To the extent permitted by federal and state laws, the city council expressly reserves the right to take such action as is authorized by law to regulate the rates and charges associated with the providing of services under this title and any franchise issued pursuant to this title.
(County code § 11-1.1401)
No rate established shall afford any undue preference or advantage among subscribers, but separate rates may be established for separate classes of subscribers and installation charges may reflect the increased cost of providing service to isolated or sparsely populated areas.
(County code § 11-1.1407)
A grantee may require subscribers to the subscriber network to pay for each month of basic service in advance at the beginning of the month. Service shall not be terminated for delinquencies in making a monthly advance payment earlier than forty-five calendar days following the date upon which the advance payment is due, and monthly statements to subscribers shall provide notice of the grantee's policy respecting the termination of service for delinquencies in making advance payments. With the foregoing exception, and except as otherwise expressly authorized by this chapter, a grantee, without advance approval by the city council, shall not require any other advance payment or deposit of any kind with respect to the provision of basic service to subscribers.
(County code § 11-1.1408)