The PC zoning district is consistent with all residential and business park land use designations of the general plan.
Each PC zoning district established shall be indicated by a unique zoning district designation.
PC-25A (Planned Community) zoning district. The PC-25A zoning district is established to achieve the following purposes:
To provide for the classification and development of parcels of land as coordinated, comprehensive projects in order to take advantage of the superior environment which can result from large-scale community planning.
To allow diversification of land uses as they relate to each other in a physical and environmental arrangement, while ensuring substantial compliance with the provisions of this zoning ordinance.
To provide for a zoning district encompassing various types of land uses (e.g., single-family residential developments, multi-family housing developments, professional and administrative office areas, commercial centers, industrial parks, or any public or semi-public uses), or combination of uses through the adoption of a development plan and text materials that identify appropriate land use relationships and development standards.
The PC-25A zoning district is consistent with all land use designations of the general plan, except for the mobile home park designation.
PCM (Planned Commercial/Light Industrial) zoning district. The PCM zoning district is established to facilitate the innovative design of mixed-use commercial and light industrial developments on properties designated for these uses in the general plan, and to streamline development review of projects proposed within an approved PCM zoning district. The PCM zoning district is consistent with the general and neighborhood commercial and light industrial land use designations of the general plan.
PBP-25A (Planned Business Park) zoning district. The PBP-25A zoning district is established to allow for the comprehensive, integrated development of compatible and complementary administrative, educational, and professional office, commercial centers, industrial park, open space, or any public or semi-public uses or combination of uses in a campus-like business park setting. The PBP-25A zoning district is consistent with the business park land use designation of the general plan.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
Allowed land uses. Table 2-15 indicates the uses allowed within the PS-1A, PRD-2A, PC, PC-25A, PCM, and PBP-25A zoning districts, and the land use permit required to establish each use, in compliance with article 4 (Land Use and Development Permit Procedures).
Prohibited land uses. Any table cell with a "—" means that the listed land use is prohibited in that specific zoning district.
Land uses not listed. For land uses not listed in table 2-15, the provisions of subsection 4.19.030 (Director's review) shall apply.
Design review required. All construction activities (e.g., additions, alterations, construction, reconstruction, or remodeling) shall require design review approval in compliance with subsection 4.19.060 (Design review).
Applicable subsections. Where the last column in the tables ("See Section") includes a subsection number, the regulations in the referenced section apply to the use; however, provisions in other sections of this zoning ordinance may also apply.
TABLE 2-15
Key to Table
Permitted Use
Conditional use—Conditional Use Permit required (See Subsection 4.19.070)
Use not allowed
Site Review Committee
Land Use
Permit Requirement by District
See Section
Agriculture/Horticulture and Animal Care/Keeping Facilities
Agriculture/Horticulture Cultivation
Agriculture Experimental Facilities
Animal Shelters
Dairy Feed Lots
Farm Animal Keeping, Commercial
Communication, Transportation, and Utility Facilities
Alternative Fuels and Recharging Facilities
Public Utility Substations, Reservoirs, or Pumping Plants, not including Offices
Satellite Dishes/ Antenna (less than 3 feet/1 meter in diameter)
Wireless Communications Facilities
Section 16
Education, Public Assembly, and Religious Facilities
Clubs or Lodges
Convents, Monasteries, Nunneries, Parsonage, or Places of Worship
Educational Institutions, Private or Public
Historic Landmarks
Entertainment and Recreational Facilities
Fairgrounds (including accessory uses and entertainment)
Horse Racetracks
Recreation Facilities, Private or Public
Recreation Facilities (uses limited to residents and invited guests)
Riding Academies or Clubs
Public/Semi Public Facilities
Flood Control Facilities
Public Buildings or Grounds
Public Maintenance Yards
Accessory Uses and Structures
Model Homes or Subdivision Sales Offices
Residential Planned Developments (PRD)
Senior Housing - Affordable
Single-Family Dwelling Units
Community Care Facilities
Day Care Centers
Hazardous Materials-Storage Facilities
Marijuana Cultivation
Chapter 15I
Commercial Marijuana Activity
Chapter 15J
Temporary Uses/Activities
Permitted and conditional uses shall be designed in approved development plans for individual planned communities.
As an accessory use to a permitted main use.
To be considered as part of overall plan and subject to provisions of CC&Rs.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2, 11-25-04; Ord. No. 1082, § 5, 9-11-06; Ord. No. 1152, § 3, 1-25-16; Ord. No. 1167, § 5, 9-25-17)
Compliance with table 2-16. New land uses and structures, and alterations to existing uses or structures shall be designed, constructed and/or established in compliance with the requirements in table 2-16, the general development standards (e.g., landscaping, parking and loading, etc.) in article 3 (Site Planning and General Development Standards), and the design review process in section 4.19.060 (Design review).
TABLE 2-16
Development Standards
Zoning Districts
Minimum Site Area
1 acre
2 acres
1 acre
25 acres
5 acres
25 acres
Minimum Site Width
160 feet
Minimum Site Depth
160 feet
Minimum Site Frontage on a Public Street
200 feet
200 feet
Minimum Setbacks Required
Setback from a Major Arterial or Secondary Street
20 feet
Setback from a Local Street
15 feet
Setback from any Residential Zoning District
25 feet
30 feet
25 feet
Interior (each)
25 feet
20 feet
25 feet
25 feet
25 feet
20 feet
Maximum Parcel Coverage by Structures
Maximum Structure Height
35 feet or 2 stories, whichever is less
35 feet
Maximum Dwelling Unit Size
1,150 sf
Minimum Distance Between Structures on the Same Parcel
10 feet
See Subsection 3.11.060 (Fences, Walls, and Hedges)
Motor Vehicle Parking
See Section 14 (Off-Street Parking and Loading) and Subsection 2.08.070
Satellite Antennae
See Section 16 (Wireless Communications)
See Section 15 (Signs)
Abbreviations: sf = square feet and N/A = not applicable
(1) Standards shall be as specified in the approved development plan for each zoning district.
Accessory uses and structures. Accessory uses and structures shall be located as specified on the development plan approved by the department. All accessory structures shall meet the setback requirements for primary structures in compliance with table 2-16.
Additional development standards for PRD-2A zoning district. The following additional development requirements shall apply to all planned residential developments in the PRD-2A zoning district:
The planned residential development shall be designed and developed in a manner compatible with and complementary to existing and potential residential development in the immediate vicinity of the project site. Site planning on the perimeter shall provide for the protection of the property from adverse surrounding conditions, as well as protection of the surrounding areas from potentially adverse conditions within the development.
There shall be no minimum area requirements for individual parcels or individual dwelling sites in a planned residential development.
The maximum number of dwelling units allowed in a planned residential development shall be determined by dividing the total land area within the boundaries of the proposed development by the density restrictions designated in the general plan.
Required open space shall comprise at least 40% of the total area of the planned development. Land occupied by driveways, parking spaces, streets, or structures may not be used to satisfy this open space requirement, except land occupied by recreational structures.
At least one-half of the required open space may also be improved, or may be left in its natural state, particularly if natural features worthy of preservation exist on the site. Open space left in its natural state shall be kept free of litter and shall at no time constitute a fire, flood, health, or safety hazard. Areas devoted to natural or improved flood control channels and those areas encumbered by drainage, flowage, or floodway easements may be applied toward satisfying this portion of the total open space requirement.
If development is to be accomplished in stages, the development plan shall coordinate improvement of the open space, the construction of structures and improvements in the open space, and the construction of dwelling units in order that each development stage achieves a proportionate share of the total open space and environmental quality of the total planned development.
All or any part of the required open space may be reserved for use in common by the residents of the planned development. Areas permanently reserved for common open space shall be reserved for the use and enjoyment of the residents in a manner which makes the city, a public district, or a public agency a party to and entitled to enforce the reservation. The Department may require that open space easements be conveyed to the city in addition to the dedication of the open space.
No structure, except as hereafter provided, shall be located closer than five feet from any interior court, open parking lot, plaza, pedestrian or vehicular way, or any other surfaced area reserved for public use or for use in common by residents of the planned development. This setback shall generally be measured from the nearest edge of a surfaced area. Where no sidewalk exists in conjunction with a public or private street, this setback shall be measured from the nearest edge of the street right-of-way or private road easement.
No garage or carport having direct access from a public or private street shall be located closer than 25 feet from the nearest edge of the sidewalk of that street. Where no sidewalk exists, this setback shall be measured from the nearest edge of the street right-of-way or road easement, unless automatic garage door openers are to be provided. In no case shall a garage or carport be located closer than five feet from the nearest edge of a street right-of-way or road easement.
Each structure shall be surrounded on all sides by relatively level open space having a slope no greater than 10% and extending a minimum distance of 10 feet in all directions, measured from the furthest projection of the external walls of the structure.
All public streets within or abutting the proposed planned development shall be dedicated and improved to city specifications for the particular classification of street. If the developer desires to retain any streets within the development as private streets, the streets shall be permanently reserved and maintained for their intended purpose by means acceptable to the department and the city attorney.
Other forms of access (e.g., courts, driveways, open parking lots, pedestrian ways, or plazas) shall not be offered for dedication.
Planned residential developments shall relate harmoniously to the topography of the site, shall make suitable provisions for the preservation of drainage areas, rough terrain, water courses, wooded areas, and similar natural features and areas, and shall be otherwise so designed as to use and retain the natural features and amenities to the best advantage.
All utilities within a planned development shall be placed underground. A common central television antenna shall be provided with underground cable service to all dwelling units; all other external television or radio antennas shall not be allowed. For the purposes of this section, appurtenances and associated equipment (e.g., concealed ducts, meter cabinets, pedestal-mounted terminal boxes, and surface-mounted transformers) may be placed above ground.
The location, number, and type of fire hydrants and other fire protective devices shall be subject to the specifications of the fire chief.
Additional development standards for the PCM zoning district.
The planned commercial/light industrial development shall be designed and developed in a manner compatible with and complimentary to existing and potential development in the immediate vicinity of the project site. Site planning on the perimeter shall provide for the protection of property from adverse surrounding conditions, as well as protection of the surrounding areas from potentially adverse conditions within the development.
No structure, except as hereafter provided for, shall be located closer than five feet to any interior court, open parking lot, plaza, pedestrian or vehicular way, or any other surfaced area reserved for public use or for use in common by tenants of the planned development.
All public streets within or abutting the proposed development shall be improved to city specifications for the particular classification of street. If the developer desires to retain any streets within the development as private streets, the streets shall be permanently reserved and maintained for their intended purpose by means acceptable to the department and city attorney.
All utilities within a planned development shall be placed underground. For the purposes of this section, appurtenances and associated equipment (e.g., concealed ducts, meter cabinets, pedestalmounted terminal boxes, and surface-mounted transformers) may be placed above ground.
The location, number, and type of fire hydrants and other fire protective devices shall be subject to the specifications of the fire chief.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
The application process for inclusion into or designation of a special purpose zoning district is illustrated in figure 2-1 (Application Process for Special Purpose Zones)
Pre-application conference required. Before submitting an application for establishing a special purpose zoning district, the applicant or prospective developer shall conduct preliminary consultations with the department and other city officials to obtain information and guidance before entering into binding commitments incurring substantial expense in the preparation of plans, surveys, and other data. The preliminary consultations should relate to a preliminary plan which expresses the concepts to be embodied in the proposed development.
Submittal requirements. An application for a zoning map amendment to allow the establishment of a special purpose zoning district shall be for a parcel(s) of land under the control of the person or corporation proposing the development, either through ownership or in escrow, with the consent of the property owner.
Notwithstanding the requirements of section 18 (Applications, Processing, and Fees), an application for inclusion into or establishment of a special purpose zoning district shall be submitted to the department and shall be accompanied by the following plans and maps:
A boundary survey map of the property. A tentative subdivision map may be substituted if the applicant proposes to subdivide the property.
Topography of the property and the preliminary proposed finished grade shown at contour intervals of five feet or less.
The gross land area of the development, the present zoning classification, and the zoning classification and land use of the area surrounding the proposed development, including the location of structures and other improvements.
A general land use map clearly identifying the proposed uses of all sections or areas within the subject property and the approximate acreage of each.
An accompanying report identifying the land use regulations which constitute the standards of development designed to govern those sections or areas specified in the development plan. These standards shall contain definitions and information concerning the requirements for structure site coverage, structure heights, structure setbacks, off-street parking, vehicular access, landscaping, lighting, screening, signs, storage, and any other information which the director may require to ensure compliance with the purposes of the particular Special Purpose zoning district.
A general development plan with at least the following details shown to scale and dimensions:
The type and character of structures and the number of dwelling units per gross acre proposed for each residential area.
A statement of the standards of population density for the various proposed residential land uses.
The location of each existing and proposed structure in the development area, the use(s) to be contained within each structure, the number of stories, the gross structure and floor areas and the approximate location of all entrances and loading points.
The location of all curb cuts, driving lanes, loading areas, parking areas, public transportation points, streets, and illumination facilities for the development coordinated with the circulation element of the general plan.
The location and approximate area of all recreation areas, school sites, and other public and semi-public sites, and the approximate area of each.
All pedestrian open areas, malls, and walks for the use of occupants and members of the public.
The location and height of all fences/walls and screen planting, including a detailed plan for the landscaping of the development and the method by which the landscaping is to be accomplished.
The types of surfacing (e.g., gravel, paving, or turfing) to be used at the various locations.
A preliminary grading plan of the area.
The plans and elevations of all structures, sufficient to indicate the architectural style and construction standards.
A preliminary report and overall plan describing proposed provisions for sewage disposal, storm drainage, water supply, and any other public improvements or utilities as the city engineer may require.
A statement of how the proposed special purpose zoning district and this particular project is either:
Consistent with the general plan; or
Will be consistent with the general plan if amended to provide for this particular development. A statement as to how the proposed zoning and general plan amendment will further the goals and objectives of the general plan shall be included.
The proposed means for ensuring the continued existence, maintenance, and operation of the various common elements and facilities. If a community association or similar governing structure is to be established, a copy of the codes, covenants, and restrictions (CC&Rs) shall be made a part of the record. If the council deems it necessary, upon advice of the city attorney, the city shall be a party to those CC&Rs in order to ensure their continuance and enforceability.
Any other information that may be required by the director to permit complete analysis and appraisal of the planned development.
Adoption by ordinance. Any development plan approved for use in a special purpose zoning district shall be adopted by ordinance of the council. Thereafter, the ordinance rezoning any property to a special purpose zoning district shall be amended by the council to incorporate by reference the adopted development plan as the development standards and regulations for that special purpose zoned property.
Ambiguity of boundaries. If ambiguity exists as to the specific dimensions or extent of any designated area on the development plan, the specific boundaries shall be set by the filing of a legal description and map of the parcel in conjunction with the filing of a conditional use permit application, tentative subdivision map, parcel map, or construction permit application.
Compliance with approved development plan. All development within a special purpose zoning district shall comply with the appropriate development plan approved and adopted by the council. Any amendments to a development plan shall be accomplished in the same manner as an amendment to the zoning ordinance, as prescribed in section 28 (Amendments).
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
Conditional use permit may be required. Conditional use permit may be required for any land use designation on a development plan in the special purpose zoning districts.
Information to be submitted with the conditional use permit. A conditional use permit required for the development of any portion or area of a special purpose zoning district shall be filed in compliance with subsection 4.19.070 (Conditional use permits), and shall include the following documents and materials:
A map showing the location of the project in relation to the approved development plan.
A boundary survey map of the property. A tentative subdivision map may be substituted if the applicant proposes to subdivide the property.
A topographic map of the property and the preliminary proposed finished grade shown in contour intervals of two feet or less.
The location, grades, types, and widths of improvements proposed for all streets, and the general plan for the drainage, sewer, and water systems.
The preliminary concept or design drawings indicating proposed driveways, walkways, and service areas.
The location and number of residential units, if any, for each proposed structure.
The location and design of vehicle parking areas.
A preliminary landscaping concept plan.
The location of public or semi-public structures or areas, including parking, recreation facilities, schools, and service areas, if any.
The preliminary elevations of structures and a written description indicating the architectural theme or type of development.
Any irrevocable offers to dedicate those areas shown on the plan as public property.
Any other information that may be required by the director to permit a complete analysis of the development proposal.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
Each land use shall provide at least the minimum number of off-street parking spaces required by this section, except where a greater number of spaces are required through land use entitlement approval or where an exception has been granted through approval of a discretionary permit.
Parking requirements by land use. Each land use shall be provided the number of parking spaces required by this section and table 2-17, below.
Compliance with section 14 required. All sites shall provide adequate off-street parking for the subject use in compliance with section 14 (Off-Street Parking and Loading).
Expansion of structure, change in use. When a structure is enlarged or increased in capacity or inten-sity, or when a change in use requires more off-street parking, additional parking spaces shall be provided in compliance with this section. Also see section 25 (Nonconforming Uses, Structures, and Parcels).
Multi-tenant sites. A site with multiple tenants shall provide the aggregate number of parking spaces required for each separate use; except where the site was developed comprehensively as an integrated center, the parking ratio shall be that required for the center as determined through the land use entitlement approval.
Parking required by entitlements and/or development agreements. Parking requirements established by conditional use permits, development agreements, or similar entitlements supersede the provisions of this section.
Uses not listed. Land uses not specifically listed in table 2-17, below, shall provide parking as required by the director. The director shall use the requirements of table 2-17 as a guide in determining the minimum number of parking spaces to be provided.
Rounding of quantities. If the calculation of required parking spaces results in a fractional number, a fraction of one-half or higher shall be rounded up to the next whole number.
Company-owned vehicles. The number of parking spaces required by this section does not generally include spaces needed for the parking of company-owned vehicles. Parking spaces for companyowned vehicles shall be provided in addition to the requirements for a particular land use.
TABLE 2-17
Vehicle Spaces Required
Agriculture/Horticulture and Animal Care/Keeping Facilities
Animal Shelters
1 space for each 250 square feet of office gross floor area, but no less than 5 spaces
1 space for each 250 square feet of gross floor area, but no less than 5 spaces
1 space for each 3 horses, based upon the maximum number of horses stated in the permit, but no less than 15 spaces
Education, Public Assembly, and Religious Facility Uses
Clubs or lodges
1 space for every 3 fixed seats in the main assembly room; where no fixed seats are provided, 1 space for every 20 square feet in the main assembly room.
Convents, monasteries, nurseries, parsonages, and places of worship
1 space for every 3 fixed seats in the main assembly room; where no fixed seats are provided, 1 space for every 20 square feet in the main assembly room.
Educational institutions, private or public
Elementary or Junior high schools
2 spaces for each classroom
High schools
7 spaces for each classroom
Colleges or universities
3/4 space for each full-time student, less the number of spaces provided for student housing (dormitories).
Entertainment and Recreational Facility Uses
As determined by the Conditional Use Permit.
Horse racetracks
As determined by the Conditional Use Permit.
Recreation facilities, private or public
1 space for every 3 persons served, based on the maximum anticipated capacity of all facilities capable of simultaneous use, as determined by the Director.
Recreation facilities (uses limited to residents and invited guests)
1 space for every 3 persons served, based on the maximum anticipated capacity of all facilities capable of simultaneous use, as determined by the Director.
Riding academies or clubs
1 space for each 3 horses, based upon the maximum number of horses stated in permit, but no less than 15 spaces
Public/Semi Public Facility Uses
Community/recreational centers
1 space for every 3 persons served, based on the maximum anticipated capacity of all facilities capable of simultaneous use, as determined by the Director.
1 space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area
1 space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area
Public buildings or grounds
1 space for each 250 square feet of gross floor area
Residential Uses
Model homes or subdivision sales offices
As determined by the Conditional Use Permit.
Residential Planned Development (PRD)
As determined by the PRD Permit.
Senior housing - affordable
As determined by the Affordable Housing Agreement.
Service Uses
Vehicle Spaces Required
As determined by the Conditional Use Permit.
Community care facilities
1/2 space for each bed.
Day care centers (1)
1 space for each employee on the largest shift, plus 1 space for every 10 children for which the facility is licensed.
Hazardous materials-storage facilities
1 space for each employee on the largest shift
2 spaces for each bed.
Temporary Uses/Activities
As determined by the Temporary Use Permit.
Day care facilities shall pay for a parking study to be conducted by the City or its designee. A parking plan will then be approved for each facility based on the study.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
All uses shall be subject to the applicable regulations of this zoning ordinance, including provisions located in the following sections and subsections:
Subsection 4.19.050
Conditional Use Permits
Subsection 4.19.070
Design Review
Subsection 4.19.060
Home Occupations
Subsection 3.17.100
Section 13
Nonconforming Uses, Structures, and Parcels
Section 25
Off-Street Parking and Loading
Section 14
Section 15
Temporary Use Permits
Subsection 4.19.040
Subsection 4.19.080
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
Purpose of subsection.
Superior quality. Planned developments are expected to produce a comprehensive development of superior quality and practical amenities than which might otherwise occur from more traditional development applications.
Flexibility. This section is intended to promote and encourage flexibility in the city's residential development standards by allowing modification where necessary and justifiable, to applicable development standards (e.g., building envelope, parking and loading, street layout, etc.) identified in this zoning ordinance, with the exception of density/intensity provisions.
Review considerations. Project review shall determine whether the permit should be approved by weighing the public need for, and the benefit(s) to be derived from, the proposed development against the potential negative effect(s) it may cause.
Permit required. An application for a planned residential development permit shall be considered by the council and shall be required for all development applications for properties proposing to utilize this section.
Zoning map and general plan amendments required. An application for a zoning map amendment, and if warranted, a general plan amendment shall be filed and processed concurrently with the application for a planned residential development permit, unless the subject property is already designated PRD.
Application filing, processing, and review.
Filing. An application for a planned residential development permit shall be filed with the department in compliance with section 18 (Applications, Processing, and Fees).
Contents. The application shall be accompanied by the information identified in the department handout for planned residential development permit applications.
Project review procedures. Each application shall be analyzed by the department to ensure that the application is consistent with the purpose and intent of this section.
Public notice and hearing. An application for a planned residential development permit shall be scheduled for a public hearing once the director has determined the application complete. Noticing of the public hearing shall be given in compliance with section 26 (Notice and Conduct of Public Hearings).
Findings and decision. Following a public hearing the council shall record the decision in writing with the findings upon which the decision is based. The council may approve and/or modify, in whole or in part, with specific development conditions, or disapprove a planned residential development permit. The council may approve a planned residential development permit, only if the following findings of fact can be made in a positive manner:
The proposed development is:
Allowed within the subject zoning district;
Consistent with the general plan and any applicable specific plan; and
Substantially in compliance with all of the applicable provisions of this zoning ordinance relating to both on- and off-site improvements that are necessary to accommodate flexibility in site planning and property development and to carry out the purpose, intent, and requirements of the respective zoning district, including prescribed development standards and applicable design guidelines.
The proposed project would produce a comprehensive development of superior quality (e.g., appropriate variety of structure placement and orientation opportunities, structure sizes, high quality architectural design, increased amounts or enhanced efficiency of landscaping and open space, improved solutions to the design and placement of off-street parking and loading facilities, etc.) than which might otherwise occur from more traditional development applications;
The design, location, size, operating characteristics, and the provision of public and emergency vehicle access, sanitation, water, and public utilities and services, would ensure that the proposed development would not endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a hazard to the public health, safety, or general welfare, or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zoning district in which the property is located; and
The subject site is:
Physically suitable for the type and density/intensity of development being proposed;
Adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use(s) and all fences and walls, landscaping, loading, parking, yards, and other features contained in the proposed development; and
Served by streets adequate in width and pavement type to carry the quantity and type of traffic expected to be generated by the proposed development.
Conditions of approval. In approving a planned residential development permit, the council may impose specific development conditions (e.g., buffers, landscaping and maintenance, off-site improvements, performance guarantees, surfacing, etc.) relating to the location, establishment, construction (both on- and off-site improvements), operation, and maintenance of the proposed activity, as it finds are reasonable and necessary. The conditions may include the following:
Maintenance. The requirement to maintain the structures, use of the property, and the mutually available features (e.g., community structures, landscaping, recreational areas, solid waste storage areas, as well as the general appearance of the premises and structures) as indicated on the approved development plan. This may include the private maintenance of public facilities (e.g., landscaped setbacks and interior streets).
Sale of parcels and units.
A dwelling unit or parcel shall not be sold or encumbered separately from an interest in the common areas and facilities in the development that shall be appurtenant to the dwelling unit or parcel.
A parcel shall not be sold or transferred in ownership from the other parcels in the total development, or approved phase of the development, unless all approved community structures and recreational facilities for the total development, or approved phase, have been completed, or completion is guaranteed, by bonding or other methods satisfactory to the council.
Management agreement.
Operating entity required. A dwelling unit or parcel in the development shall not be sold unless a corporation, association, property owners group, or similar entity has been formed with the right to assess all properties which are jointly owned with interests in the common areas and facilities in the development to meet the expenses of the entity, with authority to control and the duty to maintain, all of the mutually available features of the development.
Conditions, covenants, and restrictions (CC&Rs). The entity shall operate under recorded conditions, covenants, and restrictions which shall include compulsory membership of all owners of parcels and/or dwelling units, and flexibility of assessment to meet changing costs of maintenance, repairs, and services.
Exception for land dedicated to the city. This requirement shall not apply to land dedicated to the city for public purposes.
Planned residential development permit.
Council's authority. The council shall be the:
Final review authority for all planned residential development permit applications;
Final review authority for all concept and final development plans; and
Final review authority for all general plan and zoning map amendment applications.
Director's review. Before the issuance of any permits for the erection or enlargement of any structures within an established zoning district, final site and elevation plans for all structures and landscaping within the zoning district or approved phase shall be submitted to the director for approval.
Disapproved if not in compliance. The director may disapprove the final development plans only if they are not in substantial conformance with the preliminary development plans.
Permits. A permit shall not be issued for grading, or for the erection, enlargement, or maintenance of structures for a planned development, and no person shall perform any development or construction work, except in full compliance with the final development plans.
Modification. Modification to an approved development plan shall follow the same procedure as the original approval, in compliance with section 5.24.060 (Changes to an approved project).
Post approval procedures.
General procedures. Procedures relating to appeals, changes, performance guarantee, and revocation as identified in article 5 (Zoning Ordinance Administration), in addition to those identified in section 24 (Permit Implementation, Time Limits, and Extensions), shall apply following the council's decision on a planned residential development permit application.
Evidence of continued compliance with conditions.
The applicant and any successor-in-interest operating under a planned residential development permit shall be required to:
Ensure continuing compliance with the conditions imposed by the council in connection with the issuance of the planned residential development permit;
Conduct an annual review of the planned development operation; and
Submit a certificate of continued condition compliance each year within 30 days of the anniversary date of the granting of the planned residential development permit.
Failure to comply with the provisions of Subparagraph 1., above may result in revocation of the Planned Residential Development Permit.
Intent and purpose of development regulations.
The development regulations of this zoning district are intended to produce planned development projects which meet standards of light and air, open space, and density of land uses which provide for better use of common areas, open space and off-street parking facilities, and provide for safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation.
These development regulations are intended to be utilized only for integrated planned development projects and should not be utilized for the establishment of individual land uses or structures unless they would become an integral part of an existing planned development.
The purpose of the PRD zoning district is to provide a method whereby land may be developed utilizing design features which take advantage of modern site planning techniques to produce an integrated development project providing an environment of stable, desirable character which will be in harmony with existing and potential development of the surrounding neighborhood.
Allowed uses. Uses in the PRD zoning district shall be limited to the following:
Dwelling units. Attached and detached dwelling units with open space and/or recreational areas.
Accessory structures. Accessory structures, including private garages, patio covers, work sheds, and additions, with their location subject to the approval by the director.
House pets, with the following provisions:
In detached single-family units, any combination of dogs and cats, not to exceed four adult animals, four months of age or older.
In attached duplex or cluster dwelling units, one dog and one cat (or two of either) not to exceed two adults, fourmonths of age or older.
This section shall not take precedence over a more restrictive management or association agreement/regulation regarding the keeping of animals.
Home occupations. Home occupations in compliance with subsection 3.17.100.
Child care homes. In detached single-family units only, a small family child care home in compliance with subsection 3.17.070 and as regulated by state law (California Health and Safety Code).
Recreational facilities. Clubhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, and similar recreational facilities for the sole use of the occupants of the PRD and their guests.
Allowed temporary uses. The following temporary uses shall be allowed in the PRD zoning district, for a period not to exceed 90 days after the sale of the last unit in the PRD:
One temporary tract sales office and temporary parking areas for contractors' equipment, with the location subject to approval by the director.
Agricultural nurseries, as an interim use for the cultivation of landscape materials within the boundary of the concept plan.
Real estate signs relating to the sale, lease, or other disposition of the real property on which the sign is located. Real estate signs shall conform to the provisions of section 15 (Signs).
Homeowners' association requirements.
The unencumbered, fee simple title and ownership of all common open space, easements, and recreational areas or facilities in a PRD shall be conveyed and transferred to an independent homeowners' association (HOA) structured as a California nonprofit mutual benefit corporation. The primary objective of the HOA shall be the permanent retention and maintenance of the common open space, recreation, and other common areas and facilities for the continued common use of the owners and occupants of the development, as required by this section.
Each HOA created for the purpose of this subsection shall be established by procedures and documents approved by the city attorney at the time of, and as a condition of the approval for, the PRD concept plan required in compliance with subsection N. (Approval of concept plan required), below.
Each dwelling unit in a PRD shall be irrevocably attached to one membership in the HOA. Each membership shall be transferred with, and to the recipient of, each conveyance of its associated dwell-ing unit. The total number of memberships shall be equal to the total number of dwelling units. No one shall be a member of the HOA except an owner of a dwelling unit in the PRD, and each owner shall be a member.
Owners and occupants of any dwelling unit in a PRD shall have, during the ownership or occupancy thereof, the right to use all of the common spaces, areas and facilities.
Each HOA shall establish procedures and documents to enforce the payment of assessments or liens that may be levied by the HOA or the city.
Development standards.
General. The development standards listed below apply to any PRD.
Minimum site size. The minimum site size in a planned residential development shall be two acres.
Lot area. Parcels in a PRD zoning district are exempt from the minimum parcel area and width requirements of this zoning ordinance; however, there shall be a ground parcel for each dwelling unit.
The density of a PRD zoning district shall be determined at the time of concept plan approval required in compliance with subsection N. (Approval of concept plan required), below.
In all cases the concept plan shall be compatible with the topography of the site, the surrounding area, the general plan, and any applicable specific plan, so that the common open space and recreational area and the enclosed private outdoor space provide adequate benefit to the occupants of the developments.
Allowable site coverage. The maximum area that may be covered by dwelling units, parking areas, and interior driveways shall not exceed 60% of the net land area of the PRD. Net land area is defined as the gross land area minus any dedications or an easement that effectively prohibits construction in the easement area.
When the PRD has a common property line with another residential zoning district, the structures in the PRD zoning district shall be set back at least 20 feet from the common property line.
A setback for a structure in a PRD zoning district with ground floor line elevations lower than the ground floor line elevations of structures on adjacent residential property may be reduced one-half foot for each foot difference in the ground floor line elevations.
When the PRD has a common property line with a nonresidential zoning district or with land specified as private common open space, a structure on the PRD-zoned parcel shall be set back at least 10 feet from the rear property line and shall be set back at least five feet from the side property line.
All structures in a PRD zoning district shall be set back at least 15 feet from any perimeter public right-of-way. Perimeter walls shall be set back at least 10 feet from any public right-of-way, and the intervening area shall be landscaped.
Open lattice patio covers shall be set back at least five feet from a side and rear property line.
The setback for a garage that faces an interior street shall be either less than 10 or more than 20 feet from the back of sidewalk (or curb face where there is no sidewalk).
The director may waive setback restrictions for an accessory structure from a property line with a common area parcel.
The height of the structures shall be considered as part of the concept plan approval required in compliance with subsection N. (Approval of concept plan required), below, subject to a maximum of two stories or 30 feet in height, whichever is greater.
A basement or garage with more than one-half of its height under natural grade as defined in article 6 (Definitions) shall not count as a story.
Acoustic analysis required. All residential developments shall be subject to an acoustical analysis if required by the director.
Specific standards for a single-family greenbelt development. The development standards listed below shall apply to single-family greenbelt developments and are in addition to those listed in this subsection.
Distance between structures.
Single-family greenbelt dwelling units on separate parcels shall front on streets built to full city street standards.
Single-family greenbelt dwelling units shall have minimum separations of 40 feet rear-to-rear, 30 feet side-to-rear, and 10 feet side-to-side.
Specific locations of the homes on the parcels may be altered from the approved concept plan required in compliance with subsection N. (Approval of concept plan required), below, subject to the above criteria and the approval of the director.
Pedestrian access.
All dwelling units shall be connected to the common recreational areas and perimeter public streets by a pedestrian walkway system located, where possible, in separate greenbelts. Where a dwelling unit faces both sides of conventional streets, sidewalks shall be constructed on both sides of the streets. The entire sidewalk and walkway system shall be illustrated on the concept plan and subject to the approval of the council.
A PRD of 10 or less residential parcels that meets or exceeds the minimum parcel area of the preexisting and surrounding zoning of the site may have the pedestrian access requirements reduced or waived upon request to the council as part of the concept plan approval process identified in subsection N. (Approval of concept plan required), below.
Open space.
Every project shall have a minimum of eight hundred 9800) square feet of usable open space for each dwelling unit, plus an additional 200 square feet of usable open space for each bedroom over one in the dwelling unit.
At least 40% of the total required usable open space shall be in common with the exception that one area of common usable open space of at least 10,000 square feet shall be provided in a primary common recreational area. Multiple common open space recreational areas shall be dispersed throughout the development project.
Remaining usable open space shall be distributed on individual parcels in the form of balco-nies, decks, fenced yards, patios, and similar outdoor areas.
A PRD of 10 or fewer residential parcels that meets or exceeds the minimum parcel area of the pre-existing and surrounding zoning of the site may have the common usable open space requirement reduced or waived upon request to the council as part of the concept plan approval process identified in subsection N. (Approval of concept plan required), below.
Floor/area ratio. The total floor area, including garages and lofts of all dwelling units proposed in any phase of a PRD, shall not exceed 0.5 the total net area of the parcels on which the dwelling units are proposed. However, parcels adjacent to, or within 500 feet of and having direct access (without the necessity of crossing any streets) to a common developed recreational area or a separated walkway/greenbelt system leading to a common developed recreational area may be developed up to .6 of the total net lot area. A common developed recreational area means an area at least 10,000 square feet and improved with a combination of passive and active recreation for the enjoyment of the residents of the PRD.
Specific standards for a detached cluster development. The development standards listed below shall apply to a detached cluster development in addition to those listed in this subsection.
Distance between structures.
Detached cluster dwelling units located on the same site shall have minimum separations of 40 feet rear-to-rear, 30 feet side-to-rear, and 10 feet side-to-side.
Specific locations of the dwelling units on the parcels may be altered from the approved concept plan required in compliance with subsection N. (Approval of concept plan required), below, subject to the above criteria and the approval of the director.
Pedestrian access. All dwelling unit clusters, and all dwelling units on linear, noncluster streets, shall be no further than across the cluster or across the street from a pedestrian walkway system connecting to the common recreational areas and perimeter public streets, and located, where possible, in separate greenbelts. The entire sidewalk and walkway system shall be illustrated on the concept plan and subject to the approval of the council.
Private open space. A minimum of 500 square feet of private, enclosed and on-lot usable open space shall be provided for each dwelling unit in the form of balconies, decks, fenced yards, patios, and similar outdoor areas. Countable private open space areas shall have a minimum dimension in any direction of at least 10 feet, except that balconies and decks that are six feet or more in depth may be counted as private open space.
Common open space.
At least 33% of the total parcel area of a detached cluster PRD development project shall be provided as common usable open space.
The street setback along perimeter public streets may be counted as visual open space on a one-for-three basis.
The required common open space shall enclose the development "clusters," provide pedestrian walkways, and shall contain multiple recreational facilities which shall be dispersed to ensure nearby pedestrian access.
Two-thirds of all dwelling units shall be directly adjacent to common usable open space with a direct pedestrian access way to the primary pedestrian walkway system.
Specific standards for an attached cluster development. The development standards identified below shall apply to an attached cluster development in addition to those listed in this subsection.
Distance between structures.
Dwelling units located on the same site shall meet the separation criteria for the multi-family residential zoning districts, as a minimum.
Greater separations may be required on the concept plan, depending on the circumstances applicable to the specific development project.
Pedestrian access. All dwelling units shall be either directly connected, or across the access way from, a pedestrian walkway system connecting to the common recreational areas and perimeter public streets, and located, where possible, in separate greenbelts. The entire sidewalk and walkway system shall be illustrated on the concept plan and subject to the approval of the council.
Private open space. Each dwelling unit shall be provided with private open space.
Common open space. A minimum of 800 square feet of common usable open space for each dwelling unit, plus an additional 200 square feet for each bedroom over one, shall be provided.
Parking requirements.
Parking requirements are based on the number of bedrooms for each dwelling unit as illustrated in table 2-4 within subsection 2.05.070 (Residential off-street parking requirements).
Two-car garage driveway spaces (where there is at least 20 feet from back of sidewalk to the garage door) may be substituted for one-half of an open guest space, on a unit-for-unit basis.
Parking on private streets may count towards the guest-parking requirement where the street width and driveway locations so permit. Parking on entry drives shall be avoided.
As part of the concept plan submittal required in compliance with subsection N. (Approval of concept plan required), below, a parking plan showing all required parking and the relationship between the open guest parking and the dwelling units to be served shall be submitted.
Definitions and dimensional standards for parking are found in section 14 (Off-Street Parking and Loading).
Tandem garage spaces (for the third garage space and more only) may be considered in the PRD zoning district only as part of an overall evaluation of the concept plan. All garage parking spaces shall have a minimum unobstructed interior dimension of 10 feet wide and 20 feet long. In evaluating the tandem garage space proposal, special attention shall be paid to overall parking availability, the developer's dependence on the tandem garage parking spaces to meet the required number of garage spaces for the development and to what degree the tandem garage spaces impact the overall concept plan.
Access and circulation.
Vehicular access. Vehicular access to each residential dwelling unit shall be provided by either a public right-of-way or a private vehicular way owned by the individual parcel owner in fee or in common ownership with the owners of dwelling units in the PRD. Dwelling units shall not have individual vehicular access onto arterial highways. Access and circulation shall adequately provide for fire-fighting equipment, furniture moving vans, refuse collection, and deliveries.
Before the issuance of any building permits, all public streets shall be dedicated and all public improvements shall be installed, or assured by an improvement security.
All private streets shall be constructed to standards approved by the director of public works/city engineer to ensure against premature deterioration and excessive maintenance cost, and shall be constructed to widths meeting city standards unless the goals and objectives of the city can be met by other means.
A private street shall have a minimum travel width of 28 feet where no parking is allowed, 32 feet where parallel parking is allowed on one side of the street and 36 feet where parallel parking is allowed on both sides of the private street. Exceptions to these standards may be granted in special cases (e.g., a one-way street, single-loaded street, or a street serving five or less dwelling units). All widths shall be measured curb face to curb face.
Approval of concept plan required.
Concept plan required. In order to evaluate the merits of a proposed PRD zoning district, a concept plan shall be submitted along with the requested general plan and zoning map amendment applications (if applicable) in compliance with section 18 (Applications, Processing, and Fees).
[Material to be included.] The concept plan shall include the following.
Location of all accessory structures, dwelling units, landscape concepts, recreation facilities, streets, walks, and any special features.
Number of dwelling units, number of bedrooms, density per net acre, percentage of open space, usable open space per unit, parking ratios, and other statistical data as is necessary to evaluate the development project.
Land contours both before and after grading along with proposed slope areas and landscaping concepts and recreational facilities.
Dimensions where necessary for clarity (e.g., width of streets, and separation of structures), along with elevations and floor plans sufficient to determine window locations affecting the separation criteria identified in this section.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)