The "service connection"
shall be that part of the water distribution system which connects the meter to the main and shall normally consist of corporation stop, service pipe, curb stop, meter yoke, and meter box. The "customer service line" shall be that part of the piping on the customer's property that connects the service connection to the customer's system.
(Ord. 348 §7.1, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997)
The Water Department shall own, install directly or by subcontract, and maintain all services and installations, and maintenance shall only be performed by authorized employees of the Water Department. The customer shall own, install, and maintain the customer service line.
(Ord. 348 §7.2, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997)
At the time the applicant files for service where no service previously existed, or if he/she is filing for a change in service size or location, the applicant shall submit with his/her application a service charge and/or system development charge.
The charge is to cover the actual cost to the Water Department directly or by subcontract to install the service from the main to and including the meter and the meter housing. In addition to the cost of the installation, the applicant shall pay a system development charge based on the current City charges. The service charge and the system development charge shall be as determined by the Water Department and approved by the City Council in the current published water rate schedule.
(Ord. 348 §7.3, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997)
The Water Department will furnish and install a service of such size and at such locations as the applicant requests, provided such requests are reasonable and that the size requested is one that is listed by the Water Department. The minimum size of service pipe shall be three-quarter-inch. The Water Department may refuse to install a service line which is undersized or oversized, as determined by a study and report of the Superintendent to the City Council.
(Ord. 348 §7.4, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997)
Permanent changes in the size of the service line requested by the customer shall be paid by the customer on the basis of actual cost to the Water Department directly or by subcontract for making the change. The customer shall also be responsible for payment of any increase in the system development charges based on the size of the meter.
(Ord. 348 §7.5, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997)
Where the main is in a public right-of-way, the meter will be placed at the approximate right-of-way line nearest the property to be served.
Where the main is on an easement or publicly owned property other than designated public rights-of-way, the service shall be installed to the approximate boundary of the easement or public property.
In either case cited above, the applicant shall pay the cost of the line on the basis of actual cost to the Water Department directly, or by subcontract for labor, materials, equipment rental, fittings, valves, plus 30% of the total for administrative expenses.
(Ord. 348 §7.6, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997)
The Water Department may, at its option, serve two or more premises with one service connection. On new service connections, the inside diameter of such joint service lines shall be sufficient to provide a carrying capacity not less than the combined capacity of individual service lines of the same size as the meters installed.
Service extensions from an existing service to occupancies or ownerships other than that for which the existing service was intended shall not be permitted except under special considerations approved by the City Council.
(Ord. 348 §7.7, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997)
The owner of a single parcel of property may apply for and receive as many services as such owner and his/her tenants require, provided his/her application or applications meet the requirements of the rules and regulations, and a separate service charge and system development charge is paid for each service.
(Ord. 348 §7.8, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997)
Standby fire protection service connections of two-inch size and larger will be installed only if adequate provisions are made to prevent the use of water from such services for purposes other than fire extinguishing. Sealed fire sprinkler systems with water-operated alarms shall be considered as having such provisions. The Water Department may require that a suitable detector-check meter be installed in the standby fire protection service connections to which hose lines or hydrants are connected. All piping on the customers' premises shall be installed in accordance with the plumbing code of the City of Yamhill.
(Ord. 348 §7.9.1, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997)
Charges for standby fire protection service will be as stated in the published water rate schedule. No charge will be made for water used in the standby fire protection services to extinguish accidental fires or for routine testing of the fire protection system. The customer shall pay for the full cost of the standby fire protection service connection, any required detector-check meters, and any required special water meter or other device installed solely for the service to the standby connection.
(Ord. 348 §7.9.2, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997)
If water is used from a standby connection service in violation of these regulations, an estimate of the amount used will be computed by the Water Department. The customer shall pay for the water used at the regular rates, including the minimum charge based on the size of the service connection and subsequent bills rendered on the basis of the regular water rates.
(Ord. 348 §7.9.3, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997)
A service having fire protection facilities on the premises and water for other purposes flowing through the same service connection shall be considered as an ordinary service and shall be metered. All water used through that service, regardless of its use, will be charged at the regular rates.
(Ord. 348 §7.10, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997)
For water service of a temporary nature, applicants shall be required to pay in advance the estimated cost of installation and removal of metering equipment and materials, plus a reasonable depreciation charge for the use of equipment and material owned and furnished by the Water Department. Applicants shall also pay their water bill in advance, based on an estimate of the quantity to be used, or they shall otherwise establish satisfactory credit.
(Ord. 348 §7.11, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997)
Temporary service connections shall be disconnected and terminated within six months after installation unless an extension of time is granted in writing by the Water Department.
(Ord. 348 §7.11.1, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997)
Charges for water furnished through a temporary service connection shall be at the established rates set forth in the current water rate schedule.
(Ord. 348 §7.11.2, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997)
Applicants for temporary service will be required:
To pay the Water Department, in advance, the estimated costs as set forth in Section 3.20.130 to furnish each service plus 30% of the total for administrative expense.
To deposit an amount sufficient to cover bills for water during the entire period such temporary service may be used, or to otherwise establish credit approved by the Water Department.
To deposit with the Water Department an amount equal to the value of any equipment loaned by the Water Department to such applicant for use on temporary service. This deposit is refundable under the terms hereinafter stipulated.
(Ord. 348 §7.11.3, 1984)
The customer shall use all possible care to prevent damage to the meter or to any other loaned facilities of the Water Department. If the meter or other facilities are damaged, the cost of making repairs shall be deducted from the deposit refund. If the loaned materials are returned in satisfactory condition and all bills are paid, the full amount of the equipment deposit will be returned to the temporary customer at the termination of service.
(Ord. 348 §7.11.4, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997)
The customer's plumbing, which shall include the customer's service line and all plumbing, piping, fixtures, and other appurtenances carrying or intended to carry water, sewage, or drainage, shall comply with the Plumbing Code of the State of Oregon and/or City of Yamhill.
(Ord. 348 §7.12.1, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997)
Customers shall install a suitable gate valve in the customer service line as close to the meter as possible, the operation of which will control the entire water supply to the premises served. The customer shall install such additional pressure reducing valves, pressure relief valves, check valves, pop-off valves, or other control valves as the customer may desire or the Water Department may deem necessary to protect the customer's piping from abnormal high or low pressures or from potential backflow of back siphonage into the City system. Repair and replacement of said control valves shall be the responsibility of the customer.
It shall be a violation of these Rules and Regulations for the customer to operate or cause unauthorized operation of the meter stop or any other appurtenances on the service connection.
(Ord. 348 §7.12.2, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997; Ord. 470 §1, 2003)
Where pumping is required to serve a customer at too high an elevation to be served by gravity, the Water Department may, at its option, require the customer to provide a suitable pump as a condition of service. The installation shall be subject to approval by the Superintendent.
(Ord. 348 §7.12.3, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997)