As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
means the city engineer of the city or designee.
means any person visiting or intending to visit a resident in a permit parking district.
"Permit parking district"
means an area established by resolution of the city council wherein parking restrictions apply to all vehicles except vehicles which have been issued a parking permit pursuant to this chapter and vehicles exempted by section 10.50.100.
means a person who lives in a dwelling unit located within a permit parking district.
(Code 1980, § 10.50.010; Ord. No. 39-C, § 1, 1988; Ord. No. 870 (Recodification), 2014)
The city council may establish permit parking districts by resolution. Any such resolution shall designate the boundaries of the permit parking district and shall specify the nature of the parking limitations which apply within the district to operators of vehicles other than vehicles which have been issued a permit pursuant to this chapter, or which are exempted from this chapter pursuant to section 10.50.100. Every such resolution shall be based on the findings as follows:
Vehicles, operated by persons whose destinations are outside the proposed parking district, do or may substantially and regularly interfere with the use of the majority of available parking spaces for use of residents within the proposed permit parking district;
The interference by such vehicles occurs at regular and significant daily or weekly intervals;
That such vehicles being driven or parked in the area of the proposed permit parking district cause or are the source of unreasonable noise, traffic hazards, environmental pollution, parking availability for residents, or devaluation of real property in such proposed district;
That 75% of the residents within the proposed district desire, agree or request permit parking privileges (unless established by city council action in absence of a petition);
That no unreasonable displacement of vehicles will result into surrounding residential areas;
That no alternative solution, other than the establishment of the permit parking district, is practical.
(Code 1980, § 10.50.020; Ord. No. 39-C, § 1, 1988; Ord. No. 870 (Recodification), 2014; Ord. No. 947 § 1, 2019)
Residents may petition the city council for the establishing of a permit parking district. Any such petition shall designate the boundaries of the proposed district and shall be signed by at least 75 percent of the residents within the proposed district. Such a petition shall be filed with the engineer who shall prepare a report to the city council on the proposed district, including the engineer's recommendations regarding the establishment thereof. The engineer shall forward his report, together with the petition, to the city council. Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the authority of the city council to establish a permit parking district in the absence of such a petition.
(Code 1980, § 10.50.040; Ord. No. 39-C, § 1, 1988; Ord. No. 870 (Recodification), 2014)
Upon the establishment of a permit parking district, the engineer shall cause appropriate signs to be erected in the district, indicating thereon the parking limitation applicable to the district and the exemption therefrom of vehicles with permits. The regulations pertaining to any permit parking district shall not apply until signs or markings giving adequate notice thereof have been placed.
(Code 1980, § 10.50.050; Ord. No. 39-C, § 1, 1988)
The parking limitations imposed within a permit parking district pursuant to this chapter shall not apply to vehicles for which a parking permit pertaining to that district has been issued and displayed in the manner prescribed in section 10.50.090. No such permit shall reserve any particular parking place within the district to the holder of the permit. Each such permit shall be valid only for the permit parking district for which it is issued.
(Code 1980, § 10.50.060; Ord. No. 39-C, § 1, 1988)
Applications for permits to park within a permit parking district may be made by any resident within such district. Such applications shall be filed with the engineer. Unless otherwise prescribed by the resolution establishing the district, not more than three permits (exclusive of guest parking permits) shall be issued to residents of any single dwelling unit. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the engineer may appeal such decision to the city manager, whose decision on the matter shall be final.
(Code 1980, § 10.50.070; Ord. No. 39-C, § 1, 1988)
Unless otherwise prescribed in the resolution establishing a permit parking district, each resident holding a parking permit shall be entitled to receive guest parking permit forms from the engineer. The use of guest parking permits shall be designated in the resolution establishing the permit parking district.
(Code 1980, § 10.50.080; Ord. No. 39-C, § 1, 1988)
A parking permit issued pursuant to this chapter (other than a guest parking permit) shall be permanently affixed to the lower driver side of the inside of the rear window of the vehicle for which it was issued.
Guest parking permits shall be displayed face up on the driver front dashboard of the vehicle for which it was issued.
(Code 1980, § 10.50.090; Ord. No. 39-C, § 1, 1988)
The following vehicles are exempt from the parking restrictions applicable to any permit parking district:
Repair, maintenance, refuse collection, utility, delivery and service vehicles being used in the course of business;
Vehicles owned or operated by any governmental agency, or contractor of a governmental agency, being used in the course of business;
Emergency, life support and health care vehicles being used in the course of business.
(Code 1980, § 10.50.100; Ord. No. 39-C, § 1, 1988)
The engineer is authorized to establish rules and procedures and to produce signs, forms and other materials necessary or appropriate to implement the provisions of this chapter.
(Code 1980, § 10.50.110; Ord. No. 39-C, § 1, 1988)
The city council may, by resolution, terminate and dissolve any previously established permit parking district.
(Code 1980, § 10.50.120; Ord. No. 39-C, § 1, 1988)
Unless exempted by the provisions of this chapter, no person shall stand or park a motor vehicle in any permit parking district in violation of any parking restrictions established pursuant to this chapter.
No person shall falsely represent himself or herself as eligible for a parking permit or furnish false information to the engineer or his representatives in an application for a parking permit.
No person who has been issued a parking permit shall thereafter allow the use thereof by any other person.
No person shall copy, produce, create or use any facsimile or counterfeit parking permit.
Any act or omission declared unlawful by the provisions of this chapter is an infraction punishable by a fine not to exceed that set by the current uniform countywide bail schedule pursuant to the terms of the California Vehicle Code.
(Code 1980, § 10.50.130; Ord. No. 39-C, § 1, 1988)