The purpose of this subsection is to establish regulations to ensure that adequate off-street parking facilities, loading areas, and vehicle movement areas are provided for all land uses. The intent of these regulations is to ensure that the use of land does not interfere adversely with the use of and circulation on public rights-of-way, that private on-site circulation does not pose a potential safety problem, and that surrounding uses are insulated from the impacts of off-street parking and loading facilities.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
The minimum standards of this section shall apply to new structures or uses, proposed additions to or enlargements of existing structures or uses, and proposed changes in building occupancy or building use that would require the provision of additional parking spaces.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
Change in occupancy or use. For proposed changes in building occupancy or building use that requires the provision of additional parking spaces, the additional parking shall be required only for the new use. An existing structure or use shall not be required to conform to the specifications of this section.
Nonconforming status. If off-street parking facilities for an existing use do not conform to the minimum requirements of this section, the use shall not be considered a nonconforming use in compliance with section 25 (Nonconforming Uses and Structures) of this ordinance.
Shared parking. Off-street parking facilities for a specific structure or use shall not be applied towards the minimum parking requirements for other structures or uses. Shared parking facilities are allowed provided they meet the minimum standards for each structure or use for which they provide parking, or provided they meet the requirements of subsection 3.14.070 (Shared parking). Exceptions may be made if the planning agency determines a facility providing combined parking requirements is consistent with the intent and purpose of this section.
Maintenance. Required parking spaces and areas shall be maintained for the duration of the use requiring parking spaces and areas.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
Accessible parking spaces required in parking lots and garages. When parking lots or garage facilities are provided in compliance with this section, accessible parking spaces for the disabled/handicapped shall be provided in compliance with state requirements and the city's building code. Accessible parking spaces shall be located on the shortest possible accessible route from adjacent parking to an accessible building entrance. In facilities with multiple accessible building entrances with adjacent parking, accessible parking spaces shall be dispersed and located near the accessible entrances.
Design of accessible parking spaces. When accessible parking spaces are required by this section, they shall be designed and constructed in compliance with the city's building code.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
Location of parking facilities.
Residential uses. Parking facilities serving residential uses shall be located on the same property as the use the parking is intended to serve.
All other uses. Parking facilities for all other uses shall be located on the same property as the use the parking is intended to serve, with the following exceptions:
In the BP-20000 (Business Park) zoning district, parking facilities may be located within 300 feet of the use the parking is intended to serve. For uses requiring a conditional use permit, parking facilities may be located within 600 feet of the use the parking is intended to serve.
A parking facility not located on the same site as the use the parking is intended to serve shall be subject to an "affidavit of nonseverance," to be approved by the city attorney and the director. This affidavit shall be recorded with the Orange County Recorder's Office and shall continue to be valid upon change of ownership of the property or a lawfully existing structure on the property.
Parking facility layout and dimensions. Parking facilities shall be designed to conform to the following minimum standards:
Parking space dimensions.
The minimum size of a standard parking space shall be nine feet wide and 18 feet long (9' x 18'), with a maximum overhang of two feet over landscaped areas, if the landscaped areas are at least six feet wide and deep, and with no overhang over sidewalks and walkways.
The minimum size of a standard parallel parking stall shall be eight feet wide and 24 feet long (8' x 24').
The minimum size of a standard accessible parking space shall be as specified in subsection 3.14.040 (Disabled/handicapped parking requirements).
The minimum size of a compact parking space shall be eight feet wide and 16 feet long (8' x 16').
In residential zoning districts, parking spaces in required garages shall have the dimensions specified in table 2-3, (Residential Zoning District Development Standards—Minimum interior garage dimensions).
Compact parking.
Multi-family residential uses. The total number of compact parking spaces provided shall not exceed 20% of the total number of required spaces.
All other uses. Compact parking spaces shall not be allowed.
Tandem parking. Tandem parking may be permitted to satisfy the off-street parking requirement for multi-family residential units in accordance with the following:
No more than two vehicles shall be placed one behind the other.
Both spaces shall be assigned to a single dwelling unit.
The tandem parking bay shall be a minimum size of 10 feet wide by 40 feet long (10' x 40').
Tandem parking shall be located within an enclosed structure.
The number of tandem parking spaces shall not exceed 20% of the total number of spaces.
Tandem parking shall not be used to satisfy the parking requirement for guest parking.
Parking lot dimensions. Parking aisles, driveways, and other parking lot facilities shall have the minimum dimensions indicated in Figure 3-9 (Parking Lot Dimensions).
Height and width of aisles. Aisles located in commercial and industrial zoning districts shall have a minimum clearance of 15 feet and a minimum width of 24 feet.
Nonrequired off-street parking facilities. Where off-street parking facilities are provided but not required by this section, the facilities shall still comply with the dimension standards contained in this paragraph B and with all other parking lot development standards.
Figure 3-9
Parking Lot Dimensions
Required improvements. Off-street parking areas shall have the following improvements:
Two inches of paving over a four-inch aggregate base, as specified by the building official.
Internal spacing, circulation, and dimensions as indicated in figure 3-9 (Parking Lot Dimensions) on the parking area figures.
Bumpers, wheel stops, stall markings, and other vehicular control as specified by the building official. Planting aisles may be used instead of bumpers or wheel stops.
Lighting as specified by the building official and police department, with special attention to directing light and glare away from adjacent properties. The level of parking lot light shall not exceed one footcandle at a site's property lines.
Grading as specified by the building official and drainage as specified by the city engineer.
Parking space delineation consisting of double-line striping 12 inches in width.
Curbs shall be installed a minimum of five feet from a wall, fence, building, or other structure. The minimum standard curb radius shall be six feet at all aisle corners. This requirement does not apply to driveways that are not part of the maneuvering area for parking. A curb shall be installed a minimum of three feet from the edge of driveways that are parallel to block walls or fences. An exception to the three-foot driveway buffer width may be granted for redevelopment of existing parcels located in the RM-15 residential multiple-family zone or the RM-20 residential multiple-family zone, if all of the following criteria are met:
The existing lot width is less than 55 feet.
The driveway width is constrained by the existing dwelling structure.
The three-foot driveway buffer would result in a substandard driveway width and/or garage maneuvering area.
The new development would not result in more than two dwelling units on the lot.
Combining with an adjacent property to meet the standard lot width in the applicable zone is not feasible.
At an access drive, the minimum distance from the property line to the first parking space shall be 20 feet.
Landscaping requirements. Landscaping of off-street parking areas shall be provided as outlined in subsection 3.13.060B. (Landscape area requirements-Parking area landscaping requirements).
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04; Ord. No. 1084, § 1, 11-13-06; Ord. 1206, 11/13/2023)
Sale or display of goods, services, and vehicles prohibited. Required parking spaces and areas shall not be used for the sale or display of goods and services, nor for the sale, display, or repair of motor vehicles.
Temporary use allowed. Temporary use of parking areas for special events or sales may be allowed subject to the requirements of subsection 4.19.040 (Temporary use permits).
Shared parking facilities may be allowed provided they meet the requirements of this section and they meet the minimum standards for each use or structure for which they provide parking unless a parking reduction is approved subject to the requirements of subsection C.
Religious institutions. A religious institution (unless located in a residential zoning district) that does not have sufficient off-street parking spaces on site may obtain a reciprocal easement or enter into an agreement with an adjacent landowner to share parking. A shared parking plan, which includes an alternate plan for the religious institution should the shared parking agreement be canceled, shall be approved by the department. If the shared parking agreement is canceled, the religious institution shall provide a minimum of 90 days' notice to the department, at which time the alternate plan shall be implemented. An alternate plan may include a provision for shuttle service.
Commercial and industrial developments.
The uses sharing the parking facilities shall be located on contiguous parcels.
A legal agreement shall be signed by parties sharing parking facilities. The agreement shall be approved by the city attorney and director, shall be recorded with the Orange County Recorder's Office, and shall continue to be valid upon change of ownership of a property subject to the agreement or a lawfully existing structure on the properties.
Shared parking arrangements shall be authorized by a discretionary permit issued for the use for which the parking is provided.
Mixed-use developments. A reduction in the total number of parking spaces required may be granted for developments containing multiple uses, including multi-family residential uses, subject to the requirements of this subsection.
Shared parking demand study. A shared parking demand study shall be submitted in conjunction with any request for a reduction in parking, subject to the following requirements:
The shared parking demand study shall be prepared utilizing methodology established by the Urban Land Institute or Institute of Transportation Engineers, unless an alternate methodology is approved in writing by the director.
The shared parking demand study shall analyze the characteristics of the proposed uses to determine whether varied peak parking requirements justify a reduction in parking.
Parking reduction review procedure. The council shall review the request for parking reduction in conjunction with the other discretionary action(s) for the mixed-use development.
Findings. In approving a parking reduction for a mixed-use development, the approving authority shall find:
The shared parking demand study presents clear and convincing evidence that the parking demand will be less than the cumulative requirement for all uses within the development.
The probable long-term occupancy of the building or structure, based on its design, will not generate additional parking demand.
In approving a parking reduction, the council or director may impose conditions of approval, including:
A requirement for a written agreement between the property owner and the city, in a form satisfactory to the city attorney, that guarantees that there will be no substantial alteration in the uses that will create a higher demand for parking.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04; Ord. 1206, 11/13/2023)
Prohibited parking surfaces. Parking on unpaved surfaces, concrete tiles, concrete blocks, glasscrete blocks, or similar surfaces shall be prohibited.
Direct-access garages and carports.
Vehicles parked in the front setback area of a residential parcel having a direct access garage or carport (where the point of entry to the garage or carport is parallel, or generally parallel to the public right-of-way) shall be placed on a fully paved surface in the area between the garage/carport entrance and the public right-of-way. For parking purposes, the width of this driveway shall be determined to be the same as the width of the garage/carport.
Vehicles may also be parked on an ancillary fully paved parking area adjacent to, and between the driveway and the closest adjacent property line. The ancillary parking area shall not exceed 10 feet in width as measured from the garage/carport and the closest adjacent property line. Parking in front setback areas with direct access garages and carports shall be governed by Figure 3-10 (Parking Areas Allowed with Direct Access Garages and Carports).
Figure 3-10
Parking Areas Allowed with Direct Access Garages and Carports
Indirect access garages and carports.
Vehicles parked in the front setback area of a residential parcel having an indirect access garage/carport (where the point of entry to the garage or carport is perpendicular, or generally perpendicular to the public right-of-way) shall be placed on a fully paved surface between the garage/carport entrance and the property line parallel to garage/carport entrance.
Vehicles may be parked adjacent to the property line in an area extending from a prolongation of the rearmost wall of the garage/carport, to a point 10 feet past a prolongation of the front facade of the garage/carport. No vehicles shall be parked in the area between the front garage/carport facade parallel to the public right-of-way and the right-of-way itself. Parking in front setback areas with indirect access garages and carports shall be governed by figure 3-11 (Parking Areas Allowed with Indirect Access and Carports).
Figure 3-11
Parking Areas Allowed with Indirect Access and Carports
Violations. Violations of any provisions in this subsection shall be subject to the enforcement and penalty provisions of section 30 (Enforcement Provisions) of this zoning ordinance and the enforcement and penalty provisions of the Municipal Code.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
Allowed parking hours. Commercial vehicles associated with an allowed use or business may be parked on the business site between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. weekdays and Saturdays, and between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on Sundays and federal holidays. Those sites for which a conditional use permit has been granted authorizing parking use beyond these specified hours are exempted from this regulation.
Compliance with city noise control provisions. Commercial vehicles shall not be operated, parked, stored, or otherwise used in a residential zoning district in violation of section 13-68 et seq. (Noise control-Exterior noise standards) of the Municipal Code.
Vacant residential lots. Parking and storage of commercial vehicles is prohibited on vacant residential lots.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)
The location, number, and size of loading spaces required shall be specified by city staff through the review of project applications.
(Ord. No. 1062, § 2(Exh. A), 11-25-04)