The purpose of this division [section] is to ensure that development is consistent with the general plan and produces an environment of stable and desirable character that is harmonious with existing and future development and protects the use and enjoyment of neighboring properties.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
The standards of this section apply to all zoning districts. These standards shall be considered in combination with the standards for each zoning district in article 2 (Zoning Districts and Allowable Land Uses) and section 17 (Standards for Specific Land Uses). Where there may be a conflict, the standards specific to the zoning district or specific land use shall override these general standards.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
Access to streets. Every structure shall be constructed upon or moved to a legally recorded parcel with a permanent means of access to a public street or road, or a private street or road, conforming to city standards. Structures shall be located to provide safe and convenient access for servicing, fire protection, and required off-street parking. Parcels located on a private street or road which was legally established before the effective date of this zoning ordinance are exempt from the required compliance with the latest adopted city standards for private streets or roads.
Access to structures. Accessory structures and architectural features shall not obstruct access to primary structures or accessory living quarters. Also refer to Section 3.17.020 (Accessory structures).
Driveways. Driveways providing site access shall be from an improved street, alley, or other public and/or private right-of-way and shall be designed, constructed, and maintained in compliance with section 3.14.070 (Shared parking).
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
Roof material. The type and color of roof materials utilized for additions, detached garages, and remodeling projects shall match the roof materials on the main structure.
Exterior plumbing, electrical, and mechanical piping. Plumbing, electrical, and mechanical piping located on the exterior of a structure shall be screened from view. The director shall approve the type and color of materials utilized for screening.
Exterior water heaters. Water heater enclosures located on the exterior of a structure shall be screened from view and shall fully comply with applicable building, electrical, and plumbing codes. The director shall approve the type and color of materials utilized for screening.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
This section provides standards for the projection or encroachment of architectural features into required front, side, and rear setback areas.
Allowed projections in residential zoning districts. Architectural and structural features on a structure in a residential zoning district are allowed to project into required setback areas as identified in Table 3-1 (Allowed Projections into Required Setback Areas—Residential Zoning Districts).
Front Setback
Rear Setback
Side Setback
Architectural adornments such as cornices, eaves, sills, etc.
4 feet
4 feet
Not more than one-half of the required side setback
Balconies (a)
6 feet
6 feet
6 feet
Bay window or similar feature which does not extend the structure's foundation
4 feet
4 feet
Not more than one-half of the required side setback
Canopies, Pop up
Not allowed
Not allowed
Not allowed
4 feet
4 feet
Not more than one-half of the required side setback
Fire escapes
Not allowed
No restriction
No restriction
Canopies, gazebos, patio covers — open
Not allowed
Within 5 feet of the property line. Overhanging and cantilevered roofs and eaves may project to within 2 feet 6 inches from the rear property line.
Within 5 feet of the property line. Overhanging and cantilevered roofs and eaves may project to within 2 feet 6 inches from the side property line.
Pool motors and similar equipment
Not allowed
May be located anywhere within rear setback.
May be located anywhere within side setback.
4 feet
4 feet
Not more than one-half of the required side yard setback
Roofs of accessory structures (b)
Not allowed
No closer than 5 feet to the lot line
No closer than 5 feet to the lot line, except for units developed on zero lot line parcels
Balconies shall be limited in width to six feet. Second floor decks other than balconies (e.g., sundecks) are prohibited.
Roofs shall be no more than 10 feet in height.
Allowed projections in commercial zoning districts. Architectural and structural features on a structure in a commercial zoning district are allowed to project into required setback areas as identified in table 3-2 (Allowed Projections into Required Setback Areas—Commercial Zoning Districts).
Front Setback
Rear Setback
Side Setback
Architectural adornments such as cornices, eaves, sills, etc.
4 feet
4 feet
4 feet
Bay window or similar feature which does not extend the structure's foundation
4 feet
4 feet
4 feet
4 feet
4 feet
4 feet
Fire escapes
Not allowed
No restriction
No restriction
4 feet
4 feet
4 feet
Steps and Stairways
4 feet
4 feet
4 feet
Allowed projections in industrial zoning districts. Architectural and structural features on a structure in an industrial zoning district are allowed to project into required setback areas as identified in table 3-3 (Allowed Projections into Required Setback Areas—Industrial Zoning Districts).
Front Setback
Rear Setback
Side Setback
Architectural adornments such as cornices, eaves, sills, etc.
Not more than 1/2 the width of required setback
Not more than 1/2 the width of required setback
Not more than 1/2 the width of required setback
Bay window or similar feature which does not extend the structure's foundation
Not more than 1/2 the width of required setback
Not more than 1/2 the width of required setback
Not more than 1/2 the width of required setback
Not more than 1/2 the width of required setback
Not more than 1/2 the width of required setback
Not more than 1/2 the width of required setback
Fire escapes
Not allowed
No restriction
No restriction
Steps and Stairways
Not more than 1/2 the width of required setback
Not more than 1/2 the width of required setback
Not more than 1/2 the width of required setback
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04; Ord. No. 1197, § 4, 6-27-22)
Exterior fixtures. Lighting fixtures shall be architecturally compatible with the character of the surrounding structure(s) and shall be energy efficient. Fixtures shall be appropriate in height, intensity, and scale to the use they are serving.
Intensity. The level of parking lot light projected onto any ground or wall surface shall not be less than two footcandles nor more than five footcandles at the base of the light fixture. The electrical plan or lighting plan shall demonstrate the dispersal of light on the ground surface and compliance with the requirements of this subsection. Building-mounted decorative lights shall not exceed five footcandles measured five feet from the light source.
Security lighting. Security lighting shall be provided in all nonresidential zoning districts at building entrances/exits. Security lighting shall provide a minimum of two footcandles and a maximum of three footcandles at the ground level of the entrance.
Shielding of light source. Where the light source is visible from outside the project boundary, shielding shall be required to reduce glare so that neither the light source nor its image from a reflective surface shall be directly visible from any point beyond the property line. This requirement shall not apply to traffic safety lighting or public street lighting.
Mechanical or chemical processes. Light, heat, or glare from mechanical or chemical processes, or from reflective materials used or stored on a site shall be shielded or modified to prevent emission of light or glare beyond the property line.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
Fences, hedges, and walls shall conform to the provisions of this Subsection.
Maximum height. The heights shown in table 3-4 are allowed within required setback areas in residential, commercial, and industrial zoning districts.
Maximum Height
Front and street side yards
42 inches.
Rear and interior side yards
7 feet in residential zoning districts 6 feet in commercial zoning districts(a) 8 feet in industrial zoning districts
Rear and side yards adjacent to parks and nonresidential land uses
8 feet
At intersections of streets, alleys and driveways within traffic sight areas. See Subsection 3.11.150 (Traffic Safety Visibility Area).
42 inches
Except when adjacent to a residential zoning district where an 8 ft. high wall shall be required.
Measurement of fence or wall height.
The height of a fence or wall shall be measured from the finished grade at the location in which the fence or wall is to be located.
Where there is a difference in the ground level between two adjacent parcels, the height of a fence or wall constructed along the property line shall be determined by using the finish grade of the highest contiguous parcel.
Figure 3-2
Measurement of Fence or Wall Height
Prohibited fence materials.
Residential zoning districts. Barbed wire, electrical fences, razor wire, and other similar objects on the top of fences or walls shall not be allowed in a residential zoning district.
Commercial zoning districts. Barbed wire, electrical fences, razor wire, and other similar objects shall not be allowed on the top of fences or walls in a commercial zoning district, except on the top of fences or walls surrounding approved outdoor storage areas.
Special fencing and wall requirements.
Swimming pools, spas, and similar features. Swimming pools, spas, and other similar features shall be fenced in compliance with the city's building code.
Outdoor equipment, storage, and work areas. Screening of outdoor uses and equipment and activities shall be provided in compliance with [subsection] 3.11.100 (Screening and buffering).
Temporary fences. Temporary fencing may be necessary to protect archaeological or historic resources and/or trees during site preparation and construction. Temporary fencing for these purposes shall be subject to the approval of the director and shall comply with applicable building codes.
Walls along public rights-of-way. Masonry and concrete block perimeter walls that adjoin public rights-of-way and that were constructed as part of a subdivision or other planned development shall be maintained in original condition, including the color and texture of the block and any cap elements.
Extensions. Fences and walls may be extended with like materials and colors subject to approval of the director and shall comply with applicable building codes.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
The windows at the ground floor level of a structure containing nonresidential uses shall be at least 50% transparent (i.e. not covered by signs or otherwise obscured by opaque material) to ensure clear views into and out of the structure. Merchandise, goods, or materials shall not be stored or placed in front of windows except for window display purposes, or if placed on shelves for display from inside the business. Shelving up to four feet in height may be placed inside the business in front of windows on the interior side, provided that the shelving shall not exceed 50% of the window area and that the window is painted or appropriately covered in an applied opaque material to completely obscure the shelving from view from outside the window. The amount of window area allowed to be covered by signs is provided in subsection 3.15.110 (Standards for specific types of signs).
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
Structures shall meet the following standards relating to height, except for fences, hedges, and walls, which shall comply with subsection 3.11.070 (Fences, Hedges, and Walls).
Maximum height. The height of structures shall not exceed the standard established by the applicable zoning district in tables 2-3, 2-7, 2-12, 2-16, and 2-19 (General Development Standards). Maximum height shall be measured as the vertical distance from the grade to the highest point of the coping of a flat roof or the deck line of a mansard roof or to the highest point of the highest gable of a pitch or hip roof, but exclusive of vents, air conditioners, chimneys, or other incidental features.
Figure 3-3
Height Measurement
Exceptions to height limits. The director may approve the following exceptions to the height limits of this zoning ordinance.
Roof-mounted structures. Roof-mounted structures for the housing of elevators, stairways, ventilating fans, chimneys, or similar equipment required to operate and maintain the structure, shall be allowed, up to a maximum of 10 feet above the allowed structure height. The structures shall be screened in compliance with subsection 3.11.100 (Screening and buffering). The total square footage of all structures above the heights allowed in the zoning districts shall not occupy more than 10% of the total roof area of the structure. In no case shall a roof-mounted structure be allowed for the purpose of providing or creating additional floor space.
Communications facilities. Stealth communication facilities (e.g., television, radio, cellular, etc.) may be allowed to exceed the height limit established for the applicable zoning district by up to 10 feet.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
Mechanical equipment in residential zoning districts.
Location of mechanical equipment.
Location in front yard prohibited. Air conditioners, heating, cooling, swimming pool pumps, and all other nonportable, mechanical devices requiring an electrical permit (excluding roof heat exhaust fans both motorized and nonmotorized) shall not be located between the front property line and the main structure and shall be screened from public view.
Location in side yard allowed. Mechanical equipment may be located in the side yard with an approved air conditioning and/or related mechanical equipment application in compliance with subparagraph 6 (Permit requirements), below.
Distance of air conditioning units from adjacent property. Air conditioning units or related equipment shall be placed a minimum of 10 feet from any window or glass door opening of any adjacent property.
Screening required. Mechanical equipment shall be screened from view from surrounding properties and streets.
Noisy operation prohibited. Mechanical equipment shall be operated so that it does not disturb the peace, quiet, and comfort of neighboring residents in compliance with provisions of chapter 13, article 7 (Noise Control) of the Municipal Code.
Solar collector panels. Solar collector panels and associated plumbing may be mounted on the surface of rooftops, in public view, provided the associated plumbing is painted to match the roof surface color.
Installation requirements. Mechanical equipment shall be ground mounted. Mechanical equipment and any item not clearly specified within this section shall meet the requirements of the city's mechanical code in conjunction with the intent of this section, as interpreted by the director in compliance with subsection 4.19.060 (Design review).
Permit requirements. Applications for the installation of air conditioning or any other residentially related mechanical equipment shall be submitted to the department on a form prescribed by the director and accompanied by the attachments and required fee.
Mechanical equipment in commercial and industrial zoning districts. Mechanical equipment, including air conditioning units, shall be enclosed within a structure or completely screened from view from surrounding properties by the use of a fence or wall. Screening shall be compatible in color, style, and materials with the structures that the equipment serves.
Screening between different zoning districts.
Where a commercial, office, or industrial use abuts a property in a residential zoning district, a masonry wall of minimum height eight feet, with screen landscaping, shall be erected and maintained between the two uses. See figure 3-4 (Screening and Buffering), below. The wall shall be measured in compliance with subsection 3.11.070B. (Fences, hedges, and walls—Measurement of fence or wall height).
Wherever an off-street parking area on a property in a commercial zoning district is located across a public or private street from property in a residential zoning district, a masonry wall or berm three feet in height shall be erected to screen the parking area from view. Landscape screening shall be provided as required in subsection 3.13.060 (Landscape requirements for parking areas).
In a commercial zoning district, a minimum setback of 20 feet shall be required whenever a parcel abuts a parcel in a residential zoning district. This setback may be used for required open off-street parking areas.
Figure 3-4
Screening and Buffering
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
This subsection establishes standards to ensure the provision of open areas for access to and around structures, access to natural light and ventilation, landscaping, recreation, separation of incompatible land uses, space for privacy, traffic safety, and visibility.
Figure 3-5
Location and Measurement of Setbacks
Setback requirements.
Structures shall conform to the setback requirements identified for each zoning district by article 2 (Zoning Districts and Allowable Land Uses), and with any special setbacks established for specific uses by this zoning ordinance.
Each yard shall be open and unobstructed from the ground upward, except as provided in this Subsection.
Yards shall be landscaped in compliance with section 13 (Landscaping), except as provided in this subsection.
Exemptions from setback requirements. The minimum setback requirements of this zoning ordinance shall apply to all uses except for the following:
Fences or walls constructed within the height limitations of this zoning ordinance;
Free-standing solar devices, hot tubs, steps, terraces, and other site design elements that are placed directly upon the finish grade and are less than 18 inches above the surrounding finish grade (swimming pools/spas, and other similar water features shall be fenced in compliance with the city's building code); and
Retaining walls less than four feet in height above finish grade.
Measurement of setbacks. Setbacks shall be measured as follows:
Front yard setback. The front yard setback shall be measured at right angles from the nearest point on the front property line to the nearest wall of the structure, except as follows:
Whenever a future street right-of-way line is officially established, the required setback shall be measured from the established line(s);
For a flag lot, the measurement shall be taken from the nearest wall of the structure to the point where the access strip meets the bulk of the parcel, establishing a building line parallel to the lot line nearest the public street or right-of-way.
Side yard setback. The side yard setback shall be measured at right angles from the nearest point on the side property line to the nearest wall of the structure, establishing a setback line parallel to the side property line, that extends between the front and rear yards.
Street side yard setback. The side yard on the street side of a corner parcel shall be measured at right angles from the nearest point on the street side property line to the nearest wall of the structure.
Rear yard setback. The rear yard shall be measured at right angles from the nearest point on the rear property line to the nearest wall of the structure, establishing a setback line parallel to the rear property line, that extends between the side yards, except:
The rear yard on the street side of a double frontage lot shall be measured from the nearest point of the rear property line adjoining the street. If an access easement or street right-of-way line extends into or through a rear yard, the measurement shall be taken from the nearest point of the easement or right-of-way line; and
Where the side lot lines converge to a point, a line 10 feet long within the parcel, parallel to the front lot line, shall be deemed the rear lot line for the purpose of determining the depth of the required rear yard.
Figure 3-6
Rear Yard Setbacks on Irregularly Shaped Lots
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
This subsection provides standards for the provision of solid waste (refuse), organic waste, and recyclable material storage areas in compliance with state law (California Solid Waste Refuse and Recycling Access Act, Public Resources Code Sections 42900 et seq.).
New developments. A new multi-family residential, commercial, industrial, or other nonresidential development project requiring a building permit shall provide adequate, accessible, and convenient areas for collecting and loading solid waste and recyclable materials.
Existing developments. Existing multi-family residential, commercial, industrial, or other nonresidential development projects shall include adequate, accessible, and convenient areas for collecting and loading solid waste materials.
Existing developments undergoing alterations. An existing multi-family residential, commercial, industrial, or other nonresidential development project that is undergoing alterations shall provide adequate, accessible, and convenient areas for collecting and loading recyclable materials when:
One or more building permit applications have been submitted for one or more alterations; and
The proposed alterations will collectively result in the addition of 30% or more of floor area for the development project.
Co-mingled solid waste and recyclable materials receptacles. A new or existing multi-family residential, commercial, industrial, or other nonresidential development project located in a recycling area that allows for the collection of co-mingled solid waste and recyclable materials shall provide adequate, accessible, and convenient areas for collecting and loading co-mingled solid waste and recyclable materials.
Multi-family projects. Multi-family residential projects with three or more dwelling units, shall provide refuse, organic waste, and recyclable material storage areas in compliance with the requirements of paragraph A. (Applicability), above, and in compliance with the following:
Individual unit storage requirements. Developments which provide private garages for each unit may utilize individual refuse, organic waste, and recyclable containers for each unit. Each private garage shall have a dedicated storage space adequate in size to house the refuse, organic waste, and recyclable containers. A dedicated temporary storage space shall be provided outside in a location accessible for collection but shall not block circulation drives or conflict with parking.
Common storage requirements. Common receptacles for refuse, organic waste, and recyclables shall be housed in a trash enclosure which complies with the requirements of paragraph D (Design and construction standards) and paragraph E (Location standards). Alternatively, an interior storage area may be provided within a dedicated room in the building. Sizing of the enclosure or interior storage area shall conform to the requirements of the city's solid waste provider.
Nonresidential structures and uses. Nonresidential structures and uses within all zoning districts shall provide refuse, organic waste, and recyclable material storage within a designated trash enclosure in compliance with the requirements of paragraph A (Applicability), above. Sizing of the enclosure shall conform to the requirements of the Public Works Department in consultation with the city's solid waste provider. The enclosure shall conform to the requirements of paragraph D (Design and construction standards) and paragraph E (Location standards), below.
Design and construction standards. The design and construction of an interior storage area or trash enclosure(s) shall comply with the following requirements:
Interior storage areas and trash enclosures shall comply with applicable federal, state, or local laws relating to fire, building, access, transportation, circulation, or safety, or any other federal, state, or local law or regulation.
Interior storage areas and trash enclosures shall comply with the dimension and capacity requirements adequate to serve the development project as determined by the Public Works Department in consultation with the city's solid waste provider.
Interior storage areas and trash enclosures shall include an adequate number of bins and containers located within the storage areas to allow for the collection and loading of solid waste and recyclable materials generated by the development project, as determined by the Public Works Department in consultation with the city's solid waste provider. A sign shall be permanently posted or painted on each solid waste and recyclable material container clearly identifying the container type and the name and telephone number of the company responsible for maintaining the containers.
Trash enclosures shall be constructed of the same primary wall material and color as the most adjacent building within the development or decorative masonry block. Vines or hedges may be provided on up to three sides of the enclosure to deter graffiti and blend the structure into the landscape.
Trash enclosures shall include a solid covered roof that prohibits stormwater to enter and then discharge from the enclosure.
Trash enclosures shall be paved with impermeable material. No other area may drain onto the trash enclosure area and the trash enclosure area shall not drain into the storm drain system.
Interior storage areas and trash enclosures shall comply with national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) and regional water quality control board (RWQCB).
Interior storage areas and trash enclosures shall be properly secured to prevent access by unauthorized persons, while allowing authorized persons access for disposal of materials.
Trash enclosures shall be paved with impermeable material. No other area may drain onto the trash enclosure area and the trash enclosure area shall not drain into the storm drain system.
Interior storage areas and trash enclosures shall include a vehicular access gate or door with a concrete apron and a separate pedestrian entrance. Access shall conform to solid waste provider requirements. Gates shall be solid and constructed of durable metal or composite materials. Chain link and wood fencing are prohibited. Gates shall be continuously maintained in working order.
Trash enclosures shall be separated from adjacent parking stalls with a minimum five foot wide planter area.
Location standards. Trash enclosures and interior storage areas shall be located in the following manner:
Trash enclosures and interior storage areas shall not be located in an area where construction, operation, or maintenance of the storage area would be prohibited by federal, state, or local laws.
Locations where recyclable materials are deposited, collected, and loaded shall be as convenient as the locations where solid waste materials are deposited, collected, and loaded. Wherever feasible, recycling areas shall be located adjacent to or combined with solid waste collection areas.
Exterior trash enclosure(s) shall not be located in a required:
Front yard;
Street side yard;
Parking space; or
Landscaped or open space area.
Trash enclosures and interior storage area(s) shall be accessible to residents and employees at all times. Storage areas within multi-family residential developments shall be located within 250 feet of an access doorway to the dwellings, which they are intended to serve.
Driveways or aisles shall provide unobstructed access for collection vehicles and personnel and provide at least the minimum clearance required by the collection methods and vehicles utilized by the designated collector.
Trash enclosures and interior storage areas shall not be closer than 20 feet from:
Doors or operable windows of adjacent structures; and
Any abutting property located in a residential zoning district.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04; Ord. 1206, 11/13/2023)
Purpose. Recognizing that increases in vehicular traffic will occur in the city due to development and growth, the following dedications and improvements are deemed necessary to prevent congestion and other hazards that are related to the intensified use of the land. These requirements shall be met and complied with before a building permit may be issued.
Requirements before issuance of building permit. Before the issuance of a building permit,
Required streets and alleys, both local and highways, which abut a property subject to a development application and which are not designated as private streets or alleys, shall be dedicated; or
A deed of dedication or irrevocable offer of dedication shall be deposited in escrow with an escrow agent acceptable to the city attorney. The delivery of a deed or irrevocable offer of dedication shall be conditioned upon the granting of the required building permit.
Dedication or deed provisions for street width. The dedication or deed of dedication shall provide for the full street width required by the master plan of streets and highways, or this zoning ordinance, on the side of the street, highway, or alley abutting the property subject to a development application.
Requirements before issuance of building permit. Before the issuance of a building permit,
The street, highway, and alley improvements shall have been installed; or
A performance bond in a reasonable amount to be determined by the city engineer, with sureties to be approved by the city attorney, shall have been filed with the city clerk; or
Cash in a reasonable amount to be determined by the city engineer shall have been deposited with the finance director to be placed in a trust fund.
City standards for improvements. The improvements shall meet the standards established by the city and shall include curb, gutter, sidewalk, street, and alley paving, street trees, street signs, street lights, and all required utilities.
Rural streets. The provisions and requirements of paragraph C.(Improvements) above may be waived for streets that have been designated as "rural streets" by resolution of the council.
Value of alteration less than 50% of value of existing structure. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to a building permit for an addition or alteration to an existing structure when the estimated value of the addition or alteration, as determined by the building official, is less than 50 of the assessed value of the existing structure.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
Setbacks. Permanently constructed, nonportable swimming pools and spas shall maintain the follow-ing setbacks:
A minimum four-foot setback from the interior side lot line, rear lot line, and from the primary structure and any accessory structure.
For front setbacks and street side setbacks, the same setback requirements that apply to the primary structure for the zoning district in which the swimming pool or spa is located.
Portable spas. Portable spas may be located within any side or rear setback area.
Fencing required. Swimming pools and spas, whether permanently constructed or portable, shall be enclosed by fencing as required by the city's building code.
Obstruction of path prohibited. Pool motors and similar equipment shall not block pool paths.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
Visibility at corners of intersections required. Corner parcels in all zoning districts shall be developed in a manner that ensures visibility across the corners of the intersecting streets, alleys, and private driveways.
Traffic safety visibility area described. The traffic safety visibility area shall be described as a triangular-shaped area on a corner parcel formed by measuring 15 feet from the intersection of the front and street side property lines, or an intersecting alley or driveway, and connecting the lines diagonally across the property making a ninety-degree triangle as shown in figure 3-7 below.
Figure 3-7
Traffic Safety Visibility Area
Height limitation. Fences, walls, hedges, signs, structures, shrubbery, mounds of earth, or other visual obstructions over 42 inches in height, and tree canopies or other visual obstructions that hang lower than 42 inches from the ground, as measured from adjacent street curb elevation, shall not be erected, placed, planted, or allowed to grow within the traffic safety visibility area.
Exemption from height limitation. Proposed improvements, structures or vegetation that exceed the 42 inch height limit may be allowed in the traffic safety visibility area by the director, if the director of public works determines that the location and/or height of the existing or proposed hedge, shrubbery, structure or other obstruction within the traffic safety visibility area allows for the unobstructed view of oncoming traffic, bicyclists, and pedestrians by a driver approaching an intersection or juncture between street and private driveway.
Depiction on plans and maps required. The traffic safety visibility area shall be shown on landscaping plans, grading plans, and tentative tract maps when required by the director.
Identification of materials on landscape plans. Landscape plans shall show the common name, locations, and mature dimensions plotted to scale of proposed trees, shrubs, and plants within the traffic safety visibility area.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
New developments. Cable television wires, electric and telephone facilities conduits, fire alarm conduits, street lighting wiring, and other wiring conduits and similar facilities shall be placed underground by the developer for new development.
Modifications. The director may grant a modification or waiver of this requirement after considering the general purposes and nature of the proposed development.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
Replacement of protected residential units.
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to implement Government Code section 65583.2(g)(3) to ensure the city does not approve a development project on a site identified in the sites inventory of the housing element of the general plan that would result in the elimination of protected housing units unless those housing units are replaced consistent with Government Code section 65915(c)(3).
Applicability. The provisions of this section apply to any new development (residential, nonresidential, or mixed-use) on a site identified in the sites inventory of the housing element of the general plan that contains protected units as defined in subsection 3.11.170.A.3 or that contained protected units that have been vacated or demolished within the last five years.
Protected units. For the purposes of this section, a protected unit is a dwelling unit that is or was within the last five years:
Subject to a recorded covenant, ordinance, or law that restricts rents to levels affordable to persons or families of low or very low income;
Subject to any other form of rent or price control through a public entity's valid exercise of its police power; or
Occupied by low or very low income households.
Replacement requirement. Replacement of protected units shall be required as a condition of any development on the site. Replacement requirements shall be consistent with Government Code section 65915(c)(3).
Affordable housing agreements.
Developers of a residential development containing affordable housing units shall be required to enter into an Affordable Housing Agreement with the city in a form approved by the city attorney. The affordable housing agreement shall, at a minimum, include the following:
The total number of units and the number of units that will be made affordable;
The size, bedroom count, and location of each affordable unit;
The income levels of the affordable units and an acknowledgement that the city will verify tenant and home buyer incomes to maintain the affordability of the units;
The term of affordability for the units;
Schedule of development for all units; and
An affirmative fair marketing plan that is approved by the city to ensure advertising of the availability of the affordable units to a wide spectrum of city residents.
Recordation. The executed affordable housing agreement shall be recorded against the residential development prior to final map approval or, where a map is not being processed, prior to the issuance of building permits. The affordable housing agreement shall bind all future owners and successors in interest for the term of years specified therein.
(Ord. No. 1198, § 7, 9-26-22)