Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, a civil penalty in the amount of $100.00 is imposed, as provided herein, when any members of the city's police (sheriff's) department respond a second time within a 24 consecutive hour period to any party or other assemblage of persons within the city if:
The owner and/or other adult person in possession of the premises has, at the time of the first response, been delivered a written notice as hereinafter described or such written notice has been posted as authorized herein; and
There is probable cause for police to believe that a violation of Penal Code § 407, 415 or 416 has occurred on the premises any time after first responding.
The written notice required to be provided shall state words to the effect that a warning is hereby given that if police respond again within 24 hours thereafter, a civil penalty in the amount of $100.00 shall be imposed upon the owner or other adult person in charge of the premises.
If no owner or adult person in charge of the premises can be located or identified at the time of the first response, the written notice required herein may be posted in any visible outdoor location near any entrance to the premises. In such event, the owner and any other adult person in possession of the premises at the time of the response by police may be held jointly liable for the amount of the civil penalty as provided herein.
(Code 1980, § 9.32.010; Ord. No. 561, § 1, 1996; Ord. No. 870 (Recodification), 2014)
In the event a civil penalty is imposed as provided herein, written notice thereof, including a request for payment, shall be given by first class mail, postage prepaid, and addressed to the owner and/or other adult person in possession of the premises at the time of the police responses, and such civil penalty shall constitute a debt recoverable as a debt due and owing on a written contract, as permitted by Government Code § 36901. In the event the city is required to institute any legal proceeding to recover such penalty, it shall be entitled to additionally collect all costs, including attorney's fees, incurred as a result thereof. The imposition of a civil penalty, as provided herein, shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, the imposition of any criminal penalties arising out of, or incidental to, the underlying police responses, as may be provided by law.
(Code 1980, § 9.32.020; Ord. No. 561, § 2, 1996; Ord. No. 870 (Recodification), 2014)