When any school district within the city presents findings to the city council that conditions of overcrowding exist within the school district, the city council shall follow the procedure set forth in Government Code Section 65970 et seq., as amended, in order to determine whether to concur in the finding of overcrowding and in the adoption of school impact fees by the school district. Government Code Section 65970 et seq., shall also govern adoption of an ordinance by the city council requiring dedication of land or payment of in-lieu fees to ease overcrowding in school facilities.
(County code § 8-5.101; Ord. 89-14 § 4)
Any school impact fee adopted by either a school district or the city shall be paid before a building permit will be issued.
(County code § 8-5.102; Ord. 89-14 § 4)
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to authorize the city council to prevent application of a school impact fee properly adopted by a school district.
(County code § 8-5.103; Ord. 89-14 § 4)