The purpose of this chapter is to promote the public health, safety, and welfare through a comprehensive system of reasonable, effective, consistent, content-neutral, and nondiscriminatory sign standards and requirements. More specifically, this chapter is intended to:
Balance public and private objectives by allowing adequate avenues for both commercial and noncommercial messages;
Encourage signs as an effective channel of communication while preventing visual clutter that will detract from the aesthetic character of the City;
Protect and improve the local economy and quality of life by preserving and enhancing the appearance of the streetscape;
Maintain and enhance the City's appearance by regulating the location, number, type, quality of materials, size, illumination, and maintenance of signs;
Restrict signs that may create a nuisance to nearby properties, violate privacy, or create hazards or unreasonable distractions for pedestrians or drivers;
Provide clear and unambiguous sign standards that enable fair and consistent enforcement; and
Ensure that the constitutionally guaranteed right of free speech is protected.
(Ord. 19-1 § 3)
The provisions of this chapter apply to all signs in all zones, constructed or physically altered on or after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title, unless otherwise specified.
The provisions of this chapter shall not be construed to prohibit a person from holding a sign while picketing or protesting on public property that has been determined to be a traditional or designated public forum, so long as the person holding the sign does not block ingress and egress from buildings; create a safety hazard by impeding travel on sidewalks, bike lanes, or vehicle lanes; or violate any other reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions adopted by the City.
The provisions of this chapter shall not require alteration of the display of any registered mark, trademark, service mark, trade name, or corporate name that may be associated with or incorporated into a registered mark, where such alteration would require the registered mark to be displayed in a manner differing from the mark as exhibited in the certificate of registration issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. It is the responsibility of the applicant to establish that a proposed sign includes a registered mark.
Regulatory Interpretations. The provisions of this chapter shall be applied in a content-neutral manner. Non-communicative aspects of all signs, not related to the content of the sign, shall comply with the provisions of this chapter. "Non-communicative aspects" include the time, place, manner, location, size, height, illumination, spacing, and orientation of signs.
(Ord. 19-1 § 3)
Signs that do not conform to the provisions of this chapter and are erected after its effective date without obtaining required permits thereby are declared to be unlawful and a public nuisance. All violations of this chapter shall be subject to enforcement remedies, penalties, and abatement as provided by Chapter 17.46, Enforcement, and Title 19, Nuisance Abatement Code, of the municipal code.
(Ord. 19-1 § 3)
Any sign that is dented, frayed, faded, damaged, or abandoned shall be removed by the sign owner. If such sign is not removed or repaired by the sign owner, the sign may be removed and abated by the City in accordance with Title 19 of the City's municipal code. All costs associated with the removal and/or abatement of such sign(s) shall be paid for by the sign owner.
(Ord. 19-1 § 3)
It is the intent of this chapter that all signs adhere to the City's sign ordinance, codified in Chapter 17.29. In the event of a conflict between this chapter and Chapter 17.29, this chapter will control.
(Ord. 19-1 § 3)
In each instance and under the same conditions to which this chapter permits any sign, a sign containing an ideological, religious, or other noncommercial speech shall be permitted wherever commercial signage is permitted.
(Ord. 19-1 § 3)
If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this chapter for any reason shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, the decision shall not affect the remaining portions of the chapter. The City Council of the City of West Sacramento hereby declares that it would have passed this chapter and each article, section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase which is a part thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more articles, sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases are declared to be invalid or unconstitutional. The City Council further specifically declares that the invalidity or unconstitutionality of this chapter shall not affect the validity of Chapter 17.29, and that the invalidity or unconstitutionality of Chapter 17.29 shall not affect the validity of this chapter.
(Ord. 19-1 § 3)
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
Agricultural directional sign.
A directional sign indicating where seasonally-based agricultural products and activities are available.
Animated sign.
A sign with messages that visually change, or images that move or appear to move, flash on or off, wink or blink with varying light intensity, show motion or create the illusion of motion, or revolve to create an illusion of being on or off.
Any air-or gas-filled device used for the purposes of signage or advertising.
Banner sign.
A sign that is painted or printed on lightweight flexible material and hung from a staff or other structure by ropes, wires, or similar means in a manner to minimize movement.
Commercial message.
A message on a sign, or portion of a sign, that promotes, informs, or proposes an economic transaction, primarily concerns the economic interests of the sign sponsor and/or audience, or is intended to further discussion in the marketplace of goods and services.
Also called "sign copy." The visually communicative elements mounted on a sign.
Damaged sign.
Any sign with cracked or broken panels, peeling paint, missing letters, or any sign that has been partially destroyed by any cause.
Directional sign.
A sign that directs or guides pedestrian or vehicular traffic and which is non-advertising in nature (e.g., handicapped parking, one-way, exit, and entrance).
Marks, such as inscriptions, drawings, or designs, which are placed, scratched, etched, painted, or sprayed on public or private property without the owner's consent.
Illuminated sign.
A sign with an artificial source of light incorporated internally or externally for illuminating the sign.
Inflatable sign.
A form of inflatable device (e.g., shaped as an animal, blimp, or other object) that is displayed, printed, or painted on the surface of an inflatable background, and is primarily installed outside a building to attract attention to or to advertise a business, a business location, a service, a product, or an event.
Internally illuminated sign.
A sign that is illuminated by a light source that is contained inside the sign where the message area is luminous, including cabinet signs and channel-letter signs.
Moving sign.
A sign or any portion thereof that rotates, moves, or appears to move in some manner by mechanical, electrical, natural, or other means.
Non-commercial message.
A message or image on a sign that directs public attention to or advocates an idea or issue of public interest or concern that does not serve to advertise or promote any business, product, activity, service, interest, or entertainment.
Nonconforming sign.
A sign lawfully erected and legally existing on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this Code, but which does not conform to the provisions of this Code.
A device made of flexible materials, (e.g., cloth, paper, or plastic) that may or may not contain copy, and which is installed for attracting attention.
Permanent sign.
A sign that is intended to be and is so constructed as to be of a lasting and enduring condition, remaining unchanged in character, condition (beyond normal wear) and position, and in a permanent manner affixed to the ground, wall, or building.
Portable sign.
A moveable sign that rests on the ground and is not designed to be permanently attached to a building or permanently anchored to the ground, including, but not limited to, A-frame and H-frame signs are allowed subject to the following standards.
Projecting sign.
A single-or double-faced sign that is perpendicular to the face of a building and projects more than 15 inches from the face.
Real property event sign.
A sign advertising a sponsored event for the sale, lease, or exchange of real property.
Real property kiosk.
A freestanding sign structure that identifies real property that is being advertised for sale, lease, or exchange, and provides directional arrows to indicate the location of the real property.
Real property sign.
A sign advertising the sale, lease, or exchange of real property.
Roof sign.
Any sign located on a roof of a building or having its major structural supports attached to a roof that extend above the roofline or parapet.
Any identification, description, illustration, or device illuminated or non-illuminated, which is visible to the public from any exterior public right-of-way, and directs attention to a product, service, place, activity, person, institution, business or solicitation, including any permanently installed or situated merchandise; or any emblem, painting, banner, pennant, or placard designed to advertise, identify, or convey information. A display, device, or thing need not contain lettering to be a sign.
Sign area.
The area contained within a single continuous perimeter enclosing all parts of such sign copy, excluding any structural elements outside the limits of the sign required to support the sign.
Sign face.
An exterior display surface of a sign, including non-structural trim, exclusive of the supporting structure. The area of a sign which is available for mounting and public display of the visually communicative image.
Temporary sign.
A structure or device used for the public display of visual messages or images, which is typically made of lightweight or flimsy materials which is not intended for or suitable for long term or permanent display.
(Ord. 19-1 § 3)
Portable Signs. A moveable sign that rests on the ground and is not designed to be permanently attached to a building or permanently anchored to the ground, including, but not limited to, A-frame and H-frame signs are allowed subject to the following standards.
Maximum Sign Width. Two feet.
Maximum Sign Height. Four feet.
Location of Sign. Portable signs shall be located on private property within 20 feet of the entrance to the business it is identifying.
Maximum Number of Signs. One per business where the business is not identified on any freestanding sign.
Hours of Display. Portable signs shall be removed during hours when the establishment is not open to the public and cannot be displayed after the activity with which they are associated is over.
Real Property Signs and Campaign Signs. Any temporary sign, banner, balloon, pennant, valance or advertising display for an election or for real estate sales or rental may be erected and located in accordance with the following standards. Tenants and units include planned future tenants and units to be constructed for which a planning approval has been granted or for which a Building Permit has been issued.
Agricultural and Residential Zones.
Maximum Allowable Sign Area. 10 square feet per street frontage.
Maximum Sign Height. Six feet above existing grade.
Location of Sign. Signs greater than three square feet in size shall be set back from all property lines a minimum of five feet.
Additional Individual Unit Signs. For multi-unit residential developments, each ground floor unit is also allowed one sign up to three square feet in size and six feet in height. Each upper floor unit is allowed one sign up to three square feet in size and located no higher than the eave line or parapet line of the unit.
Other Zones.
Maximum Allowable Sign Area. 50 square feet per street frontage.
Maximum Sign Height. Six feet above existing grade.
Location of Sign. Signs between three and 10 square feet in size shall be set back from all property lines a minimum of five feet. Signs 10 square feet in size or larger shall be set back from all property lines a minimum of 10 feet.
Additional Individual Tenant/Unit Signs. Each ground floor tenant/unit is allowed one sign up to three square feet in size and six feet in height. Each upper floor tenant/unit is allowed one sign up to three square feet in size and located no higher than the eave line or parapet line of the unit.
Construction Signs. One sign per property not exceeding 32 square feet identifying contractors, owners, designers, lenders, etc., may be erected on sites of projects under construction on that property.
Temporary Business Advertising Signs. Temporary business advertising signs may be placed on a business for a maximum of 30 consecutive calendar days for the first promotional event of the calendar year for a business and a maximum of 15 consecutive calendar days for all subsequent events for a business during that year.
Temporary business advertising signs will be permitted a maximum of four times per calendar year per business.
Display occurrences shall be interrupted by a minimum of 30 days.
Businesses shall be limited to two banner signs per business.
A banner sign shall not be freestanding and shall only be affixed to the façade of the building including canopies or awnings. Banner signs shall not be affixed to any other permanent or temporary structures, including freestanding walls, fences, and utility poles.
Banner signs shall not extend above the roofline or parapet of the building.
Time Limits. Temporary signs shall be removed within seven days after the conclusion of the event, the drive, the election, or the purpose served by the sign.
Any such sign that remains more than seven days after the event shall be considered abandoned and the City Clerk and/or Public Works Director, or any of their agents, are authorized to remove the sign without notice.
Removal. The City Clerk, Community Development, and/or Public Works Director, or any of their agents, are authorized to remove any sign found to be in violation of this section and shall store the sign in a safe location. The City Clerk and/or Public Works Director shall reasonably attempt to contact the person or entity responsible for posting the sign, such as the organization, campaign, committee, and/or candidate. If the sign is not retrieved within seven calendar days after such notification, or reasonable attempt thereof, the sign shall be considered as abandoned and the City Clerk and/or Public Works Director, or any of their agents, are authorized to dispose of the sign without further notice.
(Ord. 19-1 § 3)
Purpose. The purposes of this section are to:
Comply with California Civil Code Section 713;
Promote the attractive appearance of the City by providing reasonable regulations off-site temporary signs;
Ensure that off-site temporary signs will not, by their size, location, construction, or manner of display, endanger the public health and safety;
Promote the public interest by protecting the safety of pedestrians and vehicles and against fire hazards;
Maintain and enhance the City's visual appeal for residents and visitors by preventing the degradation of visual quality through unregulated off-site temporary signs;
Direct traffic related to real property that is for sale, lease, or exchange, in a manner that minimizes visual clutter, reduces unnecessary traffic through neighborhoods, and provides an orderly, attractive, high-quality image of the City; and
Direct the public to seasonal agricultural activities in the City.
General Requirements. The following standards shall apply to all off-site temporary signs.
Sign Type. Off-site temporary signs shall be directional signs.
Permission of Owner. The owner of an off-site temporary sign must obtain the written permission of the property owner to place their sign on the property.
Location of Sign. Off-site temporary signs shall be located outside of public right-of-way, public property, and vision triangles. Signs shall not be affixed or displayed in any manner to fences, walls, light poles, trees, bridges, curbs, benches, cables, street medians, sidewalks, public facilities, or utilities, or other signs or structure.
Design of Sign. Off-site temporary signs shall not be illuminated. Materials shall not include paper but may include durable, weatherproof materials such as metal, plastic, laminated cardboard, or other similar materials. Off-site temporary signs shall be designed to ensure that the sign faces are securely fastened to the supporting structure, and that the supporting structure is securely fastened to the ground.
Content of Sign. Off-site temporary signs shall identify the name and telephone number of the sign owner with a minimum of one-half inch lettering.
Agricultural Directional Signs.
Maximum Allowable Sign Area. Agricultural directional signs shall have a maximum allowable sign area of four square feet.
Maximum Sign Height. Agricultural directional signs shall have a maximum height of four feet.
Location of Sign.
Arterial and Collector Roadways. On arterial and collector roadways, agricultural directional signs shall be placed a minimum of 500 feet from any other sign advertising the same agricultural product or activity.
Local Roadways. On local roads, agricultural directional signs may be located at intersections where there is a choice of turning movements.
Time Limits. Agricultural directional signs shall be displayed only during the active selling season of an agricultural product and must be removed after the active selling season is over.
Real Property Kiosks. Real property kiosks are directional, freestanding signs that identify a master planned development and indicate its direction and location and shall only be allowed for master planned development.
Maximum Allowable Sign Area. Kiosks shall have a maximum allowable sign area of 50 square feet. Additional sign area may be obtained subject to a Conditional Use Permit approval.
Maximum Kiosk Height. Kiosks shall have a maximum height of 15 feet. Additional height may be obtained subject to a Conditional Use Permit approval.
Location of Kiosk. Kiosks shall be placed a minimum of 500 feet from any other kiosk.
Maximum Number of Kiosks. Kiosks shall be limited to four per master planned development.
Content of Kiosks.
Kiosks shall identify the name of the master planned development in the upper portion of the sign. City or community logos are permitted.
Kiosks shall include directional signs identifying the names of developments within the master planned development, provided that real property is available for sale, lease, or exchange. No other advertising shall be allowed.
Design of Sign. Kiosks shall be designed as an architecturally enhanced structure that includes features such as a roof element, decorative cap and cornice detail, stone clad, or masonry clad columns, stone-clad or masonry-clad foundations, carved/sculptured wood construction, or other architectural features as determined by the Director.
Time Limits. Kiosks shall be removed 30 days after a Certificate of Occupancy or a final inspection has been issued for the last unit or building in the master planned development.
Real Property Signs.
Maximum Allowable Sign Area.
Weekend Only. Real property signs limited to the weekend shall have a maximum allowable sign area of four square feet.
Not Limited to the Weekend.
Advertising Four or Fewer Lots. Advertisements for the sale, lease, or exchange of four or fewer lots shall be limited to one sign with a maximum allowable sign area of 20 square feet.
Advertising a Subdivision, or Five or More Lots. Advertisements for the sale, lease, or exchange of a subdivision, or five or more lots, provided the properties are not located within a master planned development, shall be limited to two signs with a maximum allowable sign area of 20 square feet for each sign.
Maximum Sign Height. Real property signs shall have a maximum height of four feet.
Location of Sign.
Arterial and Collector Roads. On arterial and collector roads, temporary real property signs shall be placed a minimum of 500 feet from any other sign advertising the same real property.
Local Roads. On local roads, real property signs may be located at intersections where there is a choice of turning movements.
Design of Sign. Real property signs shall not be illuminated. Materials shall not include paper but may include durable, weatherproof materials such as metal, plastic, laminated cardboard, or other similar materials. Real property signs shall be designed to ensure that the sign faces are securely fastened to the supporting structure, and that the supporting structure is securely fastened to the ground.
Time Limits.
Weekend Only. Real property signs limited to the weekend shall be removed following the end of the weekend.
Not Limited to the Weekend. Real property signs not limited to the weekend shall be removed within seven days after the advertised real property has been sold, leased, or exchanged.
Real Property Event Signs. Real property event signs shall only be for events sponsored by realtors or the property owner and are only allowed for existing properties available for sale, lease, or exchange.
Location of Sign.
Arterial and Collector Roads. On arterial and collector roads, real property event signs shall be placed a minimum of 500 feet from any other sign advertising the same real property.
Local Roads. On local roads, real property event signs may be located at intersections where there is a choice of turning movements.
Design of Sign. Real property signs shall not be illuminated. Materials shall not include paper but may include durable, weatherproof materials such as metal, plastic, laminated cardboard, or other similar materials. Real property signs shall be designed to ensure that the sign faces are securely fastened to the supporting structure, and that the supporting structure is securely fastened to the ground.
Time Limits. Real property event signs may be displayed no earlier than 8:00 a.m. on the day of the event and removed no later than 4:00 p.m. on the day of the event. Real property event signs shall not be displayed on days other than event days.
(Ord. 19-1 § 3)