The purpose of these provisions is as follows:
To establish procedures for street naming for new public and private streets in the city in the public interest of uniformity and to avoid confusion to the public; and
To establish a procedure for changing existing street names in the city, which may be changed pursuant to the following:
That the proposed change is not in conflict with the goals, policies and standards of the general plan;
That the proposed change is consistent with the adopted master plan of streets and highways or adopted circulation element;
That the proposed change will not cause significant adverse impacts upon the environment;
That the proposed change is deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety, comfort, convenience and general welfare.
(Code 1980, § 12.12.010; Ord. No. 144A, § 4, 1991)
Streets shall be named as follows:
Street names should be pleasant sounding, appropriate, easy to read (so that the public, and children in particular, can handle the name in an emergency situation), and should add to the pride of home ownership and community.
The following types of street names are unacceptable: numerical names (1st, 2nd, etc.); alphabetical letters (A, B, C, etc.); frivolous, complicated or undesirable names; unconventional spelling; compound names; given or surnames of persons living or dead except for pioneer family names, historic persons, etc.
Streets which are continuous shall be extended in accordance with the present street names wherever possible and feasible.
Discontinuous streets shall not be given the same name. The numbering system shall not change on a street from east/west to north/south. If the numbering system changes, the street will be considered as discontinuous and the name should be different at the point where the numbering changes.
Duplication of existing or proposed street names is prohibited. Similar sounding names are considered to be duplication, regardless of spelling.
Existing areas of the city shall strive to have new street names consistent with the prevailing theme of existing streets. In the northwestern part of the city, north/south streets shall be named after gems and east/west streets shall be named after trees whenever possible and where feasible.
Streets with a 90-degree or more change of direction shall change names at a convenient and appropriate point, complete with street name and 100-block address signs posted at the directional/name change, as determined by the planning director. The names used in this and similar situations should be dissimilar in pronunciation and spelling. Streets with less than 90-degree change of direction may have a name change in order to comply with other provisions of this chapter. Meandering curvilinear streets with one or more direction changes may retain a single name if the following conditions are evident:
The street does not originate and terminate with the same base street nor have more than one intersection with any other street;
Does not have more than one arterial street intersection;
There is no possibility of future intersections onto the street;
The street does not have any sharp angle direction changes; and
The street name and address numbering system does not indicate any particular compass heading.
No street with the same name shall intersect another singly named street more than once. Loop streets shall change names as specified in subsection G of this section or at intersections with other streets, as may be determined appropriate by the planning director.
Street designation for present and future streets shall be as follows:
Boulevard. Special east-west streets shall be designated "boulevards";
Streets. East-west streets which pass through several neighborhoods or tracts to be designated "streets";
Avenues. North-south streets which pass through several neighborhoods or tracts to be designated "avenues";
Road. Any diagonal street with a generally straight alignment which does not conform basically to a grid pattern to be designated "road";
Drive. East-west streets parallel to, but between named streets and limited to one neighborhood or tract to be designated "drives";
Place. North-south streets, parallel to, but between named streets and limited to one neighborhood or tract to be designated "places";
Way. Any irregular streets which cannot conform to any grid to be designated "ways";
Court. Any culs-de-sac or dead-end streets with a turnaround which cannot be reasonably extended shall be designated "courts."
Courts with the same name as the preceding street should be avoided.
A court shall carry the name of the preceding street only if the court is at the end of the street.
Frontage road. "Frontage roads" shall carry the same name and designation as the street served and shall not be identified otherwise.
(Code 1980, § 12.12.020; Ord. No. 144A, § 4, 1991; Ord. No. 870 (Recodification), 2014)
It is the responsibility of the applicant for development resulting in the construction of new streets to submit names, together with any fee as may be adopted by the city council, to the city for approval.
It is the duty of the planning director or designee, after consulting with the fire district, to approve all street names in the city.
(Code 1980, § 12.12.030; Ord. No. 144A, § 4, 1991; Ord. No. 870 (Recodification), 2014)
The changing of street names may be initiated by any of the following:
Public request which must be in writing to the city council or the planning commission stating the justification for such a change;
Resolution of intention of the planning commission;
Resolution of intention of the city council.
If change is initiated through public request, the city may require the applicant to pay all costs incurred by the change, including, but not limited to, street signs, public hearing notification, etc.
(Code 1980, § 12.12.040; Ord. No. 144A, § 4, 1991)
In all cases, it is the duty of the planning division, after consulting with the fire district, sheriff's department, postmaster and engineering division on the name changing issue, to prepare a report discussing the justification for such a change, recommending a replacement name and discussing the impact of the proposed change.
The secretary of the planning commission shall place the matter on the first available planning commission agenda, and shall submit the report to the planning division at that time.
The planning commission shall hold a public hearing on the proposed street name change. The public hearing shall be noticed to all property owners on the street proposed for change by mail ten days prior to the hearing, or by the posting of a notice along the street at 300-foot intervals, ten days prior to the hearing. The post office, county recorder, fire district and sheriff's department shall also be sent written notice of the proposed change. Where the street connects to or borders an adjoining city boundary, written notice shall also be sent to the affected city.
Upon receiving testimony at the public hearing, the planning commission may approve or deny the proposed street name change by resolution pursuant to the findings in section 12.12.010.
If approved, the resolution shall include the date upon which the change will become effective. This decision shall be final, unless appealed in writing to the city council within ten days of the planning commission action. Sixty days prior to the effective date of the change, the city clerk shall send written notice of the change to the post office, county recorder, fire district, sheriff's department and public safety answering point, part of the 911 emergency reporting system.
(Code 1980, § 12.12.050; Ord. No. 144A, § 4, 1991)
The city council has determined that the changing of street names has no possibility of having a significant effect on the environment and therefore, such an action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3). Upon approval of any street name change, a notice of exemption shall be filed pursuant to CEQA Section 15061(d).
(Code 1980, § 12.12.060; Ord. No. 144A, § 4, 1991)