Within thirty days after the acceptance of a franchise, the grantee shall proceed with due diligence to obtain all necessary permits and authorizations which are required in the conduct of its business, including, but not limited to, any utility joint use attachment agreements, encroachment permits, microwave carrier licenses and any other permits, licenses and authorizations to be granted by duly constituted regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the operation of cable television/communications systems or associated microwave transmission facilities.
In connection with subsection A of this section, copies of all petitions, applications and communications submitted by the grantee to the Federal Communications Commission, Securities and Exchange Commission or any other federal or state regulatory commission or agency having jurisdiction in respect to any matters affecting the grantee's cable communications operations, and any and all actions taken thereon by each commission or agency, shall also be submitted simultaneously to the city manager. Upon determining that the grantee has obtained all necessary permits, licenses and authorizations, including rights of access to poles and conduits, the city manager shall issue the notice to proceed.
The city shall be authorized to establish special fees payable by a grantee to defray the costs incurred by the city public works department in supervising and regulating the installation of a cable communications system within the streets of the respective agencies. The public works director shall be authorized to formulate reasonable schedules for the installation of a cable communications system within the streets of the city for the purpose of promoting safety, reducing inconvenience to the public and ensuring adequate restoration and repair of the streets, and a grantee and its officers, agents, contractors and subcontractors shall comply with any and all such schedules.
(County code § 11-1.1001)
Within thirty days after the issuance of a notice to proceed the grantee shall commence the construction and installation of the cable communications system.
Within one hundred eighty days after the commencement of the construction and installation of the system, the grantee shall proceed to render service to subscribers, and the completion of the installation and construction shall be pursued with reasonable diligence thereafter so that service to all of the areas designated and scheduled on the map and plan of construction made a part of the franchise shall be provided as set forth in this chapter.
The construction and installation of the cable communications system shall be complete and ready for the issuance of a final order of completion in accordance with Section 4.12.010 at the time set forth in the ordinance offering a franchise.
Failure on the part of the grantee to commence and diligently pursue each of the requirements of this section and to complete each of the matters set forth in this section shall be grounds for the termination of such franchise. By resolution, the city council, in its discretion may extend the time for the commencement and completion of the installation and construction for additional periods in the event the grantee, acting in good faith, experiences delays by reason of circumstances beyond his or her control.
The city shall have the right, free of charge, to make additional use for any public or municipal purpose, whether governmental or proprietary, of any poles, conduits or other similar facilities erected, controlled or maintained exclusively by or for the grantee in any street provided such use by the city does not interfere with the use by the grantee.
(County code § 11-1.1002)
No franchise shall expressly or impliedly authorize the grantee to construct or install poles or wire-holding structures within streets for the purpose of placing cables, wires, lines or otherwise without the written consent of the city. Such consent shall be given or withheld in the sole discretion of the city and may be given upon such terms and conditions as the city, in its sole discretion, may prescribe, which shall include a requirement that the grantee perform, at its sole expense, all tree trimming required to maintain the poles clear of obstructions.
With respect to any poles or wire-holding structures which a grantee is authorized to construct and install within streets, the city reserves the privilege of utilizing such poles or wire-holding structures, if such use would enhance the public convenience and would not unduly interfere with the grantee's operations, with the condition that the city, public utility or public utility district pay to the grantee any or all actual and necessary costs incurred by the grantee in permitting such use.
(County code § 11-1.1003)
Unless otherwise authorized by the city council, in those areas and portions of the city where transmission and/or distribution facilities of the public utility providing telephone service, and those of the utility providing electric service, are underground or hereafter may be placed underground or are to be placed underground by a builder, developer or subdivider as a part of a development or subdivision, then the grantee shall likewise construct, operate and maintain all of its transmission and distribution facilities underground to the maximum extent that existing technology reasonably permits the grantee to do so.
In new developments or subdivisions, the builder, developer or subdivider shall be responsible for the performance of all necessary trenching and backfilling of main line and service trenches, including the furnishing of any imported backfill material required. The grantee shall be responsible for the conduct of the engineering and labor to put the cable conduit in the trench. Prewiring of new dwellings to franchise specifications while under construction shall be mandatory. The grantee shall be responsible for pulling in the cable and providing the plant electronics and drops to individual homes after occupancy.
In those areas and portions of the city where utility service facilities are currently located underground, the grantee shall be responsible for the undergrounding of cable facilities, including the performance of all necessary trenching, and the furnishing of any imported backfill material required.
Previously installed aerial cable shall be undergrounded in concert, and on a cost-sharing basis, with other utilities pursuant to the general laws of the city or applicable state laws or in the event such action shall be taken by all other utilities on a voluntary basis.
Subject to approval by the city council, incidental appurtenances, such as amplifier boxes and pedestal-mounted terminal boxes, may be placed aboveground but shall be of such size and design and shall be so located as not to be unsightly or hazardous to the public.
(County code § 11-1.1004)
The grantee shall be required to extend the subscriber network and, upon an order by the city, the institutional network to any new developments or general areas within the imposed service area and is authorized to do so within the remainder of the franchise area pursuant to the following requirements:
The grantee shall extend and make cable communications service available to every dwelling unit within any area reaching the minimum density of at least forty dwelling units per street mile or five dwelling units within six hundred sixty feet, as measured from existing feeder cable;
The grantee shall extend and make cable communications service available to every dwelling unit in all unserved, developing areas having at least forty dwelling units planned per street mile, as measured from the existing system, and shall extend its system simultaneously with the installation of utility lines;
The grantee shall extend and make cable communications service available to any isolated resident requesting a connection at the standard connection charge if the connection to the isolated resident would require no more than a standard one hundred fifty foot aerial drop line;
With respect to requests for connections requiring an aerial drop line in excess of one hundred fifty feet, the grantee shall extend and make available cable television service to such residents at a connection charge not to exceed the actual installation costs incurred by the grantee for the distance exceeding one hundred fifty feet;
Whenever the grantee shall have received written requests for services from at least fifteen assured subscribers within one thousand three hundred cable feet of its aerial trunk cable, the grantee shall extend its system to such subscribers solely for the usual connection and service fees for all subscribers, provided such extension is technically and economically feasible. The one thousand three hundred cable feet shall be measured in extension length of the grantee's cable required for service located within a public way or easement and shall not include the length of necessary drop to the subscriber's house or premises.
Nothing set forth in this section shall be construed to prevent the grantee from serving areas not covered by this section upon an agreement with developers, property owners or residents.
Any violation of this section shall be considered a breach of the terms of this title.
(County code § 11-1.1005)
Each cable communications system, including wires and appurtenances, shall be located and installed and maintained so that none of the facilities endanger or interfere with the lives or safety of persons or interfere with any improvements the city or state may deem proper to make or unnecessarily hinder or obstruct the free use of the streets or other public property.
All transmission and distribution structures, lines and equipment erected or installed by a grantee within the city shall be so located as to cause minimum interference with the proper use of streets and other public property and to cause minimum interference with the rights and reasonable convenience of property owners who adjoin any of the streets or other public property.
(County code § 11-1.1006)
All disturbances by the grantee of pavement, sidewalks, driveways, landscaping or other surfacing of streets shall be restored, repaired or replaced by the grantee at its sole cost in a manner approved by the public works director and in compliance with generally applicable standards of the agency vested with jurisdiction thereover, and in as good condition as before the disturbance occurred.
To the extent practicable and reasonable, each grantee shall accommodate the desires of any property owner respecting location within easements or rights-of-way traversing private appurtenances constituting a part of the cable communications system. Any disturbance of landscaping, fencing or other improvements upon private property, including private property traversed by easements or rights-of-way utilized by a grantee, at the sole expense of the grantee, shall be promptly repaired or restored (including the replacement of such valuables as shrubbery and fencing) to the reasonable satisfaction of the property owner as soon as possible. Each grantee, through authorized representatives, shall make a reasonable attempt to personally contact the occupants of all private property in advance of entering such property for the purpose of commencing any installation of elements of the system within the easements or rights-of-way traversing such property. As used in this subsection, the terms "easements" and "rights-of-way" shall not include easements or rights-of-way for roadway purposes.
(County code § 11-1.1007)
Upon any failure of the grantee to commence, pursue or complete any work required by it by law or by the provisions of a franchise to be done in any street, the city council, at its option and according to law, may cause such work to be done, and the grantee shall pay to the city the cost thereof in the itemized amounts reported by the city council to the grantee within thirty days after the receipt of such itemized report.
In the event that:
Any part of such system has been installed in any street or other area without complying with the requirements of this title and/or the franchise ordinance; or
The use of any part of the system of the grantee is discontinued for any reason for a continuous period of thirty days without prior written notice to and approval by the city; then the grantee, at the option of the city, and at the expense of the grantee and at no expense to the city, and upon the demand of the city, shall promptly remove from any street or other area all property of the grantee, and the grantee shall promptly restore the street or other area from which such property has been removed to such condition as the public works director shall approve.
(County code § 11-1.1008)
If during the term of a franchise the city, a community services district, a city service area, a reclamation district, a public drainage district or any other special public district elects to alter, repair, realign, abandon, improve, vacate, reroute or change the grade of any street or to replace, repair, install, maintain or otherwise alter any aboveground to underground cable, wire, conduit, pipe, line, pole, wire-holding structure, structure or other facility utilized for the provision of utility or other services or the transportation of drainage, sewage or other liquids, the grantee, except as otherwise provided in this section, at its sole expense, shall remove or relocate as necessary its poles, wires, cables, underground conduits, manholes and any other facilities which the grantee has installed. If such removal or relocation is required within a subdivision in which all utility lines, including those for the cable communications system, were installed at the same time, the entities may decide among themselves who is to bear the cost of relocation; provided, however, the city shall not be liable to a grantee for such costs. Regardless of who bears the costs, a grantee shall take action to remove or relocate at such time or times as are directed by the agency or company undertaking the work. Reasonable advance written notice shall be mailed to the grantee advising the grantee of the date or dates removal or relocation is to be undertaken.
(County code § 11-1.1009)
The grantee shall not remove or trim, and shall prohibit any officer, agent, employee, contractor or subcontractor which it retains from removing or trimming any tree or portion thereof (either above, at or below ground levels) which is located within a street, unless the removal or trimming is done in accordance with a specific tree trimming plan or general tree trimming policy which has the prior written approval of the city public works director. Such approval may be given or withheld upon such terms and conditions as the city public works director deems appropriate. Any such plan or policy shall set forth standards governing tree trimming/removal and shall provide for regulating in special circumstances, including actions taken in violation of the plan or policy. Each grantee shall be responsible for and shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the city and its officers, agents and employees, from and against any and all damages arising out of or resulting from the removal, trimming, mutilation of or any injury to any tree proximately caused by the grantee or its officers, agents, employees, contractors or subcontractors.
(County code § 11-1.1010)
Each grantee, upon a request by any person holding a building moving permit, license or other approval issued by the city or state, shall temporarily remove, raise or lower its wires to permit the movement of buildings. The expense of such removal, raising or lowering shall be paid by the person requesting the same, and a grantee shall be authorized to require such payment in advance. A grantee shall be given not less than forty-eight hours' oral or written notice to arrange for such temporary wire changes.
(County code § 11-1.1011)
Upon the expiration or termination of a franchise, if the franchise is not renewed and if neither the city nor an assignee purchases the cable communications system, the grantee may remove any underground cable from the streets without trenching or other opening of the streets along the extension of cable to be removed. The grantee shall not remove any underground cable or conduit which requires trenching or other opening of the streets along the extension of cable to be removed, except as provided in this section. The grantee shall remove, at its sole cost and expense, any undergrounded cable or conduit by trenching or opening the streets along the extension thereof or otherwise which is ordered to be removed by the city council based upon a determination, in the sole discretion of the city council, that removal is required in order to eliminate or prevent a hazardous condition or promote future utilization of the streets for public purposes. Any order by the city council to remove cable or conduit shall be mailed to the grantee not later than ninety calendar days following the date of the expiration of the franchise. A grantee shall file written notice with the city clerk not later than sixty calendar days following the date of the expiration or termination of the franchise of its intention to remove cable authorized by this section to be removed. The notice shall specify the location of all cable intended to be removed and a schedule for removal by location. The schedule and timing of removal shall be subject to approval and regulation by the city public works director. Removal shall be completed not later than twelve months following the date of the expiration or termination of the franchise. Underground cable and conduit in the streets which are not removed shall be deemed abandoned, and title thereto shall be vested in the city.
Upon the expiration or termination of a franchise, if the franchise is not renewed and if neither the city nor an assignee purchases the system, the grantee, at its sole expense, unless relieved of the obligation by the city, shall remove from the streets all aboveground elements of the cable communications system, including, but not limited to, amplifier boxes, pedestal-mounted terminal boxes and cable attached to or suspended from poles which are not purchased by the city or its assignee.
The grantee shall apply for and obtain such encroachment permits, licenses, authorizations or other approvals and pay such fees and deposit such security as required by applicable general laws of the city, shall conduct and complete the work of removal in compliance with all such applicable laws, and shall restore the streets to the same condition they were in before the work of removal commenced. The work of removal shall be completed not later than one year following the date of the expiration of the franchise.
(County code § 11-1.1012)
In the event the use of any franchise property is permanently discontinued or no franchise has been obtained therefor, upon the expiration of or within twelve months after any termination of a franchise, the grantee shall promptly remove from the streets all property involved, other than any the city council, at its sole option, may permit to be abandoned in place.
A permit to abandon in place shall first be obtained from the city public works director. Nothing set forth in this section shall be deemed a taking of the property of the grantee, and the grantee shall be entitled to no surcharge by reason of anything set forth in this section.
Franchise property to be abandoned in place shall be abandoned in such manner as the city council shall prescribe. Upon the abandonment of any franchise property in place, the grantee shall submit to the city council an instrument, satisfactory to the city attorney, transferring to the city the ownership of such property.
(County code § 11-1.1013)
Throughout the life of a grantee's franchise, and in addition to other service regulations adopted by the city council, and excepting circumstances beyond the grantee's control, such as acts of God, riots and civil disturbances, and in providing such services, a grantee shall:
Maintain all parts of its system in good condition and in accordance with standards generally observed by the cable television industry. The system shall serve individual residents, but also serve as a broad based communications source for city government, other public facilities, including hospitals, public libraries and schools, and industrial and commercial business users;
Retain sufficient employees to provide safe, adequate and prompt service for all such residential subscribers, institutional facilities and business users; and
List system failures to minimum time duration by locating and correcting malfunctioning as promptly as is reasonably possible, irrespective of holidays or other nonbusiness hours.
(County code § 11-1.1014)
A final order of completion shall be issued by the city council when:
The construction of the cable communications system has been completed within the entirety of the service area in compliance with the construction standards set forth in Article I of this chapter and the design and other requirements of the franchise documents;
Basic service and other services identified pursuant to the provisions of Section 4.20.030 have been made available to one hundred percent of the dwelling units within the service area;
Any and all studio facilities, equipment, channels and other services, resources or benefits required by the franchise documents have been completed and made available;
Any community use programming which the grantee has proposed pursuant to the provisions of Sections 4.20.290 through 4.20.330 shall be ready for commencement in compliance with the franchise documents; and
A notice of completion has been filed by the grantee as provided in this section.
For the purposes of Section 4.12.020 and this section, basic service and other services identified pursuant to the provisions of Section 4.20.030 shall be made available when the basic service (at rates and charges in amounts proposed within the application for the franchise and as permissibly adjusted pursuant to this title or, if none are included in the application, at rates and charges in amounts customarily offered by the grantee) and other services identified pursuant to the provisions of Section 4.20.030 (at rates and charges in amounts customarily offered by the grantee) are offered for immediate provision to the owner or legal representative of the owner empowered to consent to the use of the property of such individual dwelling units.
For the purpose of determining completion under this section, the total number of dwelling units within the service area shall be the actual number of units available for occupancy as of a date forty-five calendar days in advance of the date of the filing by the grantee of the notice of completion; provided, the grantee files the notice of completion with a good faith belief that it has in fact achieved completion as of the date of filing. Otherwise, the total number shall be determined as of the date on which the city council makes a final decision as to whether a final order of completion will be adopted.
A grantee who asserts completion shall file a written notice of completion with the city clerk. The notice of completion shall state the total number of dwelling units available for occupancy within the service area forty-five calendar days in advance of the filing of the notice, the total number of dwelling units to which basic service and other services have been made available within the service area as of the date of filing, and shall otherwise certify completion as set forth in subsection A of this section. Neither the notice of completion nor the statements, assertions or certifications contained therein shall be binding upon the city council.
During the period of construction of the cable communications system or during the sixty-day period following the filing of the notice of completion, all elements and components thereof, and all equipment and studio facilities required by the franchise documents, shall be subject to inspection by the city or employees or authorized agents or representatives thereof, for the purpose of determining whether the system and related facilities comply with the franchise documents. The grantee shall authorize such inspection and provide such information and cooperation if required in order to permit an adequate investigation to determine the existence or nonexistence of such compliance.
(County code § 11-1.1101)
No later than forty-five calendar days following the filing of the notice of completion, the city council shall commence a public hearing with respect to the notice of completion. Written notice of the time, date and place of the hearing shall be mailed to the concerned grantee. Notice of the time, date, place and purpose of the hearing shall be publicized in the manner prescribed by Section 4.08.060.
During the hearing, any interested person may appear and comment upon the question of whether completion has occurred and a final order of completion should be issued. The public hearing may be continued from time to time. While the hearing is pending, the city council may direct such investigations of issues or questions raised during the hearing as it deems appropriate.
During the public hearing, the city council, by resolution, may identify specific deficiencies respecting completion and decline to adopt a final order of completion pending the correction or elimination of the deficiencies so identified. If, at the conclusion of the public hearing, a final order of completion is not issued, the city council, by resolution, shall identify specific deficiencies respecting completion which shall be corrected in advance of the issuance of a final order of completion.
The final order of completion shall certify completion in compliance with the terms and conditions of the franchise documents. The order shall also designate the actual date when all elements set forth in Section 4.12.150 (A) have been completed. The issuance of such a final order of completion shall constitute a determination of completion which shall be conclusive for all purposes of this chapter.
(County code § 11-1.1102)
At any time on or after one hundred twenty calendar days following the date of the filing by a grantee of the notice of completion, the grantee, if a final order of completion has not been adopted by the city council, may make a written request for arbitration. If a final order of completion has been issued, and the grantee disagrees with the actual date of completion stated therein, the grantee, within thirty calendar days following the mailing to the grantee of the order, may make a written request for arbitration. The request shall be in writing, shall state the grounds therefor, and shall be filed with the city clerk.
If arbitration is requested, the arbitration panel shall be selected, the hearing scheduled within the time prescribed, notice given, the hearing conducted, a decision made and the costs divided in the manner prescribed by Sections 4.44.140 through 4.44.190. The discovery provisions of the California Arbitration Act (Sections 1280, et seq., of the Code of Civil Procedure of the state) shall be applicable to the arbitration proceedings under this section. The questions which may be submitted to the arbitration panel and the jurisdiction of the arbitration panel shall be limited to the following:
The interpretation of the provisions of the franchise documents solely in relation to the decision required by subparagraph 2 of this subsection; and
Whether a final order of completion should be issued and, if so, the actual date of completion, or if an order has been issued, the actual date of completion. The jurisdiction of the arbitration panel shall not include questions of enforcement, breach or remedies, and any such determination concerning enforcement, breach or remedies shall be inadmissible in and without force or effect in relation to the proceedings conducted pursuant to Sections 4.12.210 through 4.12.240.
If ordered by the arbitration panel, the city council shall issue a final order of completion not later than ten calendar days following the receipt of the arbitration award. The arbitration award may be judicially enforced, shall be final, binding and conclusive upon the parties, and shall not be subject to judicial review or vacation except on the grounds set forth in Section 1286.2 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the state.
(County code § 11-1.1103)
Any citizen who asserts there has been a violation of any of the provisions of Sections 4.12.020 through 4.12.140 may file a written complaint asserting such violation with the city clerk.
(County code § 11-1.1104)
Except as provided in this section, the violation by a grantee of any of the provisions set forth in Sections 4.12.020 through 4.12.150 caused by circumstances beyond the control of the grantee shall constitute good and sufficient excuse and justification for such violations precluding the grantee from being in breach of the sections. The following are examples of acts or omissions by a grantee or circumstances which shall be deemed not to be beyond the control of the grantee and which shall not constitute excuses or justifications for violations:
The failure at any time by a grantee or its officers, agents or employees to exercise diligence in planning, organizing, arranging for or prosecuting the work of construction and installation or in taking any other action necessary to permit or facilitate the work of construction and installation;
Unanticipated cost increases or insufficiency of capital with which to take the actions necessary to comply or facilitate compliance with any of the provisions of Sections 4.12.020 through 4.12.150;
Considerations relating to economy or cost efficiency as respects acts or omissions by a grantee;
Delays occasioned by the failure of the grantee to diligently apply for and prosecute any request for a required certificate, approval or consent from the FCC;
Delays occasioned by seasonal changes in weather or climatic conditions, such as rain (exclusive of catastrophic conditions in the nature of "acts of God") (rain delays shall not constitute an excuse or justification for violations except with respect to measurable precipitation occurring on more than fifty-nine days during any period commencing July 1st and ending the next following June 30th; and only if such is the proximate cause of the violation);
Delays occasioned by failure to obtain approval to attach lines to poles owned by private or public utilities or in the attachment of cable to the poles provided such failure is the result of an act or omission of the grantee; and
Delays occasioned by the customary and usual time required to process and secure approvals under the zoning laws of the city for the location of components of the cable communications system and other installations associated therewith, given the nature of the approval required and magnitude of the project; provided, however, if a grantee submits specific sites and plans for all headends, towers and transmitters to the city and analyses upon all such facilities as the lead agency, any time consumed by such environmental analyses which is longer than one hundred twenty calendar days during a period subsequent to the filing of the certificate of acceptance of the franchise pursuant to Section 4.08.180 shall excuse the grantee from any violations which are proximately caused by such delay in excess of one hundred twenty calendar days.
Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection A(1) through (6) of this section, a grantee shall not be excused from any violation of the provisions of Sections 4.12.020 through 4.12.150, except for causes which are beyond the control of the grantee, and except with respect to violations which have not been contributed to or aggravated by acts or omissions by the grantee.
Except as otherwise provided in this section, violations caused exclusively by acts or omissions by the city or its officers, agents or employees, shall constitute an excuse and justification for the failure of a grantee to comply with the provisions of Sections 4.12.020 through 4.12.150 precluding a determination that the grantee is in breach. However, violations as a result of such exclusive causes shall not excuse the grantee from other violations, shield the grantee from a determination that it is in breach for violations or bar any relief for damages or otherwise as a result of such breach.
(County code § 11-1.1105)
Examples of circumstances beyond the control of a grantee which excuse a grantee from violation and being in breach of the provisions of Sections 4.12.020 through 4.12.150, when such violations are caused thereby, include the following: strikes, acts of public enemies, orders by military authority, insurrections, riots, epidemics, landslides, lightning, earthquakes, fires, floods, civil disturbances, explosions and the partial or entire failure of utilities.
(County code § 11-1.1106)
At any time and from time to time, proceedings may be commenced by the city council.
The purpose of such proceedings shall be, and the powers of the city council shall include, the following:
Determination of whether there has been a violation of any of the terms, conditions or requirements set forth in Sections 4.12.020 through 4.12.150 or any requirements in relation thereto established pursuant to previously conducted enforcement proceedings;
Establishment of new or revised schedules for compliance with any of the terms, conditions or requirements which are determined to have been violated;
Determination of whether the grantee is in breach of any of the terms, conditions or requirements set forth in Sections 4.12.020 through 4.12.150 or of the franchise documents with respect to the violation of any such terms, conditions or requirements and, if so, the nature and extent of any such breach; and
With respect to any finding of breach, determination of the remedy therefor authorized by Sections 4.44.030 and 4.44.040.
In connection with determinations by the city council that there has been a violation of any time limit prescribed by Sections 4.12.020 through 4.12.150, the city council shall be authorized to establish new time schedules and time limitations based upon the circumstances, which shall supersede those set forth in those sections. Future enforcement proceedings pursuant to this section and Sections 4.12.220 and 4.12.230 may be undertaken in relation to time schedules and time limitations established pursuant to prior enforcement proceedings. In the event the city council finds that a grantee has breached any of the time limitations set forth in Sections 4.12.020 through 4.12.150, or established pursuant to prior enforcement proceedings, the city council shall determine and assess the amount of liquidated damages, if any, which the grantee shall be required to pay as a result of such breach, and whether and if so, the extent to which the term of the grantee should be reduced with respect to any such breach. Such determinations, without an appeal to arbitration or as affirmed by arbitration, shall be self-executing.
In the event the city council determines that the cable communications system fails to comply with any of the requirements of the franchise documents or that the grantee has failed to provide any of the facilities or services (including those relating to community use) required by the franchise documents, the city council may determine the specific deficiencies and order the correction thereof. Such determinations, without an appeal to arbitration or as affirmed by arbitration, shall be self-executing.
(County code § 11-1.1107)
The city council shall commence enforcement proceedings by scheduling a hearing for the purpose of inquiring into the matters specified in Section 4.12.210. Written notice of the time, date and place of the hearing shall be mailed to the grantee and to the grantee's surety on the performance bond filed pursuant to Section 4.28.080 not later than thirty calendar days in advance of the date of the commencement of the hearing. The notice shall state the reasons for the hearing, identify the terms, conditions or requirements alleged to be violated, and generally describe the areas or subject matter with respect to which the violations are alleged to have been committed.
The hearing may be conducted either by the city council or, at the sole discretion of the city council, by a hearing officer appointed by the city council to conduct the hearing. Any such hearing officer shall be an attorney licensed to practice under the laws of the state who shall not be an officer or employee either of a grantee or the city.
The cost of providing quarters for the hearing, the compensation for the hearing officer, if any, and the per diem cost of any reporter retained to record the proceedings shall be borne by the city. The cost of preparing a transcript and record of the hearing shall be borne by the grantee. All costs incurred by the parties for attorneys' fees, expert witness fees or other expenses shall be borne solely by the party incurring the costs.
(County code § 11-1.1108)
All witnesses testifying at the enforcement hearing shall be sworn. Witnesses shall be subject to direct and cross examination. However, formal rules of evidence applicable to the trial of civil or criminal proceedings in the trial courts of the state shall not be applicable to the hearing. The provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, commencing at Section 11500 of the Government Code of the state or any successor legislative enactment, shall not be applicable to any such hearing. The burden of proving violations by the grantee of the franchise documents shall be borne by the party presenting the charges, and the burden of proving excuses from performance shall be borne by the grantee. The hearing may be continued from time to time.
If the hearing is conducted by a hearing officer, the officer, upon the conclusion of the hearing, shall prepare a recommended decision which includes findings of fact, conclusions and all determinations authorized by Section 4.12.210. The recommended decision shall be filed with the city clerk and mailed to the parties not later than thirty calendar days after the conclusion of the hearing. Upon the receipt of such a recommended decision, the city council, without a hearing except as otherwise required as follows, may either:
Adopt the findings of fact, conclusions and determinations contained in the recommended decision;
Adopt the findings of fact and conclusions contained in the recommended decision, modify the determinations and adopt the recommended decision as so revised;
Based upon the record of the hearing, modify the findings of fact, conclusions or determinations and adopt the recommended decision as so revised; or
Reject the recommended decision and conduct a new hearing.
If the hearing is conducted by the city council, upon the conclusion of the hearing the city council shall adopt a decision which includes the findings of fact, conclusions and determinations authorized by Section 4.12.210. Copies of the decision adopted by the city council shall be mailed to the parties.
(County code § 11-1.1109)
Not later than thirty calendar days following the date of the mailing to the grantee of the decision by the city council, the grantee shall be authorized to appeal the decision or any portion thereof to arbitration by filing a written notice of appeal with the city clerk. The notice of appeal shall specifically identify the determination or determinations from which the appeal is taken, and the grounds therefor, and shall be accompanied by a fee equal to the estimate by the city clerk of the cost of preparing the transcript and record of the hearing or hearings. In the event the grantee fails to file the notice of appeal within the time and in compliance with the requirements prescribed in this section, the determinations by the city council shall become final, binding and conclusive and not subject to review or reversal by any authority. Judicial enforcement of such determinations may be sought.
Except as otherwise provided in this section, the arbitration panel shall be selected, the hearing scheduled within the time prescribed, notice given, the hearing conducted, a decision made and the costs divided in the manner prescribed by Sections 4.44.140 through 4.44.180.
The questions which may be submitted to the arbitration panel and the jurisdiction of the panel shall be limited to a decision as to whether the findings of fact by the city council are supported by substantial evidence in the record and whether the conclusions by the city council are consistent with the provisions of the franchise documents as interpreted by the arbitration panel. The powers of the arbitration panel shall be limited to a conclusion as to whether the decision by the city council from which the appeal is taken should be affirmed or reversed and remanded to the city council for further determination and interpretation of the provisions of the franchise documents solely in relation to the review of the decision by the city council.
The hearing by the arbitration panel shall not be a trial de novo, and the sole function of the panel shall be to review the record of the hearing preceding the decision by the city council to decide whether there was substantial evidence in the light of the whole record to support the findings and to interpret the franchise documents in relation to the decision by the city council. No new evidence shall be introduced, received or considered by the arbitration panel; provided, that where the panel finds there is relevant evidence which, in the exercise of reasonable diligence, could not have been produced or which was improperly excluded at the hearing preceding the arbitration, the panel may remand the matter to the city council to be reconsidered in the light of such evidence. The determination by the city council shall be sustained by the arbitration panel if it finds that there is substantial evidence in the record to sustain the determination and that the conclusions are consistent with the provisions of the franchise documents. The panel shall not substitute its discretion for that of the city council with respect to the determinations made by the city council or reweigh or otherwise judge the credibility of the evidence presented during the hearing preceding the city council's decision. If the panel decides that the determinations by the city council violate the provisions of the franchise documents, the panel shall remand the matter to the city council for further determinations, reserving jurisdiction to review the determinations. Objections by the grantee to the determinations by the city council which were not presented during the hearing preceding the city council's decision shall be deemed to have been waived.
The decision by the city council as affirmed by an arbitration award may be judicially enforced and shall not be subject to judicial review or vacation, except on the grounds set forth in Section 1286.2 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the state to the extent such grounds are consistent with the express terms of this title.
(County code § 11-1.1110)