The city manager is delegated the following powers, authority and/or duties:
To develop, adopt, review, revise and readopt a position classification plan encompassing all categories of appointed city employees;
To develop, adopt, review, revise and readopt comprehensive personnel rules, forms and procedures governing the details of all personnel administration and management encompassing all categories of appointed city employees;
To develop, review, revise, survey and to recommend to the city for its adoption a salary plan encompassing all categories of appointed city employees and to administer such plan after adoption by the city council;
To act as city personnel officer and to have the authority to delegate such duties inherent therein to a management employee as he shall deem appropriate, in whole or in part, by issuance of appropriate administrative orders;
To keep the city council informed of changes affecting major personnel policy, the city employee force or personnel impacts on the community;
To determine the pay of designated management employees within minimums and maximums as set by city council resolution; provided, however, any such pay change for any such management employee is reported to the city council in executive session, together with the reasons why such pay adjustment is to be made and how such individual employee's personal performance and qualifications warrant such pay rate change.
(Code 1980, § 2.04.010; Ord. No. 110, § 1, 1980; Ord. No. 870 (Recodification), 2014)
The city manager shall be covered by the rules and regulations as they may apply to perquisites, fringe benefits and working conditions, except that the city council may enter into an employment agreement with the city manager to expand, clarify, supplement, define and restrict such benefits as it shall deem appropriate, including, but not limited to, the following:
Termination pay;
Personal use of city vehicle;
City-paid deferred compensation at a percentage of base pay greater than that provided to other management employees;
Additional sick leave, vacation and conference attendance;
Revised working hours in recognition of the exigencies of the position;
Meritorious and longevity pay and bonuses;
Supplemental retirement benefits; and
Other benefits and perquisites peculiar to the office of the city manager.
(Code 1980, § 2.04.020; Ord. No. 110, § 2, 1980)