The City finds that, absent effective maintenance, operation,
regulation, and control, existing storm water drainage conditions
in all drainage basins and sub-basins within the City constitute a
potential hazard to the health, safety, and general welfare of the
City. The City Council further finds that natural and manmade storm
water facilities and conveyances together constitute a storm water
system and that the effective regulation and control of storm water
can best be accomplished through City formation of a storm water utility.
(Ord. 533 §1, 2021)
"City storm water system"
means the portions of the storm water system in public rights-of-way,
within easements in favor of the City, or on City property.
"Equivalent dwelling unit" ("EDU")
means a configuration of development or impervious surface
estimated to contribute an amount of runoff to the City's storm water
system that is approximately equal to that created by the average
developed single-family residence. One EDU is equal to 2,500 square
feet of impervious surface area. All single-family residences will
be deemed to be one EDU, regardless of impervious surface area.
"Impervious surface"
means an artificially created hard-surfaced area that either
prevents or retards the entry of water into the soil mantle and/or
causes water to run off the surface in greater quantities or at an
increased rate of flow from that present under natural conditions.
Impervious surfaces may include, but are not limited to, rooftops,
concrete or asphalt paving, walkways, patios, driveways, parking lots
or storage areas, trafficked gravel, and oiled, macadam or other surfaces
which similarly impede the natural infiltration or runoff of storm
water. However, not all driveways or concrete are impervious, and
the Public Works Director will determine whether a particular surface
is impervious.
"Improved premises"
means any area that the Public Works Director determines
has been altered such that the runoff from the site is greater than
that which could historically have been expected. "Improved premises"
do not include public roads under the jurisdiction of the City, County,
State, or Federal government.
"Person responsible"
means the occupant, lessee, tenant, contract purchaser, owner,
agent or other person having possession of property, or if no person
is in possession, then the person in control of the use of the property,
or in control of the supervision of development on the property.
"Storm water"
means water from precipitation, surface, or subterranean
water from any source, drainage, and non-septic wastewater.
"Storm water service"
means the operations of the City's storm water system in
providing programs and facilities for maintaining, improving, regulating,
collecting, and managing storm water quantity and quality within the
City's service area.
"Storm water system"
means any structure or configuration of ground that is used
or by its location becomes a place where storm water flows or is accumulated,
including, but not limited to, pipes, sewers, curbs, gutters, manholes,
catch basins, ponds, creeks, open drainageways, ditches and their
(Ord. 533 §1, 2021)
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the City provides
storm water services to all properties within the City that have impervious
surfaces that result in discharge or runoff into the City storm water
(Ord. 533 §1, 2021)
Any customer aggrieved by any charge or decision made with regard
to the customer's account may appeal to the City Recorder by filing
with the City a written request for review no later than 10 days after
receiving the decision. The City Recorder's decision shall be subject
to review by the City Council upon filing of an appeal within 15 days
of the notice of decision.
(Ord. 533 §1, 2021)
The owner of property where a private storm water facility is located shall maintain the private storm water facility in a properly functioning condition and shall operate the private storm water facility to avoid flooding or erosion in excess of what would occur under natural conditions. An improperly maintained or operated private storm water facility that results in flooding or erosion in excess of what would occur in natural conditions is a nuisance and may be abated as provided in Chapter
5.04 of this code.
(Ord. 533 §1, 2021)
A violation of any provision of this chapter is punishable as set forth in Chapter
1.36 of this code and is a civil infraction with a maximum civil penalty of $500.00. Each day of violation may be cited as a separate infraction.
(Ord. 533 §1, 2021)