The grantee's system design and construction shall be such that service shall be made available for the normal installation fee to all residential units within the grantee's service area, as defined in the franchise and this title, including the system extensions required by Section 4.12.050.
(County code § 11-1.801)
Subject to such regulations as may be adopted by the city council, the grantee shall install cable television service to all persons making a timely and bona fide request for such service at any location within the service area.
After the grantee has established service pursuant to a franchise in any area of the city, such service shall not be suspended or abandoned, unless such suspension or abandonment has been authorized or ordered by the city council.
(County code § 11-1.802)
A cable communications system, to be installed and operated pursuant to this chapter and a franchise granted pursuant to this title, unless otherwise provided, shall:
Be capable of relaying to subscriber terminals video and audio signals the grantee is now or hereafter authorized to carry by the Federal Communications Commission or the city:
Distribute in color television signals which it receives in color;
Provide, as a minimum, channel capacity and basic equipment for program production in cablecasting for educational, public and governmental access uses;
If the system is to serve an aggregate of five thousand or more dwellings, have a minimum capacity of fifty downstream video channels;
If the system is to serve an aggregate of five thousand or more dwellings, have a two-way (bidirectional) capacity upon the initial activation of the system or at such time as may be extended by the city council;
Make available upon request by any subscriber receiving channels showing premium services or pay-per-view events, a lockout device which prevents the unauthorized viewing of such channels; and
Make available to subscribers, upon request, an RF switch permitting conversion between cable and direct off-air reception.
(County code § 11-1.803)
The cable communications system permitted to be installed and operated pursuant to this title may also engage in the business of:
Transmitting original cablecast programming not received through television broadcast signals;
Transmitting any additional broadcast signals permitted by the Federal Communications Commission;
Transmitting television pictures, films and videotape programs not received through broadcast television signals, whether or not encoded or processed to permit reception by only selected receivers or subscribers;
Transmitting and receiving all other signals, digital, voice, audio-visual and the like; and
Transmitting on a nondiscriminatory basis, and for a reasonable rate, burglar, fire and other nonbroadcast services which customers request from persons supplying such services.
(County code § 11-1.804)
Each cable communications system shall include equipment capable of providing standby power for headend facilities and trunk amplifiers for a minimum of two hours. The equipment shall be so constructed as to automatically notify the cable office when it is in operation and to automatically revert to the standby mode when the AC power returns. The system shall incorporate all safeguards necessary to prevent injury to a line-man resulting from a standby generator powering a "dead" utility line.
(County code § 11-1.805)
Each cable communications system shall include an emergency alert capability which will permit the city, in times of emergency, to override by remote control alternatively the audio and visual of all channels simultaneously.
Each cable communications system shall include the capability to broadcast from the city's headquarters for civil defense, disaster and emergency services.
(County code § 11-1.806)
The grantee will be required to provide interconnections to other nearby cable communications systems, at the time and to the extent and in the manner specified by the city council, as set forth in any request for franchise proposals issued by the city council.
(County code § 11-1.807)
Each application for a franchise shall include plans and detailed specifications for the cable communications system which is proposed by the applicant. The system shall be constructed and installed by a grantee in compliance with the plans and specifications contained in the application, except as modified by other franchise documents.
(County code § 11-1.808)
Each grantee shall construct, install and maintain its cable communications system in a manner consistent and in compliance with all applicable laws, ordinances, construction standards, governmental requirements, FCC technical standards and detailed standards set forth in the franchise documents. Each grantee shall provide to the city, upon request, written reports of the grantee's annual proof-of-performance tests conducted pursuant to FCC standards and requirements. Standards of cable communications system construction, safety and operation shall meet, but not be limited to, the following referenced specifications, unless exceptions are agreed upon between the city and the grantee. Each grantee shall at all times comply with:
The National Electrical Safety Code (National Bureau of Standards);
The National Electrical Code (National Bureau of Fire Underwriters);
California Public Utility Commission General Orders 95, 112-d and 128;
Applicable FCC and other federal, state and local regulations; and
The codes and other laws of the city.
(County code § 11-1.809)
The construction, installation and maintenance of the cable communications system shall be performed in an orderly and workmanlike manner and in close coordination with the public and private utilities serving the city following accepted construction procedures and practices and working through existing committees and organizations.
(County code § 11-1.810)
The overall system shall be designed and constructed to meet all FCC technical performance specifications and standards over a temperature range of plus or minus fifty degrees Fahrenheit from the mean temperature of the city area and to function throughout all environmental extremes expected.
(County code § 11-1.811)
The forward portion of any cable communications system to serve an aggregate of five thousand or more dwellings shall be capable of an initial activation of a minimum carriage of fifty Class I television channels, the full FM broadcast band and pilot carriers or other such auxiliary signals as required for system control.
(County code § 11-1.812)
The combined forward trunk and distribution system shall deliver signals to each and every subscriber's receiver which will meet or exceed the franchise ordinance specifications at the mean system temperature of plus or minus fifty degrees Fahrenheit, unless otherwise indicated. This shall include the effects of drop cable, interior splits and any terminal equipment, such as descramblers and set top converters.
(County code § 11-1.813)
The reverse portion of the cable communications system shall be capable of initial activation of a minimum of twenty-five MHz band width, with return signals from each subscriber and institutional (including all schools) signal source to the extreme end of any area in compliance with the specifications set forth in the franchise ordinance.
Where applicable, the end of the system specifications shall include the effects of any signal reprocessing equipment necessary to achieve forward transmission.
Any signal at the subscriber's television receiver, after being transmitted to the headend, processed and retransmitted down a forward channel, shall meet the specifications of the franchise ordinance.
(County code § 11-1.814)
All cable communications systems authorized to be constructed and operated pursuant to this title shall be compatible with respect to signal exchanges between the systems, insofar as financially and technically feasible. One interconnection point shall be specified by the grantees for signal exchanges between any two systems. The interconnection point shall be selected on the most reasonable direct path between the party providing the signal and the party receiving the signal. Signals delivered to an interconnection point by each party shall utilize such electronic parameters as required to be usable by the receiving party. The technical standards set forth in any request for a proposal issued pursuant to Section 4.08.140 shall apply to all signals delivered by any party to such interconnection point.
(County code § 11-1.815)
A comprehensive routine preventive maintenance program shall be developed, effected and maintained for each system by the respective grantees to ensure continued top quality cable communications operating standards in consonance with FCC Part 76 and the technical specifications stipulated in the franchise ordinance.
(County code § 11-1.816)
No newly constructed system services shall be offered for sale prior to proof-of-performance testing in accordance with FCC Part 76.601 and the technical specifications and standards listed in the franchise agreement. This initial proof-of-performance testing and annual proof-of-performance testing may be conducted by the city or its designated representative at the city's option, when for sufficient cause as deemed by the city council or its designated representative. The city reserves the right to have the measurements conducted at city selected test points and to a greater number of test points than the minimum required by Section 76.601, FCC Rules. Additionally, the grantee shall reimburse the city for all expenses by it in connection with the city conducting or observing the annual performance tests when the results of those tests are deemed by the city to fall below a ninety percent level of compliance with the technical standards as set forth in FCC Part 76 and in the franchise agreement.
If after a public hearing, notice of which has been given in the manner prescribed by Section 4.08.050, the city council finds that a grantee has failed to comply with or maintain the technical standards or quality of service set forth in the franchise documents for such franchise, the city council may order the grantee to make specifically enumerated repairs or improvements in the system or changes in the maintenance, repair or operation of the system. The grantee shall complete such repairs or improvements within a reasonable time and, in any event, not later than six months following the date on which the order requiring repairs or improvements is mailed to the grantee.
(County code § 11-1.817)
The grantee's proof-of-performance testing procedures shall be approved by the city for implementation prior to the initial proof-of-performance testing addressed in Section 4.16.170. The results of the proof-of-performance tests shall be retained for at least five years and shall be available for inspection by the city.
(County code § 11-1.818)
Any antenna structure used in the cable communications system shall comply with the construction, marking and lighting of antenna structures required by the United States Department of Transportation. All system antennas and mounts shall be designed, installed and constructed to withstand one hundred mile per hour winds.
(County code § 11-1.819)
RF leakage shall be measured adjacent to any proposed or existing aeronautical navigation or communications radio site to prove no interference to such services.
(County code § 11-1.820)
All cables and wires shall be installed, where possible, parallel with electric and telephone lines, and multiple cable configurations shall be arranged in parallel and bundled with due respect for engineering consideration.
(County code § 11-1.821)
All underground cable should be flooded and armor-clad cable and/or installed in conduit, unless specifically exempted by the city public works department on a case-by-case basis.
(County code § 11-1.822)
Residential and institutional drop cables should be a double shielded type and fitted with sealed hex crimp ring high integrity connectors.
(County code § 11-1.823)
Jacketed cable should be used in any and all areas of the plant where airborne heavy chemical particles can be expected.
(County code § 11-1.824)
A grantee's corrective maintenance program shall render efficient corrective service, make repairs promptly and interrupt service only for good cause and for the shortest time possible. Such interruption shall be preceded by notice and shall occur during a period of minimum use of the system. A written log shall reflect the date, time, duration and reason for each service interruption. The record of the log shall be kept on file for a minimum of three years.
(County code § 11-1.825)
A grantee at all times shall:
Install and maintain its wires, cables, fixtures and other equipment in accordance with the requirements of the Building Codes and in such manner that such equipment will not interfere with any installation of the city;
Keep and maintain in a safe, suitable and substantial condition, and in good order and repair, all its structures, lines, equipment and connections in, over, under and upon the streets, sidewalks, alleys and public ways or places of the city wherever situated or located; and
All working facilities, conditions, and procedures used or occurring during the construction of the cable communications system shall comply with the standards of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
(County code § 11-1.826)