The city desires to harmonize relations and to resolve disputes which may exist between residents and owners of mobilehome parks or which may arise in the future from the failure of any party to recognize the property rights of another or from the engaging in acts or practices which might jeopardize the public health, safety or welfare.
(Ord. 140 § 1.2, 1987)
The city council has conducted extensive public hearings during which residents of mobilehome parks and owners of mobilehome parks and their representatives have expressed and the city council has considered, all of the expressed points of view concerning property rights and the protection of the public health, safety and welfare.
Residents of mobilehome parks, unlike apartment tenants or residents of other rental properties, are in a unique position in that they have made a substantial investment in a residence for which space is rented or leased, and that the removal or relocation of a mobile-home from a park space is generally accomplished at substantial cost, and that such removal or relocation may cause extensive damage to the mobilehome.
Rents have been for several years, and are presently, rising in mobilehome parks within the city, rapidly causing hardship to a substantial number of mobilehome owners and residents in such parks, many of whom are elderly persons on fixed incomes or persons with low incomes.
It is necessary to protect owners and residents of mobilehomes from unreasonable rent increases while at the same time recognizing the right of mobilehome park owners to maintain their property and to receive a just and reasonable return on their investment.
The enactment of this chapter will not have a significant impact on the physical environment of the community in that there will be no deviation from the general plan and there will be no change in the present use of property within the city on account of enactment hereof.
The enactment of this chapter is in consideration of the foregoing findings.
(Ord. 140 § 1.2, 1987)
Whenever in this chapter the following terms are used, they shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section.
means either: (a) a professional arbitrator or mediator by virtue of his or her training or experience or combination of such training and experience; or (b) any other person, whom all parties to a dispute agree may determine whether or not a park owner is entitled to an extraordinary rent adjustment.
"Base rent"
means the space rent which is validly in effect at the time a notice of increased rent is issued by a park owner pursuant to Section 13.01.070.
"Base year"
means the year which commenced on July 1, 1986 and ended on June 30, 1987.
"Basic operating cost"
means the sum of park operations expenses plus capital replacement costs of the prior year, increased by the percentage rate of any intervening rent increase, and reduced by the amount of all pass-throughs for the applicable year.
"Capital expense deductible amount"
means a percentage of the gross rental income from spaces within a mobilehome park for the 12 months prior to a calculation, as follows: for the calendar year 1987, five percent; for calendar year 1988 six percent; for calendar year 1989, seven percent; for each calendar year thereafter, eight percent.
"Capital improvement"
means any addition or betterment made to a mobilehome park which consists of more than mere repairs or replacement of existing facilities or improvement, and which has a useful life of five or more years.
"Capital replacement"
means a replacement required to maintain the common facilities and areas of the park in a safe and sanitary condition and to maintain the existing level of park amenities and services and to comply with the law.
means the city of Moreno Valley.
"City manager"
means the city manager of the city of Moreno Valley or the designated representative of such person.
"Consumer Price Index (CPI)"
means the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers in the Los Angeles-Anaheim-Riverside area (Base = 1967).
means any contention, problem, issue or any other unresolved concern related to the subject matter of this chapter within a mobilehome park.
means a mobilehome as defined in Section 18008 of the California Health and Safety Code.
"Mobilehome owner"
means any person, other than the park owner, who owns a mobilehome dwelling unit which is located in a mobilehome park pursuant to a rental agreement either oral or written, with the park owner.
"Mobilehome park"
means any area of land within the city where two or more mobilehome spaces are rented, or held out for rent, to accommodate mobilehomes and/or recreational vehicles used for human habitation.
"Mobilehome space"
means the site within a mobilehome park intended, designed or used for the location or accommodation of a mobilehome and any accessory structures or appurtenances attached thereto or used in conjunction therewith, or the location or accommodation of a recreational vehicle.
means a mobilehome park that rents spaces or sites for two or more mobilehome dwelling units.
"Park owner"
means the owner, lessor, operator or manager of a mobilehome park or the designated representative of such person.
means that amount in addition to the basic rent that is paid by residents in consideration of certain capital expenditure incurred by the park owner.
"Recreation vehicle"
means a recreational vehicle as defined in Section 18010 of the California Health and Safety Code.
means any person, whether or not a mobilehome owner, lawfully occupying a mobilehome dwelling unit in a park.
"Space rent"
means the consideration received by a park owner for the use and occupancy of a mobilehome space or site in a park. Space rent includes charges for services, amenities, and utilities unless billed separately to mobilehome residents or owners. No service, amenity or utility, not billed separately prior to July 1, 1986, may be billed separately to mobilehome residents or owners unless space rent is reduced by the same or a larger amount.
(Ord. 140 § 1.2, 1987; Ord. 371 § 1.1, 1992)
In the event a park owner is not receiving a just and reasonable rate of return on the park owner's investment in the park after receiving the maximum permissive rent increase otherwise allowed by this chapter, the park owner may file an application with the city manager requesting that a park committee be elected if such a committee is not already in existence, and that an arbitrator be appointed to determine if the park owner is entitled to put into effect an extraordinary rent adjustment. The park owner shall send a copy of the application by certified mail to each mobilehome owner within the park who would be affected by the requested extraordinary rent adjustment.
The park committee, or its designated representatives, may be a party to arbitration proceedings under this section but shall have no burden of proof.
The park owner shall have the burden of proving all facts necessary to establish that a just and reasonable return on the park owner's investment is not being provided by the rental rate then effective within the park.
The park owner shall pay all costs and fees associated with any arbitration proceedings conducted under this section.
No rent increase may be granted pursuant to this section except to provide a just and reasonable return to the park owner commencing as of the effective date of an arbitrator's decision allowing an extraordinary rent adjustment.
(Ord. 140 § 1.2, 1987)
The provisions of this chapter shall apply to every park within the city, except that the provisions hereof shall not apply to mobilehome spaces which are subject to written leases, which leases provide for more than a 12 month tenancy. The exception provided hereby shall be effective only until the expiration or other termination of the lease, whereupon all provisions of this chapter shall immediately be applicable to the mobilehome space, unless such leases meet the criteria of Civil Code Section 798.17(b).
Before any rental agreement or lease in excess of 12 months is executed by the tenant the owner must: (1) offer any existing tenant, or any person who has purchased or is in the process of purchasing or otherwise acquiring a mobile home that will remain at the park, the option of a rental agreement for a term of 12 months or less; (2) provide the tenant with a copy of the mobilehome park rent stabilization ordinance; and (3) inform the tenant both orally and in writing that if the tenant signs a lease or rental agreement with a term in excess of 12 months if the lease complies with Section 798.17 Civil Code, the lease or rental agreement is not subject to the terms and protections of the mobilehome park rent stabilization ordinance. A lease or rental agreement in excess of 12 months executed by a tenant shall not be exempt from the mobilehome rent stabilization ordinance unless it complies with each and every requirement in California Civil Code Section 798.17(a) through (c) for exemption for such leases or rental agreements offered to "homeowners."
None of the provisions of this chapter, nor the resort by mobilehome owner in a park to any of the remedies contained herein shall preclude such mobilehome owner from entering into a written lease with the park owner which, by its terms, provides for rental increases greater than would be allowed pursuant to the exercise of such remedies.
A copy of Section 798.17(b) Civil Code or a summary of the rights it gives to the tenants, shall be posted in a public place in each mobilehome park.
(Ord. 140 § 1.2, 1987; Ord. 371 § 1.2, 1992)
If not already in existence, a park committee shall be established in each mobilehome park within 60 days after the effective date of this chapter.
The resident committee shall be composed of three to five members, each of whom shall be a resident or owner of a mobilehome within the park. The members shall be chosen by secret ballot of the affected mobilehome owners. The election shall be conducted, and the results thereof tabulated, by two persons designated by the residents and two persons designated by the park owner.
Notice of the election shall be given in writing to each affected mobilehome owner at least five but not more than ten days prior to the deadline for submission of ballots. A ballot containing the names of the nominees for membership on the committee, directions for casting the ballot in favor of the appropriate number of nominees, and directions for returning the same shall be sent with the notice of election. The ballots shall be returnable in a sealed, plain envelope, which in turn shall be inserted in a sealed outer envelope which shall identify the voter and the space occupied by the mobilehome which makes the voter eligible to participate in the election. A person who owns more than one affected mobilehome may cast one ballot for each such mobilehome owned.
Within three days after tabulation thereof, the designated representatives of the mobilehome residents and of the owners shall give notice of the results of the election to each resident and mobilehome owner.
The committee shall establish for the conduct of its affairs procedures which the committee deems appropriate therefor, except that such procedures shall not be in any material way in conflict with the provisions of this chapter, and except that the number of affirmative votes it may require to approve or disapprove a proposal for resolution of a dispute shall not be established at less than a majority of the total membership of the committee.
In any park in which there exists a park committee of at least three but not more than seven members, elected entirely from residents of such park, and whether elected pursuant to this chapter or not, such committee, if willing to so function, shall be the park committee for all purposes of this chapter, and no other or additional park committee need be formed for such purposes.
The resident committee shall be responsible for furnishing the current names, addresses and telephone numbers of its members updated when necessary to the city council representative, the city manager and the park owner.
In the absence of a duly formed resident committee, each park resident shall be entitled to all the protection and remedies of this chapter.
(Ord. 140 § 1.2, 1987; Ord. 371 § 1.3, 1992)
Not later than 60 calendar days before an increase in rent is to become effective in any given park, the park owner shall give, or cause to be given, notice thereof in writing to each mobilehome owner therein.
Notice of the proposed rent increase shall also include the applicable consumer price index as established by the city manager. Within three days of notice to park residents of a rent adjustment, the park owner shall provide the city clerk with the following information:
The effective date of the noticed adjustment;
The total number of spaces within the park;
Identification of the mobilehome spaces affected;
The amount of the rent prior to the effective date of the notice for each of those mobilehome spaces;
The amount of the increase (in dollars) for each of those mobilehome spaces;
The quantity and identity of spaces under lease.
No rental adjustment for a mobilehome space shall be noticed or permitted or enforced more frequently than once every 12 months. It is intended that the rental adjustment refers to the space and not to the tenant of the space and that the rental adjustment may be permitted even though a particular tenant has not occupied the space for the full 12 month period immediately prior to the proposed rental adjustment.
Once each year a park owner may increase base rents by an amount equal to the sum of the following:
An amount not to exceed the greater of the following amounts:
Five percent of the base rent, or
The lesser of 65% of the percentage increase in the CPI for the 12 month period immediately preceding the notice of rent increase, or eight percent of the then current rent;
An amount equal to any capital replacement pass-through computed pursuant to Section 13.01.090;
An amount equal to any capital improvement pass-through computed pursuant to Section 13.01.080.
If a park owner bills separately for utility services (gas, electricity, water or sewer), owner may increase the amount charged for such utility services as permitted by regulations promulgated by the California Public Utilities Commission or other regulatory agency of competent jurisdiction. In no event shall the cost of the utility to the resident exceed the amount which would be charged to the resident if the utility service was provided directly to the resident by a public or private utility company providing similar services within the city. Decreases in the cost to the park owner of such utility services shall be passed on to park residents effective at the same time at which the decrease becomes effective as to the park owner.
If an owner separately bills for other services (such as trash), and owner has incurred an increase in such charges by the company providing the service, the owner may adjust the charges to the residents pro-rata effective at the time such increase becomes effective as to the owner. In no event shall the cost of the service to the resident exceed the amount which would be charged the resident if the service was provided directly to the resident by a public or private company providing similar services with the city.
Monthly, beginning on the effective date of this agreement, the city manager shall determine the most recently published CPI which the city clerk shall record. The city clerk, upon request, shall notify an owner of such maximum allowable percentage change involved in a rent adjustment, as of the date of the request.
Computation of rent increases allowable under this section shall be according to the following formula:
Multiply the base rent times 0.05 or times the allowable percentage adjustment in the CPI as provided herein, which ever is greater, to determine the maximum allowable rent adjustment, to which shall be added any additional increases as set forth in Sections 13.01.070(D)(2) and (3).
Each park owner shall provide to the city a certificate of compliance and commitment that the park is in compliance with all applicable health and safety laws and regulations, and with the applicable provisions of Chapter 2.5 and 2.6 of Title 2 of Part 2 of Division 2 of the Civil Code (Mobilehome Residency Law and Recreational Vehicle Park Occupancy Law). This certification shall be filed with the city manager within 60 days after the effective date of this chapter, and shall be renewed prior to the first day of March in each year commencing with 1988. No rent increase may become effective unless the owner of the park is in compliance with this provision. At the time of filing with the city a copy of the certification shall be provided to the park's resident committee.
(Ord. 140 § 1.2, 1987; Ord. 371 §§ 1.4, 1.5, 1992)
The pass-through of capital expenditures for new improvements shall be computed pursuant to this section. Capital improvements which could lead to pass-throughs may be proposed by park owners or residents.
Expenditures by the park owner for capital improvements may be passed-through to the mobilehome owners only if the amount of the pass-through and the exact specification of the capital improvement are agreed upon between the park owner and the resident committee, and subsequently approved by 60% or more of the registered owners of all mobilehomes located within the park in an election called to consider such matter. Registered owners of mobilehomes located on each space shall cast one vote. A list of the names of the mobilehome owners who have approved the pass-through shall be made available to the residents of the mobilehome park and the park managers. The amount of such pass-through and the method for implementing the pass-through will be decided by negotiations between the park owner and the resident committee, and will not be a matter for consideration outside of the park.
(Ord. 140 § 1.2, 1987; Ord. 371 § 1.6, 1992)
The pass-through of capital expenditures for replacements shall be computed pursuant to this section. Capital replacements which could lead to pass-throughs may be proposed by park owners or residents.
Expenditures by the park owner for capital replacements may be passed through to the mobilehome owners only if, such expenditures, in combination with other capital replacements and park operating expenses, exceed the park's basic operating cost.
In the event that a capital replacements expense which is proposed for pass-through is approved or required at a time other than the end of an annual accounting period, the park owner with the concurrence of the resident committee, may estimate the amount of the permitted pass-through. Such estimate shall be based on projections of the basic operating expense compiled by the park owner. At such later time as the actual expense becomes known, not later than one year after commencement of the pass-through, the pass-through shall be adjusted upward or downward to reflect the actual allowable recovery. Reconciliation of the monthly pass-through amount shall be accomplished by the monthly payments as indicated over the remaining allowable period of the pass through. Only the amount of excess over the basic operating cost (the excess capital replacement cost) may be passed through to the mobilehome owners.
No portion of the excess capital replacement cost may be passed-through unless and only to the extent that, the excess capital replacement cost exceeds the capital expense deductible amount.
Capital replacements expenditures may be passed-through only if the pass-through is not opposed by a vote of the owners of a majority of the affected mobilehomes located within the park in an election conducted by the residents committee to consider the question.
Notwithstanding subsection E of this section, upon the written request of the park owner or the resident committee accompanied by a current certificate of compliance and commitment, the city manager may approve a capital replacements expenditure for pass-through to the mobilehome owners in an amount not greater than is otherwise permitted by this section, even though the pass-through has been duly disapproved by a majority of the affected mobilehome owners within the park. The city manager will within five working days after receipt of such request notify the resident committee and park owner of the request. The city manager may exercise this right of approval only after determining that the capital replacement to which the pass-through is related is required by applicable law, by order of a court or a regulatory officer or agency of competent jurisdiction, or for health or safety reasons; providing however, that this approval shall not be granted if the capital replacement to which the pass-through is necessary is required due to the negligence or failure to act of park owner or his agents or employees.
The maximum amount of pass-through for capital replacements expenditures shall be the excess capital replacements cost, less the capital expense deductible amount, plus the carrying cost, amortized over a period of five years or the useful life of the replacement, whichever is the shorter period of time. Carrying cost shall be the actual carrying cost to the park owner, or 12% per annum, whichever is less. Computation of the monthly pass-through amount per affected space shall be made by application of the following formula:
Monthly pass-through dollar amount per space =
(Excess Capital)
(Replacement Cost)
(Capital Expense)
(Deductible Amount)
(Carrying Cost)
(Amortization period)
(Number of Affected Spaces)
The following computation of allowable pass-through is presented by way of example:
Prior year
Gross rental income
$200,000 per year
Operating expenses
Capital replacements
Year of pass-through
Gross rental income
$210,000 (5% increase)
Operating expenses
Capital replacement
Useful life
5 years
Number of spaces
Basic operating cost
(70,000 + 5,000) × 1.05 = $78,750
Excess capital replacement cost
(72,000 + 50,000) - 78,750 = $43,250
Deductible amount
0.05 × 210,000 = $10,500
Amount subject to pass-through
43,250 -10,500 = $32,750
Carrying cost
$12,675 (from table or calculator)
Annual payment (all spaces)
(32,750 + 12,675)/(5 x 12) = $ 9,085
Monthly payment (all spaces)
Pass-through per space
$757/110 = $6.88
(Ord. 140 § 1.2, 1987; Ord. 371 § 1.7, 1992)
In the event an owner attempts to increase rent without complying with the provisions of this chapter such an increase shall be deemed null and void, and mobilehome owners shall not be required to pay such increase.
(Ord. 140 § 1.2, 1987)
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, no park owner who has increased rents to any spaces since January 1, 1987, shall be entitled to any increase for such spaces under the terms of this chapter until one year after such increase.
(Ord. 140 § 1.2, 1987)
Space rent may be adjusted in the event of a space vacancy or a change of ownership of a mobilehome on a space in accordance with the following:
In the event that a space becomes vacant, that is, with no mobilehome in place, a park owner may adjust the space rent without regard to the provisions of this chapter.
If a mobilehome changes ownership but remains on the same space, the park owner may increase the space rent to the greater of the following: (1) the amount it would have been had rents increased at the rate of the CPI (since January 1, 1987; or (2) to the average rent in the park for a similar space. If the prior owner of such mobilehome had been receiving special rent benefits for such mobilehome from the park owner at and prior to the change of ownership, the rent may, in addition, be increased in the amount of such benefit.
(Ord. 140 § 1.2, 1987; Ord. 222 § 2.1, 1989; Ord. 371 § 1.8, 1992)
Park owners shall comply with all requirements of the Mobilehome Residence Law as set forth in the California Civil Code and all federal, state, county of Riverside, and city of Moreno Valley requirements. Notwithstanding the foregoing, owners may reduce or eliminate a service within the mobilehome park or to any resident which does not effect the health or safety of any resident; provided, that a proportionate share of the cost savings resulting from such reduction or elimination is passed on to the residents in the form of a decrease in rent. An owner wishing to make such a change is subject to the provisions of Section 13.01.160.
The owner shall meet and confer in good faith upon reasonable notice with the resident committee as required by this chapter and by the Mobilehome Residence Law. There shall be a minimum of two such meetings per year to discuss park welfare in general or community items of importance, and one additional meeting within 30 days prior to the sending of any notice of rent increase to discuss such notice. At least one of the annual meetings shall be open to all residents who wish to attend.
The cost, if any, of conducting any election required or permitted under this chapter shall be borne by the park owner, and the park owner shall make suitable facilities for any such election, such as meeting rooms, available without charge.
Within 60 days after the effective date of this chapter, each park owner shall submit to the city manager a list of all physical improvements, common facilities, common areas, services and amenities which were provided or available to residents during the base year in consideration of the base rent. Revisions to the list shall be submitted to the city manager within 30 days after the effective date of such revision. The list required hereby shall be substantially in the form attached as Exhibit A to the ordinance which enacted this chapter. No rent increase may become effective unless the owner of the park is in compliance with this provision. Copies of the list and all revisions shall be sent to the resident committee.
(Ord. 140 § 1.2, 1987; Ord. 371 § 1.9, 1992)
If a park owner makes a new and separate charge to a mobilehome owner for utility or other services such as gas, electricity, water, cable television, trash or sewer services, which charges were formerly included in the space rent, the monthly space rent shall be reduced by the park owner by an amount to be calculated by taking the total cost to the mobilehome park of the subject utility or service for the 12 month period prior to notice to the mobilehome owners by the park owner of such new and separate charge, and subtracting from that amount the cost attributable to the common area of the park for such utility or service for the 12 month period, and then dividing the resulting amount by the number of spaces in the park, and then dividing that resulting figure by 12.
(Ord. 140 § 1.2, 1987)
In the event a park owner increases rents without complying with the provisions of this chapter, such an increase shall be deemed null and void, residents shall not be required to pay such increase except as may be otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, and any resident who is sought to be evicted from the park through an unlawful detainer action brought by the park owner, shall have the right to assert the invalidity of such increase as a defense to the unlawful detainer proceedings and for the failure of the resident to pay such increase.
(Ord. 140 § 1.2, 1987)
The primary level of communication between the residents and the park owner shall exist at the park level, with the legislative intent being that all problems, disputes, rent increase considerations, and pass-throughs affecting an individual park shall be resolved at the park level among the tenant, park committee and park owner; provided, however, that if a resolution is not reached within 90 days, the parties shall send a letter to the city manager requesting dispute resolution.
Within 30 days of receipt of the request the city manager shall appoint an ad hoc committee comprised of three individuals appointed by the city manager, (none of whom are affiliated with the mobilehome park which is the subject of the dispute), one of whom shall be a mobilehome owner, one of whom shall be a park owner, and at least one who is neither a mobilehome park owner or resident. The committee shall meet and hear the dispute within 20 days of appointment and render their decision within ten days of hearing the dispute. The majority decision of the committee will be forwarded to the city manager as a recommendation for the resolution of the dispute. The final decision will be made by the city manager and forwarded to the affected resident, park committee and park owner within ten days.
The affected park resident or the park owner may appeal the decision of the city manager to the city council. The appeal shall be made in writing and filed with the city clerk within ten working days following the giving of the notice of the decision of the city manager. Such appeal shall state the grounds for the appeal. The city clerk shall, upon receipt of such appeal, set the matter for hearing before the city council not less than ten nor more than 30 days following the filing of the appeal.
Problems or disputes of interest to or affecting more than one mobilehome park and of city wide importance shall be considered at joint meetings of the park owners and the resident committees of all parks within the city. The meetings shall be scheduled and held as necessary. Decisions and recommendations of this group shall be advisory only.
(Ord. 140 § 1.2, 1987; Ord. 371 § 1.10, 1992)
The provisions of this chapter are to be construed as added remedies and are not intended to preclude any other actions or proceedings or remedies otherwise provided by law.
(Ord. 140 § 1.2, 1987; Ord. 371 § 1.11, 1992)
No provision of this chapter, and no action taken or omitted by or on behalf of the city or any other person pursuant to any provision of this chapter shall be construed to create any cause of action or liability on the part of the city or any officer, employer or agent of the city.
(Ord. 140 § 1.2, 1987)