The purposes of this chapter are to:
Establish permissible limits and permit objective measurement of nuisances, hazards, and objectionable conditions;
Ensure that all uses will provide necessary control measures to protect the community from nuisances, hazards, and objectionable conditions; and
Protect industry from arbitrary exclusion from areas of the City.
(Ord. 19-1 § 3)
The standards of this chapter shall apply to all uses and properties existing in the City at the time of adoption of this title.
The Planning Commission may approve a maximum five-year extension for compliance for existing uses with a contract and schedule for full compliance. The extension shall be based on the degree of expenditure needed to achieve full compliance compared to the total value of the improvements related to the use and the degree of hazard or impact to the adjoining properties and the community from the existing noncompliance with the standards.
(Ord. 19-1 § 3)
Land and buildings shall not be used or occupied in a manner creating any dangerous, injurious, or noxious fire, explosive, or other hazard that would adversely affect the surrounding area.
(Ord. 19-1 § 3)
Measurements necessary for determining compliance with the performance standards of this chapter shall be taken at the property line of the establishment or use that is the source of a potentially objectionable condition, hazard, or nuisance.
(Ord. 19-1 § 3)
Uses, activities, and processes shall not operate in a manner that emits excessive dust, odor, fumes, smoke, or particulate matter, unless authorized under Federal, State, or local law. Sources of air emissions shall comply with all rules established by the Environmental Protection Agency (Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40), the California Air Resources Board, and the Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District (YSAQMD). The City shall consult with YSAQMD to determine which uses shall be equipped with emission-control devices or measures to preclude fugitive dust and particulate emissions from the site. Such devices or measures shall be approved by YSAQMD prior to issuance of a Building Permit or other approval authorizing construction activities. All devices shall be maintained by the owner.
(Ord. 19-1 § 3)
Uses, activities, and processes shall not cause electromagnetic interference with normal radio and television reception, or with the function of other electronic equipment beyond the lot line of the site in which it is situated. All uses, activities, and processes shall comply with the applicable Federal Communications Commission regulations.
(Ord. 19-1 § 3)
Uses, activities, and processes involving the use of, or storage of, flammable and explosive materials, shall be provided with adequate safety devices against the hazard of fire and explosion. No use shall store or process flammable or explosive materials more than the quantities exempted by the building code, unless a permit has been granted by the Fire Department. All incineration is prohibited with the exception substances such as, but not limited to, chemicals, insecticides, hospital materials and waste products, required by law to be disposed of by burning, and those instances wherein the Fire Department deems it a practical necessity. Firefighting and fire suppression equipment and devices standard in industry shall be approved by the Fire Department.
(Ord. 19-1 § 3)
Uses, activities, and processes shall not be operated such that significant, direct glare, incidental to the operation of the use, is visible beyond the boundaries of the property where the use is located.
(Ord. 19-1 § 3)
Uses, activities, and processes involving hazardous and extremely hazardous materials shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 8.18, Hazardous Materials, of the municipal code, fire and building codes, regulations of the California Department of Toxic Substances Control, and regulations of the County Environmental Health Agency. Hazardous materials shall include carcinogens and liquids and solids which are unstable at ambient temperatures. Projects utilizing hazardous and extremely hazardous materials shall comply with the following:
Hazardous Material Permit Required. Uses, activities, and processes storing hazardous and extremely hazardous materials shall obtain a Hazardous Material Permit from the Fire Department pursuant to Chapter 8.18, Hazardous Materials of Title 8, Health and Safety, of the municipal code.
Hazardous Material Management Plan. Projects using hazardous and extremely hazardous materials shall provide a Hazardous Material Management Plan for the review and approval by the Hazardous Materials Division, the Hazardous Materials Committee, and the Fire Department prior to final building inspection. Hazardous Material Management Plans shall demonstrate that adequate safety precautions have been taken to ensure the proper handling of hazardous and extremely hazardous materials, including, but not limited to, the following:
Proper on-site management and containment;
Transportation and spill reduction during transport;
Properly-designed and outfitted disposal facilities;
Prevention of spills and sewer contamination;
Source reductions and recovery; and
Compliance with Chapter 8.18, Hazardous Materials of Title 8, Health and Safety, of the municipal code.
Conditional Use Permit Required. If upon the review of the Hazardous Materials Management Plan, the Hazardous Materials Division or Hazardous Materials Committee determines that the hazardous and extremely hazardous materials pose a significant public health risk beyond the property line, the applicant shall be required to obtain a Conditional Use Permit approved by the Planning Commission.
Hazardous Material Signage. All buildings or structures containing hazardous and extremely hazardous materials shall be labeled on all doorways and entrances with easy-to-read signs. Signs shall provide emergency response teams with information on the hazardous contents of the building or structure and proper containment procedures. Signage shall conform to standards established by the Fire Department.
(Ord. 19-1 § 3)
Uses, activities, and processes shall not produce any emissions of heat or humidity that cause distress, physical discomfort, or injury to a reasonable person, or interfere with the ability to perform work tasks or conduct other customary activities. In no case shall heat emitted by a use cause a temperature increase of more than five degrees Fahrenheit on another property.
(Ord. 19-1 § 3)
Acoustic Study. An acoustic study shall be required for any proposed project which could create or be subject to a noise that exceeds the levels contained in Tables S-7.1 through S-7.4 in the General Plan.
Noise Attenuation Measures. Any project subject to the acoustic study requirements of subsection A, Acoustic Study, may be required as a condition of approval to incorporate noise attenuation measures deemed necessary to ensure that noise standards are not exceeded.
New noise-sensitive uses (e.g., schools, hospitals, churches, and residences) shall incorporate noise attenuation measures to achieve and maintain an interior noise level of 45 dBA.
Noise attenuation measures identified in an acoustic study shall be incorporated into the project to reduce noise impacts to satisfactory levels.
Emphasis shall be placed upon site planning and project design measures. The use of noise barriers shall be considered and may be required only after all feasible design-related noise measures have been incorporated into the project.
(Ord. 19-1 § 3)
Uses, activities, and processes shall not generate or emit any fissionable or radioactive materials into the atmosphere, a sewage system or onto the ground.
(Ord. 19-1 § 3)
Discharge. Liquids and solids of any kind shall not be discharged, either directly or indirectly, into a public or private body of water, sewage system, watercourse, or into the ground, except in compliance with Title 13, Public Services, of the municipal code, applicable regulations of the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board.
Containment. Waste shall be handled and stored to prevent nuisances, health, safety, and fire hazards, and to facilitate recycling. Material, including, but not limited to, paper products, plastic, dirt, sand, lime, seed, bran, chaff, wood refuse, and other readily transportable compounds, shall be contained in a way it cannot be tracked or carried by wind off site.
(Ord. 19-1 § 3)
No vibration shall be produced that is transmitted through the ground and is discernible without the aid of instruments by a reasonable person at the lot lines of the site. Vibrations from temporary construction, demolition, and vehicles that enter and leave the subject parcel (e.g., construction equipment, trains, trucks, etc.) are exempt from this standard. Where vibration dampeners are proposed, project applications shall include an engineered study establishing the effectiveness of the dampeners based on actual conditions.
(Ord. 19-1 § 3)