"City philosophy—general policy statement" The purpose of the city's utility rates are to recover the city's cost of operating the utility. The application and administration of the provisions of this code shall be performed in a manner which fulfills the purpose of the rates and provides the highest level of customer service to rate payers.
(Ord. No. CSO#130-01-2015 , § 1, 1-20-2015)
The wastewater system access fees for new or enlarged wastewater service connections shall be charged in compliance with the City of Fort Worth, Wholesale Wastewater Contract Number 15804, and reflected on the city fee schedule.
(Ord. No. CSO#130-01-2015 , § 1, 1-20-2015)
The minimum monthly rates to be charged for each connection to the water and sewer systems shall be as established by the city council from time to time. Said rates are on file in the office of the city secretary.
(Ord. No. CSO#130-01-2015 , § 1, 1-20-2015)
The due date for the payment of the utility statement will be 20 calendar days from the billing date. A penalty charge will be assessed to all balances not paid by the due date. If not paid within 30 calendar days from the billing date, service may be discontinued in accordance with policies established by the city manager or his/her designee governing the termination of water service. In the event of discontinuance of service, a charge shall be assessed for the resumption of service. Before service is resumed, all past due bills, including any additional charges, shall be paid in full. In the event the meter is locked and service is restored by unauthorized personnel, the meter will be removed. Before the meter is reinstalled, all past due bills must be paid in full, plus a service charge to reinstall the meter. All service charges will be determined by the city user fee schedule as adopted by the city council.
A customer may be granted an extension on their account not to exceed 14 calendar days and not more than three separate extensions per calendar year with a charge being assessed after the second extension. No extensions will be available for a customer's first bill unless the security deposit is paid in full.
A customer will be charged a service fee on any form of payment returned from the bank. If a customer has more than two returned payments in a one-year period, he will be required to make payments with cash or money orders for a one-year period.
A security deposit shall be required for all fire hydrant contractor meters and a service fee assessed for installing the meter.
A service charge shall be required for all customers requesting to have meters tested for accuracy. Service charges shall be determined by meter size. If the meter is found to be in compliance with the AWWA specifications (tolerance two percent), a testing fee shall be charged. No fees will be charged to customers whose meters run fast two percent or more.
An additional security deposit shall be required for any customer whose service has been disconnected on three occasions for nonpayment within the last 24 months. The amount of the additional deposit shall be in each instance the difference between the customer's current deposit and the largest total unpaid balance during the previous 12 months of the account rounded to the nearest $5.00. If after a one-year period the account has experienced no penalty charges, the additional deposit will be applied toward the account balance.
Any account which reflects a 12-month history with no penalty charges will be eligible for deposit refund. The customer will be required to submit another deposit if water service is disconnected for non-payment. All deposits will be applied to final billings.
New service.
A new residential account may be established by:
The owner(s) of the location of service, or
A tenant whose primary place of residence is the location of service.
A customer who has past due amounts for utility service at any previous location(s) must pay the current standard security deposit plus all past due amounts before any new service will be initiated. If, after a one-year period, the new service has not experienced any penalty charges, the standard security deposit will be applied to the account.
Should new service be inadvertently initiated under (2) above due to the customer's failure to disclose past due amounts owed the city or the city's failure to identify such past due amounts at the time of application, the past due amounts will be transferred to the customer's active account upon discovery by the city and utility service shall be discontinued by the city until payment in full is made, inclusive of any service charge(s).
In no case will the cohabitants of a location be allowed to open a new account at the same or any other location by alternating the name of the account holder among the cohabitants in order to avoid the payment of any past due amounts owed by any cohabitant.
(Ord. No. CSO#130-01-2015 , § 1, 1-20-2015)
Every owner, occupant, tenant, builder, or lessee, using or occupying any building, house or structure within the city for residences, churches, schools, lodges, businesses, or other purposes is required to put up a security deposit for utility services or provide the following:
A good credit reference letter from the customer's last previous water or electricity utility company. Good credit is to be determined by city criteria.
A deposit may be waived if the account holder has a previous record of good credit history with the city. A former account holder has a good credit history if during the last 12 months of service the account holder was late on a maximum of one payment and had no water service disconnections due to non-payment during this same time period
The city council, on the city user fee schedule, shall adopt a schedule of charges and fees for security deposits for utility services for residential and commercial customers.
(Ord. No. CSO#130-01-2015 , § 1, 1-20-2015; Ord. No. CSO#321-09-2015 , § 1, 9-21-2015)
Lien established; exception.
Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c) of this section, a lien is hereby established against an owner's property, unless it is a homestead as protected by the Texas Constitution, for delinquent bills for municipal utility service to the property.
Rental property.
The city's lien shall not apply to bills for service connected in a tenant's name after notice by the property owner to the city that the property is rental property.
Application to prior bills.
The city's lien shall not apply to bills for service connected in a tenant's name prior to the effective date of the ordinance from which this article derives.
Recording of lien.
The city's lien shall be perfected by recording in the real property records of the county where the property is located a notice of lien containing a legal description of the property and the account number for the delinquent charges. The lien shall include an administrative charge as set forth in the city fee schedule.
Priority of lien.
The city's lien is inferior to a bona fide mortgage lien that is recorded before the recording of the lien provided for herein the real property records of county. The lien herein is superior to all other liens, including previously recorded judgment liens and any liens recorded after the lien provided for herein.
(Ord. No. CSO#130-01-2015 , § 1, 1-20-2015)
A customer may only receive one complimentary data log report of the water consumption recorded through a meter at their service address in a 12-month period. This only applies to customer's that have a meter with the technical capability to digitally download the consumption. Any additional data logging reports of these meters beyond one every 12 months will be subject to the data log fee listed in the fee schedule.
(Ord. No. CSO#130-01-2015 , § 1, 1-20-2015)
The City of Burleson shall have the right to temporarily discontinue, disconnect, and reconnect water supply for the purposes of making repairs, connections, extensions, and cleaning of mains, machinery, reservoirs, or any part of said water system.
The city shall have the right to temporarily disconnect service to a customer having a break on their private line should that break present a hazard to the general public or be in violation of the city's drought contingency plan or water conservation plan.
Except in cases of emergency, the city shall make a reasonable effort to notify customers of any disruption of service arising from the city's routine operation and maintenance of the utility system.
(Ord. No. CSO#130-01-2015 , § 1, 1-20-2015)
It shall be unlawful for any person, except authorized employees of the city to open or use water from a fire hydrant except for the use of construction water with a City of Burleson issued construction meter attached to the fire hydrant. Fire hydrant operation for construction meters will be in accordance with the water meter agreement. The contractor will be responsible for any damage to the water system (mains, valves, hydrants, etc.)
(Ord. No. CSO#130-01-2015 , § 1, 1-20-2015)
No person shall willfully interfere with or circumvent the city's meter in such a manner as to obtain water without the full amount thereof being registered on such meter. Service shall be disconnected from any account holder where a bypass or other such device is discovered. Such account shall be reconnected at the discretion of the city and only, after the customer's account is paid in full, including all penalty charges and volume charges as estimated by the city.
(Ord. No. CSO#130-01-2015 , § 1, 1-20-2015)
No person except authorized employees of the city shall circumvent, remove or break any lock on the stopcock in the water meter box. Service to any account where a broken lock is found will not be restored until all charges, including charges for water received and all applicable fees, including tampering fees, as listed in the City of Burleson fee schedule, have been paid.
(Ord. No. CSO#130-01-2015 , § 1, 1-20-2015; Memo of 7-8-2015; Ord. No. 5229-09-2023 adopted 9/18/2023)
A consumer shall be held responsible for loss of water including breakage in pipe or plumbing on the discharge side of the meter, and if this water is not paid for according to the established rates when it becomes due, the service shall be discontinued until all charges are paid.
All customers may request a "one-time every twenty-four (24) months" leak adjustment credit to their water utility account with the city. Any request for adjustment must be initiated by submitting an acceptable form of documentation within ninety (90) days of the water loss incident. Acceptable forms of documentation are intended to provide proof of leak with adequate and responsible repairs and may include but are not limited to:
A receipt for repairs accomplished by a licensed plumber.
Proof of leak and receipt showing parts purchased by homeowner.
Proof of leak and documentation by city records which reflect date and time called in for shutoff of water meter for repairs.
All dates on documentation or city work orders must coincide with dates of high water usage. Failure to submit an acceptable form of documentation may result in denial of the "one-time every twenty-four (24) months" credit, but can be appealed to the city manager or his/her designee. The "one-time every twenty-four (24) months" credit will be applied to any water consumption surpassing the customer's average from the previous twelve (12) months. Any usage beyond this twelve-month average will be credited to the customer at a rate of fifty percent (50%), up to a total of five hundred dollars ($500.00). Months in which a leak occurred will not factor into the calculation of this twelve-month average. In cases where a customer has not yet established a twelve-month average water consumption history, the city may consider any available historical data or utilize the citywide average. A credit may be applied for two months of usage if there is documentation or evidence indicating that a leak persisted throughout two consecutive billing periods. However, no credit for sewer charges will be extended to residential accounts, as the city employs "winter quarter averaging." Sewer credits may be considered for commercial accounts, provided the documentation demonstrates that the leak originated outside of the building and did not impact the sanitary sewer system.
Should any meter fail to register correctly the amount of water used by a consumer since the previous reading, the right shall exist on the part of the city water and sewer department to average the month and charge for water on the basis of same basis of the prior three months' average, twelve (12) months' average, or same month in previous year (whichever one of the three options appears to be the most accurate and fair for the customer).