"Board of supervisors" means the board of supervisors, county of Yolo, California.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Cadastral" means relating to land boundaries and subdivisions, parcels of land suitable for transfer of title.
(Ord. 93-5 § 2(A))
"CADD" means computer-aided drafting and design.
(Ord. 93-5 § 2(A))
"Certificate of compliance" means a certificate recorded by the county which determines that the subdivision of real property complies with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and applicable city ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. A recorded final map or parcel map shall constitute a certificate of compliance with respect to the parcels of real property described therein.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"City" means the city of West Sacramento, county of Yolo, California.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"City engineer" means the person authorized to perform the functions of the city engineer.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"City street" means any duly dedicated street, avenue, or the like which the city has accepted and regularly maintained or upon which public funds have been expended for improvements or rights-of-way used by the public generally.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"City surveyor" means the person authorized to perform the land surveying functions of the city engineer.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Commission" means the planning commission of the city.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Community development department" means the community development department of the city.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Condominium" means an estate in real property consisting of an undivided interest in common in a portion of a parcel of real property together with a separate interest in space in a residential, industrial or commercial building on the real property, such as an apartment, office or store. A condominium may include, in addition, a separate proportional interest in other portions of the real property.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Conversion" means the creation of separate ownership of existing real property together with a separate proportional interest in space of residential, industrial or commercial buildings and property.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"County" means the county of Yolo, California.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Day(s)" means a calendar day or days, unless otherwise indicated.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Design" means:
Street alignments, grades and widths;
Drainage, water and sanitary sewer facilities and other utilities, including alignments and grades thereof;
Location and sizes of all required easements and rights-of-way;
Fire roads and fire breaks;
Lot size and configuration;
Traffic access;
Land to be dedicated for park and recreational or recreational purposes; and
Such other specific physical requirements in the plan and configuration of the entire subdivision as may be necessary to ensure consistency with or implementation of the general plan or with any applicable specific plan.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Development" means the uses to which the land which is the subject of a map shall be put, the buildings to be constructed on it, and all alterations of the land and construction incident thereto.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Easement" means an easement dedicated to the city, which shall be continuing and irrevocable unless formally abandoned by the city, and/or other easement whether owned by a public entity, public utility, or private party.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Environmental impact report" means a detailed statement setting forth the environmental effects and considerations pertaining to a project as specified in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), state Public Resources Code, Section 21000 et seq.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Final map" means a map that delineates the final division of land into five or more land, condominium or community apartment parcels with required dedications and/or improvements, as required by this ordinance, and prepared in accordance with this chapter and the Map Act.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"General plan" means the general plan of the city, as approved and amended from time to time.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Geodetic control" means coordinate points on the California Coordinate System.
(Ord. 93-5 § 2(A) (part))
"Geographic information system" means a computerized information system for analyzing spatially indexed information.
(Ord. 93-5 § 2(A))
"Government code" means the Government Code of the state of California.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Improvement" means:
Any street work and utilities to be installed, or agreed to be installed, by the subdivider on the land to be used for public or private streets, highways, ways, and easements, as are necessary for the general use of the lot owners in the subdivision and local neighborhood traffic and drainage needs as a condition precedent to the approval and acceptance of the final map thereof.
Any other specific improvements or types of improvements, the installation of which, either by the subdivider, by public agencies, by private utilities, by any other entity approved by the city, or by a combination thereof, is necessary to ensure consistency with, or implementation of the general plan or any applicable specific plan.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Land Surveyor's Act" means Sections 8700 to 8806 of the Business and Professions Code of the state.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Lot" means a parcel or portion of land separated from other parcels or portions by description, as on a subdivision or record of survey map, or by metes and bounds, for purpose of sale, lease or separate use.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Lot line adjustment" means a minor shift or rotation of an existing lot line or other adjustments where a greater number of parcels than originally existed is not created, as approved by the zoning administrator or other authorized representative.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Map Act" means the Subdivision Map Act of the state (Government Code Section 66410 et seq.).
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Merger" means the joining of two or more contiguous parcels of land under one ownership into one parcel.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"NAD 83" means North American Datum 83, defined by the National Geodetic Service as the basis for geodetic control measurements.
(Ord. 93-5 § 2(A))
"Owner" means the individual, firm, association, syndicate, copartnership, or corporation having sufficient proprietary interest in the land sought to be subdivided to commence and maintain proceedings to subdivide the same under this title.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Parcel map" means a map showing a division of land of four or less parcels as required by this ordinance, and prepared in accordance with this chapter and the Map Act.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Private street" means any street, accessory, or the like, lying in whole or in part within a subdivision for which dedication and ownership is privately held and is utilized as access to a development.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Remainder" means that portion of an existing parcel which is not designated on the required map as part of the subdivision. The remainder shall not be considered as part of the subdivision but shall be shown on the required map as part of the area surrounding the subdivision and designated as a remainder parcel.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Subdivision improvement standards" means the standard details, standard specifications, and other standards approved by the city engineer that shall govern the improvements to be constructed pursuant to this chapter and the Map Act.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Subdivider" means a person, firm, corporation, partnership, or association who proposes to divide, divides, or causes to be divided real property into a subdivision for itself or for others. Employees and consultants of such persons or entities acting in such capacity are not "subdividers."
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Subdivision means the division, by any subdivider, of any unit or units of improved or unimproved land, or any portion thereof, shown on the latest equalized county assessment roll as a unit or as contiguous units, for the purpose of sale, lease or financing, whether immediate or future. Property shall be considered as continuous units, even if it is separated by roads, streets, utility easements or railroad rights-of-way. "Subdivision" includes a condominium project, as defined in Subdivision (f) of Section 1351 of the Civil Code, a community apartment project, as defined in Subdivision (d) of Section 1351 of the Civil Code, or the conversion of five or more existing dwelling units to a stock cooperative, as defined in subdivision (m) of Section 1351 of the Civil Code.
(Ord. 03-21 § 1; Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Tentative map" means a map made for the purpose of showing the design and improvement of a proposed subdivision and the existing conditions in and around it and need not be based upon an accurate or detailed final survey of the property.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Tentative parcel map" means a map made for the purpose of showing the design and improvement of a proposed parcel map and the existing conditions in and around it and need not be based upon an accurate or detailed final survey of the property.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Vesting tentative map" refers to a map which meets the requirements of Chapter 16.20 and 16.24 of this title.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Zoning administrator" means the person authorized to perform the functions of the zoning administrator as authorized by the city's zoning ordinance.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)
"Zoning ordinance" means the zoning ordinance of the city, as from time to time amended.
(Ord. 91-9 § 3)