Every owner of a dog required to be licensed shall procure an annual license for such dog in accordance with the procedure set forth in this chapter.
(County code § 6-1.601)
A dog required to be licensed shall be a dog that:
Is over the age of four months; and
Is not in a licensed kennel; and
Has not been in a licensed kennel within forty-eight hours; and
Has been in the city for ten days.
(County code § 6-1.602)
Applications for dog licenses shall be made on or before the first day the dog is required to be licensed pursuant to Section 6.20.020; provided, however, in the case of a dog for which a license has previously been issued pursuant to this chapter, an application shall be made within thirty days prior to the expiration of such previously issued license. Before any dog is released to a new owner, a completed application form, together with the license fee, shall be submitted by such person.
(County code § 6-1.603(a))
The license application shall bear the name (if any), age, sex, color, breed, previous rabies vaccination date and subsequent revaccination date of the dog for which the license application is made.
(County code § 6-1.605)
The amount of the annual dog license fee shall be ten dollars; provided, however, if a certificate is presented from a licensed veterinarian that the dog has been either spayed or neutered, or if the veterinarian has on file an affidavit stating that the animal has been spayed or neutered and that examination by the veterinarian discloses no evidence to the contrary, the fee shall be one-half the regular fee.
(County code § 6-1.606)
A license shall be issued after the submission of a completed application form, a license fee, and a rabies vaccination certificate issued pursuant to the provisions of this title establishing that the dog in question is vaccinated in accordance with the requirements of the State Department of Health. The license shall be sent to the applicant within ninety days thereafter. A copy of all licenses shall be filed in the office of the chief of the animal control division and shall at all times be open for public inspection.
(County code § 6-1.611)
A license which is initially issued in accordance with this chapter shall be valid for twelve months following such application therefor. A license which is a renewal of a previously issued license shall be valid for the twelve months following the expiration of the previously issued license.
(County code § 6-1.603(b))
The initial issuance of a dog license shall be accompanied by a license tag which shall be valid for so long as the dog is owned by the person to whom the tag is originally issued. License tags shall be metallic, shall be numbered serially, and shall have a stamp thereon bearing the name of the city.
(County code § 6-1.613)
The city manager is authorized and directed to have prepared suitable application forms for dog licenses as provided in this chapter and license tags to be issued to the owners of dogs.
(County code § 6-1.604)
The city manager may notify all dog owners of record that a current license is due and a fee is payable.
(County code § 6-1.614)
The animal control division shall endeavor to notify the owners of currently licensed dogs of the impending expiration of such licenses approximately thirty days prior to the expiration date; provided, however, the failure of the animal control division to provide such notice shall not relieve a dog owner from the requirements of this chapter.
(County code § 6-1.603(c))
As often as any license tag is lost, the owner, within ten days thereafter, shall procure another tag, for which such owner shall pay a fee of one dollar.
(County code § 6-1.615)
The owner of any dog required to be licensed who fails to procure and pay for such license as required by Sections 6.20.020 and 6.20.030 of this chapter shall pay, in addition to the license fee, a penalty in the sum of five dollars.
The owner of any dog required to be licensed by this chapter for the year immediately preceding the year in which an application for a dog license is filed, who failed to obtain a license for such dog for such year, shall pay, in addition to any other license fee or penalty, a penalty of five dollars.
(County code § 6-1.607)
The penalty provided for in Section 6.20.130(A) shall not apply to the owner of a dog required to be licensed which has not been subject to the licensing requirement for more than thirty days.
The penalty provided for in Section 6.20.130(B) shall not apply to the owner of a dog required to be licensed that was not subject to the licensing requirement for more than thirty days during the immediately preceding year.
(County code § 6-1.608)
No fee or penalty shall be collected or received for any dog license issued for a Seeing Eye dog owned by a blind or partially blind person.
If a person presents written verification from Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc., that his or her child is raising a Seeing Eye puppy and will deliver it to Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc., when it is approximately one year old, no fee or penalty shall be collected or received for any dog license issued for a Seeing Eye puppy.
(County code § 6-1.609)
If a dog is owned and used exclusively for law enforcement purposes by a public agency, no fee or penalty shall be collected or received for such dog.
(County code § 6-1.610)