Customers about to vacate any premises supplied with water service by the Water Department shall give the Water Department written notice of their intentions at least two days prior thereto, specifying the date service is to be discontinued; otherwise, they will be responsible for all water supplied to such premises until the Water Department shall receive notice of such discontinuance.
At the time specified by a customer that he/she expects to vacate the premises where service is supplied or that he/she desires to be discontinued, the meter will be read and a bill rendered which is payable immediately. In no case will the bill be less than the proportionate share of the monthly minimum specified in the water rate schedule applying to the size and class of service furnished.
(Ord. 348 §13.1, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997)
A customer's water service may be discontinued if the water bill is not paid in accordance with the procedures listed in these Rules and Regulations.
(Ord. 348 §13.2, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997)
The Water Department may refuse to furnish water and may discontinue service to any premises without prior notice where plumbing facilities, appliances, or equipment using water are dangerous, unsafe, or not in conformity with the Plumbing Code of the City of Yamhill.
(Ord. 348 §13.3.1, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997)
Where water is wastefully or negligently used on a customer's premises, seriously affecting the general service, the Water Department may discontinue service if such conditions are not corrected after due notice by the Water Department.
(Ord. 348 §13.4, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997)
The Water Department may refuse to furnish water and may discontinue service to any premises where excessive demand by one customer will result in inadequate service to others.
(Ord. 348 §13.5, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997)
The Water Department will refuse or discontinue service on any premises where it is deemed necessary to protect the Water Department from fraud or abuse. Discontinuance of service from one or both of these causes will be made immediately upon receipt of knowledge by the Water Department that the condition or conditions exist.
(Ord. 348 §13.6, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997)
Where water service has been discontinued for any reason and the water is turned on by the customer or other unauthorized person, the water may then be shut off at the main or the meter removed. The charges for shutting off the water at the main or removing the meter shall be computed at actual cost to the Water Department plus 30% overhead. These charges shall be billed to the offending customer and water shall not be furnished to the premises until such charges are paid and the Water Department has reasonable assurances that the violation will not reoccur.
(Ord. 348 §13.7, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997; Ord. 446 §10, 1998)
The Water Department may, upon five days' notice, discontinue service to a customer's premises for failure to comply with any of the provisions of these Rules and Regulations which are outlined in Yamhill Municipal Code Chapters 3.04 through 3.44.
(Ord. 348 §13.8, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997; Ord. 445 §7, 1998)
Restoration of service after discontinuance for nonpayment of bills shall be made after payment of current and past due charges, plus delinquent charge, and posting a deposit as previously stated. Restoration of service after discontinuance of service for the customer's convenience will only be made after payment of a restoration charge is made.
Restoration of service after discontinuance of service for unsafe facilities, water waste, fraud, abuse, or for noncompliance with any of the Rules and Regulations will only be made after adjustments have been made to insure that the irregularity will not reoccur. The restoration charge shall be as set forth in Section 3.36.070 plus any other charges, due or past due, that the Water Department may have incurred to correct the irregularity.
(Ord. 348 §14.0, 1984; Ord. 427 §1, 1997; Ord. 446 §11, 1998)