Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as preventing or limiting the right of the city to require or undertake the preparation of engineering, economic, environmental or financing evaluations from any person requesting water service from the city, which service necessitates the installation of water facilities, and thereafter to require the construction of such facilities as a condition of service, all without cost to the city.
(District code Ch. 7 Art. I § 4.01)
Following the effective date of the ordinance adopted in this chapter, every connection made to the city distribution system or service connection shall provide for and include a meter. The meter shall be supplied, approved and/or installed by the city prior to the time the owner connects to the city's distribution system.
(District code Ch. 7 Art. I § 4.02)
Whenever practicable, the service connection from the water main to the customer's property line shall be installed at the time the main is constructed.
Main line extensions, service connections and meters shall be installed only after the city's issuance of a permit and after payment by the customer of all city fees and charges.
Main line extensions, service connections and/or meters shall be installed, at the city's option, either by the city or by persons hired by the city or under the supervision of city employees.
When main line extensions, service connections or meters are not installed by the city, the main line extension, service connection or meter shall be installed only by bonded contractors licensed to perform such installation.
When the city determines that any installation shall be performed by the city or persons hired by the city, the applicant shall pay in advance an amount of funds equal to the approximate costs of construction and other necessary expenses. Upon completion of construction, the city shall refund any funds paid by the applicant in excess of the actual costs to be borne by the applicant and the applicant shall pay the amount, if any, by which the actual costs exceed the deposit.
(District code Ch. 7 Art. I § 4.03)
The size of the service connection shall be approved by the city in advance. Except when specifically approved by the manager, the maximum size for a single family service connection shall be one inch. The standard size for a single-family service connection shall be three-quarter-inch by five-eighths-inch.
(District code Ch. 7 Art. I § 4.04)
The customer shall, at the customer's own expense, install according to city standards the customer's private water line. The private water line shall remain the sole property of the customer.
(District code Ch. 7 Art. I § 4.05)
An applicant who installs or causes to be installed any part of the city water facilities shall be financially liable for the costs of installation, and all incidents thereof.
(District code Ch. 7 Art. I § 4.06)
Upon a customer's written request, a service connection may be relocated by the city, provided that the relocation, in the opinion of the city manager, is not detrimental to the city's distribution system. The cost of the relocation shall be borne by the customer and shall be payable in advance to the city. The cost of the relocation shall include the applicable costs and fees for all construction (if the construction is performed by persons hired by the city), design, installation, inspection, administration, overhead and any other necessary related expenses.
(District code Ch. 7 Art. I § 4.07)
Where a service connection is relocated for the convenience or protection of the city, the relocation shall be at the expense of the city provided the relocation is not made necessary by the customer.
(District code Ch. 7 Art. I § 4.08)
A customer may apply in writing to the city to change the size of an installed meter.
If the existing service connection is adequate to serve the proposed change in meter size and the city determines that the change is necessary or advisable, the city shall authorize a change. Before the meter is changed, the customer shall pay all applicable fees and charges to the city.
If the existing service connection is inadequate to serve the proposed meter change, the service connection shall be changed at the customer's expense. Before the meter and service connection are changed, the customer shall pay all applicable fees and charges to the city.
(District code Ch. 7 Art. I § 4.09)
Separate premises, whether owned by the same or different persons, shall not be supplied with water through the same service connection.
(District code Ch. 7 Art. I § 4.10)
When premises currently served by the city's distribution system are divided into two or more premises, the existing meter and service connection shall be considered to belong to the premises which the meter or service connection most directly enters, and the new premises shall require the installation of additional meter(s) and service connection(s) and payment of all applicable fees and charges.
(District code Ch. 7 Art. I § 4.11)
Each application for a permit, for which installation of water facilities is necessary, shall be accompanied by three sets of plans and specifications for the installation.
The plans shall be the exclusive property of the city.
The manager shall determine the adequacy of the proposed water facilities as to size, type and quality of materials, and as to the location of facilities to serve the proposed development, including off-tract pipelines and other appurtenances.
The city manager or engineer shall certify in writing whether the plans and specifications submitted conform to city standards.
(District code Ch. 7 Art. I § 4.12)
Any applicant who installs or proposes to install water facilities shall furnish the city all necessary easements and rights-of-way for such facilities and the subsequent operation and maintenance thereof.
If the applicant cannot furnish the necessary easements and rights-of-way, the city may, at its sole option, acquire such easements and rights-of-way, subsequent to the applicant's payment to the city of all funds necessary to cover the city's cost of the acquisition.
Until the necessary easements and rights-of-way have been properly executed and recorded, the city shall not approve any plans for water facilities to be constructed by a person across the property of another person, the city shall not accept for public use any such water facilities and no person shall place into use any such water facilities.
(District code Ch. 7 Art. I § 4.13)
The applicant shall post a surety bond, cash or other security satisfactory to the city to guarantee the faithful performance of any agreement for the applicant's construction of the water facilities. The surety bond, cash or security shall be in the sum of one hundred percent of the estimated cost of the work, or in such other sum as may be fixed by the city. The surety bond, cash or security shall, in addition to guaranteeing the faithful performance of the work, guarantee the maintenance of the portion of the water facilities constructed by the applicant for a period of one year following the city's written acceptance of the work.
(District code Ch. 7 Art. I § 4.14)
The city and its officers, agents and employees shall not be liable for any injury or death of any person or damage to any property arising during or stemming from the performance of any work by applicant. The applicant shall be answerable for, indemnify and hold harmless, the city and its officers, agents and employees, including all costs, expenses, attorney's fees and other fees and interest incurred in defending the same or in seeking to enforce this provision. The applicant shall be solely liable for any defects in the performance of the applicant's work or for any failure, damage, injury, claim or loss which may develop therefrom.
(District code Ch. 7 Art. I § 4.15)
An offer of dedication of the water facilities, excluding any private water lines, shall be included in any application for a permit. The city shall not accept for dedication any portion of the water facilities which are not constructed in conformity with the requirements of the main line agreement, if any, and of this chapter.
(District code Ch. 7 Art. I § 4.16)
Two sets of blueline prints and one set of reproducible drawings delineating as-built water lines and appurtenances shall be filed with the city prior to, and as a condition of, the city's approval and acceptance of construction by an applicant. No certificate of final inspection shall be issued until such prints and drawings are filed.
(District code Ch. 7 Art. I § 4.17)
The manager shall have the right to inspect all work during and subsequent to its construction. When the construction is completed, the work must be inspected and approved by the manager before the newly constructed water facilities may be connected to the city's distribution system.
(District code Ch. 7 Art. I § 4.18)
When the manager determines that all work done under the permit and main line extension agreement, if any, has been constructed according to, and meets the requirements of, all applicable provisions of this chapter, the agreement, and other city rules and regulations, and when all fees have been paid, the manager shall authorize the issuance of a certificate of final inspection and completion.
(District code Ch. 7 Art. I § 4.19)
When the certificate of final inspection and completion is issued, the city shall accept the offer of dedication and authorize the connection of the new water facilities. Upon connection to the city's distribution system, the new water facilities, excluding private water lines, shall become the exclusive property of the city.
(District code Ch. 7 Art. I § 4.20)